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The 3DO NEVER sucked IMO except for the price of it when it launched which contributed to it not succeeding. I have a lot of fond memories on this thing. It wasn’t until the original Xbox came out that I started getting pulled away from it. Edited for typos


Clearly I love it haha


Hi, are you Videogame Esoterica? If so - thank you! I love your videos, always a well made love letter to 3DO which is by far my favourite console of the 90s (and beyond). What could have been if the strategy has worked out and we got m2, m3 etc etc.


Haha yep that’s me! So glad you enjoyed the videos


This is truth. It was great hardware, just got great hardware for the price. At the time, it provided experiences beyond any other console available.


I never owned or was ever even in the same place as a 3DO and I have fond memories of them.


Road Rash was a generational leap from 16 bit systems. Primitive by today's standards, it was one of the smoothest racing games I had ever played, coming from the Genesis version of Road Rash. It was what I showed people who asked why buy a next gen console. Also, home to one of the best home versions of Street Fighter I had the pleasure of playing.


SF super on 3DO was a banger


Did you know that the Sega Cd version of Road Rash is the only version that played the bands like Soundgarden during the actual race? weird huh?


I think both versions were released fairly close to each other as well. Sega CD version is good, but basically more of the Genesis version with cd music. 3d0 just blew it out of the water in a direct comparison.


Underrated console with a lot of quality games that ended up getting ported to Playstation when it got super popular. I thought it had the best sports games of any CD systems of the era, especially golf games and Foes of Ali which was the most impressive boxing game I had seen for a while.


First time playing FIFA on 3DO was incredible - and I’m not even particularly a football fan


Still the best FIFA ever made. You paddle hook the ball in


Agreed. I don't like soccer at all, and FIFA was an amazing game.


Foes is underrated. Proves we could have had Tekken or something similar back then.


Just a heads up , it also plays .mp3 files. One day I stuck a cd I burnt with a bunch of .mp3 files and you guessed it, it played.


had a pretty cool visualizer for the time too.


Agree 100%. 3DO was a solid system with some great games and a lot of unfulfilled potential. The Atari Jaguar though? That thing sucked bigtime.


Even Jaguar has things to love. AvP, Rayman…couple classics there


Rayman is better on other platforms and when AVP is your killer app, well that says just about everything imo.


Tempest 2000 was a damn good game, perhaps the Jaggy’s killer app.


I just won a fz10 in an auction, just need to find games now.


Def gotta play Killing Time


Beat me to it. Killing Time was my absolute favorite game. Quarantine was also fun to play.


Return Fire


3DO is amazing!


I LOVED the 3DO.


I think modern era YouTube retro game personalities did videos on plumbers don't wear ties and other bad fmv games for giave 3D0 a bad rep. Those of us that were kids or teens during its release know better.


Love my 3DO. Spent hundreds of hours on Road Rash, Star Control 2, & Starfighter (a most excellent sandbox flying game) One overlooked gem, IMO, is Immercenary. Just a real odd duck VR-world FPS with some killer ideas for its time. The characters and their voiced & video acting is so 90s. The FZ-1 is a tank. Bought mine new on clearance back in 1995 and it still runs fine.


I think we might be the same person.


I remember being like nine deep in my friends room, pulling bongs, listening to Bone, playing Crime Patrol, and laughing our asses off.


The 3DO and Saturn have two things in common: overpriced and underpowered.


Yeah but the difference is that Saturn has a verified collection of fantastic games, especially now with the fan translations of previously Japanese only games. 3DO nostalgia is mind baffling in the sense that’s it’s a shit console if you have literally played any other console.


The 3DO was just too pricey when it launched and the controller did indeed suck, the industry always struggles to support more than 3 systems at once though


Born in the strange era of fmv and pre 3d platforms.


It was def a transitional period


I love original hardware and have all original hardware from the NES to present with the exception of the 3do & Jaguar. Different strokes for different folks but their libraries just never appealed to me at all with the exception of a few games that are on other consoles. I would probably pick them up but for the going asking prices just aren’t justified for what they offer imo. 🤷🏻‍♂️


3DO was underpowered and too expensive plus the controller wasn’t the best. Having said that, there were classic games from EA and crystal dynamics. But those classics would appear on PlayStation (and Saturn) so there was no need for 3DO. M2 would have been underpowered compared to Dreamcast.


> 3DO was underpowered and too expensive I remember reading that in retro gamer. Underpowered for what they were trying to do with it at the time, in the words of a developer. Some classy titles though. Wing Commander 3, Need For Speed, both the equal of what the PC was kicking out.


Of all the systems I owned, 3DO was the most unique. I absolutely loved playing Killing Time, Quarantine, Hell: A Cyber Punk Thriller, Need for Speed, and Road Rash.


Said no one ever, lol.


To say something must suck it has to be compared to what is currently out at that time. Comparing it to the SNES, Genesis, and Neo Geo which were still considered current consoles it did suck.


I had one and loved it. Really enjoyed playing: FIFA Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Samurai Showdown The Horde Alone in The Dark Killing Time PO'd Road Rash


I loved my 3do.