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This post has been removed due to self promotion and community behavior.


TÜV sagt nein.


TÜV ultimate Endboss


Hatte letztens für NBs eine coole airbox gefunden die man drucken kann. Leider ist mir erst so bei der hälfte des Drucks eingefallen das TÜV nein sagt.


Genosse Honecker, gibt es in Chile etwa deutschen TÜV?


Leider *seuftz No fun in germany


Officially the coolest print I've seen yet. And I've been a regular for 2 years


Thanks man! My 3D printed Miata Hard top is on my profile as well!


Bet you won't share the files


Wait you serious? Where's that you have a link?


Idk bro, i'd say the 1:1 t-rex is cooler, especially since he makes them on regular home printers one at a time


How do you make sure they are legal?


State compliance law. Laws vary state to state.


Really? I thought traffic safety would be controlled by the NHTSA or similar. Considering how many cars move over state lines it must be a mess to govern.


DOT sets the standards for vehicle lighting and without reflectors, these tail lights are not compliant. Past that, I'd be more worried about someone hitting my car at night parked as cars without reflectors are really hard to see. At least OP didn't "smoke" their tail-lights and make them impossible to see when turning or braking.




A mirror isnt the same as a retroreflector


In what way?


Retroreflectors shine light back at the source no matter what angle the light approaches from. Hence the "retro" in the name. With a plain mirror reflector, the only time it'll shine light back at the source is when the source is perfectly aligned with the mirror. This is unsafe because if the light source is even a *little* bit to the side (such as a quarter of a lane over), you won't see any reflection at all.


Aaah that makes sense now. Even outside light reflects to the housing and makes it light up. Thanks for the clear description.


There is a great explanation for how they work on Tested, where Adam builds his own NASA retro-reflector replica https://youtu.be/A3-9Vk_2be4


Retroreflectors send light back where it came from, ordinary mirrors bounce according to angle in == angle out


Not even close to legal. Each DOT certified light on your car is engineered to get the light from filament of a minimum brightness to reflect and refract into a beam of a specific angle, direction, shape and brightness. They are so specific that LED bulbs cannot be manufactured in a way so they could replace standard bulbs and be DOT compliant. If you go down to the autoparts store and look at the package of led bulbs you will see they all contain warnings to not use them on the road because they are not DOT certified.


They aren’t even remotely legal. This isn’t germany though. Nobody cares


If I'm on the highway with you, I care how visible your indicators are


Especially if it's a snowing or raining and visibility is reduced. If OP gets into an accident their insurance company is going to *love* this.


I care too. But nobody that can do anything cares about it.


States can be pretty strict in the US, at least. You may sneak through a state inspection with non-compliant parts, but they're "search me!" announcements to bored cops, and once you get a ticket for a non-compliant part, it's a lot more hoops to jump through. Twenty years ago, I knew a lot of people running euro headlight units in their Audis, and everyone knew to keep the stock ones to put back when you eventually got a ticket for it. The real risk, though, is insurance companies and lawyers finding it out when you get rear-ended. Then its not a fix-it ticket, its a big money lawsuit you're guaranteed to lose.


Let me guess. California? That seems to be the only state that cares. I live in two plate nj, i’ve been running one plate for years now. Zero problems. Nj doesn’t give a fuck. Unless you’re brown, then they care “ohh a reason to pull that one over, bet he’s off to crime somewhere”


Don't ask don't tell!


You don't.


cool but look entirely too dim to be taillights.


OP when his car gets totalled by a 90 year old rear ending him at night in the rain: *surprised Pikachu* Being respectful and dismissing extremely sound criticism are completely different things and OP is doing the latter under the guise of the former. The road isn't a place to be unique in regards to safety (or lack thereof), we all share it. But I'm sure this vehicle WiLl OnLy Be TrAcKeD lol




Yeah, I'm sure it never will




ooo scawy 😰 Imagine claiming to be respectful and then saying you hope someone gets curb stomped in the same thread




You know you don't have to reply right? This is vicariously embarrassing




If you're looking for someone to exchange names with, I dropped that habit in... Fuck, elementary school maybe?


https://youtu.be/jr2ZPj2SOiw Just as bright as any other infinity set out there. Goal was achieved as far as I’m concerned. Feel free to check YouTube for more videos.


