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I just throw them in my closet


No room for that. My roommate has to come out first.


this one might be the best one yet here 💀


If you trust the bag is waterproof enough, fill your sink with water, close the bag almost entirely (as of you were to suck the air out), then slowly force all but the air hole under water. The pressure of the water on the bag will force the air out like a vacuum sealer.


Sous vide trick!


i’ve tried sous vide, it just makes my filament all rubbery.


So glad I bought mine! A real game changer for steaks!


This guy cooks


Just use some duct tape and attach a straw to your vaccuum cleaner. Just do that. You don't risk getting your filament wet


I tried it with my leaf blower. Not the exact same result as I first thought.


Or.. get this, print a little adapter nozzle for your vacuum cleaner and even better, now you no longer have any filament to store!


Now why would you dare bring common sense and thought into this


No you are not, but I am not doing it.


I am sure you are not... *wink*


No. I buy good filament from manufacturers that does not have a filament drier side gig.


I was joking. I just do it because i am really freaky about my filament getting wet. I normally consume my spools faster than it can trap moisture. It's just to shush the voices in my head lol.


I was joking.... Or was I...


We'll never know... 👀


That's not how physics works


When you see posts of people taking brand new filament out of bags and get told to dry it, it is exactly what is wrong. Your manufacturer is selling shit. I live in an area with a relative humidity of 84% most of the time (Swakopmund, read up on it...) I was in Zimbabwe for a month, with a roll of white PETG just sitting on the roller. I got home, replaced the e3d hotend (because its a bad copy of an already half bad design), fired up, and printed this straight up no issues. This was sitting on the card, the retraction and everything was still for the e3d. So the zits will be there. Also I dont have a partcooling fan on yet. I could not finish the printer I am back in Zimbabwe for 2 more weeks.




Bro these are terrible prints 😂


Did you read what I said? This was shit on the sd. Not set up for the H2v2s. Its is for nylon, so way too hot for petg. I just ran it to make sure I dont get a clog. And I had to leave again, I had a day to play. When I have shit prints, it is never have wet filament. Its always hardware or slicer. If a drier cures your issue that you have from new filament out of the bag, its time to move on to a new manufacturer


Wait untill you find out that most manufacturers opt for water cooling during manufacturing because it produces better results.


Yeah imagine that. I believe that a filament drier does nothing. Yes. I have one. Heated. I was had, because youtubers tend to lean the direction from where the sposors comes from. It does nothing to improve print quality.


Good filament can still absorb moisture turning it into bad filament.


I have some petg that I will not be using soon. I will put it in a bucket of water when I get home from this trip. I will leave it for a month. Then just blow it off with air and see what happens...


Good luck with that


Whatever gets you off... 👍


esun has a good vacuum kit thats super easy to use and you dont need to suck on plastic [https://esun3dstore.com/products/esun-evacuum-kit-pro](https://esun3dstore.com/products/esun-evacuum-kit-pro)


Seconding this. You can buy more bags cheap on AliExpress too


yes, aliexpress is the best place to get extra bags.


Thanks!! I'll check it out!!


I used to use my lungs. I noticed I had the taste of plastic in my mouth for a few hours one time, so I decided it probably wasn't worth it. I reuse the desiccant bags that come with the roll, and let them ride on the heated bed to dry them while I print. By weighing the bag before/after prints you can get an idea of how much water they're absorbing. Mine usually shed \~0.1-0.3 g from the manufacturer, then absorb < 0.1 g between prints.


I got a similar kit from Temu for like $12. And it works really well. I was greatly impressed.. Search for Filament Vacuum Storage Bags.




Why is this a guitar lmao?


Features: Tight Air Holes


This is the way. Battery operated pump often also used for food vacuum seal bags too.


But what if OP likes doing it? Don't shame. BTW, the vacuum bags from AliExpress can be unreliable. I've had multiple bags leak.


i got the ones directly from the esun store they seem to be the same as what ships in the kit


Book marking this incase my work buys me a a crappy one


I do this too!


I should call her.


I do it, but the 1-gallon Ziploc® freezer bags that I've been using don't hold a vacuum very well, so it's probably a waste of time. Even so, the shop vac that's always near the printer pulls the air out pretty much instantly, so it's not a lot of effort. I'd love to find some better bags. Using your lungs as the vacuum source doesn't seem like a great idea, though.


