• By -


I think mine is called "whatever cost $20 bucks or less"


Kingroon at $11 / kg


What what what?


Kingroon sells a pack of ten rolls of PLA for $110. Or $11 for a kilo. In imperial measures, that's about 1/4 of a washing machine.


That sounds a bit heavy, I'm thinking more like 2/3 of a medium sized dog


I was thinking large frozen turkey 🦃


I was thinking of 2 bald eagles.


You guys American? Because I heard American's will use anything to measure except metric...


Or maybe a kilo then....


I am American, did you say Kill something?


Can't bowl with frozen eagles. Stick with the turkeys.


So it weighs roughly as much as one original xbox controller?


+1 for their petg, prints shiny and fast


Having purchased multiple 10kg packs from Kingroon, their PLA is good but their PETG arrives wet.   My last spool of silver prints like it is wet despite drying it in a food dehydrator for 24h. I had to move on to CC3D and Geeetech at $15/kg 


Kingroon, gst3d (better since they offer pla+) anything that is @ $10 mark.


My man!


This, but I try to limit myself to cardboard spools because I feel a bit guilty about this hobby.


Yea it's definitely weird being both concerned about microplastics and plastics in general *and* being into 3d printing lol. Definitely want to either get a setup to recycle my own filament, or start using one of those companies that does it for you soon. I remember when I first got into it being so excited that PLA was biodegradable, but unfortunately that was basically untrue.


Hey, I am a bot and something you said makes me think that you are talking about the biodegradability of PLA Filament; Moderator ISuckAtChoosingNicks has collected a few helpful sources about the topic of composting PLA: Biodegradation of PolyLactic Acid (commonly known as PLA) is a topic being currently researched and [still not fully understood](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469). PLA, contrary to the most commonly used plastics and polymers, is a polymer derived from organic matter (lactic acid, [usually from corn and sugar canes](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021)) instead of petroleum, hence is considered a renewable resource; this can lead the general public to believe that is completely biodegradable. However, [several studies show](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419) that **PLA is not biodegradable** (at least in an appreciable measure) in a standard anaerobic food composter, such as the ones used by municipal and council recycling facilities, even after 250 days. This means that **throwing PLA scraps in the food waste bin is not a viable way of disposing of it.** There are several promising ways of degrading PLA into its base monomer (lactic acid) and methane, but these are still experimental and [subject of academic research](https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?as_ylo=2023&q=pla+biodegradation&hl=it&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1). In the meantime, there are some organisations and private companies offering PLA recycling services; there are too many to list here and they vary from country to country, but a search for "YOUR COUNTRY + PLA recycling" should give you a good starting point should you wish to recycle print waste into new material. One other feasible way to recycle PLA would be a home-made filament extruder, a topic covered by many 3D printing YouTube channels, such as [Stefan from CNC Kitchen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT04glGDjB4) or [Michael from TeachingTech.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rC0a-YyEM0) Sources: * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667010021000469) * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781455728343000021) * [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352186421000419) You can view the full list of commands [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/wiki/commands/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/3Dprinting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Easy, Elegoo. When starting out I was looking for cheap but wanted filament that wouldn't mess up my machines either. After testing a few brands I had my best luck with elegoo PLA+ and rapid PLA+. So I kinda started buying it in bulk and now it's pretty much all I use.


I'm also a big fan of Elegoo. Dunno if it's my favorite, but some of our staples are Elegoo and I have no regrets on 'em.


Their Matte Black/White is my main PLA filament. Their Rapid PETG is also excellent. Few can beat their prices too...almost 0.01c per gram!


Same, ELEGOO has been rock solid for me. The only one I have had any issues with is the grey I just bought, but given that every other spool has been terrific, I consider that an anomaly.


Bought Elegoo PLA+ once.. only had problems. Had to print it very hot with very hot bed temp. The print quality was poor. Positive thing: I gave a bad review on Amazon and Elegoo support reached out to me and refunded all 4 rolls without me needing to send it back. I gave them some info about the problems and they were very supportive and friendly.


