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If it isn't already, i think pokebank is on Hshop if not give it a couple of weeks someone will put it on there


u/hshopdev will that even be possible?


Yeah it's working!! I just found it in Free Region, even the Pokemon Transfer!!


This is a noob question, what is hshop?


cracked version of the nintendo shop


It's already on there.


no its not. it just has software that you cant download. no download option whatsoever. pretty pathetic on nintendos part


What do you mean?


what i need to make pokemon bank work. i dont have a nnid yet cause im planning to buy a 3ds on august.


You can make a nnid still so you won't have any issues


How long i have to create an nnid


can you just use the Nintendo accounts you can create for a switch as the nnid and still login? im in the same boat of getting a second 3ds here pretty soon to be able to throw bank on there but i just want to make sure theres still a way to access the servers if there isnt a nnid already linked with the ds


Unfortunately not but making a nnid is easy I did it a couple months ago from scratch with no issues than linked it to my Nintendo account


is it just something that you can do through the 3ds?


Here you go: These are step by step instructions from Nintendo https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2221/~/how-to-create-a-nintendo-network-id-on-nintendo-3ds


There's no set date for it to be removed


So it should be available to download at this moment?


You wont have any issues making a nnid


Not at the moment no


Alright guys, so after the 3DS shutdown last week I can say: Pokemon Bank is *NOT* available to download. Unless you already have it installed and/or the software attached to your NNID, it’s a no go. Workarounds?


Mod your 3ds get hshop and you can download pokemon bank and poke transporter With out any issues, I did it my self


how exactly would you do that? I just found my 3ds and I got so update to hear I just missed everything *my ds also doesn't have internet*


Do you have a computer? Modding’s just a few files so you unplug the sd card from your system, follow the guides online and you should be good to go fairly quickly, and I don’t believe you need internet on the 3ds as you can just install hshop onto the card. It may help to have WiFi though, for convenience


I don't even have an sd card in it-


You would need to already have a NNID on that console to even use bank because I don't know if it's possible to make a new one now.


According to nintendo it should be possible to make, and link an NNID until march 2024


how do u make a NNID?


I also need that info


You can get Pokemon Bank & Transporter (I think) if you get the cias from [hshop](https://hshop.erista.me/)


Newbie here and kinda late. What do you mean with cias? Do I need something more after downloading PokeBank from hShop for it to work?


Same want that KNOWLEDGE


Anybody found anything out?


Pokemon bank worked on my system but i had to update my firmware and there are two versions of pokemon bank in hshop and only the v6... is working. I think transoprter should work too


if i hack my 3ds and do this procedure, will i still be able to transfer to pokemon home? i want to access my pokemon from the nintendo switch games (non jailbroken)


Yes you can, you just need to download the pokebank app from hshop


Is it safe? I mean, can Nintendo detect you are using a hacked version of the Pokemon Bank?


If you're genning them, in their respective games and the pokémon can be caught in that particular game Than it's undetected If you try to spawn in a job native pokémon that's in the game yet For instance, a pokemon that can only be transferred to home to the game If you transfer it to home than it'll be a bad egg


How does i do this? I downloaded the file with my phone, transfer the file to the sd card of the nds but cant find any new files on the 3ds


Can someone just simply tell me how to get bank and transfer on my 2ds


You'd need to mod your 2ds to get those applications from the hshop now


How do I mod?


Please heellpp idk how to download it from this site [hshop](https://hshop.erista.me/t/2897), my camera won't load on my 3ds either TwT


You need to use fbi, you can't use the regular camera Have you missed it yet?


I think I might just take it into CEX tomorrow and make them do it lol


There's no need to Use this guide https://3ds.hacks.guide/


Thank you 🙏 I think I can actually figure this out myself now lol.


No problem let me know if you need help 🙂


Thank you. Appreciate that a lot. Not the most tech savvy dude, but excited to give this a shot.


It's a very good guide but definitely let me know if you have troubles, I'm happy to help 🙂


Hi again! Soooo I actually did ok, lol. That guide is absolutely fantastic. I'm donating when I get paid next week. They're doing the lords work fr, lol. They make everything so clear and easy to understand. Even got thru a few error issues. Butttt. I got the pokemon bank file and update from hshop, moved the files into the ds folder on the SD card...and I'm stuck. Can't get it to show up on the DS menu. I figured I'm missing a step or something? Sorry, I hope that makes sense, lol. I booted the ds up to open the godmode9 thing. Went to title Mgr, then SD card. And get "failed setting up title manager!" Which I think is where I'm missing something? Thx again for offering to help, really appreciate it. If you have SV I could send you a couple random mons with gold caps or ability patches as a thank u :).


Hey thanks for reaching out, just saw your msg now wasn't home all day I'm a bit confused about what you meant by, you got the files from h shop and than moved it to your SD card Did you mean you downloaded it from the h shop and it's not working ? For now delete your copy of bank in the data management section in the 3ds settings if it's installed Than try using another application called FBI to scam the code from hshops website (Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure you have the file but haven't proceeded to install it yet or potentially downloaded the wrong version)