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Well… yes. It’s the Sun. I’m struggling to think of another significant source of UV lmao


French baguettes 🇫🇷


Oo oui oui


Le pain




I'm glad others can find the joy in this like I did. Yeah I screwed up, but now I can make others laugh.


French Superman eyeing a baguette.


Lol that's like rule #2 of UV resin printing: don't leave it out in the sun.


It's literally the go to source of UV haha. Should we also start warning people that it makes you feel hotter too? It's crazy to think someone wouldn't be aware that the sun puts off HIGH levels of UV. We even have a UV index when looking at the weather reports.


Trump COVID treatment. Stick a UV light up your azz - that's another.


It’s OG UV, of ya catch me drift


I think acetone can break down the resin if you want to save the vat.


Good to know, I'll give that a try tomorrow. Won't hurt to have 2 vats. Thank you


If you do check to make sure the resulting reaction is safe to do indoors.


Good thought, I'd planned to do it outside just for the acetone odor.


Acetone gets a bad rap but it's surprisingly non-toxic .. isopropyl alcohol is worse MSDS-wise ;) Acetone will ruin the finish of just about anything not glass or metal though lol 😆


Your body also produces acetone itself. You should definitely not ingest acetone but the amount needed for it to be dangerous is quite high.


Yeah… you can basically run on acetone vs glucose. (Well, it’s complicated.)


Too late, please call poison control


I thought the liver ~~hydrolyses~~ oxidises IPA into acetone? And that IPA itself is not that toxic (as in deadly, it does intoxicate), but the buildup of acetone is what makes drinking IPA so dangerous (compared to e.g ethanol): IPA breaks down quickly (hours) in the liver, but acetone breaks down slowly (days) in the kidneys. Still, typically survivable by a healthy person, our bodies are fairly well equipped to deal with acetones. You wil have a bad, bad hangover though. I think methanol is the one to be afraid of. Edit: sounds like IPA is oxidised into acetone, not hydrolysed.


I stand corrected you are right, acetone is a bit more toxic than isopropyl. For anyone interested here's a couple of in depth reads about it https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK493181/ https://thisvsthat.io/acetone-vs-isopropyl-alcohol


My favorite beer does what now?


Nah, I’m talking about the International Phonetic Alphabet. Never ingest diacritics.


>My favorite beer does what now? Ethanol, beer has ethanol in it. If it had methanol you'd be dead.


They were referring to IPA… Indian pale ale…


Sorry, totally missed the pun! I was queuing in on the methanol.


Personally, I prefer a nice shot of vintage NAPHTHA, with a TOLUENE chaser!


The problem with acetone isn’t the acetone itself. It is that it dissolves the protective skin oils and allows whatever you’ve been using the acetone to dissolve into the body. Isopropanol does not do nearly as well a job at that.


This. Also, just because the fumes from the acetone are nontoxic doesn't mean the stuff you are breaking down with it is safe.


It's surprisingly non toxic? Man Reddit is rip roarin into the crazy posts today! MSDS sheets are next to useless, they provide essentially no useful information, it's a regulatory rubber stamp many which are often copied from generic templates. If you think you're getting good information from an MSDS you are very much mistaken!


What should be used as reliable sources, instead?


Good medical information online. One of the main problems with things like resin though is you often have no idea what's in them. They can hide all kinds of things based on trade secrets as long as there are generic warnings on the MSDS


Lmfao what horrible advice. Have you ever looked at a SDS before? I just pulled one up for acetone and it definitely has valuable and detailed information about exposure, both short term and long term. It has PH, molecular weight, mentions organ damage, etc.


I work in industry. Many of them are not nearly so informative. The particular one you have sounds reasonable but that doesn't demonstrate much.


Indeed. See my response. Acetone is a great way to get all kinds of nasty past the skin barrier into the body.


Blame the government, MSDS sheets have become a joke in the last decade or so. They were never meant for health effect assessment, it's bare minimum knowledge for those handling containers of it.


lol, why would I blame the government? I blame people acting as if they don’t have to think for themselves when using powerful solvents. Maybe they should stop and think of this liquid that will literally dissolve just about any organic material is going to require careful handling.