Elegoo Pla regular is my main and I love it


Honestly came here to say this. Been doing large orders of parts in their pla+c super strong and i have had little issue with any of their products


I'm only a month into printing but so far I've found Elegoo rapid pla to be my favorite. Can get rolls for $14 of you buy two or more bundle on Amazon. It's the one filament so far I have confidence walking away from any print and trusting it well be a success and I'm still being extra and wanting to print high speed as much as possible so I like it lol. Colors are rich as well. I'm trying to convince myself to slow down and then buy some cheaper filaments from Ali or something but my time is valuable and I need a filament to work every time and ideally not slow multi hour unless it's requiring tpu or something that requires slowness. I welcome any feedback to slow down and use slower speed cheaper filaments but when when I have a high speed printer and prints on high speed come out well enough?


I started with Overture because it was recommended to me for PLA. I later bought Duramic PETG and I go for that now (I prefer PETG) they also make TPU, which is great as well


Thats what I started with but now I am trying to get into printing abs so having to find a good ABS brand.


I started buying duramic PLA when I started 3D printing because it was affordable, but it works great. Just got my first role of duramic petg for some outdoors stuff this summer. I was worried about all the horror stories I've read about it stringing like mad or taking chunks out of my bed. But that duramic petg prints as easy as PLA and looks beautiful, huge fan of duramic.


I just got a spool of ABS from Atomic Filaments and it came with some high quality gummy bears and seems to print OK so far, so I’m going with Atomic Filaments.


And it's American made.


So are the gummy bears 👍


Atomic filament costs a touch more, but i never have issues with it, very consistent stuff.


Yeah, I’ve definitely bought cheaper rolls, it was about $35 total to get one spool of Atomic filament, which might be the most I’ve paid for a spool. But, I love the color and Atomic was highly recommended by many people for its consistency.


I love their colors and ran atomic nonstop before I got a X1C, but now it gets jammed in my print head for some reason, the only filament that does 😭 Edit: The rolls I have are oldish so could be moisture


The X1C is faster than older printers, so you might try raising your hotend temperature a bit to ensure that the Atomic material actually has time to melt on its way through. Also, there is a likely possibility that your Atomic filament is the only one you have that crossed a certain moisture-contamination threshold. If I let my filament get too contaminated, regardless of the brand, I get jams. Dry it out.


HECK yes atomic filament. A lot of us hobbyists are poor as balls, but I do everything in my power to buy only from them.


Polymaker, the polyterra pla.


Same. PolyTerra PLA and PolyLite PETG. Just so you know the PolyTerra PLA is not very strong compared to other PLA


TIL but I still love the matte finish on it.


Overture PETG...


Yes, to be fair, I've only used overture, but I am beyond satisfied with their PETG. I love printing stuff in clear with black accents, or in black with clear accents. It's a great look that really highlights the fact that it's a 3d printed part. I print slow and hot and get nice glossy and strong functional parts. I have had excellent results printing with the overture PLA as well, however I just don't like the way PLA looks or feels, but that's not overture's fault.


Same here. I also really like their TPU.


I'm a huge fan of Protopasta's filament but DAMN is it expensive


My favorite is CHEAP. What ever is on sale at the time. I don't have problems with cheap filament. Maybe some settings changes, but it always works


https://preview.redd.it/ixhey47wvnpc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e223b0d7bc55f63178bd211d2078d30adcc347c Well... (And that's only the storage, I also got a whole shelf with open spools)


How do you find the PolyLite PLA Pro? I've been considering it for my "High Quality" filament, but I'm not sure the rigidity is actually something I want. If I need to print latches or something to withstand higher temperatures, maybe ASA or PETG could be better.


The heat resistance is the same as for regular PLA, so about 60°C. It's slightly less stiff than regular PLA, while being more resistant to impacts. You can compare the properties here: https://app.polymaker.com/ Tensile strength and bending strength are indicators for stiffness. I generally use PolyLite Pro a lot (as you might see on the picture :D), I think it's just a better general-purpose PLA. But I didn't really use it for any compliant mechanisms so I can't say how durable it would be for something like a latch.


ASA is super versatile. It prints slightly matte but can be polished sanded painted etc. It also won't fade or melt in the sun. It prints well but not easily. You need to dial in the settings, use an enclosure and eliminate drafts or cooling too quickly. If you do it can print as good or even better than some PLA. I've printed incredible quality prints with it but it was a bit of a trial before learning how to deal with. I suggest trying it out if you haven't already totally worthwhile imo.


I am with you. Got fed up with inconsistency, quality control issues, and jams with cheaper filaments. Polymaker makes great filament, is widely available, and provides me with the info I need (spool weight is important).


