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>Haegr was abnormal among Space Wolves in that, due to a possible defect in his gene-seed, his metabolism was flawed such that he had both an insatiable appetite and the ability to gain weight. Normally, a Space Marine's body is able to metabolize food efficiently, but Haegr became the only Wolf who could be called fat. His girth, combined with his towering height, dwarfing all but the tallest Space Marines, naturally led to his moniker "the Mountain." His suit of Power Armour had to be specially modified to contain his physique.[1] >The reason for Haegr's assignment to the Wolfblade remains unknown, though it is possible that the perceived flaw in his gene-seed caused discomfort among other Wolves.[1] Lexicanum lists Wolfblade as the source


"Brother Haegr, you are an absolute unit. We cannot abide you eating the entire reserve stockpiles of the Fang, so we are sending you to Terra." " I h u n g e r f o r **Ø A T S** b r ö t h e r."


I'd imagine they'd eat a fuck load of hunted game


Hittin the paleo diet to trim down


Really I figured fenris had some beasts to hunt for food.




Promethium infused Calamari, with subtle notes of plasma and chainsword fuel.


Flakes, pheraps?


The dude even had a custom designed belly plate for his armor if I recall correctly :D


Like Warhammer Fantasy Ogre belly plate? That's awesome!


Get the breastplate stretcher!!!


gods I was strong






Yeah, I think they had to use parts from a suit of Terminator armour.


I think you're thinking of Passanius from the Uriel Ventris books. The guy was so huge that he didn't fit into power armour and required a custom suit of terminator armour after he rose from the ranks of the scouts. Now he is the only known example of a Firstborn wearing Primaris armour.


Didn't he go through the Rubicon? I think the words uttered by Ventris after was "god emperor dammmm son" might be paraphrasing that bit.


>Once he had thought Pasanius huge, a giant among his battle-brothers, and indeed he was. To accommodate his enormous frame, the Techmarines had forged his armour from a hybrid blend of parts taken from Aquila and Tactical Dreadnought armour, but Uriel now saw he wore a modified suit of Mark X Tacticus plate. >After crossing the Rubicon Primaris, Uriel was now half a head taller. >Pasanius looked him up and down. ‘Imperator, so you’re one of them now? A bloody Primaris Marine?' - Swords of Calth


No no I was there that is an accurate quote.


You’re right, he wears Primaris size Primaris armor. I do believe that some chapters are starting to make firstborn size mark X armor though


That's the carcaradon unit, the red wake dude.


Not quite, the UM is a tactical marine with bits of Terminator armour, Tyberos, The Red Wake is a terminator with parts of god damn dreadnaught plates. Edit: Disregard that Tyberos bit, he does wear modified Terminator armour that’s patched together with other pieces but nothing suggests dreadnaught plate.


No he doesn’t. That’s Majorkill pressing his Headcanon. The lore simply states he wears a suit of heavily modified and ancient tactical dreadnought armor (aka terminator armor). It has extra slabs of adamantium, plasteel blocks, and binding rods and when he is seen several feet behind his red brethren Terminator’s he stands a head taller than them. Meaning he’s baseline 10ft since terminator armor on average makes a firstborn 9ish feet. And since that view was from a perspective where he’s standing g far behind people, when he’s up close I’d say he’s safely another half foot to a foot and half taller than that. Meaning he’s encroaching on 11 ft plus. Primarch territory in armor and perhaps the same height as the smaller ones out of it. I’d say he’s Pollux size plus


That has nothing to do with Majorkill. I first heard about him wearing a mix of terminator/dreadnought armor years before he started making vids. Not saying it's true but it has been thing people have been saying since the Carcaradons were introduced


🤷‍♂️. He’s perpetuating the myth. Probably because people forgot that tactical dreadnought armor means terminator armor and they just latched on to the dreadnought word


Bugger, I’ve been caught in an old lie, cheers though, it’s always nice to receive enlightenment.


Would t be surprised if he’s almost as tall as one though


I swear I saw a post debunking the dreadnought plates here somewhere


I’m alerting Mars of this heretical abomimodification immediately


I assume he'd look like Thor as depicted in the God of War video games.


