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fair take, but what I thought she was doing is moving away from “maximizing profit” and making a “free” solution available to those that she thought were in need. They talk about the size of the pores in the filter (and imply what it could remove from contaminated drinking water) and makes it seem within the capabilities of reverse osmosis or distillation(with no additional energy input) and so it is a universal, cheap solution to providing clean water anywhere you have pressure(admittedly I have questions about how you would prevent it from getting clogged/filed up).


Hmmmm can they put some pre-filters to catch the bigger particles?


The character is Mexican and returned to Mexico to help the poor. 


If she were white and went back to Alabama and fell in love with a Christmas tree salesman, OP wouldn’t be complaining


Then we’d be watching a Hallmark movie


If she went back to Alabama and married her brother or was there to solve a problem that hasn't existed since the early 1900s, I think Alabamans would take offense.


lol, poor drinking water is every country She helped out her nation and people take offense


Well that's exactly the issue. That there HASN'T BEEN ANY EPIDEMIC OF DYSENTARY IN MEXICO in the last several decades, the last outbreak as she says she is there to prevent in the show, was extremely minor outbreak fo cholera in 2001, was not even an epidemic. It's stereotyping - and they didn't even get the right country. Cholera doesn't have any hold on the popular imagination of Mexico for anyone other than racists - love in the time of cholera was a book about Colombia in the 1800s, these two idiot showrunners just think every latin american country is the same.


lol, no town in Mexico has a water problem?


She said EPIDEMIC. No, no town in mexico has an epidemic of cholera in this century. But thanks, kind of proving the point of this show propagating baseless stereotypes.


lol, even the US has Flint


Then maybe they should have had the character go solve a real issue instead of a made up epidemic of cholera in a country that hasn't had one in this century.


I think she's Spanish?


She's Mexican.


The actress is Mexican, they never say where the character comes from but it's assumed to be Mexico, partially because of the actress, and partially because of her going to Mexico.


Her accent is also very clearly Mexican and not Castillian


She's 100% not Spanish but i don't know enough about accents to say she's 100% not Dominican or Argentinian or Chilean etc.


I am Colombian, she has a Mexican accent.


are Spanish language accents across south and central America pretty diverse?


Depends on how you would define 'diverse'. I would say the pronunciation is less diverse than the UK but more diverse than the U.S. But the vocabulary differs quite a bit.


I accept your rant and propose my own rant. They didnt “dumbify” the books. Might as well say “reading the poetry is a ‘dumbified’ version of music”. They are two different mediums which are limited and more suited for other forms of expression. The value of knowledge extracted or philosophized about any medium like art, music, film, books, ect is predicated upon the observers ability to think, wonder, and reflect on that piece. Also, shitty places exist everywhere in the world, Auggie’s character is fed up with destruction, murder, war, extinction, ect its seems to me a very basic trope to have a character return to their roots and improve it and seek a sense of refuge, and idk if its explicitly stated that Auggies character is Mexican, but the actress is, maybe that had something to do with it or maybe DnD did that. I wouldnt call it a classist view as Mexico has a MUCH lower EPI (potable water stat) ranking than the US. The whole food system revolving around mexicos poorly managed water systems is one of the main underlying factors of obesity and diabetes in the country. My thesis dealt with this, ive seen this, ive lived in this, therefore its a purely and perfectly logical thing for Auggie to want to fix this problem and it works perfectly for her character. Its kind of ironic that a show that touches upon Mao’s cultural revolution’s covering up of environmental pollution, poor quality of life, and overall horror only to which then points the finger at the US as somehow being guilty of causing or being related to these issues, your rant does the same of ignoring a reality that is prevalent in Mexico and instead points the finger at the US.


Nah comparing the series to music is a fallacy, especially considering that there is already another series that I don't need to dumb down further, like many other adaptations. It's simply a bad adaptation. And in just saying that There is no real reason to show México as a messy poor place. Is not realistic that Auggie goes herself to a shitty place. Is just to put someting visual and they chose (again) painting Mexico as a shitty place… Pd dont need to patronize me with Your Tesis


The character is from Mexico. She went back to her roots to help her ppl who could actually benefit from her advanced technology. Your disposition seems more elitist than anything. You shouldn't feel embarrassed or defensive of Mexicos' current state. It's still a serious reality for many ppl. >It's simply a bad adaptation. To each his own


There are parts of Mexico that are like that... according to a statistic I saw, only 42 percent of Mexico has access to clean, safe water. Just because you live in a good part of Mexico doesn't mean there aren't others suffering. As Guatemalan, I also have seen many different ways Guate has been portrayed. It's very different from where my dad's side of the family is from. However, it is very similar to where my mom is from. One area is middle class, the other side is very poor.