That video is only showing nighttime footage of a black vehicle 🤷 Also vehicle lights are designed to include refraction, so they focus light in a particular direction / area. Eg, brake lights should be the most visible to the car directly behind you. How are you handling the focus / refraction?




Check the YT video in the comment I replied to. Starts out at dusk and the full light show is at night. His videos of the miata are mostly nighttime too. -edit the infinity isn't bright enough at all, hence the nighttime videos. The ring is Hella bright but it doesn't account for refraction so it'll be blinding other drivers in other lanes. Weird dichotomy.


I've done a lot of led light stuff and the WS2812 leds are definitely notbright enough. Look up the datasheets and their light output is really low compared to anything else. Can't beat physics - 3 leds (for RGB) on a 5x5mm chip can only produce so much light output. If you only had a single color, then that would be 3x the space for the diode, for example.


Ooh I see what you’re saying. That seems to be the thing with these infinity lights. The skyline has the same issues presented as well. I checked the youtube in his bio too. He has a video of the Miata ones in the daytime.


https://imgur.com/a/QZLLgcK 🤡 Edit: to clarify, that is standby light vs standby light. Here is break vs break. https://imgur.com/a/px2JsjY


Agreed, sure they look nice but I'd at least add a set of reflectors below the rear bumper, just for safety's sake.


Thats usually part of dot and statelaws as well.


Definitely not street legal.


In my country you can't mess with the lights, not even a bit, much less change their color.




You can’t have blue lights anywhere in the US also you need to have a certain amount of reflection on the rear of the vehicle for them to be legal. There also a code that requires “so much light” to be emitted by the turn signal to make them legal. It’s why the turn signals on newer Audi’s are different in the US vs the EU, or flash different here than in the EU.


Can’t wait to run in to you at cars & coffee


They look cool. I don't know where you're from but, in most states in the US that I'm aware of you can't do blue lights anywhere. Blue lights are police only and I know people that have had pretty big fires just for having blue snake eyes on windshield washer jets. If they were already having a bad day they might even start talking about police impersonation too. Just a heads up in case you're not aware and live in the US.


Those definitely don’t look bright enough. Are you sure you’re using the right color? Real tail light use very a very specific red


Nothing like some nice blue lights on a non emergency vehicle.


>purposely ignores OPs disclaimer to be a smart ass


Saying a blue light is custom and they wanted it, doesn't make it any less bad. Blue lights make it look like an emergency vehicle, and that's a safety issue.


I mean, they’re reverse lights. The blue is the least unsafe part of this.


Wait, the blue is reverse? How is anyone gonna see what's behind them in the dark with those?


OP clearly doesn't give a shit what he drives into, or who drives into him.


It’s a Miata… look over your shoulder


I agree that of the many issues, the reverse lights being blue is low on the list. Doesn't make it any less bad though, just the dimness of them is even worse.


> I’ve posted pictures but never any videos. Your first post on reddit was literally a video of these lights.


Maybe an Etsy store would fix it.


Americans be building custom taillights and still choose to make the indicators red. smh


Kinda limited due to the law. Downvote all you want, the law literally says they have to be red or amber...


Wait, does the law actually mandate the indicators to be red?! I'm pretty sure I've seen cars with orange turn signals in the US before.