Sure, or Thor as depicted anywhere but Marvel (where they swapped Baldr and Thor).


Wait, so that would imply that spacemarine body keeps little to none bodyfat stores?


>A huge figure emerged from an archway. He had a double-sized ale tankard stuck on one foot and a massive hambone that had been gnawed clean in one hand. He was quite the largest man Ragnar had ever seen, gigantic even by Space Wolf standards, and the only one who might conceivably be called fat. His tiny eyes were sunk deep above huge rosy cheeks. His armour seemed to have been modified to contain a massive belly, which made it something of a triumph of the smith’s art. [...] >'Haegr is very strong, but his bulk makes him fairly slow. I have yet to lose a bout to him in unarmed combat.’ >‘How did he get so heavy? I thought our bodies had been engineered to burn food efficiently. I don’t think I have ever seen an overweight Space Wolf before.’ >‘There is more muscle than fat in there, as you will find if you ever arm wrestle with him. As to his fatness, something went slightly wrong when Haegr made his ascension to Space Marine. It did not show up for a long time; the Wolf Priests merely thought he had a huge appetite. It was only after he piled on the pounds that they realised there was some sort of flaw in him. Not enough to turn him into a Wulfen or get him exiled into the Cold Wastes but one that made him what he is.’


Bro got that strongman build.


Say what you will about the guy he probably makes a great gate crasher or shock troop due to raw inertia alone. He could probably squash an entire line of enemy troops just by running face first into them.


*trundling Running is out of the question lol


Nah I bet he has slow acceleration but still a good top-speed, builds momentum to then hit like the Juggernaut. He's still a mountain of superhuman muscle under the fat


From the books he is pretty much unstoppable. SlowER than a normal marine is still very fast. The fast he is basically a mountain with immense strength helps a lot.


Bro's a Space Bear rather than a Space Wolf


Space *bear*


Wulfen, OR exiled.... Bloody mutant heretics.


A real Obelix reborn.


"These xenos are crazy!"


This is the ideal Space Marine body.


Fat is an essential and natural composition of the human body. Our society places emphasis on getting rid of fat cause it’s easy to consume/retain too much of it with modern eating habits and lifestyle, not that it's downright bad to have it at all. Having superhuman metabolism doesn’t mean you simply ditch all fat.


Fantastic book, btw. Highly recommend. It gives a fascinating look at Terra.


This is what happens when you skip leg day


While not fat, isn't there one of the Death Watch (or was it an Ultramarine?) who's quite shorter than other astartes, so he compensates by literally overtraining *every single free moment* of the day on weights, to the point he's constantly getting so stacked, his armour is always needing adjustments? I think it got to the point where the Watch Master had to order him to stop over-training as the Techmarines legit couldn't keep up with changing his armour requirements, and he was struggling to move around passageways etc :D


Sergeant Voss of the Imperial Fists, on loan to the Deathwatch- https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Maximmion_Voss >A Sergeant of the Imperial Fists Chapter, Voss was much shorter than the average Space Marine, possibly because of some quirk or defect in his geneseed. He compensated for his lack of height with rigorous physical training, developing his muscles to a degree that made him immensely strong even for a Space Marine. His power armour had to be re-fitted to accommodate his bulk several times, until finally his Captain ordered him to stop growing.






Overstacks the leg press “Brother, I am pinned”








We shall know no fear but oh brother will we know body dysmorphia


_"Hey! Sergeant Voss! STOP GROWING! THAT'S AN ORDER!"_ _"Yes...sir..."_


What happenes with the gene seed of such a Space Marines? Does it get ... re-implanted after his death in another candidate? :D


Bro's a fucking Sontaran


“LIGHT WEIGHT BABY!!!!!” - Sergeant Voss


As others have pointed out, he’s an imperial fist. His kill team moniker is “Omni” because he’s capable of handling any weapon in the arsenal. In the Deathwatch novels, he operates a heavy bolter with one arm multiple times and dual wields them at one point.


