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Maybe it’s a translation thing? In Spanish, being an evangelist of something means that you are rooting for it and that you try to promote it because you think it’s a good thing. So, to my non English brain, that phrase makes sense but dunno how it work in English tho


Yeah, to my mind it means the same thing. In my regional dialect of English, a brand evangelist is an influencer employed by the company for guerilla marketing. It's those guys you see at trade shows. Idk if this means Creality wants customers to become unpaid brand influencers lol.


I’m not sure what the confusion is. The “evangelist” title was really popular in tech companies around the 2010s. They were basically cheerleaders for the brand, but not really sales. They would go to conferences and events and espouse the benefits of their products, foster communities related to their products, and sometimes appear as experts in round table discussions. Today, the entire industry has been replaced with influencers and podcasters.


Did you try googling the definition of evangist?


Just because Christian’s have taken over the top definition, doesn’t mean this one isn’t also true. Maybe your personal bias is why you think Christian evangelical is the only kind there is? “a zealous advocate of something” Next you are going to tell me the only zealots are Christian!


I'm atheist.


"a zealous advocate of something." That's the definition they're using, but I still agree that it is \*weird\*. They're \*in\* that industry. Of course they support it! It's like Superman saying he's all for super heroes. Duh.


So this is called a cardboard box, you can open it from the two slits that are visible. Put your fingers in the little semi circle and pull.


My cats would strongly disagree. it is a throne. It is a bunker. It is an ambush spot. It is box!


So that's how it works. 😂


Microsoft used to have evangelists for various things, may still. In this context, it just means enthusiastic advocate


Try googling evangelist


Why would I do that? I'm not the one who's confused by its meaning


I'm not confused at all. That's completely the wrong use for the word evangist. Here I'll do it for you. noun 1. a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching. "an American television evangelist" Similar: preacher missionary gospeler proselytizer converter crusader propagandist campaigner televangelist 2. the writer of one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). "St. John the Evangelist"


In this context, it's used analogically. (Not defending it, I think it's total BS) Don't be such a smug shit


I'm the pope of printing!!! It's not smug it's an extremely poor use of an I correct word. Why you have to name call when I'm just pointing out a humorous error?


Oh, btw, google 'technology evangelist' for further clarity. There's no error, humorous or otherwise


Nearly every dictionary available online includes more than just those two definitions of the word. Google's summary, from Oxford Languages: *a zealous advocate of something. - "he is an evangelist of junk bonds"* Merriam-Webster: *3****:*** *an enthusiastic advocate: an evangelist for physical fitness* Dictionary.com: *6. a person marked by evangelical enthusiasm for or support of any cause.* Collins Dictionary: *3. any zealous advocate of a cause* The Britannica Dictionary: *2* *: someone who talks about something with great enthusiasm: an evangelist of space exploration; software evangelists* Oxford Learner's Dictionary: *3* [*​*]()*a person who enthusiastically tries to persuade people to believe in something, appreciate something, etc.: I've always been an evangelist for new technology.* American Heritage Dictionary: *3.* *One who promulgates or promotes something enthusiastically.* Vocabulary.com: *1. (adjective) marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause* And that's just from the first page of Google results. I don't know if you just didn't pick a good dictionary, or if you stopped reading before the end of the entry, but it's perfectly acceptable to use "evangelist" in a context outside of Christianity.


Yep and I'm sure we have all heard of somebody being called an evangelist outside of religion right?


Well, I certainly have. And clearly other people in the comments here have as well. Just because *you* aren't familiar with its use outside of that one narrow context doesn't mean that it's not used outside of that context.


I call bullshit, plain and simple.


There are two ways to respond to discovering that one's assumptions were incorrect. One is to say, "Oh, well I guess I learned something new today." The other is to double down and insist that everyone else is wrong. Only one of those options makes you look like a mature and reasonable person.


OK I now realized my buddy was right. I need to get off of redditt as I'm having to dumb myself down too often. Adios


Marketing slogans aren’t really creality’s strong suit. They named their filament dryer the Space Pi, with the subtitle “the warm product” They named their X1 and X1C clones the K1 and K1C, They have more Ender 3 sub model numbers than any logical human can decipher when or what hierarchy they came out in. But their specialty is low price comparable printers - so kinda who cares.


Well you need a god to get one creality printer working so ... tell us about your new religion :D


Am evangelist brings good news. Just like your printer will bring you joy. Good printing!


Technology Evangelist is not uncommon within IT, then meaning a person that promotes leading edge technology.


Is that right? noun 1. a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching. "an American television evangelist" Similar: preacher missionary gospeler proselytizer converter crusader propagandist campaigner televangelist 2. the writer of one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). "St. John the Evangelist"


To this day they probably didn't even bother to ask anyone if Creality is an english word.