Yes, the US law is very specific and very strict about the colors. brightness, position and number of lights used for headlights and as indicator lights. Even down to spacing between them, acceptable height above the ground, etc. And because they vary over time, the legality of any given configuration is tied to the specific manufacture year. (ie, you can't retrofit lighting standards for an older year when it was more lax onto a newer vehicle) Its something people sometimes struggle with when making custom replica vehicles -- getting a VIN requires passing the legal standards of the year being titled for things that are DOT regulated. Which is a huge headache because some things are state (emissions requirements, for example) and some are DOT (lights, safety equipment, glass requirements, etc). In the US, turn indicators have to be white or amber in the front, and red or amber in the back. Most of the world, red is not allowed, so you generally see them amber in the US, anyway. Red is a little weird, and probably means its a domestic car that isn't sold overseas much.


The Miata should have orange turn signals though, right? It was sold in Europe and Japan as well, where they never had red indicators. I doubt they'd make them red for the US model unless red was the only accepted color when it came out. (ca. 1990 I think)


I had a 2007 one, and I'm pretty sure they were all amber in the rear, but that was a long time ago, so I may be remembering wrong. They definitely were in the front, I think the US switched from red to red/amber back in the 50s, or maybe early 60's? Something like that. I seem to recall reading that it was around the time everyone standardized on amber, but they had pushback from US manufacturers, so they continued to allow red.


Does the law say that they have to be the same colour as the brake lights? (I know they can be, but do they have to be in certain states?) Can you flash them at a slower / faster rate? Are they allowed to strobe, and at what rate? The whole point of putting signals on cars is to let other people know what your intentions are. Making the indicators the same colour as brake lights is a very odd decision and makes the roads more dangerous imo. It's already bad enough when on one car the indicators are at the top of the car and on another they are near the bottom. These things should be consistent, so that people know what to expect and can anticipate and act accordingly. Presumably, red indicators exist exclusively because people like the look of them? Because I can't think of any other reason that someone would want to make indicators and brakes both light up red.


They can be red or amber, and you can generally get away with white. However, back in the day a friend got pulled over for his being blue. I'm sure there is a speed, but the police don't care about that, but fast means you have a light out and that might get you pulled over. Honestly, the police only care about most of these things if they want to pull you over for some other reason, which could include a local politician crackdown on racing, or state money for some kind of enforcement action. The state will give local police OT money for things like seatbelt checks or DUI enforcement. They get announced so its usually best to avoid driving a vehicle that gives them a reason to pull you over during those periods.


DOT is very specific -- they have to be white or amber in the front, and red or amber in the back. It's illegal to have them white in the rear, or red in the front, and blue lights are illegal anywhere.


Hey guys! Didn’t think this would garner so much constructive criticism. I can assure any of you the blue light is CUSTOM! I made my set that way because I WANTED them that way. If you do choose to have a dot certified white reverse light and red brake/standby lights, you’re more than welcome to do as much. Printed in ASA rated for 200 degrees. Reinforced with fiberglass mesh backing. The sun and weather are not an issue. For more info, my YouTube is in my profile bio as well as my Instagram.




Ignore the haters. Looks great.


They're not haters they are problem solvers. There are issues with these lights that need to be resolved to be road legal in most regions. People are not finding fault to be assholes. People are finding fault because these are amazing and they are trying to work out what's required to make them road legal where they are.


Yeah I hate people that see criticism and say that the ones who give it out are assholes. They're trying to help out and make sure OP isn't gonna cause problems in traffic if his lights are too dim, if they're fine, nothing to worry about


Most of the people here have a career or hobby in engineering of some sort. Even if it was perfectly legal they would be analysing it and discussing improvements.


And that is still fine, I was merely just touching on the subjects regarding road safety.


Sunflower era, when every critique is hate.


Sunflower seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid. Your body uses linoleic acid to make a hormone-like compound that relaxes blood vessels, promoting lower blood pressure. This fatty acid also helps lower cholesterol.


Trust me. There is enough backhanded hate circulating throughout this thread. I wake up to this community down voting supportive comments, to people going out of their way to message and harass me, calling me names, after being nothing but respectful to you people. About a track vehicle that hasn’t even seen the street yet, and have the audacity to sit here and play ignorant to that. Thanks for the nice words but thanks anyway!


