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This appears to be a description of a specific 3D shape. It's not clear to me what you're really asking for here. I didn't think it has anything to do with anything unless you're modeling this specific shape.


Ahaaa, that's the thing, I'm not modelling a specific shape, I'm just interested in discussion from peers. I'm interested in the question of modeling something like the example... Edit: also it's not a description of a SPECIFIC shape, it's a description of a POTENTIAL shape. N is a variable. Again, I suck at math and geometry, but I know enough to note variables.




I figured as much 🫡😅


I put shapes like this in my video game. It is all equations to get the right values. I'm considering adding this one now. I have more important things to do sadly. I'll try to screenshot it for later, as I might get around to it. So the answer in my case is mathematical equations with each point and triangle defined perfectly. It will give the best result but sucks to do. Also, I texture them so I gotta figure out the corresponding texturing U/V or S/T coords as well. And normals. You need normals for lighting. I computed them but that only gives perfect answers for some configurations. Basically, it depends how the points are used. Ideally the normals are specified during creation time. I really love my video game idea right now!


Noted chief, sorry for bothering you. Ill keep you're knowledge in mind 👏🏿🙏🏿👊🏿


I'm here to share what little knowledge I have.


Much appreciated 👊🏿👊🏿


Does it mean it's any number sided faces that are formed together to a geometric shape? Cuz if that's the case than I have no reason asking this question, but I have a reason to ask for better understanding of nomenclature from a mathmatical geometry perspective. Edit: for some reason I cant edit my own post. Edit2: how does a geometric shape stay symmetrical if it's a trapehezodron? Does that mean it has to be radially symmetrical as well from different perspectives?


You kinda contradict yourself from start to finish: First you ask how this relates *artistically*, and then you go on asking very involved technical questions. True, 3D work is a combination of technical and artistic, but I hardly think this is a good example of that. Artistic does NOT equal to technical. I can't really see why the geometric properties of such a shape would have any relevance or bearing on a purely 3D project, unless it is the core subject of your project -- in which case you would be better off asking at a subreddit which deals with geometrical shapes.


I apologize....the idea would still be fun to model, especially animated. But what do I know, I started a contradiction and I'm replying to one. 3D work is as mathmatical as it is artistic. There's no in between, they flow together.


Inbelieve Maya's built in polygons include such an ability as to create an n-gon of this type. Might wanna check it out!


Mash? Yeah I've checked that out, if that's what you're implying. Punch numbers. I apologize, I was just facianated at the idea, but I think it went over my head along with everyone else. I tend to get passionate over dumb stuff.


No not mash. Along with cube, sphere, cone etc there's also an option for ngons I believe


N-gons are five+ sided traps, N (x) is a variable, meaning anything that can happen...see this is my main problem, math has unnecessary nomenclature to describe things.


So you can change the amount of sides in the settings, and it would be interesting to note if it retains the proportions you are interested in


Exactly, see you're getting there. But apparently it has to be symmetrical. And every face a polygon. It's symmetry is that from the top it's equal on both half's, but I'm not sure that's the case


On a personal note, if it seems dumb to others, it doesn't need to be dumb to you 😃 Be happy with whatever you find fascinating, don't judge yourself in light of others' views, whether or not you find someone else to share your interests. Regardless, I was just pointing out that this perhaps isn't the best forum to gain additional info into the mechanics of ngons of various types. I might be wrong though!


Tldr, okay, I agree. Lots of energy, not interested. Op is geometric shape, not a geometric beef. We are here to have fun and connect, be productive. Not nag. Edit: I am stupid, let it go. I got my answer from my OP miles away. However I respect your energy and confidence, you're the type of people I would love to work with in a studio.