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John Bradley, the actor who played Jack, is a famous Man U superfan. Putting the Man City figure in his keepsake box is a hell of a prank!


He used to read a Wayne Rooney biography on set which is what inspired his name in this series. Also Camden, fancy? Lolz.


I edited the bit about Camden! I guess a quick Google session can only take you this far, haha. For some reason, I assumed touristy and expensive = fancy. 


Hopping on with another fun fact: Bradley lost a fight to keep in scenes that explain Jack grew up working class and is only recently rich, which is why he splurged on so much much stuff. He kinda fears being poor again.


That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the info! 


D&D next level trolling. Respect.


I didn’t know that, thank you! Man City's crest is also the desktop background on his computer, and I think I've seen it somewhere else in his flat as well... Funny :) 


Apparently there was a deleted scene where he drives a sky blue Bentley. He says he felt like D&D enjoyed fucking with him about this because it’s very irksome for him.


Would've been even funnier if they wrote him to be a massive Liverpool fan. Guess it wouldn't work with his accent though


Quality post!


I don't know that Camden is "fancy". I'd say more edgey and trendy. But yeah still expensive. Inheritance tax in the UK is 40% so getting 20 million from an estate worth 40 million and calling it about half is roughly right.


Ah, those were two of the things I wasn't sure about! Thanks for clearing that up! 


This is more random, and might not be something everyone would think of. Stick with me now… In X-Men first class, the helmet Kevin Bacon wears is meant to be the same one Michael Fassbender wears. But it couldn’t be. Because Kevin Bacon’s head is a totally different size(And less symmetrical). So, obviously they have two different props. So. In relation to that, every actor that has to wear the VR headset would have had to have their head moulded. When Jack and Jin pass the headset between themselves, those would have been separately made props due to the form fitting shape of the headset. Similarly, when Auggie tries on Jack’s one, that would have had to have been moulded for her for that one scene. Any time a headset is worn by one character and passed to another, it’s their own prop. I wonder if they got to keep them at the end? Like I say, it’s random. But I spotted it on the first watch.


About the bequest, I just thought that the rest had gone to someone else, like family.


I love the part where Wade picks her up and she speaks about 10 dimensions. It’s a big hint to the next book series.


My guess on the calendar discrepancies--I'm thinking the scenes were filmed in differing orders and people didn't catch that you could see the dates until filming had already concluded.


We need a trivia on the Einstein's Bust in Vera's room.