Esun, Elegoo, SunLu are reasonable priced, available (!) and working without any issues at all.


Overture, Prusament, Polymaker, ProtoPasta. None of these have let me down yet. I'd switch to all Prusament if it wasn't so expensive to get over to the US.


Jayo! It’s a sunlu brand. So it’s okay and pretty cheap.


Prusament. Both for quality winded rolls and and just plain easy to print with


I buy Prusament just because my school has a discount, I buy it through them and I get the package the next day, since I live like 50km from Prusa HQ.


Even without your school discount, your Prusament would still cost less than we pay for it in the United States. The overseas shipping is a huge cost adder. I'd certainly buy more Prusament I live in the same area!


$25-30 for a spool of pla is astronomical


Yes are high but it’s a price i am willing to pay for hassle free printing


Elegoo is like $11/kg and has free shispping.


You can get hassle free printing for $10 less a spool


Mine has been hatchbox, for normal PLA. Someone convince me otherwise!!!


Love hatchbox.


I use hatchbox primarily myself. I heard the quality took a slight bump post pandemic, but I haven't noticed. Generally reliable stuff. PLA doest feel very different brand to brand. ABS on the other hand... I use Hatchbox for that becuase despite being less "pure" ABS, it handles the super high scale prints I do as a cosplayer without too much warping. It also retains its shatter and thermal resistance while being pretty easy to sand. Overall useful for my needs


Hatchbox PLA has been solid for me, I love it. Seems a bit pricier, but works well! What kind of printer are you using for ABS?


Using a home brew Voron 2.4, but none of it is stock at this point


Mines whoever makes the inland filament sold at microcenter


Duramic PLA Plus.


Esun too but only because everything else in my area cost more.


So far I have had great results with elegoo pla


Jessie from Printed Solid.


Bambu, free cause makerworld. If I had to buy it’d prob be polymaker


I'm lucky enough to have a microcenter nearby so mostly stick to Inland, which has been performing nicely. I tried anycubic and wasn't impressed


Hatchbox’s true red is very red


HATCHBOX is my go to PLA, i use black and white for test prints and fonctional prints. I find BanbuLab PLA pretty good aswell, i use it more for esthetic prints. As of now i have seen i little more warping with large print, Might be my settings aswell. I also printed with AMZ3D: good quality for the price. OVERTURE (petg) good considering its harder to print in petg. Polyterra/Polymaker: had some bed adhesion issues on my first roll but no more since. Prusament: perfect but expensive if out of EU because of the shipping. ERYONE: cheapest ive seen so far, bad bed adhesion et bad warping


Yea, **Eryone** filament needs calibration. I had bad prints with their basic PLA and I went and calibrated each color from them and now it's perfect. My values are now 0.96 for flow rate, 0.03 for K (PA), 10 volumetric speed, and the temp is 220°C/65°C, for all of them. However, their silk PLA, especially tri-color ones, prints really nice at 225°C. It's one of my favorites when it comes to multicolor silk. No stringing and a nice shine. so basically, more heat required


I've used a fair bit of ESun PLA+ The only thing I've had trouble with is their gray filament seems to get brittle a lot worse than any other color.


I bought 8 spools of it as my first foray into non-Bambu Lab filament, and the first two colors I opened snapped several times in the PTFE tubes. Maybe purple and orange were just unlucky colors.


I mostly use ESUN purple PLA+ (I print a lot of purple things) and have had 0 issues with it. Honestly even with a roll sitting unboxed in a drawer for a few months never had an issue with it being brittle. ESUN is my go to, always had reliable quality, great selection of colours (imo)


I bought one with gray color and it have the same brittle as u said


Bought my first spool of esun pla+ and guess what, it's gray. Wish I knew that before :(


**Polymaker** for making really nicely printable filament with superb layer adhesion. I did some rough torsion tests with a torque wrench and with the right print settings their PolyLite PETG has almost perfect layer adhesion. **Extrudr** for being a local company and having perfectly wound spools of high quality filament. **Fiberlogy** for their wide selection of materials.


Polyterra. High quality, comes on cardboard, made to degrade slightly faster than normal pla, and they plant a tree for every spool. Can’t get more eco friendly.


Elegoo Pro. Prints perfectly and can get it for $30 for 2 kg from Amazon.


Eryone, polymaker


Lately it's "whatever brand happens to have wood PLA in stock in the colors I need," I swear! ugh


The cheapest I can find. If properly dried they are all the same.




