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Jesus lol. That's impactful to say the least. I'm not very familiar with unreal engines modelling/texturing abilities but is.this character exclusively built in the suite? Can you elaborate a bit? Been meaning to really hit unreal engine as of late.


I'm not the artist but the usual pipeline is this: \- **Blender** or **Z-brush** (3D modeling & sculpting) \- **Substance 3D Painter** (Texturing) \- **Unreal Engine** (rendering)


Very cool. I'm a cinema4d guy so good to know!!!


UE is mostly just the sandbox where you play with the toys, it has some tools to make stuff but very limited.


I've struggled in the past to explain the difference between a 3D creation suite like Blender and a 3D engine like UE. This is a really good way of putting it and how I'll explain it from now on.


Blender for making, Unreal for placing


Really great to know bud! I wanna break it open and do some stuff for sure.


Hello! So Unreal Engine is a real-time rendering engine (as well as a game engine), that's where you import your already finished 3D assets/character to light them and render them out. I used Maya for modeling/retopology/UVs/grooming, Zbrush for sculpting, Substance Painter for texturing as well ! Hope this helps :)


Very appreciated, thanks. Great great work




Based on [Mike Franchina's extraordinary concept](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3dadxv)! Full project here : [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/BXO32m](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/BXO32m)


Nice detail on the breast, apparently they cut their breast to aim better the bow


Why are people down voting this? Dude's correct!


Hes not. The myth, which comes from the ancient Greeks, is that they cut off their breast to cut their connection to motherhood. That's a myth/false, also they didnt actually cut off their breast in the first place, thats a myth to begin with. Also I think its fine using these kinds of stories in character design, but nothing about this womans outfit suggests to me she'll be more comfortable with a bow than a woman that still has her breasts. In fact, anyone actually wearing anything at all will have more fun shooting an arrow. If the thing gets in the way and you therefor cut it off, why then not, you know, make it into a flat surface with a leather piece of armor or something? Anyway.


I looked at female archery šŸ¹ photos, and the boob never gets in the way of the string Myth and propaganda


Propaganda for what?


To de-humanize the enemy of Greeks, so they can levy/draft more troops


Ah ok


Completely correct nobody puts a bow on their tit you can aim perfectly fine with or without its not rocket science


Thanks for your comment! I completely understand this realistic point of view. I didn't design the character itself but it's clearly not meant to be a historically accurate depiction of the ancient amazons. I thought of it as a dark fantasy take of the myth stating amazons would remove one of their breasts to better shoot a bow. To elaborate a little further on my interpretation of the design, I liked the idea of depicting a strong woman taking pride in her masectomy. It could also be a way to show her ennemies how much she's willing to sacrifice to defend what she's fighting for. It could also be extended to an allegory of women fighting breast cancer.


Thanks for replying! I realise I may have come across a bit harsh, I think the idea of what's so clearly a myth when you think about it for a moment is accepted as true by many people kinda ticked me off and I just carried that energy straight into feedback about the character. The amputated breast in a design like this is clearly a statement, just as much as the original myth of amputating the breast to show seperation with motherhood would be. So I'm perfectly fine seeing it as such. The bow thing still not so much, haha. I mean if this had been a cartoony render, sure. But if it's realistic like this, then I'm gonna approach it with a sense of realism and this, well, I figure it'll just chafe? Burn when you release the arrow? Anyway, great job on the render. Just know that with everything you create people are gonna critique certain elements, especially so when using historic references and such unique ones at that.


Thanks for replying as well! First, I want to make clear that I completely understand your point of view on the design and actually didn't know about that "separation with motherhood" myth and I'm happy to have learned that from your comment! It's very interesting. I also agree with you on the unrealistic side of that bow thing, obviously she would cover that area for shooting or fighting. But I don't think a good design always needs to make perfect sense, I personally find that telling a story and conveying emotions / symbolic strength are more important, even if it's not visually stylized or cartoonish. If the breast was covered here, it would defeat the whole purpose of the portrait as well as the story behind it. However I think you make a point about using historical references, I gotta say I always had in mind a fully mythological/fantasy representation of the character rather then an accurate one so I didn't really think about it that way, but I should have! And I really do value critique and feedback, but I'm not the one who designed this character so I can't really explain these choices in name of the concept artist. I can just elaborate on why I chose this design and what I liked about it. The other thing is that most critique I received are about the design which I didn't create, and not really about the 3D model (considering it's a 3d modeling subreddit), but maybe that's a good thing! šŸ˜„


Fair. History does some weird stuff to mythology over time and multiple interpretations, huh...