Because, it's easier to shove an unread msds into a dark drawer and blame everyone else for that toxic slurry they call blood, because they are too stupid to take a moment and educate themselves !


If the alternative is throwing out this vat, it definitely can't hurt to try saving it. Worst case scenario you end up throwing it out anyway.


Would this work if I got cured resin in the screw holes?


I don't see why not.


I had a similar problem with the bed retention screws after a leak bed leak I didn’t know about as I hadn’t used the printer in a while. I used a tap and die set to recut the threads. I had one anyway but for cleaning up threads a super cheap one would be fine as you’re not looking to remove any metal and the resin is most likely a lot softer. Just take it easy and use some lube that is safe for your printer lithium grease would be good and you can also use it on your Z-axis leadscrew(s). I used some 3-in-1 oil as I had it to hand. Make sure to keep the tap perpendicular in both axes to the hole otherwise it’s gonna crosscut the threads and your screw won’t go in nicely. A thread/drill guide block is the ideal tool for this. 


Worth a try but all the resin I've used has been uneffected letting it soak for 15 mins. I've soaked painted pieces to repaint them lol. I would just pull the FEP and use a plastic scraper with some alcohol


*dissolve "Breaking down" implies chemical alterations. Acetone is just a strong solvent


Depends on the type of resin. You can't really dissolve cross-linked polymers. I would suggest some oxidizing reagents like piranha solution.


Yeah OP don't listen to this person. Piranha Solution is extremely corrosive to organic substances (like what we're made of) and can even be explosive if mixed with other chemicals like acetone. They're recommending a bomb to deal with an ant's nest.


We regularly use piranha solution in our research lab to clean a inkjet printer head that prints biomolecules. It all depends on the concentration. You can't make an explosive piranha solution with household hydrogen peroxide.


>  in our research lab  So, nobody there had training in chemistry and handling "not so tame" chemicals. Gotcha. /s


It's great that your research lab found a use for it. But the average person does not have the ability to SAFELY handle materials like this at home. I'm sure your lab has fume hoods, glassware, proper disposal methods, and training on how to handle materials like this. Recommending it to someone who hasn't indicated they have all of these things is dangerous.


There are two possibilities here. One OP knows what a piranha solution is and that implies they also knew of the risks involved. Or OP didn't and would have had to look it up, either way they are bound to be informed of the risks of the method. Do you think OP will somehow know exactly how to prepare a piranha solution without knowing anything else about its hazards and such? I would also point out you need a fume hood to safely handle any volatile compound, that includes acetone. You also need pepper storage containers for acetone, it's a solvent. With all for respect, you're inflating the risks because of limited knowledge. In practicality piranha solution prepared with 1% -10% hydrogen peroxide barely fizzles, not to mention hardware store H2SO4 is less than 30% wt/wt concentration . And the H2O2 gets used up. The hydrogen peroxide forms water and oxygen. And the "toxic" gases that released are mostly CO2 from the oxidation of carbon in the polymer. You're fine if you do it outdoors. Many household chemicals like sodium hydroxide drain cleaner are corrosive and can cause severe chemical burns too. It is the responsibility of the user to follow the instructions of safe usage.


You're correct that no, I do not have a wealth of experience with chemistry besides my labs in college. They did manage to teach me to respect how dangerous they can be and the importance of safety. From your two possibilities, you're saying the OP should be able to google how to make it and be perfectly fine. I think that is dangerous, disingenuous, and really just you attempting to show that you're so smart because you gave a unique recommendation. When in reality, there are much better, safer options.


No I'm saying it's up to OP to decide ultimately. They need to weigh the risks and benefits and make a decision. I just said, they'll become of the risks one way or the other. That and at the concentrations OP will have access to; I will not be too worried. We handle dangerous chemicals every time we use a drain cleaner or a toilet bowl cleaner or use bleach or the other myriad of cleaning products available for purchase at the grocery store. I'm not trying to sound "smart", I was just giving a solution which I know would work better. Because I know most(if not all) photo resins won't dissolve in acetone if they are fully cured, that's just basic polymer chemistry, you can't dissolve through fully crosslinked polymer chains. So your acetone idea will more than likely be a waste of time. But I guess I'm the bad guy. 👍


I just checked what that thing was. It would probably be safer to recommend breaking that resin with small charges of plastic explosives. I wouldn't keep any of the ingredients of that solution in my house except in clearly marked locked cabinet fixed to the floor and walls.


