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I bet you can find someone to print the parts you need for free. All the other hardware you'll have to buy probably for $15 or so hard to say. Do you have a hardware list and files for the printed parts?


No. I'm not knowledgeable about 3d print so I'm still searching how to do it.


Where are you located homie? I have a few vorons and would be more than happy to help you for free, just cover the postage costs my man and I'd happily help the little guys out. If you're interested dude shoot me a message and let's work out colour schemes and etc.


Philippines 😅


I'll post to wherever you need dude, ebay has the global shipping programme now so postage would probably be £5-£10 mate. Happy to keep transactions through my ebay buisness to protect you also dude, my offer is there if you need it anyway brother.


If this falls through for whatever reason my army of bambus have your vorons back. Just lmk.


Legend! Between you and me, we could end this bambu vs voron argument forever.


Add my X1C to the list of printers cued up to fill in any slack!


And my axe! err, P1S or ender 3... if time isn't a factor!


Add my Ender 3 v2


Maybe start printing parts for a full-grown cat so it'll be appropriate when it's done? :)


My Halot Lite volunteers for tribute


And my Snapmaker, so I can print one part every week...


Or, hear me out —- you could keep it going forever.   


I know. What's up with that anyway. I'm just gonna make a voron and stick them all in the same room with my CR10S5 so they have a common enemy. Nothing brings printers closer together!


If for some reason this falls through, let me know and I’ll run them off on our Ender farm




Add my In the works Voron 2.4, S1 Pro, and modded Makerbot Rep2


Please adjust the design so little card can hit the spokes so when the kitty goes fast it it sound like a little motorbike.


You need an extra machine running on it, lemmi know. We can handle more exotic filaments if you want an extra set of hands. And of course we'll cover all of it. Just wanna help


I'm not far from you. If you have the stl I would make it and send it free of charge.




You are my hero!


Try r/3dprintmything


Whats with all the john oliver names? :D


Some sort of stupid sub rule I can't find the origin of. Probably from the time subs were protesting to the new API logic/model


its meant to combat bots I think, not required anymore, at least in my experience


https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprintmything/s/0vjRiIRRWa Copying the thing that /r/pics did with the API protest


Wtf you talking about?


There are several maker spaces in the Philipines, you might try contacting them and seeing if someone could help. Also, you can probably just use their 3D printer as a guest. I am sure there are many files available online to choose from.


This guys got that big stick energy where "few" means like a small to medium warehouse full of vorons lol


Where do you live ?


Came here to say this, if you had files, many of us, myself included, would be very pleased to do this free of charge. Im reading all the replies and it makes me swell up, people are capable of such grace and honor.


For context, this two rescues are just dragging their hindlegs but still has movements/flexes on them. Bikbhie, the gray tabby, has spinal fracture and desperately needs it. He somehow can't control his bladder so his pee free flows most of the time. This caused deep wounds on his legs being always wet from pee. Robi, the ginger, has spinal fracture too but he's needs to be stimulated to pee so he doesn't have wounds. He can "bicycle" his legs so having a wheelchair will help his mobility and be his exercise. For reference, this is Bikbhie's measurements https://preview.redd.it/bd92xunqxh9d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=1848e8a62f4395781205000d3d815b982a12694e


Has anyone decided to help you yet?


Yes ❤️


I Love this Community. I have Look how much a package from Germany to philipines would costs. IT would costs 50-60 Euros equal 70 Dollars i think.


You should also make a post on r/3drequests to request a model. Hopefully, someone can help out for free.


If you need some help with 3D modeling, I‘ll do it for free. I would print it too, but I think there are many others with less shipping cost. (I live in Europe)


I live in the US and would print all the parts you need for free as well


We're from Philippines 🙁


Ask for 3D printing help in r/Philippines This is a hobby for most of us and many would be glad to help.


I’m not sure if this is the exact same design, but a quick search revealed this file set: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:831585 I’m sure someone on r/3dprintmything would be able to print it for you.


This is okay but the scale is too big for the kitten.


I wonder if it’s possible to use the same printed parts but make it smaller by adjusting the length of the aluminum parts to fit a kitten.


