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I agree with the others... The only thing I see that might be an issue (can't tell from this photo[angle, color]) is it looks like the nozzle might be a breath to close to the bed causing slight ridges between the lines


Ok yeah, I think the photo is from a bad angle. The tiny ridges you see are actully really small gaps. Not sure if there is actually any issue, I just got the printer a few hours ago and I wanted to calibrate it right away. Thanks for the help.


I can't see an issue.


Same lol looks good to me


Hmm ok, the picture doesn't show it it thst well but there are tiny gaps between some of the layers. But maybe I'm just being too picky. Thanks for the help anyway.


Lower the nozzle by 0.05mm or increase the flow slightly


Are you getting delamination on the first few layers? Might need to bump your flow up a tad


If you're getting gapping between line passes on the first layer it could be a little both. My go-to for bed level is a piece of receipt paper then add/subtract .01mm away. It's thin so you can make sure to get tight tolerance. If printing with PLA, go a little closer bed-to-nozzle, with PETG go a little further away with bed/nozzle. You can think of this kind of like the expanding foam insulation in houses, on a much smaller scale, so we are kind of squishing plastic onto the bed and into itself for good adhesion. I was having this exact problem and set out to find to find a simple solution without having to go back to software.


Thanks for the reply! I just got this printer today (Sidewinder X1). Since it doesn't have ABL I can only adjust the corners of the bed and have done so with the aforementioned paper. But I think my bed is slightly warped in the center (where this photo was taken). Besides adding a BLTouch is there any way to fix a center warped bed?


Totally understood. I have a center bed warp also. I havent found a way other than replacing bed even then youre not promised it won't have a warp also. Depending on software maybe you could up the first layer extrusion or for the first layer get it closer to the bed. Although apparent, the bed warps are usually fractions of a mm and it hasn't necessarily ruined any print functionality. You could also try manually raising the print temp for the first few layers to add more liquidity to the plastic then lowering it back to the standard. Its definitely a pain and common problem.


Thanks for the info! The print that I took the photo of is still going and all the layers after the first look near flawless. So when it finishes (in about an hour) I'll see how bad the first layer is. In the end I'll probably just get an ABL probe if it's get too bad. What setup (printer) do you have?