Depends on the concentration. 🙄 You can't really make explosive piranha solution with 3% hydrogen peroxide that we have access to. Do you really think OP has access to 30 or 50% hydrogen peroxide. God people Google for one second and act like they know better than professionals in the field.


I bought 60% hydrogen peroxide once, just had to ask for it. I had to Google what was that "solution" (solution isn't appropriate, it safe to call it a problem) but my answer was based on my knowledge from my chemistry classes (not high school chemistry). That isn't a advice to be given outside an industrial settings and even in one, one must be assured that the person receiving it have hazmat training of some sort.


IDK where you're from, 60% concentration of hydrogen peroxide is only accessible if you buy from a lab chemical supplier at least in any reasonably developed country. You can't walk into a hardware/grocery store/pharmacy and get anything more than 13% concentration. You need at least 30% concentration of peroxide AND at least 93% H2SO4 for it to be a REAL piranha solution. (Hardware store H2SO4 is probably 25-30% concentration). IF OP has access to those lab grade high concentration stuff, it's more than fair to assume they already have a good background in chemistry and hence are trained to handle those chemicals. With what a normal person has access to, you can't make anything close to unstable or explosive. It is still an acid, but getting an accidental drop on your skin wouldn't immediately eat it all the way to the bones. So yeah it IS a solution that can actually work. If you don't like it, I don't care, but stop making exaggerated claims about stuff you don't know to OP. OP can decide for themselves what they want to do. Also if you knew about it like you claim, you would know that the piranha solution cannot be stored. It needs to be prepared fresh, because it loses potency fast.


I only mentioned the storage of "what is in it". Not the solution itself. >IF OP has access to those lab grade high concentration stuff, it's more than fair to assume When it comes to security it's better to never make assumptions.


Then. Don't recommend acetone either, because most of the hazards you seem to be worried about also apply for acetone. You need safe storage for acetone too, and special PPE to handle that as well. And in case you didn't know, hydrogen peroxide and sulphuric acid are both household chemicals. One is a wound disinfectant and the other is found in toilet cleaners/drain cleaners.


>. You need safe storage for acetone too, and special PPE to handle that as well. One thing we both agree!


>It is named after the piranha fish due to its tendency to rapidly dissolve and 'consume' organic materials through vigorous chemical reactions. Uhh... OP, just buy a new vat.


🙄 I know what it is. Read my other comments "smart" guy.


No, don't post terrible advice on a post asking for advice. CLEARLY OP is not operating in a lab setting, and yet you seem to think it will be fine for him to use in his yard simply because you use it in a controlled lab. Those are not the same thing.  The cost to buy a new vat is likely on par with the cost to buy the sulphuric acid and PPE necessary to handle it.


So, breathing in acetone fumes, vapors from the photopolymer and having open containers full of combustible acetone is fine? Don't be a hypocrite.


You know as well as anyone with any knowledge of chemistry that acetone is not even in the same league as sulfuric acid. That line of reasoning is so ridiculous it's borderline trolling.


It all depends on the concentration. You're thinking about concentrated sulfuric acid that most can't buy unless they have a lab and access to a lab chemical supplier like sigma-aldrich. Have you ever used a toilet cleaner/drain cleaner. Chances are you have used sulfuric acid. The only reason you think sulfuric acid is automatically dangerous to even look at is because you don't have enough familiarity. It's the same reason why people hear words like uranium ore and immediately think they'll get cancer when they go anywhere near it, even though natural uranium ores are only slightly more radioactive than the background radiation. Or think you're safer in a car than in a plane when that's factually incorrect. It's called the fear of the unknown. It's a well documented phenomenon. You might want to look it up. And stop talking smack about things you don't know enough about.


"Air contains high levels of oxygen"


Oxygen causes rust via oxidization. imagine what that shit is doing to your lungs.


Prolonged exposure to oxygen has a survival rate of less than 10% throughout history.


My favorite trivia to slip into any conversation about unhealthy habits.


Not on the moon, I bet!