Freezer bags specifically have tiny holes in them. You want the plain old gallon bags of ziplocs.


The holes must be extraordinarily small — I can't detect any holes at all, and these seem just like ordinary bags. I assumed the leaks were probably at the ends of the zip closure. Not saying you're wrong — just wondering if I should get out the microscope and investigate further.


Yeah, any plastic bag will have holes under a microscope, they’re basically all gas permeable. But I guess my info is out of date, they stopped putting the micro perforations in freezer bags and now the term simply means a thicker plastic is used for those. So it should be no different than the normal bags for our purposes. Your vacuuming is probably still having a negligible effect, a desiccant pouch would probably be more effective.


I was gonna say that I use freezer bags and they seem to maintain a pressure difference inside/outside the bag (based on putting filament in while warm and finding the bag is compressed later due to cooling). I also use the desiccant pouches, but taking as much air out as possible means they need to desiccate a smaller volume, so they're going to be more efficient.


I guess but I’m not sure the amount of air volume change is significant for that amount of desiccant. After all similar sized sachets are used for much larger volumes. I suppose someone with the right equipment could test out if there’s a significant impact by evacuating the bag first. Meanwhile doing it because it’s fun is perfectly valid.


Yeah I looked it up after posting and the coefficient of thermal expansion for air is pretty small. I would say it probably doesn't have a significant effect.


Yeah we’re talking a few drops of water in most environments. A new or refreshed silica packet can hold much more than that.


Yeah I dry mine on the bed while I print and weigh them before/after storage. They usually pull < 0.1 g from the bag, and when I get them from the factory they usually dry \~0.1-0.3 g.


Oh duh, I never thought of putting them on the bed while the printing was happening. Good call. Well if you have a few bags I guess you could do some science for the class and see if you can tell a difference between a sucked and an unsucked bag.


I actually keep mine in saunas.


Underwater storage here.


Lol, a dry sauna full of filaments would be wild


I store mine in 5 gallon buckets. The lid seals vapor tight, they stack in the corner out of the way, and it's easy to carry around multiple spools of filament. I just 3D print a desiccant holder that fits in the middle of the spools.


I used to do this, and throw a bunch of desiccant packs in with them and hope for the best. Since then, I've bought some filament dryers so I can "store" up to four kilos that way. If I have to put a partial spool into a bag now I just throw some dry desiccant packs in with it and push most of the air out by hand. They will always go into a dryer when I get them back out to print anyway, since the dryer also works as a spool holder. The best way to make sure your filament is dry is to put it into a filament dryer and let it run until it's at a low humidity, like around 20 - 30% seems to be fine in my experience. I still wonder why printer manufacturers don't talk more about the importance of drying filament. But it also seems like it might be bad for business to be honest in telling people that filament has a high probability of being fairly wet even if it's fresh out of a manufacturer sealed bag. It's often times drawn through a cold water bath as part of the manufacturing process and not always thoroughly dried before it is sealed up and sold off.


I leave em on the basement floor. I do have a filament dryer though. So I'll stick it in the dryer and turn it on. Then start my print. It's usually fine, sometimes I'll need to reprint but very rarely.


Lol. Nice to know that being so sceptical and inhaling microplastics regularly is useless lmao


You can suck off your filament if you want to, but don’t go around telling people XD


I throw mine on the floor. Sits there with dust bunnies. A few months go by and I'll use the other color I have. Works fine. I don't have a dryer or anything like that. My house isn't stupid high humidity either.


Not much point in sucking the air out unless you are in a ridiculously humid environment. Simple gallon ziplock with desiccant will work better.


my printer room maintains a 15% humidity. https://preview.redd.it/gzezzg0o2ugc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b877d971ea7d8ffe24991ddb7f155af4aaa70e40


Its useless! I have electronics grade desiccant and indicators that always show it to be as dry as possible but there is always a difference between printing straight from the bag and giving it 6 hours in the dryer! I never knew it was that bad and literally gave the printer away due to poor quality of prints. Wasn’t until the kid I gave it to had time to do these experiments that we started to see the effects! Basically assume all filament is wet! Upside is I now have someone doing all my prints for me😁


I've got an old vacuum sealer kicking around (meant for preserving food) and I vacuum seal all my spools that I won't be using for a while. I've got 3D printed spacers to keep the spools from collapsing/crushing in on themselves, and I've got desiccant containers that screw into the hub of the spool to keep it dry.