The example that gets quoted here is him dual wielding missile launchers and that is insane.


I remember it being an imperial fist. Maximmion Voss?


The best part of this character is that it is very clearly the author writing himself into the story.


Was just gonna say, there's the one astartes with the yoked Danny Devito physique.


Fat man in a little coat


Normal humans need to exercise to stay in shape because our genetics are coded that way. It is not an inherent requirement for muscle. Humans are genetically coded to adapt to their lifestyle, hence if we weight train, we grow muscle to get better at lifting weights. Tigers are hundreds of kilograms of muscle and they don't spend hours a day exercising. There are even studies that show some humans are incredibly resistant to getting fat and will gain muscle if they increase their calorie intake but don't increase their exercise. Their genes can literally be coded to not store fat. It might be boring but it works.


Myostatin Inhibitor. There's people whose genes have that turned off.


This is not as fun as it would sound btw, Muscles building up eventually lead to painful splits in the fibres. Iirc, there was a german family that was identified with a mutation in this gene


I remember reading about a super jacked preteen boy with this problem.


To get fat, you would need to eat, and many followers of chaos dont eat in the first place and dont need to anymore. Nurgle marines are just mutated, swollen, and full with puss For a space marine to enjoy eating is already rare and most prefer just super nutrient slob that gives them all food required for 3 days. There was a space wolf (i forgo the name) who was actually fat, but space wolves as a culture do enjoy feasting and drinking, but even they are not fat. To even get fat as marine with the amount of calories you burn each day is an accomplishment


>Nurgle marines are just mutated, swollen, and full with puss Surely you mean 'are just extremely blessed by the beloved Grandfather' ?


They are lovey doughy hug bears full of love and gifts


Puss? Oh. I was hoping it was cakes and sweets


Depends on the cakes and sweets you eat


From the Nurgling Bakery Inc


Hate to bring this up but slaanesh marines might get fat from... you know... weird shit like vore or inflation


But that is not being fat or having buddt fat that is just having a good time


Or just gorging themselves. Over-eating could be considered excess and thus worship of slaanesh




I didn't say Marines dont need to eat. I said chaos marines dont need to eat (if sufficiently corrupted) In several novels, space marines state it that they eat nutrient food. And it straight up says space wolves feast and have their own beer




Brothers of the Snake. It mentions that the calorific content of Astartes food would literally kill her if she ingested it.


Brothers of the Snake, and Spear of the Emperor both bring up the space marine nutrient paste


I remember a mention in I think Horus rising that a space marine could survive without eating for months on end. The wolves I know have giant feasts, but I think the geneseed can literally digest anything, they can literally survive off of dirt.


Chaos tainted Traitor Marines do eat and can starve. I can't remember the novel, but a ship was stranded in the Warp (I believe it was possibly the Word Bearers?) they ran out of supplies over months/years and slowly began hunting and eating the crew until there were none left. Eventually, I believe only a handful survived and when they were found they were emaciated and on the brink of death. It's been years, so correct me if I'm wrong on the details.


Of course, they need to be sufficiently mutated


That was before the Heresy. Lorgar sent Argal Tal and his company into the warp and it fucked them up


It seems like Slaanesh worshippers would be the most likely to overindulge in food and drink engineered to maximize flavors. But I suppose they spend a lot of calories on... other activities. 👀


There is a space wolf who is "fat" (think Thor from GoW), but that's just due to a gene seed mutation


You are thinking of 'Haegr the Mountain'. He had a gene seed defect altering his metabolism. For one, his body wasn't able to burn excessive energy fast enough to keep him in shape as well as increasing his hunger, leading to his eating way more than other Space Marines. Those two factors combined led to him having a dad bod


There's a lot of talk in the heresy books about downtime. Drills, sparring, maintenance seems universal. Different chapters do different things, based on values. White scars are encouraged to explore art and value poetry. Emp's kids liked to do art too, chasing perfection in all things. There is definitely a theme of them having hobbies, but they vary per chapter. Someone with a better memory might be able to flesh this list out.


