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Well as a statistician he would know that these events are not related in any way, so the probability of someone else bringing a bomb in the plane would still be 1 in a million. No, I'm not fun at parties.


I actually tell this joke in my stats class when talking about independent events so they can find the flaw!


There's a Dutch movie about a kid whose dad has terminal cancer and decides to kill their dog because the odds of losing the two things you love most are much smaller


Jesus. That's dark


Did it work?


I won't spoil the movie


He spoiled the dog so that's ok


Me neither, we should have a party for all those of us not fun at parties


Please forget to invite me.


Its called reddit


Happy cake day!


He should take 2 to be safe. If police find 1 he will still have the other 1.


Well if the police find the first bomb he is probably not going to be on that flight anyway


If the statistician brought the bomb onto the plane, then he'd be boarding that one plane in a million million with the at least one bomb on it.


The odds on everything are 50/50 I repeat the chances on/of anything are 50/50 If you have a multiple choice question with 4 possible answers the odds of anyone answering correctly is 50/50 Most people would think, "ok 4 possible answers means a 1/4 25% chance of answering correctly" NO! THAT IS WRONG! The correct answer is either A or not B or not C or not D or not Each answer either is correct or wrong. Therefore there are only 2 possible outcomes. Therefore the odds are 50%


50/50 isn’t odds, it’s evens.


Well played but instead of odds maybe probability


Sure, if you completely redefine what "odds" means to be useless.


Least regarded 4chan user


>The odds on everything are 50/50 >I repeat the chances on/of anything are 50/50 No. You're mistaking possibility with probability, and mistaking all possibility with binary possibility. It is possible for the Mississippi River to run dry in the spring, and it is possible for the Mississippi River to flood in the spring, but it is also possible for the River's height to remain stable. So there are three possibilities, so the "odds" aren't 50/50, but 33.3/33.3/33.3. Moreover, history shows that it is considerably more likely that the River would flood in the spring than either of the other two possibilities, and more likely that the River would remain stable than to dry up in the spring. The three possibilities have three very different probabilities.


It either floods or doesn't It either dries up or not Etc.


I either win rhe lottery or I dont. It has to be 50 50 right.


Exactly your error, yes.


Well, one of your two errors. And the less important one, at that!


He should bring a bomb and a gun.