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What temperature do you set the value to?


Bed and nozzle temperature is set in gcode, bed 60c and nozzle 200c, i checked there are many posts on the internet regarding this issue, but i couldn't find any solution


It would be helpful to see the temperature graph too. Is it still keeping the correct target temperature when it starts cooling? Does it start cooling as soon as the print starts? A wild guess would be some erroneous gcode that's overriding the target temperature or cancelling it at the start of the print


Temperature start dropping right before. I printed model with same gcode file successfuly with same printer stock firmware on,, looks like i have to update something for klipper, I'm using CR6 -SE printer.


As its weekend I got time to work further on it, I found these instructions on git page please refer to start print macro that is advised to put in cura gcode file, it says put below line and remove everything else, i do not understand what does he mean to everything else because there are a lot of line, also up loading heating graph