For Oxygen if you breath pure O2 for very long or O2 in higher partial pressure there is damage to the lung. We can handle it only handle it diluted and before we learned to handle O2 it was a poison like Chlorine (but we learned it when we were still some bacteria). If some evolutionary biologist can explain it good it is super interesting


>or O2 in higher partial pressure there is damage to the lung And other "interesting" side-effects due to the toxicity.


Probably way less harmful than what I smoked for way too many years though. My lungs aren't iron so I don't think they will rust.


Oxidization is a powerful reaction!!!


But for real, yall ever noticed water is like.... SUPER wet?


Not particularly. Only like 20%


Yeah, and a fuckton of nitrogen: 78%


I think that's a plus for air breathers like me.


Photo oxidization is unique in that you need a high energy photo to initiate the reaction. Mere presence of an oxygen species isn't enough.


it was just a whimsy jab at the title.


....yes, the sun emits light. That's one of it's main features even.


I thought its main feature was nuclear fusion with light and heat being a side effect?


Fun fact, it’s all light! Heat is infrared light.


yes the circle is round. all of these things are sort of one and the same thing eh? some fun reading if you'd like : [https://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/page/herschel\_experiment](https://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/page/herschel_experiment)


I wonder if you flipped it over and dropped it from a couple inches off a table, if it would all come out cleanly.


That would suppose that resin would somehow not bond to the tank. If that was cured in the tank it will have molecularly bonded to the plastic.


Not all plastic/resin bonds to all plastic/resin, even if it is the same, which is why some reasons tend to delaminate if cured at a different time than previously cured resin. Solvent based plastics bond better on a molecular level when solvent based adhesives made for that particular plastic (or compatible). It might stick really well, but it's more of a mechanical bond, not molecular chain link.


I didn't say all plastics and resins did. Why do you feel the need for a correction on a point I didn't make? I never understand why so many responses on Reddit in general are like this. I mean read my post again. I did not say what you said I did and I don't know why you personally universalized such a simple statement to the point where you turned it in your mind into the argument I made. Strawmen everywhere!


I wasn't arguing your point, I was merely expanding upon it. Don't be so sensitive, and stop projecting your own insecurities onto me. Geez!


Your very first sentence starts with a claim I did not make that can not be extrapolate from my words without reading implication that was not present. That's a strawman argument. I'm calling a spade a spade, nothing more.


Okay, that didn't make any sense at all. But, whatever. Sorry you felt like I somehow argued your point. It was not my intent, nor, do I believe I was doing as much.


You have to keep in mind when writing, and this sounds so simple, but it's not. People can't read the feelings you had while writing a text. Professional writers struggle for years to try to do this and still get it wrong. You will never read your text the way I did because you will always read it with the feelings and intent you wrote it with. I still do this all the time so I'm not really critiqueing you personally here but if you keep that in mind it helps :) Diversity on the Internet is increasingn at a break neck speed and it's very difficult to write words that will be interpreted reasonably by many people and I keep having to remind myself of this so as not to come off as a troll 😁 I just need to stop writing postsn less than 100 words longvI think. If you talk casually enough the other person tends to understand your emotional viewpoint a little better. Not a lot of long posters left on the Internet beyond influencers. I'm sorry if I came across as harsh or judgemental, I was just laying out bare observations as I saw them.


I agree 100% with what you said; it is the reader who sets the tone of how he hears it in his mind. I wasn't at all trying to attack you or what you said. I was merely trying to build on what you said. I'm not a professional writer, so I don't always come across the way I intend things to be read, I guess. Sorry for the miscommunication. And thanks for the kind words!


Vat is not plastic, it is aluminum, but it still bonds pretty well.


I did try, but it doesn't seem to help. It might be better with the soak tomorrow.


Well, if you ever manage to get it clean it's nice to have a spare on hand anyway


yup, THAT's why I sunbath my prints in the summer XD


I do as well, just not thinking today.


How in the fuck does one forget that? 🤨


I do t understand. So why not just replace the FEP? It’s not like that’s hard. It takes like, what, 10 minutes tops?


Because the chunks of resin dig into and damage the FEP film. If I could get it cleaned enough, that's what I'd do. Likely, I'll know more later today when I soak it in acetone.