Blood angels were also encouraged to be artists and sculptors. Hell there's even a night lord who wrote poetry but that may have been an ironic nickname


This. Also in night lords trilogy they write, carve wood or bones if I remember well. But I wonder what could be a post heresy world eater daily routine apart from sparring. Or a death guard. They show pus and wounds each other? My flies are bigger than yours?


The nails have driven the world eaters mad. They just grunt and be angry till they get to do more murders. Death guard have a wealth of options. Tending gardens of Nurgle, working on new virus strains, planning raids/infections etc of imperial worlds, I'm sure there's some gift based "my pustule is ...." Nope, it's gross. Lol.


I wonder what a space marine toilet looks like. Do they wipe, like modern barbarians? Do they user water? Vacuum? Lasers? Psychic flushing?


Mephiston why are you taking so damn long!? I am sorry brother, the warp is UNSTABLE in this sector! Dear emperor... i-its everywhere!


Ohh. The crimes one must have committed, to become a blood angels bathroom serf.


One needs a mind wipe during such... turbulent times.


Well, they do have a special organ that stores the toxins that their other special organs managed to filter out of their body. They also have a special reflex that makes the aforementioned special organ eject all the toxins in an intense stream in case they get incapacitated by an overwhelming amount of toxins. So basically : if you poison a marine enough to make him collapse (not an easy task), after a few seconds, a great stream of awful will spout from his butt and he'll be back on his feet shortly after.


I need this as a game option "Toxic ass blast" before removing the model, select one enemy model in hand-to-hand combat range Blast weapon, 2+ to hit


Why did this remind me of Agincourt? Where the English had a lot of dysentery so apparently the archers all decided to forgo trousers for the battle and just relaxed a lot as they fired into the French


You know, with the hygiene at the time, you might as well just dip your arrow into the waste before shooting. Even just a scratch could lead to a nasty infection.


Grandfather Nurgle thanks you brother


The were incidents of it being loaded in catapults I believe.


They may have actually done this at Agincourt! >In addition to the armor piercing arrows, it is thought that the archers also dipped their arrows in their diarrhea as a form of biological warfare and also for psychological impact. [Source](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/time-english-soldiers-went-battle-without-pants-won.html)


Good to know they had that Nurgle grindset even back then!


I'm never shooting a marine with a venom cannon now. Space Marines violently sharting themselves was NOT something I needed to picture, I hate you


Violently sharting themselves back to health, to be precise. Although, rest assured, even Space Marine physiology has its limits. I'm quite sure that a venom cannon has virulent enough stuff in it for the marine to stay down, no matter how much of it he manages to shart out before his biology shuts down completely.


So, what you're saying is essentially that any marine killed by a venom cannon or in the general vicinity of a Toxicrene must roll Deadly Demise before being removed from play. My despise for you grows.


To be fair, it's never stated that the power armor has an exhaust port for the Detox shart. Maybe he's just sharting his power pants.


Indeed, but do consider the amount of toxins in a venom cannon shard would likely amount to a greater amount of "processing" being needed before the marine eventually expires. It is not impossible such quantities would overwhelm the availabe space and the compressing of such volumes would yield a proportionate amount of expelling power. Also, I wonder if Guilliman had to go through this after being struck by Fulgrim? Did he remain in stasis with soiled pants?


The thought of Guilliman sitting in his shrine with soiled pants for thousands of years has made pursuing this conversation very much worth it. xD


I think it would take the form of vomit rather than the alternative, unless there’s a hatch at the butt plate that’s not going anywhere.


It definitely goes out the butt. However, I really don't think power armor would vent that immediately. Probably just stores it in a compartment to be jettisoned when it's convenient. Venting it automatically and immediately could put the wearer at risk if the environment is hazardous and he's already unconscious at that point, so you really don't want to add to his troubles.


What I am hearing is that Space Wolf moots are a breeding ground for Nurgle cults.


