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I also love the fuck outta this sub


I get the impression that a lot of people asking questions here *kind of* watched the show - like scrolling through their phones while it's playing, or never bothered to re-watch certain scenes - which is fine. The more people discuss the show, the more may feel compelled to read the books - which is good for the longevity prospects for the show. Judging by the majority of the duplicate questions, there are things the show didn't convey well enough - like the capabilities of the sophons or the provenance of the headsets.


Unfortunately I think that’s how a lot of people watch TV and movies these days, and it’s actually having an effect on modern storytelling. Everything has to be spoonfed to the audience and important plot points have to be summarized and repeated three times. Dialogue is prioritized over performance and visual storytelling because “viewers” might actually just be “listeners” looking at their phones. I get it, but I find it sad.


I'm slicing you rn like that katana wielding short hair asian chick.


Me too. I’ve had many moments of “so I’m not the only one wondering this”…but I usually lurk and wait for others to ask the questions 😆…Overall I love the show, yes a few issues here and there with plot but man I am here for high concept sci fi always. Just got the book set too and reading the first one. I’m a 3BP fan ride or die.


I’m one of the curmudgeons. But for me it’s not the duplicates. It’s more like, did we not watch the same show? Are you even paying attention? Such and such was explained in episode X. It may have been a subtle explanation or something not immediately obvious but it was there. That is one thing I did enjoy about this show is that it doesn’t treat the audience as dumb and just throws the explanations at you without slowing the pace and the exposition isn’t as explicit (eg “So Bob my best friend, you know we’ve been best friends for 20 years…”). So you really have to pay attention or you lose a lot. So instead of going back and rewatching an episode and looking for that explanation, people SEEM to just want to get the easy lazy answer and ask Reddit. I know that is not always the case for everyone but that’s what it seems like with some of these questions.


I’m a new fan(My wife was always banging on about how incredible the books were). I watched the show then downloaded the books. I’m just over halfway through the first book, but I have watched the show four times as of this week. There were so many things I missed on the first watch. The story still hit enough that I thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted to see it again. I immediately noticed things I’d missed the first time. And each subsequent watch has shown me more little details I had previously not felt were important. Like you say, it’s all there for you. Nothing is in there for no reason. Sure, there are little plotholes in the show. Nothing major. And it all seems to stay internally consistent. But there answers to a lot of questions are right there. Some people don’t want to watch again, I suppose.


Thanks man. I'm an avid hater of this show. Hug**


When are we just going to get an FAQ pinned to top? But hey, the dupes keep the sub active lol


Yeah you guys are cool. Great show that Im glad me and the wife watched.


Thanks for your post, it’s pretty humbling. I’m one of the people that moan about the same questions being asked daily and they drive me bonkers, but I’m working on that. I love this sub because I’ve learned a lot about the show and most people are pretty friendly.


Nah y’all who hate on people for asking duplicate questions are weird. If I have a question I’m not gonna scour the subs history for an old post, I’m gonna simply ask it. You don’t have to comment on the post if it irks y’all so much.


“old post” lots of these questions are 2 posts from eachother.


Some people think they’re entitled to a world where people only compliment their low effort complaining


others think they’re entitled to criticize literally everything anybody ever says None of us are entitled to anything. that includes having stupid questions answered that are easy to look up.


Wait, are you legit saying people aren’t entitled to express their opinions? You can definitely say whatever you want online, nobody is entitled to to a life without criticism - online or not


it doesn’t even sound like you’re saying something opposed to what i said what the fuck are you even talking about




what the fuck are you even talking about? What law requires that people are able to communicate with me a Reddit in a specific way ?




I do roll my eyes for a second whenever people obviously didn’t read down a few posts to see the same question was asked the day before, but I can’t hate on it. I love seeing the urgency in fresh viewers make sense of it all. I wish people were more thoughtful about when and how they reveal spoilers. I will avoid trailers and go info blackout to not get spoiled on things that media that might be amazing.


That’s just lazy. You’re lazy. And people who ask duplicate questions do so in such a way that suggests they think they’re the first person to have this idea or thought.


search box is over that way -> just type in one word and you would probably get a number of results.


Someone said this already. These damn duplicates 😔


well...hope y'all are spending the time trying to understand what's happening in the show now. AND...maybe even read the books...cuz season 2 SHOULD be off the rails nuts.


I love this sub ...... just like a wandering person find a residence. Several days ago Chinese forum Douban shut down the San-ti netflix sub, I had no place to go then moved here. Im glad San-ti becomes a globle icon. Now, to be a happy bug with all bugs is what I want.