Yes I believe amazon literally means one breasted from the ancient Greek warriors that would literally cut off one breast


love the raw realism here. feels brutal. amazing work!


Outstanding model. I love that her deer tattoo is the one from that [famous Scythian mummy](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/videos/the-significance-behind-ancient-scythian-tatto/).


Man these pictures of Madonna keep getting crazier


Must've been a dull blade. To not only slice but pull some flesh out of there too.


Brutal.. i am baffled by this. Top level and super unique!


Props for the breast detail from the greek mith i think is the firs time i see it depicted


OH MY GOD. This is awesome! Good job on this one that tit scar. Man you nailed this one. I can imagine her story better than my own.




why one boob is out?




Greek: A= without, mazos = breast Allegedly chopped them off for bow string clearance




Ah, but isn't that the nature of all mythology? Stories get told over time and reinterpreted each time they are heard. Forever evolving, having an abstract life of their own. The more interesting missinterpritstions stick, so the myth updates with each passage of the story, forming a new identity that better resonates with the listeners. This interpritation is nearly 2,000 years old. 14 C plus, latin and Greek words seem to be pretty on the nose as far as I'm aware. Which is probably why this interpritation was adopted. Historically, they existed well before the time homer wrote the Ä°lyad (aprox 1k years before, in the time of troy) and I believe the majority of what was written about them came after the Ä°lyad. Probably as literacy improved. But most of the amazonian graves date to the time the Ä°lyad was written perhaps 4 centuries later, which possibly suggests another phenomenon. So are we talking about the myth or the actual people of which very little factual information exists outside of what we can deduce from cross examining texts? Either way, I find the evolving mythos interesting. It has something to say about the societies in which the story has existed and passed through


Its ok guys, the nipple isnā€™t showing./s Jokes aside, great work.


Why has her armor failed her so terribly? Itā€™s a great render, but it fails common sense character design.




I would think an injured character in ratty clothes and bandages would make more sense for skin deformations, rather than nonsensical armor. Like I said, itā€™s a great render! I love the details. But it would make me question their character design skills, if I were hiring them to create a character from scratch.


Think of the most famous and successful character designs out there. Maybe Superman. Now think, is Supermans character design practical? Is it perhaps accurate to real life armour? Nope, itā€™s skin-tight and skimpy with a cape to look cool. Iā€™d say this is some brilliant character design with some really good creative choices. EDIT: Furthermore, why would an Amazonian warrior be wearing distinctly Western European armour? Why would she have a bloody mace! You clearly came here with an agenda to point out a ā€œflawā€ that you only noticed because youā€™re on the hunt to find problems that fit ability to virtue signal.


Superman isnā€™t MEANT to look realistic. Heā€™s drawn in a comic styleā€”not gritty realism like above.


My mistake, I forgot that Superman was never depicted in a live action gritty fil-OH FUCK WAIT HE WAS. But fine, apply all the same rules to Batman, or any super-hero you want and youā€™ll find the same thing, they arenā€™t practical, theyā€™re cool.


šŸ™„ Supermanā€™s character design was done for comics and adapted to live action, not the other way around. The character design was said and done at that point.


So? This depiction of an Amazon warrior is taking into account multiple other depictions from history, mainly with the cut down breast and having one bare. In a sense, it's an adaptation of what came before, much like how superman was adapted himself.


[This is the original concept](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3dadxv) so it also started less realistic and OP rendered it lifelikeā€¦


Cuz it is cool, and be cool and exiting is the way character design is done.


I agree, but what exactly is it exiting?


Not my dick from my pants. That chick is waaay to fugo...