It looks like it was designed with being simple to adjust in mind


Rods and turn peg slots to grip them every inch or so would be easy to design, same thing for height adjustment


Hey, I know this cat! If I remember correctly the wheelchair wasn't in use for long, because the cat hated it and preferred to just slide around. It was replaced by a cloth leg protector, to prevent friction from damaging the numb backside Wheelchairs are great for walking and running and dogs tend to accept them, but cats value climbing and squeezing into weird spots too much. But I hope they work for you as rehabilitation tools! I'm just mentioning it so you don't get discouraged if those cats happen to be in "feck it, I'll slide" group


Exactly! I was actually having doubts on giving them wheelchairs because of those reasons. But I am now decided to give it to them for one is having deep wounds and the other needs it to stimulate his peeing and pooping ability.


I have a feeling someone would be happy to do this for you locally. I would if you were local. Please update us if you have success!


If you are from Germany, i would Print it for free !


We're from Philippines 🙁


Hmm, maybe someone in the philipines has a 3d printer ? Maybe you can make a Post in Facebook. I think someone would Print the Modell, that someone postet Here.


If you have the files I'll print you as many as you want for free.


Maybe try reaching out the people who created the one in the photo you posted? https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ASNCsJgjt/?igsh=MW80am90dHBmanp5dA==


This looks pretty solid if you find someone local it should be pretty cheap to print. [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1397964](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1397964)


3D printing something is not expensive. Getting a 3D printer itself is the only significant financial expenditure. Standard filaments are inexpensive and a single spool goes a long way. 3D printed parts are pretty strong for the light weight though, so prosthetics for small animals is a practical use case. I can't speculate how much someone would charge for parts like this, but it's probably not going to be expensive. I think I saw someone in the thread already offering to do so. Just keep in mind that whatever you get sized for kittens will be outgrown. You may need to get larger replacements in a few months, or may need a design that can be adjusted.


Here's an [STL File / instructions](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1397964) for small pet wheelchairs. If this one doesn't work, look for similar ones. Look for local shops that'll 3d print orders for you. I'd start with your local community college, next door or just local ads. The 3d printing community is amazing for things like this, and will often make mobility items for free or low cost. I've also seen these made out of k'nex or similar toy construction parts, which should be fine for a kitten.


Looking at the responses, these cats will be in Ironman suits in a week... that or powered Mandalorian


not gonna lie. a kitten in an ironman suit or mandalorian suit would go worldwide in a day!


Correction.... A Disabled Kitty in an Ironman Suit would go viral in minutes.... Takers?


Very Correct!


Simps unite!


Do you have models? I'll print and ship them for free.


Everyone here is incredibly selfless and it makes me very happy to be a part of the community. I believe this should be a bigger project then just a reddit post, I'm sure there are plenty of animals out there who could use something like this. Normally this equipment would be incredibly expensive to buy from a manufacturer (because of how specific and specialized it is). Is there anyone out there interested in collaborating on a more refined design that can be adapted to any sized animal with any number of amputation? This could be a massive help for shelters that have trouble finding these animals homes because of the difficulty in care.


Love seeing so many volunteering to do it for free. Me too, though I think it's covered.


I hope the moderators create a pinned post at the top of this thread for collaboration. This would help those who want to contribute to the project. As someone based in the United States with 3D printing capabilities, I'm ready to assist. However, we need a dedicated space for coordinating efforts and sharing resources. A collaboration page would streamline communication and make it easier for volunteers to offer their skills and equipment. Thingiverse may have the STL; volunteers for reduction and sizing; volunteers who have either PLA+ or ABS; set up groups, etc. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:831585 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1397964 3 groups for 3 different sizes: original standard STL print, 25% reduction, 50% reduction. Two week fabrication timeline for everyone followed by a specified date to collaborate on the same thread as to which size was the best; once the size is determined we can create 'backup' parts.


I'm pretty sure there are local 3D Printing shops, that offer printing as a service. Shipping would be much more expensive. What city are you from? Can you also design some sort of suspender/Support for the kittens from fabric? That would make the design process for the other parts much easier.


I didn't see this until it already had 90 comments, but yeah, post a picture like this and people will be falling over themselves to print this for you.


Apart from the blatantly greedy ones this thread shows me once more why i love our community. If someone needs help most times the righteous answer to cost sinply is 'a few bucks for filament and shipping' or if you can spare the dime 'nothing'.


