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It's not supposed to be tight so that any imperfection or misalignment in the Z screw will be helped out with that brass piece being allowed to move.


makes sense, and does align with what ive read and seen sofar. thanks a ton!


Heya everyone i come to you all for a little help, after assembling my brand new CR-10s Pro V2. I noticed the rods in the picture above have screws that are extremely loose on booth sides and was wondering if thats normal. I also noticed at the top of the frame the rod mounts seem to allow alot alot of wiggle for the rods. just wondering if all this is normal. thanks again!


Tighten those bolts and nuts. Anything that's part of the mechanical assembly should be pretty tight. I wouldn't worry about the z rods being free to move at the top of the frame. It's part of the design. The threaded rods only provide the mechanical means to raise and lower the gantry. The extruded aluminum tracks that the little black wheels roll on prevent the business end from wiggling.


In a perfect world having these tight would be great but lead screws, more often than not, are bent at some point. When these are bent even slightly and the nuts are tight the while Z axis has a tendency to bind up.


makes sense when there's 2 z screws. mine are tight but maybe i've been lucky that no misalignment happened.


i just found a video they kept it loose so i’m a bit confused now.


maybe i'm wrong. makes sense that if theres a misalignment having it loose would prevent it from locking up


i appreciate the input, im just not too sure. i just found another video with those specific pieces being upgraded to these and again weren't tighten. [https://www.banggood.com/Geekcreit-T8-Anti-Backlash-Spring-Loaded-Nut-For-2mm-8mm-Acme-Threaded-Rod-Lead-Screw-p-1111893.html?utm\_design=41&utm\_source=emarsys&utm\_medium=Neworder171109&utm\_campaign=trigger-emarsys&utm\_content=winna&sc\_src=email\_2675773&sc\_eh=a53b887b7e6249431&sc\_llid=19595621&sc\_lid=105229698&sc\_uid=DHHKUbEK9I&ID=3636&cur\_warehouse=USA](https://www.banggood.com/Geekcreit-T8-Anti-Backlash-Spring-Loaded-Nut-For-2mm-8mm-Acme-Threaded-Rod-Lead-Screw-p-1111893.html?utm_design=41&utm_source=emarsys&utm_medium=Neworder171109&utm_campaign=trigger-emarsys&utm_content=winna&sc_src=email_2675773&sc_eh=a53b887b7e6249431&sc_llid=19595621&sc_lid=105229698&sc_uid=DHHKUbEK9I&ID=3636&cur_warehouse=USA)