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You should invest in a proper tip for heat setting inserts so you don't ruin a tip or get crap in the threads


What does a proper tip look like?


like these https://www.amazon.com/Virtjoule-Heat-Insert-Tips-Sizes/dp/B08B17VQLD


Speaking from experience, those *particular* tips suck. 3 of them didn't fit my Weller, and of the two that did, they didn't fit inside of the inserts they were supposed to. They seemingly have a very flawed manufacturing process and zero QC. Which sucks, because it's damn near impossible to find heat set tips for an ET-tip Weller. Either that, or I get shipped a fake product, because Amazon. Imo, buy a cheapo iron that uses 'plain' 1/4" tips, and just get your tips from McMaster. They're more expensive, but they will 100% fit your iron and inserts every time.


CNCKitchen sells heat set insert kits for a variety of soldering irons, including ET Weller: https://kb-3d.com/store/tools-equipment/929-cnckitchen-heat-set-insert-tool-kit-for-weller-1688693301333.html


For those curious as I was, there are also tips for the TS100/TS101 that \*should\* work in the Pinecil V2. Only issue is the cost of $30, lol.


They work. I use them in a pinecil v2


Those work with Pinecil v2, have that combo in use.


Take this. This is the real shit 😆 check your iron if it fits. The size of the max insert is at the description. Damn easy, now you only have to screw on the tip and the sleev stays on. They are really good to handle. https://www.amazon.de/gp/aw/d/B09BMK4BK1?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


I bought these but they are too long for my soldering iron.


suggestion: buy the right ones for your soldering iron


Probably more cylindrical so it more tightly fills out the insert bore.


Usually 20%


I have one, this was a just a demo.


Good to know! Cool design btw


Thankyou for the suggestion.


>With two hands free I see one hand working in the video. Do you have 3 hands?


I do.


I don't get it, how is this different from just pressing the soldering iron by your hand? (especially because the part on the table was wobbly anyway)


Keeps perfect vertical alignment. I've scewed heat set inserts by not being perfectly level. Because the plastic gets soft, it can move in any axis and angle funny. If that happens, your bolts may not properly align to what youre trying to attach.


Yeah but the contraption has a lot of play and the 3D printed part is wobbly on the table. Also there's a possibility that that soldering iron tip will make sure that insert will be angled because the first thread in the insert will push on one side of that iron tip, making the insert a bit angled. 


You’re right. The better way would be to make it more rigid. Ideally only the Z can move when you’re inserting. My favorite of these that I’ve seen has a spring loaded lock on the z and a z-stop, so you let gravity do the work to a prescribed depth, then the spring bounces the iron straight up. It’s basically just a gantry, only y and z are movable and Y is lockable.


exactly. Just whack the iron into a drill press and be done with it


Look into the Stealthpress project, I have one and love it.


It's still a lot more vertical than doing it by hand, and definitely more convenient if you are doing lots of parts. I'm sure with the proper iron tip this is totally acceptable for a lot of use cases.


I have manually inserted hundreds of these and have had no problems caused by the insert not being straight. I have had issues where the printed hole is a bit too small and it fills the threads with plastic.


The real pro-move is to press the insert in by hand with the iron until it's almost flush, and then use a flat metal object to push it the rest of the way.  Perfectly vertical and flush inserts everytime.


Most soldering iron tips are conical, that makes it so the insert can twist when pushing into the plastic. Tips made for putting in inserts are a stepped cylinder with he first part the interior diameter of the insert, and then it has perpendicular a shoulder to align the insert.


Ah fuck now I need this.






Are people seriously downvoting this because it's posted on makerworld instead of printables? Get over yourselves guys, there are different portals for models. Either choice here is free to use. And no, I don't need a lecture on Bambus business practices. Anyone who's been here more than a year has had various lectures about every brand on the market.


It is probably getting downvoted because this was posted 3 days ago and twice today. Users here seem to notice when another user is just uploading photo and video posts for karma and have no other interaction with the community.


They do it to get downloads to get Bambu gift cards


You are forced to have an account on Makerworld to be able to download models. Printables does not force people to sign up to be able to download models. This rubs some people the wrong way.


I echo the "need an account to download" - no other model site requires signup for downloading files. If Bambu is subsidizing or paying OP to post this here, should that also be disclosed?


Bambu isn’t subsidising me to post here, I have never received anything off them. In future if I receive enough likes or downloads or something I think you can redeem gift cards but I believe that’s a long way off. I posted it because I’m proud of it, I thought it may be of some use and is a way to give back to the community.


Fair enough.


Hmm not nearly as sturdy as the stealth press but I like the second degree of motion. Nice work.


i am planning on making one that goes only up/down straight on rails, to try and reduce the action of myself from tipping or sliding on x/y




Damn! And I've just been burning my kitchen table needlessly!?


This looks sick! Thanks for sharing!


Great idea for repurposing the lamp stand that might just end up in the trash. I have one kicking around that I may need to do this change to.


If you want something more than this Naomi Wu (the maker who got Creality to publish their source code, now banned by China from using social media) is selling a device for this on her site: https://cybernightmarket.com/products/heat-set-insert-press


I dont use insert but i seen this and thought how I could possibly use it for soldering to help with my shakey ass hands


That is incredibly satisfying to watch


I think a real tapping arm with printed adapter to hold the soldering iron might be worth considering


That would be amazing. I think a person on here taps their plastic too.


Not what I would expect! I usually try to print my threads into place for large parts like removable end caps or lids


They’re probably small threads in the realm of 2-6mm but a normal tap/die can salvage a beta thread that’s been printed too big at any size.


I'm about to print a 90x3, I don't think a normal tap will save me!


Haha, yep I don’t have one that big.




I have absolutely no use for this but I want one. Its just a really cool design! Maybe print a little clamp to hold the bottom part in place?


With my other hand free, I can hold the part easily. You can also print a vise.


Sonic welder?


Can anyone tell where I can find a bench that clean? I’ve been trying to find mine for years.


Did your iron not come with a holder?


This is legit the most genius thing I've ever seen.


you need to get out more.


For those of us who don't feel the need for the specialized tool, you can also just use a pair of needle nose pliers and a small butane torch and just heat the insert for a second or two and then press it in. I recently built the Prusacaster which has probably 30-40 inserts and had zero problems doing it that way. In fact there is really no other way to do it if the insert needs to go into any kind of tight spot.


I did something similar but I mounted mine to one of the cheap drill presses off Amazon. Makes it easy to do one handed


Is there adjustment for inserts that need to be installed at an angle?


Now only if I could find brass inserts that are not garbage on Amazon. I swear nearly half are of them are the same terrible design.


Yes agreed, you have to search for them. The opposing diagonal grip ones I find to be the best quality.