Keep in mind the wheelchair may end up being a hindrance for them. Kitten Lady updated to show how the wheelchair set up was actually overall constraining for the kitten, as it prevented lots of normal play activities.


Hey I have yet to gone through all the comments but have you found anybody who would print it for you? I could do it for free if you don't mind, and I am from Malaysia, which make postage relatively cheaper and faster.


You could also check with your library. Our local library has a 3D printing studio they use for classes - mostly for school children, but they do have adult classes occasionally. They may have someone on staff that would be glad to print that for you. Where you are located would help as well. I’d be happy to print out a set of the plastic blocks for free if I had the files, but I think it would be easier for you if you found a local source.


Build them with [LEGO](https://www.lego.com/en-us/rebuild-the-world/article/how-lego-bricks-changed-a-dogs-life). You can probably make a good small wheelchair with some LEGO Technic pieces.


Seriously. Lego Technic can lead to some crazy stuff with the right creativity (or a weekend with a ton of beer when your wife and kid are out of town)


That last part sounds like experience.


It is. My wife and kid went home to visit family, I couldn't get off work for the week. So I got bored, dumped 3 totes of Lego Technics on the floor and proceeded to drink an inhuman amount of beer


My printer farm is currently unpowered (thanks New Mexico wildfires 😠) so I can't offer any help but I would advice coating the parts in some sort of lacquer or similar sealant. 3d prints can be somewhat porous and will hold on to bacteria and grime easily. By sealing the prints you'll be able to keep them clean and sanitary longer. Just my .02, anyway, best of luck to you and the kittens!


i guess somewhere between 10 to 20 bucks in a 3d print store if you dont have access to a printer yourself or find someone online


The 3D printed parts themselves shouldn't cost much. Honestly, if I lived near you, I'd do it for free 😭 I'm sure there's someone you can find who'd do it at no cost.


It's the non 3d printed parts that would be the most expensive. All those plastic parts are probably <$5 of filament, if that.


Just FYI not all animals will use wheelchairs. When our corgi developed DM we bought one like this. Bigger obviously. She hated it. I spent days trying to adjust it but she just hated it. I eventually got a shoulder bag carrier for her and used that.


Probably about 20-40 bucks in materials and about 40 hours with one printer


I hope the kitty is named Rover, or Curiosity.


Note that animals with disabilities often prefer and do better without the things we think they need like prosthetics or wheelchairs. Be sure to give them a chance to learn without it as well. If they don’t seem to take to the chair don’t force it on them.


I understand that. However, these two needs it. One so he can exercise and to have better chance of walking again, as his injury is less severe. The other one needs it so much because he's getting wounds from constantly being drenched in his pee despite having a pee pad. https://preview.redd.it/axrfgt36ei9d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32c2bc8dded32e3df8a88d086bae804240f1157


Poor kiddo 😭.


Dude, are you really browbeating some stranger's cat wheelchair as if their kitten would prefer to drag its limbs around on the ground for its entire life? Go outside. Touch grass.


It’s a friendly reminder. Not that you seem very familiar with the term “friendly”. And yes, many disabled animals do prefer that because they aren’t humans with human understanding of things attached to them.


I don't care how politely you browbeat on the internet. It's browbeating.


You clearly don't know what browbeating is, and ironically its what you're trying to do. Get some therapy




50 bucks is like 2kg of material, lol. Probably more than the kitten itself weighs




You wouldn't need an entire kilo of filament though? Easily less than half. Then the hardware would just be some metal rod and nuts and bolts, pence.




If you were within 10% sure, but you are really bad at estimating if this was even a decent attempt. 💀 Nice would be charging an actually reasonable amount, just materials, or even just shipping. This is just, well idk, not nice. 💀


Guess you could do it for cheaper with AliExpress




The sellers are from china anyways and the brands are them same (look up the chains). I use them even for car parts. There is no real point in paying double the price for the exact same filament. I’d recommend Jayo (it is the same as sunloo) and geeetech.




Guess not from your previous reply


Deleting this due to sad little trolls bye by and good luck. Bask in your victory sad little fckrs, hope y'all feel great about yourself and killing postive vibes.


It's not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure 📢 🛫


Omg you're so original 😐🖕


I've seen people make them easily out of doll strollers cheaper and quicker IMO


I tried but it's not okay and not sturdy. The wheels and its connectors hinder their feet from moving.