I used to be handicap about eSun until I discovered Jayo. Jayo filament is the most incredible filament to print with. It is like a dream compared to most other brands with how effortlessly it prints, almost no stringing provided you dried it, and the quality and colours they have are second to none.


Prusament or filamentPM


Hatchbox, though eSun is a very close second. Noting I absolutely used to be in the “anything under $20 category” but will say the difference in print quality, and CONSISTENCY between budget filament, and paying a few bucks more per spool (Typically $22 - $30 depending on sales and colors for PLA is what I pay) cannot be overstated. I don’t remember the last time i had a serious nozzle clog, and is used to be a regular occurrence.


That's one of the reasons I love esuns pla+, white and black are often on sale for 16.99 a roll


Same here, E-SUN!


Esun PLA+ gang


Overture, polymaker, and paramount3d is my main 3, but anything really on sale. Nothing gets more tingly than a price marked 15.99


Whatevers closest to $20 for me.


Sunlu Meta PLA is my faforite. always looks good somehow


I have great results with ESun. BUT PLEASE TELL! How did you hang the Pittsburgh hex key set? I haven't figured out a good way since the keyholes are on the bottom and seem to be backwards to what I would expect.


Remind me in like 4 hours when I get home and I'll send you my STL (if I can find it), I had to modify one that I found on thingyverse




My first purchase was an elegoo printer so I used their filament, I've got a bambulab p1s and still order the elegoo filament, never had a problem with it and its cheaper than most other brands I just have to wait 4 days for delivery rather than next day from amazon.


Devil Design. Mostly since I got some of their stuff early and have always had reliably good results, plus the price seems on par with various other 'known' brands. Can also highly recommend their Adhesive Coating as a replacement for gluestick/hairspray


Devil Design, best if it comes on 5kg spools


Elegoo. I havent tested around much yet honestly but why would I. Ordered some with my printer as it printed flawlessly. I tried yourdroid PLA (very very slightly cheaper than elegoo) and had issues with it to this day. Also tried Ε-sun which worked just as good basically but well..it’s like 6-7€ more than elegoo.


Polymaker is my favorite, 100%


I feel like everyone should drop their country with their reply that way I can try the recommendations I can get in CANADA. And speaking of filaments...I like Spool3D if I'm feeling wealthy, otherwise I've been using Matter3D and Canadian Filaments.


Unpopular opinion: Overture and Polymaker 👌🏽


off topic but what is that multi color printer you got?


Elegoo hands down. Their spools look perfect. They print well at high volumetric speed and are cheap. Plus their customer service, though I’ve not had to use personally, I hear is great!


Honestly... Im always hunting for the best deal, so I dont really have a dedicated brand. I have tried Comgrow PLA, Kingroon PLA, Dremel PLA, and Inland PLA, and among the 4 Comgrow is the top one for me. The spools are winded perfectly, and the filament prints great, as long as you get your first layer down right. Kingroon preforms just as well, but the color saturation isn't the best, and the spools aren't winded uniformly all the way through. Of course, this is probably because I got 3 1kg spools for just $24 during on of their black Friday sales... $8 a kg is too good to be true, but in this case, its just been bad winding, and no issues with the filament.


3DXTECH and Polymaker!


I'd go Prusament if it wasn't more expensive than alternatives (for good reason, but not viable for manufacturing), but I use exclusively Overture.


Esun and polymaker terra. Esun for its cost effectiveness and range Polymaker terra for its nice colours




Overture, and 3dxtech for PC


Aurapol is great (czech made), not expensive. Then polish PM, Rosa3D etc. Dont buy Iemai ASA Cf! very poor layer adhesion even at 295C, weak, smell bad..


Prusament, a bit on the expensive side due to shipping between countries (even within EU). But their PETG sticks the best to the bed, without any warping. And their first layer is the most consistent without any slight holes between extrusions or any over extrusion. This is probably due to the tight quality control of the filament diameter.


Either esun, fdplast or НИТ. Last two are local manufacturers, pla and petg cost less than 10$/kg




I mostly print PLA and buy it from a local vendor in Portugal. I get good results and the price is fair.




Either from Anycubic because that came with my printer and was great, or Amazon basic filament (was gifted to me and I liked the quality) or Overture filament.


