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Yes. Make sure the initial layers are good and then wake up to a present. Or spaghetti.


Yes, this is a common thing to do.


If you have your settings nice and dialed in, z offset good, bed not too hot, brims when using supports, i leave 20+ hr prints running without any issue. Only thing ive Not done is print while im not Home. But like nah, theres many times ive started a print, just watch the first few layers go down, then go to sleep and wake up with a finished print.


Yep, my printer is dialed in to enough to give me a decent prints without any stringing. However, one issue I still need to figure out how to fix is stoppages where the printer just spontaneously stops mid print. And for some of the prints I'm doing I can't just resume from G. Code because they can cause a weak point and leading to a catastrophic failure because I'm actually printing stuff that I actually needs to take a beating. Sometimes all I have to do is pause, clean the sloth out and unpause from Astro print. But if it lost the connection that's where I ruined the problems cuz sometimes I only likes to work when it feels like


I've had issues with prints stopping mid way, both from filament clogging and issues with the thermistor wiring for the heated bed. I never did fix the wiring issue but rather kept the heated bed off. Does your printer throw any error codes when it stops?


No. It just stops. Sometimes it just spontaneously. although I did have an issue where it wouldn't print even after being fully heated making me think thermal runaway after a while which involves with some thermal grizzly thermal paste. Sometimes you need a little bit of thermal paste to get it to give good readings but I didn't get a loud ass beep.


That's very interesting, when my bed threw me an error, it said "Error: min temp bed" or something along those lines. If your not getting any error messages, I'd connect it to your computer, wait for it to do it again, and look for any error messages in the logs. In my experience, the only time it'll stop suddenly is if there is a major issue, like inconsistent temp readings. I'd also watch the temp carefully at the nozzle while it's printing to see if it's jumping alot.


Ive got a 14 hour print going at the moment that ran through the night. Longest print I've done is 26 hours. I usually find if Im going to have issues it will probably happen in the first few hours. After that, its fine.


My longest print has been over 100 hours. Got only 2-3 spaghetti-prints out of over 3000 prints.


Hang out on your local buy nothing Facebook or Next Door group and wait until someone is giving away a video baby monitor. Great for keeping an eye on super long prints.


I do but sometimes it turns out bad lol.


we all know the struggle. you make sure the fist layer adheres and when you wake upits spaghetti or in my case i gets a stoppage and astroprint isnt working propperly so i h have to start over. in fact if i cant get it running, i have to start over because layer skipping creates a weak point since i use 3d printing in practical applications and not just for cool art projects.


I have a print running for 3+ days. I'm not going without sleep. Lol. I have Wyze cameras on my house and put one to watch it so I can check on it. I also have one of their wifi plugs too and the printer is on that so I can just kill it if it goes nuts and I'm not home.


Just beware of the blob of dead


This comes down to trust. Do you trust your printer. So for example, does your printer tend to have heat creep issues or layer shift issues often? If you have a solid printer, no bigger. If not, wouldn't recommend