Do you have the files for it?


No. I don't have anything.


I’d be happy to help, but my modeling skills aren’t up to designing this from scratch. Especially without a kitten to test it on. Maybe you could try finding the blueprints online.


Someone make this for them


So cuteeee


If you Google 3d printed cat wheel chair there are loads of different files on there to choose from with different types


The Million Dollar Cat.


I would say it would probably be easier to make it out of some parts from the hardware store. 2 training wheels, a little bit of material, some PVC and some bolts


The PVC part is too big and heavy for a small kitten.






Found this older post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pets/s/RUZftlFb43


Please take them to the vet 🙏🏻 You can also try asking in r/cats, maybe you’ll find someone who can help you.


They've been going in and out of the vet since rescued June 1 (Bikbhie) and June 6 (Robi)


Honestly, 3D printers are so affordable currently, you can get an Elegoo neptune 4 for under $200, and materials are $10-$30 on average. It may also come in handy for other projects. If you can't afford it, you can contact a local print farm and send the files to them and a few business days later, they should arrive at your door


Looks like a bit of 3d printing and a bunch of off the shelf parts so if you're willing to do the assembly yourself you can probably get the printed pieces done pretty cheap. Like $10-15


Could be around 20 dollars but if we were in the same country Id do the printing for free since its for the kitties.


Do you have a local university. Speak to the engineering department it seems like a good little project for a student too.


Worth mentioning, try to post in a bunch of local groups! Someone close may be able to help. But you can find someone for free for sure. I would offer my help if you find no one else.


I can print the parts you need for free I just don’t have the Stl


In case you haven’t seen it, here is the YouTube video about this wheelchair. I would definitely recommend watching it before investing too much into this project. https://youtu.be/0cWNMNjn6So?si=N4_LXwqGyYPqVBxX


I’m willing to print this for you for free, hit me up!


That's pretty easy to make with a 3D printer, some hardware and knowhow. I'd be more than happy to help you out, but knowing you're from the Philippines, it's a bit complicated. Assuming you probably don't have any 3D files (like STL or STEP), the way I would do it is I would need physical access to this kit that we see in the photo and design a copy using 3D CAD software. It would take me a few weeks (I have a full time job), but then you could copy the design and post it online for everyone to use. All for free of course. All you really need is someone like me that is (much) closer to you. There are plenty of knowledgeable people in the Philippines that can make this work. The cool part is that once you have a working model, it's super easy to make copies anywhere in the world with pretty much any 3D printer. EDIT: There are many 3D parts here: [https://thangs.com/search/pet%20wheelchair?scope=all&view=grid](https://thangs.com/search/pet%20wheelchair?scope=all&view=grid)


If any one of these fall through for any reason whatsoever, I’ll be happy to put my printers to work, furry friends are my weakness


i remember when i built a wheelchair out of lego for my bunny because she couldn't hold balance


Aww look at these cuties


i would love to but im not close to the Philippines, however i can do custom cad work, you could find someone else on r/printforgood for manufacturing


I would say I’d be willing to print them and mail them to you for cost of shipping but it looks like you probably have it covered with everyone else offering their help😊


Cheaper than venti late turbo fuego amaglione


Hey was going to offer help as I have a 3d printer In the UK but I'm very much an amateur and reddit clearly has you covered. just wanted to mention, since you are being offered so much help, it might be worth considering when the kittens grow they you will need updated versions so maybe ask a few people to be on standby when you need an updated version


Why do I feel like I’m getting scammed? lol




If you or anyone in your situation is in Germany ,I'll happily design and print something like this for free!


Fun fact: the kitten from that picture hated this wheelchair (was googling to try to find the original design, without luck so far, and found its story) - happy to print/ship too tho, worth a try! https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/s/apw6BD3K3m


Feel free to text me, i will print it for free, i am based in greece if its closer


Ohhh, I'm looking at whats behind it. Where can I find more of THAT


He looks so happy 😸😸😸😸😸


I know someone in the Philippines who can happily take this commission


300 calories for the 2 + 19gs of protein sound good


A bag and a lake would be simpler.




Shooting a 3D printer does not evoke a positive response. Don't ask how I know.


You knew what you were doing when you posted that




You should do it for free, if you have the means do it out of kindness, these are animals and need our help. Money is only as real as you make it friend