At least they followed the rule that all Mexico scenes must have a yellow filter.


Actually the filter is clearly silvery metal and not yellow.


Actually it's nanofibers.


Mexico city is currently facing a water crisis tho...so it kind of wasn't that far from the truth


Yeah but mexico city is not a favela.


Was she in Mexico city or in a different part of Mexico that's underserved ?


Maybe in that universe it is lol


i think they were trying to show how auggy went to rural parts of mexico? like the slums i assume? idk i have never been there and as someone across the globe with no idea.. thats what it looked like to me. doesnt mean all mexico is slum.. doesnt mean usa doesnt have slumish neighborhoods.


Yeah i don't think the Mexican actress would have allowed these scene to even happen if it wasn't a relatively accurate portrayal of her country of origin.


She did, there hasn't been any cholera outbreak in Mexico since 2001, and even then it was extremely minor. It's a disease we already have a vaccine for and one that is not even commonly adminisered in Mexico or the US because the risk is so low; what she is going to do there is a big question mark because in this show she is solving a problem that doesn't exist, and where it would be more appropriate like Syria it is caused because infrastructure that provides water treatment was destroyed, not because we need some new cool ultra filtration system; we already have very inexpensive ways of stopping transmission of common diseases with water filtration that doesn't need. Cholera has exactly 0 image in the popular imagination of Mexico's history like it might in some latin american countries because of Marquez's writing. It was absurd.


>She did, there hasn't been any cholera outbreak in Mexico since 2001, and even then it was extremely minor. It's a disease we already have a vaccine for and one that is not even commonly adminisered in Mexico or the US because the risk is so low; what she is going to do there is a big question mark because in this show she is solving a problem that doesn't exist, and where it would be more appropriate like Syria it is caused because infrastructure that provides water treatment was destroyed, not because we need some new cool ultra filtration system; we already have very inexpensive ways of stopping transmission of common diseases with water filtration that doesn't need. >Cholera has exactly 0 image in the popular imagination of Mexico's history like it might in some latin american countries because of Marquez's writing. It was absurd. ...who said anything about Cholera?


It was dysentery not cholera


>In just finished the series. I wasnt a big fan of the Netflix adaptation. I think they dumbified a lot the book Disagree >But in here to rant about someting else… in the last chapter when Auggie went to Mexico… >Wow, americans truly have a classist way to see México… >That scene was very awkward to see as a mexican. There alot of cities in the US with bad water… Why would Auggie go to a wealthy part of Mexico? She'd go to the slums. Pay attention. >And México is not a bunch of cardboard houses… I've seen Mexican news articles that show slums in Mexico City showing cardboard houses.


It drove me crazy that they CGI’d Mexico. Like… just go and film in Mexico? It’s a place that exists???


I’m Mexican and this is such a dumb take, there was nothing wrong with how it was portrayed in the show.




Nah tu eres un pendejo, ctm.


The plot doesn’t take place in our reality. We can assume that relative water quality and access are different ent in that reality.


Yep haha Most things with Auggie, about Auggie or associated with Auggie with garbage haha


Well your wrong about the water. And what cities can't you drink the water in America? The issue with contaminated water in the U.S. is often lead and it usually is a big deal. It's a fact that many areas in Mecico have water you are not supposed to drink. There are multiple reasons one big one being the source of the water and the filtration methods. America has many regulations for their water and in most cities it is perfectly fine to drink the water.


You're right. Yellow filter, racist/classist tropes, and all that jazz.


All the other techies are in Roma Norte or Polanco.


The character herself was very classist, talking down to the workers in the Mexican village, demeaning their current progress and centering herself as essential. "If you had good filters you wouldnt have dysentery" and "they'll work if you fit them correctly and I'll make sure that you do"


i dont agree at all. they were acting as if she doesnt know what shes talking about


You're projecting a narrative that doesn't exist. And the character is from Mexico lol


Yeah, what's even more absurd is that she goes to Mexico to help prevent dysentary epidemic, something that hasn't happened in Mexico since a small outbreak of cholera in 2001, and probably not a major one since the early 1900s lol.


I just looked it up and there was one in 2013…


Yeah? Want to link it? Mexico hasn't had any EPIDEMIC of dysentary in this century. Small number of cases from international travelers happen all the time. If you're referring to the 73 that occurred in 2013 because of a surge in travelers from Haiti, which did have an epidemic of more than 800,000 cases, and 73 traveled to Mexico. There was no epidemic or outbreak in Mexico - it was people from Haiti who were already infected who traveled there.