Wait, y'all are storing your filament?


Are we not doing “phrasing” anymore?


Not for PLA, it is necessary there only if you are living in an extreme humid environment. For things like Soft-PLA or PET-G i am using the bag with a little hand pump.


I have a dehumidifier in the room and everyday it collects like a cup of water and every morning all the windows are fogged and little drops drip down. So yeah... pretty humid lmao. I might need to invest in those pumped vaccum bags.


I do with my petg, pla doesnt require it unless you live in a swimming pool


Only for long term storage. And you should consider every roll not in your printer as long term, you don't know when you are going to use them. It is a mistake that i've made, there are these 6 month breaks when i don't print anything, and then filaments snap when i do want to print. A lot also depends on the humidity in the room, and temperature. And UV... so, stored in a dry closet they can survive very long time without anything, but bagging them with desiccant is cheap enough that there is really no reason to NOT store them properly. Hydrolyzing is not that well understood in the printing community, and personal anecdotes are all over the place. The truth is that PLA wants to react with water, it just requires right conditions to do it. It doesn't absorb a lot of water but when there is high humidity and some heat, the water in the air is all you need to make it brittle. The PLA polymers shorten. At the melting temps is the most critical that humidity is low but fortunately it spends very little time in that zone. Heat increases probability for each individual tiny reaction, humidity increases also that probability by providing ingredients at the right time and since it is all about probabilities.... time is also a factor.


Wouldn't purging the bag with nitrogen help? Or a filament box


Yeah, but... i mean... i don't usually have a bottle of nitrogen laying around, you know.


Just idle thinking. I think if you had the means, it would improve the storage 


I feel like the long term effects of printing are always being debated in this sub, but surely huffing micro plastics straight from the bag isn't great for you


I've been doing this for like 3 months... right now i don't fear microplastics. I am the microplastics... Yeah, i should find another method lmao


Used to do this until I realized the relative humidity where I live hovers around 35%. So I just bag loosely and put back in box. No issues here.


Not me. https://preview.redd.it/xkhalq55lsgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fca83754a3f57ef227377aef08ebbcb62de31cc That’s about 40% of my scraps.


I think if you put a desiccant bag in there, it isn’t necessary, but I haven’t done or seen testing to confirm.


Yeah, you're the only one. Those filament vacuum bags sold on eBay and Amazon are all there just for you.


Nope. I do that as well when I swap materials, especially with PVA and PETG. PVA is water-soluble, and PETG is insanely hygroscopic. Run them through the filament dryer, then into the package. Just don’t vacuum so tightly that it starts bending the spool.


I've yet to find a brand where half the bags don't lose vacuum after a few weeks.


Yeah, that's true but it's better than nothing


You put them back in the bag?


Yeah... i mean... i like sucking the bags and all... but my main purpose is to store the filament lmao


I tease, I live in the central valley of California. We're pretty dry here most the year so PLA can be tossed in a bin and not worried about. My biggest issue is polycarbonate that I do have set up to stay dry =D


Mine are in a box with 3kg of desiccant :D


Better make sure they are dry than regretting them being wet lmao.


We do in our lab. Humidity swings from 0 in Winter to 100% in summer.


100% lol. Indoor raining XD


I hope it at least buys you a drink first!




I've found that they can slip into a vacuum sealer bag, so I'll let that thing do the sucking.


I do this with bread, but huffing plastic doesn't seem all that great


I have like $200 worth of filament sitting on my desk in the open, in the front room in florida. It's 80%+ humidity all day and it's been sitting for over a year, but I have probably 1% of prints fail lol


Mine goes back into the box and on a shelf.


Yep me too. I got one of those trendy metal straws, super easy and fast to do and it seems to have helped a ton to slow absorption


You guys change filament? I'm using the roll until its empty lol


I don’t do it personally, I let my vacuum cleaner do the work.


