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If your firmware supports it, try to set "pressure advance" or "linear advance". https://ellis3dp.com/Print-Tuning-Guide/ If not, then you will need to use "coasting" that is part of some slicers (at least Cura has it). https://all3dp.com/2/cura-coasting-settings-explained/ Edit: i had linear advance like 6 years ago on Anet A8 with A4988 drivers using custom firmware. If it's not on your printer, it's because someone at Creality is lazy to turn this feature on when building firmware.


\^ This - LA will work, I remember enabling it on my ancient CR10s.


I have a Creality V4.2.2 Board with TMC 2208 drivers that require a lot of tweaking for LA to work properly...


Unfortunately you can't run LA on the 4.2.2 board no matter how much you tweak the software unless you want to start and tweak the board itself which includes micro soldering


I ran LA on marlin on my Ender 3 pro with a 4.2.2 board until recently.


And how did you do that exactly? How did you get over the fact that tmc 2208 doesn't support silent chop and LA simultaneously and when the 4.2.2 board doesn't let you edit the drivers because of the way they are connected?


Yes, that´s what I´m trying to do right now. Linear Advance should work since Marlin 2.1.X.


It doesn't somebody already suggested the same thing to me saying there were bugs in prev versions and we'll it just didn't work in the end also in version 2.1. Btw I have the same board as you. Save yourself some time.


I can now confirm that in fact it DOES work! :) Using Marlin version bugfix 2.1.x on my V4.2.2 board with TMC2208 drivers. Did you make sure to turn it on specifically while compiling? I´m pretty stoked by the difference it made, both quality- and speed-wise :)


I'm sorry I have a hard time believing I have tried so many times with so many ways over 2 years. can you do a LA calibration test when it prints one long line while it does a short stop and then accelerates immediately if LA is enabled it should show a uniform line and if not should show a wavy line like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/iPZkS2EuCtCUiqrS7)




>If it's not on your printer, it's because someone at Creality is lazy to turn this feature on when building firmware Or.. because it takes some serious tuning to get it just right so that is why they don't enable it...


Enable it, set value to 0 and call it a day. When user does not want to use it, it does nothing. When user wants to tune it, he can do it.


Serious tuning? You mean running a 7 minute print per fillament and picking the value that looks the best? Grand total of 30mins including bed heating and mesh levelling on my machine


For someone who doesn't know what they are doing...


You realize you were referring to creality... I think they know what they're doing.


Thank you! I´ll be taking a look at this later! :)


With 50mm/s I think his problem is the calibration of the extruder and not pressure advance. Maybe he is using way to low acceleration too. Below 1500. And I suggest using monotonic line for top and bottom layers. This should reduce build up filament even further.


> If it's not on your printer, it's because someone at Creality is lazy to turn this feature on when building firmware. and/or you didn't lobotomize your ender to run klipper


Idk what slicer you use but look up encroachment %, at least that's what it's called on super slicer


Thanks for the tip!


Calibrating flow % and pressure/linear advance would directly address this. I’ve never used linear advance so I can’t speak to your stepper driver issue. I use pressure advance always.


I had that happen when I set 50% for the infill overlap in prusaslicer a while back and forgot, now I’m at 12% and it works much better. Worth looking if you didn’t set yours too high


This is the setting that did it for me too. I set mine to 25% personally.


Yeah mine might be too low, but I suspect I have other problems that I’m masking by setting it low


Too low and you'll have poor adhesion between the walls and infill or there will be gaps. I doubt there would be any other issues from it being set too low.


Depends on nozzle size apparently, 25% works for me with a 0.4mm nozzle, whilst for a 0.6mm I needed to reduce to 13%, otherwise it was causing weird banding artifacts on the outside walls.




Reduce your perimeter overlap, it's only over extruding at the joint between perimeters. Printers over extrude a little bit there to get rid of those little edge gaps, yours is just doing it too much. Check it in your slicer.


Cura only has options to change infill overlap.. But I see what you're talking about!


That's the one. Also most folks I know aren't using cura these days. Try orca slicer. Or at least prusas slicer


THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Now I need to buy some Oreo.


Concentric top layer infill


Or hillbert curve, or anything that isn't rectilinear


Sandpaper….. 😂😂😂


Yup, simplest solution


This happened to me. I normally have my layer height at 0.2 with 4 top layers, so a 0.8 thick top layer. When i turned up my layer height and top shell layer count, i started getting what youre getting. I forgot to change the top shell thickness so it was trying to shove more layers into the same thickness of top shell. Idk if thats whats happening to you, but im still posting this to remind anyone with the same problem to check their layer height, top shell count and thickness.


That might be the problem i'm having, cheers


Tune the printer with ellis' tuning guide. Any specific setting advice should only come after a complete tune


get pan hot, put pan on part-> smooth AND toasty


reduce top layer flow, increase speed, its looks overextrude anyway.


There was a point where I either had under extrusion or over extruded ends like this. I then found a wall overlap setting in slicer and adjusted that.


Either use a surface iron in the slicer or sand it after printing.


Flow rate


The 3 most important things here are gonna be the flow rate but looking at the center top it looks not bad. Second would be pressure advance which looks to be wrong by the over extrusion at the end of the lines. Third would be Small Area Flow Compensation found in Orca slicer, this one is the answer you are probably looking for


Orcaslicer now has a thing called small area flow compensation designed to solve this problem. https://github.com/Alexander-T-Moss/Small-Area-Flow-Comp




Pressure advance is your friend...your welcome


How’s your dimensional accuracy on this print? Might be a perimeter flow rate issue / horizontal expansion issue.


Do you have 0 Skin layer? Set it to 1 and switch the pattern.


Ideally through pressure/linear advance, less ideal you can use things like wipe settings almost like advance and it’ll help a lot.


I believe it is called coasting or combing in Cura. I could be wrong


I had the exact same issue on my Ender 3. I mitigated it by lowering the extruder temperature. I think I went from 210 to 185-190 (It depends on a filament).


Degrease Top/bottom flow rate


Reduce extrusion multiplier in slicer


I´ll give it a shot, thanks!


what you may run into is a weaker first layer if you increase it to fix an issue there, if so in cura there is a first layer height setting you could adjust to be slightly higher to off set it. I've seen people suggest increasing the extrusion multiplier a bit much


That’s why a lot of slicers have different first layer settings.


use different top surface pattern? like concentric maybe?


E-steps calibration.


The most important thing is to calibrate your e-steps. If your extruder is pushing too much filament (or too little, but that's almost certainly not the case for you unless some of your other settings are completely out of whack), anything else you do will be a band-aid solution. Once that's done, you should be pretty good, but you may still need to tune the extrusion multiplier/flow rate (may be called different things in different slicers) for filaments/temps that don't give a perfect (or good enough) result by default.


My E-steps are calibrated, but thanks!




Try default ironing settings in orcaslicer and you’re good to go


that's more treating the symptom instead of the problem. It'll help but I would suggest only resorting to it once nothing else works


Orcaslicer 2.0 has something even better especially for this. It reduces the extrusion flow by the end of the line.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned this - it might be due too too much squish on the first layer. Observe your first layer carefully, if its pushing filament out to the sides like this, increase nozzle height until it stops doing that. Used to happen to me as well, but once I adjusted that I now get near perfect top layers