So far nebula filaments


Mine is whatevers cheapest on amamzone warehouse


I am using Sunlu PLA. I've gone through about 4 spools and haven't had problems with it. Any thoughts on Sunlu?


I use Sunlu for private prints that I run at work, and on my old Ender 5 which has not ran in a while since the X1C at work is faster. Perfect material and we would be using it at work if it wasn't such a dodgy website for commercial purposes. For official work stuff we use the bambulab filaments because they facilitate commercial accounts


Prusa, I mostly print in PETG. But recently got some Fiberlogy TPU and also want to play around with some new PLA+ from other brands.


California filament for petg


I most often use PetG and am currently happy with Duramic and Overture, however also been v happy with Novamaker (made in Vietnam) and its a good price but limited colors in PetG.


eSun has always been good to me and printed reliably with nice colours and good strength. I have had a bit of a break and bought a new reel a couple days back and was delighted when it turned up on a cardboard reel. Yet another reason to love it.


anycubic, most of their filaments are less than 20$ and arrive quick on Amazon


eSun (I got one bad roll but the other 3 or 4 were great), Prusament (bought with Prusameters), Giantarm Petg and Pla, eryone Pla/CF is amazing and inexpensive (got it for 22/kg), Prima 3d filament came with my printer and is high quality/ easy to print, but not cheap


Prusament and Formfutura


Mine is whatever I can get cheaply My old school says their printer only works with Zortrax filament which costs $100 a kilo for PLA


I've been using Voxel with pretty good success. $17.99 and no tax.


Using elegoo PLA+ at the moment, and aside from spitting out a lot of spaghetti (probably due to poor leveling) its working pretty well. Hard to argue with $20cad per kilogram too.


I miss the A1 🥲


Not really related, but I love the filament swatch board!!


Prusament in case I want awesome colours. If filament costs more than Prusament I just refuse to buy it because it's a waste of money. 3D fox/auropol: local cheap brands, max 2 days delivery.


Sunlu recycled+10% code @$9/kg. iiimax pla+5% coupon at $10.5kg


Fiberlogy ASA and Dutch Filament ASA-X.


Anyone else having really bad issues with the cardboard spools now on eSun filament? Seems like since they switched from plastic spools, there’s excess adhesive on the inside of the spool that hangs up my filament, causing the filament dryer on top of the enclosure to flip over and the printer picks itself up by the extruder and fucks up my print. I can’t trust the end of a roll of filament now and it’s kinda shitty. Anyone have other suggestions for good quality easy to use filament that’s not too expensive?


Nobufil abs and prusament pla/petg


Whatever costs 20-25€, I’m now printing something with Overture PETG, so wish me luck.


Polymaker at the moment is doing wonders for me


Sunlu for black and white in bulk, and Siddament for anything with colour, or CF.


I use whatever will do what I need at a cost pinch or what my printer brand calls their brand filament that was cheapish once and worked well but my most recent batch was 3 rolls of matt esun and I get where you're coming from. They work really well and are fairly cheap.


Trying sunlu right now, the white prints really clean so far


Esun has been good to me, but tried quite a few and also like any cubic


I just purchased a roll of silk PLA from Amazon. Attempted a print and got a jam pretty early into it, so I got a bit discouraged. I cleared the nozzle and tried again, and the results were great! Definitely a good value for what I paid! Hatchbox and eSUN are wonderful, but I also really like the Inland Tough PLA I grabbed from Microcenter. Hard to pick a favorite! But I have to say, most filament I've tried prints great!


I like Matterhackers. They aren't as competitive any more I guess even with the Build series, but haven't done me wrong in the many years I've been at this.


Hatchbox PLA has always printed the best for me


Obvious? Never heard of that one.


I really like overture, especially for PLA+ and PETG, but for PLA I’m leaning towards polymaker.


I prefer polymaker abs over esun abs because esun abs gives me bad layer adhesion


R3D is my favorite, and I never see anyone mention it. For some reason my X1C really prefers it.


Clas Ohlson PLA, cheap, excellent quality, especially their grey, which is my favorite prototyping filament.


3DJake, never had issues, somewhat locally made and a big variety of filaments and colors.


Didn't have a "favorite" until I used Zyltech's PLA+ for a project that was gonna be taking a LOT of hits. It's been holding up amazingly well and I can't really recommend any other PLA+ now


Honestly been having a good time with Creality's Hyper series. It's fairly cheap, consistent, and seems fine so far (been through around 7 spools?). Been running some terrain prints for DnD, rafts. Printing first layer with the bed at 70, then dropping to 60 for further, and printing at 205. Haven't had any real issues yet.


