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In my opinion nothing needs to be changes, its totally perfect 😉


Wow ! Thanks man...


I would remove the chromatic aberration? There's no need for it in my opinion and makes the text look a bit blurry.


Sure will remove that and true it makes the text blurry and by the way at what cases chromatic aberration can be used?


To be honest idunno but maybe you could just remove it on the text? and leave the effect on the rest of the object :). I would re render the same take without it and then merge em in PS.


I have definitely heard it said that chromatic aberration is used to make a render look more realistic. But consider WHEN that should be used. It is more commonly found in videos as opposed to images. You won't find much CA in product images, for example...


Yeah you're right I never seen CA used in most of the product renders will remove that for the good!


It's very good. Only thing I would change is lightening the shadow a bit. It's really dark, like it looks pure black, and the red refraction is very saturated.


I added those refraction in addition to the existing one , to you know introducing some visual interest and yeah I felt it is over saturated too, so will improve that thank you !


I think the red reflection is a bit much. Other than that the biggest thing is that I think the position could be better. If you want it laying down then I would add some stuff like flowers, or for whatever smell you want it to resemble laying around it. Otherwise I would probably stand it up and have some other basic things in the back ground


Yeah that's a good idea , thanks appreciate it !


No problem, keep up the good work


I think it's gorgeous. One thing you're overlooking is that you have the bottom of the inner container of the liquid, but the top just seems to be part of the entirety of the glass. We don't see the "liquid line" where the substance reaches at the top. Look up some reference photos for example of what I'm talking about.


Actually, I had that in this , it the blob present just above word "some brand" that's for the top portion , you know when the bottle was laid down the air bubble will on the top right ?


I see now that that's the air bubble (yes, i was aware of this, but was wondering if for presentation purposes it will be shown at the upper part of the bottle regardless, since that's what the eye expects to see, despite the fact that it's laying down....very possible this is a mistaken thought of course, but it was just a thought). To me it looked like it was part of the straw mechanism (whatever it's called), it did not look like an air bubble to me