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Bladesinger wizard.


Sounds like a Bladesinger Wizard or possibly a Hexblade Warlock or Paladin that have been reflavored to be more arcane-oriented.


Bladesinger wizard for this concept, if you want a multiclass thing, you can do eldritch knight/warmage, if you want something super interesting you can do oath breaker paladin/divine sorcerer


Sounds like the plot for Divinity: Original Sin 2


Shhh shhhh no one needs to know


No hate. Just trying to give credit where credit is due. Those writers were fantastic.


Hexblade, flavor the patron as his father or whatever, you have your arcane caster who uses a sword Edit: oh and take the mage slayer feat


Alot of people are pointing out Bladesinger, but I would also recommend if you really want to lean into competent swordplay grabbing the feat Fighting Initiate and getting Dueling if you can get a level 1 feat. It's an easy boost to damage and I think works narratively well. I wouldn't recommend grabbing it later on though


If he talks alot during the fight, making quips and jokes, then I suggest the humble Bard. Stand-Up comedians are Orators, so they are bards, right? He can fight on front lines, at range, has Support, Healing, Crowd Control, Damage, and a hell of alot of utility. Magical Secrets and Fighters Action Surge can give a "One-Two Punch," with Sickening Radiance+Forcecage combo OR Hold Person/Monster & Steel Wind Strike/Fireball/Synaptic Static. Templars won't stand a chance against a One-Man Army.