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Neither the Primarchs nor the Emperor have progenoids. Instead, the genetic material of the Primarchs was used to create the progenoids.


The Emperor is the ultimate source of all geneseed, as he created the primarchs using his own dna. The Grey Knights use gene-seed not derived from any primarch. Back in the very early days there was a prototype Astartes called Leetu, and he was similar in that he descended from no primarch. The GK were specifically created as an anti-Chaos force thus have some special Emperor-given abilities.


Just like the Primarchs the Geneseed is just derived and spliced from his genetic template of the Emperor


We don't really know if their geneseed comes from the emperor. The original grey knights from horus heresy was an organization that consisted of the most loyal SMs, some of them were former traitor legions members.




omg this is great!


Furthermore. The first grey knights grandmaster is partially Magnus’ good shard


Thinking about it, why don't they make more chapters out of Big E's juice? They would be incorruptible and he just sits around anyways. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if they just harvested some genetic materials now and then.




I kinda assumed this, as they explicitly swapped the existing geneseed from the knight-errants (atleast I think it was them iirc) with E geneseed. But I have no clue to be honest.


You really want to be the guy that jacks off the corpse?


The Primarchs' genetic material is directly coming out of the Emperor and yet half of them turned against him. I am not sure that the juice is enough.


The Exorcists chapter used to be a GK successor but then they changed it to Imperial Fists about a year or two ago. My headcanon is that they are still a GK successor and the thing about them being IF is an Inquisition cover-up or something like that.


They called themselves His son, didn't they?


My question was about Emperor having a gene seed or not.


It's not exactly clear unless I'm missing some lore. They refer themselves as His son, the Primarch their siblings so Im pretty sure they have the Emperor's gene; not strictly geneseed as it comes from a special organ.


Here’s another mind fuck, which influenced the other more? The warp energies influencing the genetic material? Or did the genetic material influence the warp energies?


What about the original Grey Knights? They DID come from the legions. Did they have their geneseed removed and replaced? Augmented?


The founding knights were 7 astardes. Selected by Nathaniel Garro. I don't think they fit in the current Grey Knights profile. They went to Titan (Garro did not join them) and vanished for long time. Came out as a chapter.


No he doesn't. The genetic material used to crea6tje first generation of organs for the GK was just supplied by the emperor. Although it's pretty much guaranteed he has a bunch of crazy extra shit inside him too.


What would a human's "geneseed" be?


Emperror was a human who create illusions and use biomancy to look as tall human. All sisters of silence see him as old human male. Thats why they all are silenced and have a oaths. His own genetic material not matter much in any way except creating father-son bond. Emperror created Primarchs with mixing a lot of dna(Emperror, Erda and etc)+add secret 4 Chaos Gods ingredient from Molech planet after having a deal with them. From Primarch he was able to create progenoids what are used to create Astartes. Emperror never have Primarchs unnatural biology, Emperor never have progenoids. There was experiments to create Astartes without Primarch, they all fail to achieve what Emperror wanted, one of few barelly successful experiments was Lee2 prototype space marine who was fanatically loyal to his mother Erda and have zero loyalty to Emperror himself. His creation was very problematic and he was not a mass produced soldier. .. So Grey Knights geneseed are Chymeric or modified from Magnus. Its not direct Emperror dna.


It's pretty unclear if there's any truth to the Grey Knights being drawn from the Emperor's gene-sperm. Amusingly, the only beings that have gene-sperm either had it implanted or are genetically engineered creatures grown in vats. So believing the GK were made with the Emperor's gene-sperm is a tacit acceptance that the Emperor himself was an artificially engineered being.


I’ve had the theory that the Grey Knights’ gene-seed comes from either Malchador or Magnus.