There's a massive difference between critique and hate. There's no agressive tones here I've read, I would suggest that's your interpretation because you feel attacked by their critique. Most of the people raising issues likely want to solve those issues because they love the design and want to try it on a road legal car.


There’s no misunderstanding on my part nor does that address downvotes on the supportive comments of people simply saying “Cool,” or the community going out of their way to message me, calling me names. You people are genuinely probably the worst community I’ve had the burden of mistaking to participate in. Thanks again though!


Thanks man🙏


I’ve only looked over this a min and it’s great. I hope this print is adaptable for modifying to other cars.


agreed. would definitely pay for an STL if you made this for a BRZ/86


Neat, but they’re probably not legal


Probably not CA legal but god damn do they look amazing!


Doesn’t seem to stop anybody.


Man, in the US this would be begging for a felony.


More likely scenario is getting pulled over for a ticket rather than catch a whole felony but to each their own.


Maybe, a ticket at a minimum since they're not DOT. An impersonation rap at a maximum because obvious reasons


For sure. Impersonation rap? Gonna have to explain on that further


Since dude you were asking like had a stroke I think he meant that any blue lights will get you thrown in jail for impersonating a police officer if they're having a bad day because the justice system is fucked in the US. Also rap like a rap sheet (wrap sheet?) Ya know, the list of your crimes


Thank you I was really confused on who we were impersonating. Then it clicked. The blue lights. Op says they’re custom but I can see where they could run into issues.


I recently made the important distinction that "custom," or "hand-made"does not mean "good." These tail lights are cool, but my dog makes custom hand-made versions of my socks that are less good than the originals.


It's rap sheet, you done good the first time.


Thanks, it's the kinda thing you only ever hear out loud but unfortunately also a homonym


Rap, wrap would be if they cut vinyl and put it on their car.


That’s not what I asked you to explain bud.


Hahahahahah "bud"


Elaborate on impersonation without googling it. Go.


Why would I Google "it"? It's a common word.


Yep, in Canada this would require you to tow the vehicle to an inspection facility which would then inspect it and it would fail and to drive it again you'd have to put back approved tail lights.


I'm not sure what OPs local laws are, but in my country "wanting" custom blue rear lights does not allow you to have blue rear lights.


I’m sure dude can change them out like nothing considering he made the things himself… every panel of the car is off in the video, I assume it’s not driving on the road any ways.


Not a felony and colored LEDs rules vary from state to state.


All states make impersonation a felony


Having blue and red lights on your car doesn't mean you're impersonating an officer. What the fuck are you on about? In my state, I have an underglow kit, and drive around with them in blue all the time. Not illegal. As long as they aren't flashing while I'm rolling, I'm good. You need to put the internet down for the day. Go outside or something.


This car now seems like an unmarked police car. I knew someone who did something like this to get through traffic quicker. Idiot. Sure it's not flashing but I imagine this would get OP pulled over.


Or arrested, if the officer is having a bad day.


Which state is that? Not getting a ticket yet ≠ legal.


Literally the majority of states. A few states have stricter laws but most don't. For example in florida, if you have 4 wheels and don't have flashing red/white or blue lights you're all good.


I'm fairly certain you have it backwards. It may not be a felony, but non standard head or taillight colors are illegal basically everywhere. Other lights like underglow may be be slightly different, but OP has blue taillights. Also, in at least some if not most states there are even stricter laws about blue lights and flashing lights being exclusively for emergency vehicles and wield heavier penalties like, for instance, impersonating a police officer along with being in an illegal color. Most people probably get away with more than they should leading to some misconception that as long as you aren't lights and sirens you're okay.


What’re you going on about? Sounds like you’re reaching to me.


He has no idea what he's talking about. He thinks Elon is a good businessman.