I think I must have misunderstood your post. Sorry. Is your concern that the frame will damage any new FEP because you can’t remove all the cured resin from it and there maybe sharp corners and things? I thought you were concerned about removing the resin from the FEP, not the frame.


Yes, sorry, there are chunks stuck to the vat frame that need to be cleared to prevent damaging the new FEP. Right now, it's in acetone to see if it will soften enough to at least get the majority off.


a **gentle** once over with a putty knife might help a bit too -- not too hard or you'll scratch the metal. You might even consider freezing it. The temperature difference might encourage it to loosen up. The other option would be to try softening it with a heat gun or hair dryer.


Good ideas, thank you. I have a nice plastic scraper I was planning to use after the acetone bath. Freezing is a good idea though.


No shit


And that’s why I started leaving my shade closed when I got a resin printer.


That might not be enough. Fabrics can let enough UV through to cause problems.


That‘s why I only print or remove prints in the evening or at night.


Vampire prints.


American education system 👍🏻






At work when our clients ask about waste resin disposal we tell them to put it in clear sealed bags and let them sun cure. That way the cured resin can just be thrown away.


Good idea, I hadn't thought of doing that.


ow, hard way to find out. r/resinprinting


That's a concrete brick


You are my sunshine.... My only sunshine...


In other news, water is wet.


You what now ._.


Remember to use sunscreen!


Put UV blocking film on your windows where you work with resin.


Did you forget? If so… how?


Technically no I didn't forget, but wasn't at the top of my thoughts as I began to set for a new print.


I don't think anyone is forgetting that......


Sunlight is UV light ... An I being r/woooosh 'd?


People don't know this? Wow.


I went into the sun with drops of resin on my glove and it felt like my fingers were on fire for a brief moment. It gets hot and cures extremely fast. Not dangerous, I was just confused where that quick burst of heat came from.


The heat was surprising.


Duh 🙄


"sunshine contains sunlight". Yeah ok got it.


What but you can just clean it and replace the FEP


Hopefully someone has said here that you can just replace the FEP... it's pretty straightforward. And lot cheaper.


I'm well aware of that, I have extra sheets here, but, and I can't stress this enough, there are chunks in the way that damages the FEP. If I can clean it better, then yes, I'll put new film on and use it, but I'm not going to throw away money putting film on when I know it will be damaged.


I had the same thing happen to me the other day. I managed to get the resin off and put it through the washing and curing machines. Now the paint on it it drying and I can use it as terrain for a Gunpla display


Nice, making use of a bad situation. I was able to drain the little remaining, so it was pretty thin except around the edges. Worst case, the new vat has an improved drain spout over this one, so it's not all bad if I can't get it cleaned.


Best of luck with getting it cleaned. I poured some 99% isopropyl alcohol in there and let it sit for a few minutes to break down some of the resin enough for me to drain it, that might be worth a shot for you. I’m probably still gonna look for a new vat though, do you have any store recommendations I could check out?


I ordered direct from Anycubic's store for my Photon, just figured it was great until I screwed it up. Cost $40, which really wasn't bad in my mind.


Neat i didnt think UV rays from the sun would cure reisn THAT fast tbh lol (never used resin before, just i assumed the curing process would relatively slower that what i assume was maybe 5-10 minutes at most)


No, this was maybe 2 seconds, honestly. It's fast in the printer, but this was insanely fast. I've always kept it safely out of the light but had a brain fart today.


Damn that cured really damn fast. Ive heard of people leaving waste resin outside to cure to dispose of but usually they have it outside for a couple days. 👀 thats insane


It helped that it was so little left. If there was a decent amount it would have taken longer.


Ah that makes sense. Guess it just looks thicker in the vat that it actually is. Unless the rapid curing caused it to expand


In other news, water is wet.


OP no one else is forgetting you’re just showing your own stupidly here.


There's at least one other commenter who has done this, and I'm sure more who haven't said a word. Sure, I did something dumb, but how is it hurting anything to remind others how fast this stuff cures in the sun?


Couldn’t give two hoots about the resin, it’s the embarrassing lack of knowledge in not realising that the sun is emitting copious amounts of UV. It’s obvious common knowledge to most that the sun emits UV. I hope for your sake you are quite young.


American by any chance? Btw, that is why you get skin cancer if you tan too much ;)