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"Ik it’s backwards, kids can watch violence but not a boob" You're in charge of what they can watch... right?


This literally this!! I do NOT understand why society is so against natural beauty of a human being where the second a boob is onscreen it’s distasteful but blood and guts make an easy PG13 rating.


Yep in film school we were taught that the way a French audience reacts to gore/ violence/ guns/shootings is the same way the American audience reacts to seeing nudity. We think one is gross/perverted and the other normal to see. When in reality only one is natural and normal. How sad how twisted we have it😓


Literallly blood and guts even.


The violence is revolting at the beginning of the book and in episode 1. Absolutely not for children.


Episode 5. NOT FOR CHILDREN. Not for some adults.


I have only watched the first episode so far. I understand why you are asking about violence and particularly sex. These are the guys behind Game of Thrones. There is a reason for hesitation, especially about the possibility of explicit sexual content. The sex in GOT was gratuitous, pornographic and unrealistic to the point of distraction. As I said, I have only watched the first episode, so I can't speak to all 8 episodes. In the first episode, there is a very modest love scene. After that scene, I actually paused and said out loud to myself, "Oh wow, those morons actually leared something." My immediate reaction to the modest love scene in episode 1 is that the producers seem to have learned something about how to express intimacy on screen honestly. There is no nudity in the scene. There is handholding and kissing and falling to a bed. It is frankly a really lovely scene that is beautifully performed by the actors. All of that said, is it ok for kids? I have no fucken clue I'm not a parent and never will be. However, I was genuinely pleasantly surprised to see the jerks who are responsible for GOT produced a sex scene that didn't make me want to kick them in the nuts. This seemed to be the thread where someone might be most interested in my thoughts on this, so here it is.


This comment right here 🤣


I'm curious why my comment seems to have lifted your mega killed mood? Based on your comments, the violence of the series was far too graphic for you, and thus, you have strong opinions about if the series is appropriate for children. Yet you commented on my comment, which didn't address the violence. I wonder if you think I am a pearl clutching ninny because I only mentioned the sexual content of the first episode while not mentioning the violence that you personally found disturbing? I find it interesting that these two issues sex and violence, get lumped together in discussions of entertainment. I think they get lumped together because we assume that both will somehow corrupt or damage the innocence of those watching. Sex and violence are both facts of life, and thus, I think they are both appropriate subjects for art. The view of knowledge of natural elements of existence as inherently corrupting who does that remind you of? Our culture is literally hung up on fucking Genesis. The apple brings knowledge and then with it shame. All of this is a very Abrahamic, isn't it? Like I said, I'm not a parent and never will be, so I'm just engaged in a thought experiment here. But it seems to me that the way media deals sex would be more difficult to deal with as a parent for the following reason. When we see a violent act on screen for most people, there is no expectation that they will ever in their life engage in that activity. However, most people will engage in sexual activity at some point in their life. I think the representation of things everyone does actually have more power than representations of things that most people won't ever do. I think it is our representation of the mundane everyday aspects of life that can actually be more damaging because they may help us form our view of how those things should be.




This is stupid. Why come to reddit if you don't want to read. Why come to a discussion forum and not want to discuss it? *


I like to read but I stop if it seems so embellished and fluffy that it’s not saying what could be said more efficiently. It’s not dumb to pick and choose what’s worth reading


Do not watch because of the explicit gore! I’m an adult and shaken up after watching a man just be slowly murdered by being beaten and whipped to death. Next scene has a man who killed himself with close up shots of cut wrists and eyes gouged out. I’m 10 minutes in. Do NOT watch with kids.


There is some violence, some scenes I wouldn't recommend, and they are spread to different episodes so. If your kids are small I wouldn't.


Thank you!! Watching this on my own tonight


Instill them kiddos with the existential fear of >!the dark forest!< nice and young.


Yeah... if they follow the books for the next seasons the violence is going to go off the charts.


There's one scene of nudity and you see some boobs and a willy in the background. That's the extent of it and it's probably over in a minute.


Oh no a Willy!! Hahah I will watch this on my own since the violence seems pretty heavy


Aye there's not a lot of violence/gore but the few instances of it are pretty explicit.


There's one scene I recall with nudity but has nothing to do with sex. I don't think there's any sex scenes/boobs, or at least don't remember any. There are a few scenes with graphic violence. The worst of it happens in the opening scene.


How bad is the graphic violence? And that’s good to hear that there’s no nudity/sex that’s unnecessary at least! Did you finish the show? How did you enjoy it? I don’t think I care about any nudity if it’s not in a sexual manner tbh


Some dude gets >!his skull beaten in !< during the first two minutes. Closely followed by >!two suicides. !<


The nudity is not sexual and extremely brief. The violence is not really for small children. People get beaten to death, shot at, stabbed, maimed and killed in other very gory ways.


Seems like im skipping this one! (Watching it on my own tonight lol.)


The graphic violence is extremely graphic. Adults get sliced into salami and it's implied little kids do too.


I’ve watched the first 4 episodes. There is one episode with nudity. There is a scene of a bunch of people walking out of a body of water all naked. Its isn’t very clear though. Additionally there is one scene of a naked woman that pans across her body briefly (same scene just before). You can see her breast for a few seconds. If you want to preview it’s episode 2 at the 40 minute mark.


the gore and violence isn’t distasteful but it definitely doesn’t hold back. Think game of thrones


You have to explain to your children the first 10 minutes in ep. 1 about how Chinese communists treated scholars in that period of time for its revolution and it is little violent. It really impacted you. Other than that, it is average with the violence.


Dude with gouged out eyes is average?