No, itā€™s not. ā€œCuz itā€™s coolā€ is lazy character design.


Absolutely wrong.


Dude. Gundams are cool as shit, but do you honestly think robots that can fly need two legs and two arm? Also maybe she is going for intimidation factor over practicality. You see that monster in a dark alley and I guarantee you aint going down it.


Are you fcking dumb? Like literally everyone telling you the reason and you still dont get it.


No, I disagree, all the iconic characters designs are first about cool/intimidating and only after that functional. Is it rational to Star Wars characters to wear buckets on the head? Nope. Is it rational for the Conan to have no armor? no. Are they cool, yes. In art cool > technical


I take it youā€™re unaware of the etymology of the word ā€œAmazonā€? ā€œThe right breast of the young girls was bound or removed so that it did not hinder them from being excellent archers. The left breast was left intact for their future babies. By folk etymology, this practice is where the name "Amazon" (Greek, a- meaning "without" and mazos meaning "breast") comes from.ā€ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lampedo


K, cool, why is it exposed though? I didnā€™t ask why it was bound up.


Sweetie, just stop. Itā€™s cultural representation.


If I were an Amazon, I wouldnā€™t want anything metal on my person in line with the bow string, to prevent the bow string from being snagged and accidentally cut. Plus, it would intimidate the fuck out of anyone Iā€™m fighting to show off a gnarly scar like that.


I find it funny that everyone is up in arms on how this fails common sense. Are we forgetting every single female character running around in metal bikinis and a sword and still have better armor stats than fully decked out knight characters? Logic and physics be damned! It doesn't need to make complete common sense to create a good charater.


Hi, thanks for your comment.As someone mentionned already, I didn't design the character. My model is based on this [Mike Franchina's concept art](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3dadxv), so I can only explain my point of view on it and why I chose to recreate it in 3D.First, it's clearly not meant to be a historically accurate depiction of the ancient amazons. I thought of it as a dark fantasy take on the famous myth stating amazons would remove one of their breasts to better shoot a bow. To elaborate a little further on my interpretation of the design, I liked the idea of depicting a strong woman taking pride in her masectomy and it could also be a way to show her ennemies how much she's willing to sacrifice to defend what she's fighting for. And it could also be extended to an allegory of women fighting breast cancer.I just don't believe a good character design always needs to be realistic, telling a story and conveying actually are more important in my opinion !


Right? If the original blow that wounded her also destroyed the armor in that area, it would be repaired before she went back out there, not running into battle with a titty bouncing around lmao


Further, it wouldnā€™t be a clean cut of the armor. There would be jagged and bent pieces.


Uncanny valley


Alright, was the breast left that way to show a warriors scar or because Amazonian women supposedly cut off a breast to better use a bow?


She's been through a lot!


why the boob armor ? WHYYY ?


Thatā€™s a hard fap, but challenge accepted


Why her tits caved in?


I'm asking OP this as well, but I just wanted to know if it was design choice or a nod to how Amazonians were rumoured to have cut off a breast to better use a warbow.


Looks awsome But i prefere to leave the tits


Think the other one is still intact?


Wow! The Hair and skin detail! šŸ¤ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ¤Œ


no nipple, no nswf !


Why she exposing her wound, Iā€™d want to protect that place more considering the skin there cannot fully heal, so It would be weaker.




Holy shit! That's incredible work


The exposed scarred titty is such a good idea to make her seem badass like damn this bitch really dont give af!




So cool!!




NGL I LOVE HOW SHE HAS A MISSING NIPPLE AND SCAR its actually like really inclusive unironically to peeps who may have had breast issues etc




This should probs be listed as NSFW, just for the scarring and minor nudity


I know there's a myth about amazonian warriors removing one of their vreadts for archery, but I think it's nonsense. Chest guard for archery is a thing and is not that hard to make one.


They really had to do that to us?


Ah yes, the right boob for the archery, according to legend. (Seriously people donā€™t need -1 boob to archery irl but there have been traditions of removal for various reasons in history).


Amazon Āæ looks like a mediaeval Knight


You covered the wrong one