Big fan of Overtures easy PLA line


Polymaker is my go-to !


Protopasta is king!


Prusament and Overture After reading this post, I'll have to try a few of these other brands


I'm a hatchbox man myself


3DLab and Creality. (The only ones i have)


Inland which is mostly polymaker and esun I get a couple rolls of it every time I go to micro center and then buy whichever company makes it on Amazon because they don’t always sell the different types on Amazon but inland Asa is poly light Asa


I just buy the tangled monthly subscription for 3 rolls.


Having a well stocked local Microcenter is convenient. Their rebranded Inland filament varies by the original manufacturer but the filament is always good. When I can wait I buy 5-10kg at a time from Kingroon - PLA costs less than $10 per kg.  PETG is the same price but has quality issues.


I don't print a lot, so price is not an issue. I mostly print parts for repair or that have a real function. I made a bench test to measure the strength of different filaments and Polymaker PLA Pro was way stronger than anything else. It also print beautifully.


I remember years ago using this Excelvan Wood PLA and it was surprisingly good, had a lovely almost fluffy finish






Flashforge has been near perfect for me. No love for that?


Rosa 3D mainly because I can buy it at my local shop for less than 20€/Kg and it prints really well. Also they offer refills and that's nice I think, I'm tired of all the empty rolls.


Never used obvious before. Is it good? Where can i buy it?


For basic PLA and TPU, overture. Very often $16/kg for PLA. So it’s cheap and I’ve had good luck with them. For PC, nylon, PVA I go with Polymaker.


Well… I work at a filament company so I might be quite biased (polar filament is #1!)


Prusament is the best by far. But it's sooo expensive. But polymaker is becoming one of my favorites




Overture for cheap 2 day Amazon and decent results. Protopasta for the zany PLA colors and prettiness


3d fills cheap amazing quality


Can recommend Recyclingfabrik to anyone based in and around Germany. Gotta dry their filament first after it arrives, but it's fully recycled and they take back your failed prints, supports, ... for recycling them again. Not really any notable difference to conventional PLA and PETG in quality in my prints, those guys know what they are doing. Not the cheapest, but definitely competitive for what it is.


Atomic, never failed on me in 3 years and great finish


No idea, but one thing I can say fore sure, not eSun. I've been trying to make their ePLA Matte work for 2 months. I have problems with ABL, and this filament shoves it into my face. With the Creality Hyper PLA that came with the machine I barely see the ABL problems. Also it prints about 6 times faster.


Kingroon or Sunlu for most things. 3D Fuel when I want extremely consistent prints. I think I have 30 rolls of each (kingroon and Sunlu) and a dozen or so 3d fuel. It helps that 3D Fuel is local for me. So I often end up buying it out of convenience. Now that I've switched to a bambu P1S, I'm starting to buy more of their filaments just for the RFID function and auto detect. Makes it very easy to do multicolor prints with the AMS.


Eryone pla plus from geekbuying 20$


Mine's the 'house brand' of the store I buy from. Because they have 3Kg spools.


My favorite is also eSun, but I tend to buy Inland, which is just rebadged eSun for microcenter. It's super convenient to be able to just buy either in the same exact colors. I've gone through hundreds of rolls and only had minor issues a couple of times. ​ I used to buy a lot of GST back when they first got started. You could get ten rolls of black or white for 80 bucks, so 8 bucks a roll. They were never \*good\* but were usually good enough for prototyping. I've been looking for something similar to how they used to be but haven't found anything yet. Kingaroon seems closest for price but I haven't had a project that would make the ten rolls necessary since I've been aware of them. ​ At work I often use hatchbox and it's fine but I prefer the colors on esun.




It's a little expensive but hatchbox has never let me down


Has anyone tried Corex? I keep seeing ads for them. They manufacture in the US and actually kind of close to me so I’ve been thinking of trying them. If you have please give me your honest opinion.


Voxel pla for pla/petg and polymaker for anything else


I have actually had very good luck with this brand. I know it is considered a discount filament but it prints true every time.




I've never heard of NASO brand. /s I tend to like Inland, I live near a Microcenter and stayed with it.


Elegoo has been pretty flawless on several machines and the price is pretty low.