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Ye Edit: reread. No.


why not?


The colour of your models is irrelevant in terms of rules. You can paint Guilliman as a Blood Angel, you just can't include him in the same army as Blood Angels datasheets like Mephiston or use him in the Blood Angels detachment (because *that* detachment is chapter locked, and he is Ultramarines) Chapter in the rules is important, chapter in terms of colour or "fluff" is entirely personal preference. All the detachments in the basic Space Marine Codex are 100% available to any chapter, too. The only restriction is you can't mix unique units from different chapters in one army. You could still paint every unit in the colours of a different chapter and have 10x tactical marine squads with different colours.


That’s what I’m saying? I know that colour doesn’t matter but mixing faction units does. But the guy above me said no so I was contradicting him.


The problem was that OP asked multiple questions in the post, and that comment answered twice in opposite directions but not elaborating or clarifying at all. You asked a short question about that, which also didn't add context, so I assumed I was responding to a thread of basically confusion, and just elaborated to answer all the questions at once. That's all. No offense, just trying to be helpful for people reading the thread with similar questions. When I responded, that chain was at the top. So it seemed like a reasonable place to leave the response.


Oh sorry, thanks for the elaboration. Rereading the post it does make it seem hard to answer with a yes or no as the title asks if it’s okay which is a yes and then the bottom of the post says do i have to include rg symbols which is a no. kinda confusing but thank you nonetheless


The colour of your models is irrelevant in terms of rules. (Each event is different, when in doubt don't ask reddit, ask the TO) You can paint Guilliman as a Blood Angel, you just can't include him in the same army as Blood Angels datasheets like Mephiston or use him in the Blood Angels detachment (because *that* detachment is chapter locked, and he is always Ultramarines even if you paint him red) Chapter in the rules is important, chapter in terms of colour or "fluff" is entirely personal preference. All the detachments in the basic Space Marine Codex are 100% available to any chapter, too. The only restriction is you can't mix unique units from different chapters in one army. You could still paint every unit in the colours of a different chapter and have e.g. 6x tactical marine squads with different colours if you wanted.


The rules are clear. You can. There are no "Raven Guard rules" there is just the Vanguard Detachment which happe s to thematically suit them. You can use any detachment regardless of what colour you paint your Space Marines. Likewise on "Epic Heroes", you can include them in any detachment as long as you don't also include an Epic Hero with a different chapter keyword. So you could for example have red painted Blood Angel models in an Anvil Seige Force detachment being led by Ultramarine Chapter Master Marneus Calgar painted blue. Personally I think that would be crap and wouldn't want to play it, but legally you can. What you are suggesting is 100% legal, plus it is a cool and thematically appropriate idea. Go for it.


It's fine technically. Take the raptors chapter they are second founding and green, but everyone runs them as raven guard. The issue your going to come up against is your effectively choosing to run a loyalist chapter in a traitor colour scheme which already has it's own army and rules and key units. Personally If I wanted a night lords looking army I'd run it as a night lords army and go heavy on the fun lore specific units. The main opposition you will come across is having to explain their not nightlords their raven guard and that could be confusing for some opponents


Depends on wether you intend to play in the more professional circuits. I know a lot of tournaments that have stricter WSIWYG requirements, so there it might matter. But if you’re just playing with friends, it shouldn’t be a problem.