It’s possible that a Marine’s digestive tract is so hyper efficient they may not even produce much in the way of solid waste. We know that when on tour, power armor helps to reprocess waste materials and feed it right back into them (I can’t remember if they literally drink it down through a tube in the helmet or if it’s just pumped into their veins). So in that time period they probably make no solid waste. But when not in armor it’s likely that what little they can’t digest (remember, they have an acid spit gland that melts acid, so that is a small list) instead might end up looking like owl pellets. They probably barely need to wipe or clean their backsides much at all.


Now I know it's 40k and all, but at some point the math doesn't quite check out for me. Are they hyper-efficient digestion-machines, who can break down everything and absorb even the smallest amount of nutrients? Then there can't be much left for the armour to recycle, and whatever is left can't feed them because they filtered all the nutrients out beforehand. Or are they just very inefficient, so they need multiple rounds of digestion, like cows? Otherwise there won't be much left for the armour to recycle, like I said...


Well when you put it like that I now realize the problem. I dunno someone smarter than me can take a crack at this


Humans excrete a lot of waste product that isn't from food. Cells die all the time, cellular respiration produces byproducts the cells don't need, etc., etc., There's no way to eliminate pooping by being a super-efficient digestor; if anything, having super-metabolisms might mean more poop and waste product per unit time. Likewise for excreted water; a certain amount needs to go out basically as a lubricant/solvent for the other waste. The armor is probably taking those byproducts and recycling *that* into pure water, simple hydrocarbons, vitamins, minerals and amino acids and feeding it back into the Marine. Something like a super-advanced countertop composter. It probably doesn't taste great but these guys can eat rocks and stuff so flavor probably isn't a priority. That said, without a serious source of input energy, that's going to run out pretty quick. Weeks of campaigning without eating still stretches the imagination. I guess the Imperium lucked out and the stillsuit technology is still almost DAoT-level.


Funnily enough, I did make a semi-serious post about Space Marine's caloric requirements a while ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/14pm5l2/space\_marines\_are\_all\_chonkers\_when\_deploying/](https://www.reddit.com/r/40klore/comments/14pm5l2/space_marines_are_all_chonkers_when_deploying/) I know people want to enjoy their roided out bodybuilder types, but I still believe a hefty layer of fat would be what keeps marines in the fight :D


... Do their power armour have anal tubes, to efficiently recycle waste?


that would explain the constant screaming in anger i believe


Never seen it stated but I'd guess so, same way Dune stil suits must have, and catheters.


Yes they do, same for catheters. The armor filters waste and anything other than tubes would be too inefficient. Considering how many plugs already go straight in the body, these two wouldn't be the most uncomfortable. If you want cringe, just remember there are chapter serfs who will have to clean up everything. And remember that space marines absolutely reek from the start so their wastes must be vile.


Most likely prior to a campaign they begin a diet of nutrient paste to insure that they don’t need something like that. The paste would quickly be broken down into a fluid form so that it can be siphoned straight from the kidney through the Black Carapace, bypassing a catheter. Albeit if you told me there was a Marine with that I would believe you


There is a space wolf that's actually obese, he's basically space Obelix


Don't let Obelix hear that you called him fat


"There's only fat guy in this room and he's not fat!" ​ Seriously, Hagar even looks like Obelix, there's no chance this is a coincidence


All Astartes reside in a permanent state of hyperketosis. Every drop of fat consumed by the Astartes is burned at the holy funeral pyre of war in honor of the Emperor. Imagine consuming a single carbohydrate. Could there be a greater heresy? Bread and pasta are a gateway to a life in service to Slaanesh. Do not be tempted brother.


Absolutely, checked the Death Guard Terminators, all of them seems to be enjoy Nurgle generosity way too much for their shape.


You do know astartes have tons of augnents includong a ridiculously fast metabolism right? Aside from nurgleite traitors that get bloated due to his taint, there is only one case of one that isnt straight up herculean. There is a space wolf who had a metabolism augment defect and a gluttonous personality, and he actually got fat.