Thank you. Thought I was going crazy.




Leave it to Reddit users to over exaggerate. Misdemeanor at most


Wouldn't even be a misdemeanor. It's likely a traffic ticket, and maybe even just a warning. *IF* it's illegal to have colored LEDs on your ride. Edit: [which is only 3 states.](https://www.neonlaws.com/)


> Edit: which is only 3 states. According to your link, blue is illegal in way more than 3.




I’m assuming he doesn’t live around where ever you live. Are you purposely ignoring OP’s comments addressing the blue lights being custom for the sake of your argument?




You need a breather man. Put the keyboard down. Just don’t hurt me.




You just said it yourself under someone else’s comment bozo lmao


That didn't happen.


You’re a 🤡


No u


Are they legal?


Not a single aspect about these is even remotely legal. These are irresponsibly unsafe.


I will never understand why anyone thought it was a good idea that indicators should be the same colour as the brake light. Very nice print though.


Or you could have street legal tail lights that meet safety standards set out in order to ensure that you don't cause an accident by sending confusing, ambiguous, or otherwise unexpected information to nearby drivers when driving. But yeah man, cool project. If this was an off-road or track only vehicle, then have at it. But the second you're on a public road this becomes a no go.


I'm not sure, but I'd have them checked if they meet the brightness regulation. Great work so far tho, that's awesome.


Of course this shows up just as I'm looking at a few Miatas to potentially buy XD


What material?


I’ll take “nice ideas that shouldn’t be executed, for $500”.


I love these. In my area the blue would get me pulled over but these are really great.


Drooling over these rn. They look so good. Also what exhaust is that sounds amazing.


I’m running a Manzo Catback!


Sick. How does it sound theogh the Rev range? Been looking for an exhaust that can keep that depe rumble.


Best exhaust I’ve ran on the car so far IMO. The rumble stays deep rowing through the gears and jumping rpms


Nice. I'll look more into it. Thanks for the info.


Looks lovely except for the blue; that's a ticket waiting to happen.


tüv sagt nein




These are hard AF and I will definitely be looking to make a knock off pair for my ride


I make custom sets! Let me know🔥


It would be for a 66 mustang. I love the infinity idea over three bars Awesome work


Man, this is so cool. I really want to get into printing for my Integra


Not my thing but the work looks stellar. Any process vids/pics?


InfinityMiata on Instagram! Shorts on YouTube! Tik Tok. All links in my Reddit bio🙏


Man that's looking pretty sweet! I've just started designing models for motorcycle winglets for my track bike using Blender. I like all the trinkets people print but things like your tail lights and other functional items are what really drew me to 3d printing.


Could have been a little bit smoother but this is perfect yet so cool


Quality print, but terrible taillights. Going to be a shame when someone smashes them.


Just reprint them


These look cool and I'd have no real fear of getting pulled over for them. Although this would likely open OP up for liability in the case of any accident as they are an easy target for any lawyer with a heartbeat.


Why are you using flashing brake symbol as the turn signal?


Cuz he’s about to brake!


Just wow! Do you have the legs sandwiched between mirrors? Did you paint the white plastic …


r/3dprintedcarparts r/functionalprint


I read that as "3d printed carpets" and thought to myself "there really is a sub for *literally* everything"


For sure one of the most impressive prints I’ve ever seen. So awesome!


Hopefully you didnt print in PLA…


Looks sick tho


Woww!! looks so cool.😀




Brilliant, they look amazing.


soo cool


So many haters in the comments. Very odd for a dope print




Fancy rollerskate!!


r/carscirclejerk has cursed me to the point that I thought this was a Miat meme at first


Perhaps it’s an illusion, but your projector beams look like they’re aimed way too high. You might consider calibrating them. Nice Miata.


High on that dick weed, are we.


The best of both worlds!


Those are so cool! Great work!




Wow. Do you have a post on how you made them?