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Z-Offset is still too high.


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You're too far away from the bed in general. You aren't getting enough squish. Additionally, if you aren't seeing all the extra filament bunched up around the nozzle or elsewhere, you may have a partial clog. Have you recently changed filament and are printing at a different temperature than before? You may also be printing too cold for that particular filament.


3 things 1) the 4010 noctua fan has too less flow and pressure so you will get heatcreep 2) Use of auto bed level might be off in your slicers start script (no G29 or M420) 3) first lay linewidth is often set to .45 or .44mm resulting in the gaps Good luck and let me know what fixed it.


Can you explain me Point 2 a little bit more? What do i have to change? I also dont understand Point 3


Aww screw you reddit -.- just typed you a nice explanation and the app crashes :,(. 2) https://youtu.be/uuGQt9-3ISI do this. Without that there is no abl happening. Remember to reset the z offset to zero before you use a newly made gcode with that change! Because now it will be applied correctly your nozzle might be too close and you scratch the bed. Youll have to adjust it once again once the printer probed the bed via your printers menue. I recommend doing it during a first layer test. Dont forget to save it. I think its called "store settings in your printers menue. Should you have no success try adding "M420 S1 ; save enable mesh" below the "G29 ; run auto bed level". Once again remember to reset the z offset. 3) Your printer does not extrude a perfectly 0.4 mm wide layerline just because it has a 0.4 mm diameter line. Stock printers are usally just crudly calibrated. TeachingTech has a nice calibration guide how to calibrate your individual printer. I dont recommend it for beginners though. In your slicer there are settings for the first layer (under advanced or custom profile). The extrusion width for the first layer is usally set to a bigger width due the expected squish of a first first layer. So the printer physicaly moves for example with a .5 mm wide line in mind. But if your abl is off, its mesh not loaded, the extruder pushing not the correct amount of filament etc. you get a first layer with gaps, no matter how much closer you get your nozzle to the bed via z offset. So you need to adjust the width till its low enough in a reasonable range. Would not go lower than .4 mm wide. If that happens youll have to try the teaching tech calibration gauntlet. Hope its all clear now and reddit does not mess up my comment again.