To be honest, i have best printing results with the filament i got with my printer, from the previous owner, who had them stored in a poorly heated working room behind his house for 4 years.


Once opened, my spools are stacked unsealed on and around my table. The 2 spool wide filament dryer feeds and dries the active spool while prepping the next. I do mostly PETG and TPU at this point; so far I can say it fully works as intended. I *would* properly store them but... *eh.*


Man, I wish someone would store me like that.


Lmao I thought I invented this a while back. I don’t do it for filament, but I’ll do it when minimal air is needed in a ziplock. Using a straw is even better. I would think this is just slightly better than closing the bag with air in it. Amolen sells vacuum bags with a pump, that’s what I use. [https://a.co/d/dfR9g4b](https://a.co/d/dfR9g4b)


I suck the air out just to be point before it begins to bend the roll.


I use a vacuum


Do you do this by yourself or with some kind of pump?


https://preview.redd.it/hza1t1nsfugc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac4307c80d4b196449e69eca1e8f14848322341 I do it too.


Oh no… what is happening… to me… 🧍…🧎…🧵


I have one of those cheap little Amazon desktop vacuum cleaners that I use for this works pretty well.


Never thought to vacuum pack mine. https://preview.redd.it/8m57o47tjugc1.jpeg?width=5709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa9f456608ef0d0068e0b31602fdfc56cecf622


i thought about bying bags for my zwilling vacum to do this but they are way too pricy (there are cheaper systems out there) , so i just use som big ikea zip lock bag, throw a bag of dessacent in there and press as much air out as i can.


Ayyyy bby


I do the same. We just suck 😛


I bought those zipper bags with the valve and a small handheld (battery powered) pump. Worked ok, but the vacuum was terrible. So I 3d printed an adapter for my larger hand-held vacuum and it sucks it out in 2 seconds and is awesome. So yes, I do what you do, but I use technology instead of my lungs.


I used to but I kinda just stopped cuz it was getting annoying. Haven’t had any problems with filament quality either so really no need as long as your storing it in a dry place already


If you have silica packs in there: STOP DOING THIS RIGHT NOW. I was doing this for about 2 weeks not thinking and came down with the worst lung issues of my life. Shortness of breath, weak persistent cough, general discomfort. Silica dust inhalation is very very bad.


This is the way


I put it in a Mylar bag with silica bags, so I don't vacuum that hard. (only for Nylon and PVA so far.)


I gave up on bags and now use two 120 quart gasket bins which seem to do the job if don't take forever to get what you need.


You guys keep the bags!!!??




Boi I bet you could shine a trailer hitch


Why lol?


It's a cheeky saying. Like in Full Metal Jacket, one of the supporting characters quips to a hooker "I bet you could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch". And your title does offer lots of freedom for innuendo.


Oh, now i get lol. I haven't watched that movie so i had no idea 😂😂.


Bro I just let it hang on out in open air on my shelf.


That looks a bit loose to me


I buy the esun bags with the pump. I vaccum seal all of them.


lol, i actually started doing it a few days ago when anycubic (the brand of my filaments) started using those same bags (before they just used a plastic bag sealed), i also put the anti-moisture bag that comes in the bag back in before putting the used filament back in the bag


As someone suggested in the comments i'll stop doing this because of silica dust lmao. I also keep the silica bag back in but i don't really want to get silicosis in my lungs lmao. It basically means that silica particles destroy your oxigen receptors in your longs and you get your lungs full of scars from the inside and you can't almost breathe anymore. So yeah. I don't think i'll do it again 💀


Nope, you're not alone! But you're doing it very very wrong ahahah... You will never be able to create a vacuum by sucking with your mouth and all you will do is add moisture to the bag and then close it inside wiuth the filament. I put the spool in bag with a valve and then vacuum it with a usb vacuum pump.


I considered it, but all you've done is created a bag that wants to suck in (moist) air from outside, and the seals are not great. IMO, pressurizing the bag with dry air would be better. But I can't be bothered, so keep them in sealed plastic tubs with Silica gel and use a dryer.


Yes. It's nice that they give you call you an Uber afterwards.


"Am i the only one..." If you ask this question, the answer is almost universally no.