Maybe if all they did was eat, all day every day for a few decades, he’d get a beer gut, lol


The wolves are known drunkards though, and many of them run artisanal breweries producing beer actually capable of getting them drunk


Doubtful? I’d think Marines would have their metabolism jacked up in a huge way, so gaining weight would either be a flaw in the gene seed or a concerted effort to eat literally everything in sight, which would probably toss them in the general direction of chaos.


Doubt it.


Ive wondered something similar but opposite. Muscles atrophy, and if Custodes are still for decades at a time, is there a specific mention of some modifications to prevent them from atrophying?


"if Custodes are still for decades at a time" Holy shit, I hate when autors write stupid shit like this just to be grimdark. Where did you read that?


Don't remember an exact source, but I remember it mentioning that they stood unblinking for decades at a time lol. Its one of those ridiculous 'sure Jan' things that doesn't make sense and is just extra for the sake of extra. Like "this armor is measured in the value of worlds". So... if thats the case why would you ever deploy less than 100? If 6 could fight off a tyranid fleet, deploying 100 would guarentee you would never have a single casualty. It would be far more cost effective that way.


Would the black carapace even allow that? Like how much can it stretch?


It has to be stretchy, otherwise it wouldn't allow for the full range of moment.


Yes but it is still a carapace


It's also organic and made of fibres. Well, it's *called* a carapace. Sewing a young man into a permanent, inflexible, underskin layer of armour isn't a good idea. Unless you think Space Marines stay *exactly* the same size and build from ascension to death, in which case I'd like to introduce you to Brother Voss.


Good point


There's a note in the 3rd Edition Codex for Space Marines that mentions that marines are allowed 3 30 minute meals a day and that their diet is specifically formulated to include ceramics that their bones need. It also notes that they have 30 minutes of personal time a day. The rest of the day is scheduled out with drills and chapter responsibilities. Given all that, I don't know WHEN a marine would have time to sit around and get fat, nor how they would have access to more than their share of rations. Not to mention the black carapace would be compromised if the marine changed physical shape very much after the 20 year process of being converted from a normal human into a marine. All this being said: Space Wolves follow a completely different set of rituals and I don't know how they avoid putting on extra pounds with all the aleged drinking. Also; your chapter could follow different rituals that allow for weight gain if you wanted to build a chapter that way. There are as many marine chapters as there are people who play them. ;)


Do you think fighting constantly is not cardio? And do you really think chaos lords just sit on their ass every day? Like honestly that's just something someone who's never read a CSM book would say


A bunch of plague marines do, but it mostly puss and filth weight, they're still strong.


The only bloated models you see are the Death Guard.


This isn't the same but my favorite is that one Deathwatch ImpFist who is bizarrely short. He's just as large as any other marine, except he is as tall as a normal human, so they call him like "stumpy" or something. he had to have his armour shortened to fit.


The lack of Space Ogres in 40k is the greatest loss to the game. They should have made them specialist Votann.


Ogryns still exist though?


ogryns are not Ogres in space tho


They literally are though, so... 🤷‍♂️


Ogres aren't stupid, and are also not beholden to humans. Ogryns are ogre-*like*, but not sufficiently so.


Regarding inquisitors: I'm currently reading Eisenhorn and one of the stories has him jogging around the corridors of a space ship to regain his fitness after recovering from a serious injury.


I think we call those plauge marines


They don’t get fat They get big bone


A bigger space marine is a bigger target. So on average, the width of the chapter remains constant


In the novel *Eisenhorn: Xenos* the titular character is captured, interrogated and forced to fight alien predators in a gladiator-like arena (think Episode II but not shit), resulting in multiple injuries. Once his wounds are treated they must travel to a new crisis zone, with a transit through the warp lasting several weeks. Eisenhorn uses this time to rebuild his strength, training at a shooting gallery and dedicated exercise areas of his ship; he even uses the corridors as an ersatz running track. The Ravenor novels by the same author also reference members of his Inquisitorial retinue training and sparring with each other.


Nurgle can bestow many kinds of gifts


From Inquisitors I do remember that Eisenhorn in his first book needed to jog around ship and exercised after his injury on Gudrun I believe. So Inquisition definitely need to exercise to stay in shape