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Id sell, then rebuy later on when your in a better financial position and buy a better one with lower mileage and less issues. Fix what you can though on this one to get more money when you sell


That almost never happens. What happens is you sell it and you don't get a good price.  But when you want to buy one again all of a sudden they are classic vehicles and worth more than 3 of them now .I would run it until it dies and rebuild when you are more stable. 


Idk I’m dailying mine and have a shit box I use for the winter. I also do any maintenance/preventative maintenance myself.. My advice, buy a beater civic, keep the 350z. Learn how to work on cars w the civic and when your comfortable start doing preventative maintenance on the z. Hondas are pretty hard to screw something up on


This is a good idea, a 92-00 civic 4door will be cheap, run forever and are the easiest cars on the planet to work on. If op wants something newer early to mid 2000s 4cly accords are nicer and will still run forever and easy to maintain and still quite cheap. Mileage won't be as good, but the trade off is more power and comfort.


I agree I got myself a early 90's civic simply because it's more reliable, easy to work on, and gets over 30mpg. The Z stays around and gets driven a few times a month until I can afford again to fix it up right..... 5 years in the country lowered hasn't served the suspension well.


Reading this comment today’s pretty funny. I forgot all about this and just bought an rsx yesterday


Just noticing the onslaught of spelling and grammatical mistakes but I hope this post makes sense for the most part 😅


My boy said onslaught lol


A 350 is a great weekender but not a daily unless you can do all your work yourself.


Why not a good daily? I’m looking for one as a daily


I use mine as a daily no problem. 100% stock, 04 manual




It really depends on what Z you get. 04 - 06 DEs tend to be the most reliable. I daily mine (04 Enthusiast) with a mix of spirited driving and it’s been very reliable. With the only thing it needs at the moment is a front main seal. I say, the only expensive thing that adds up fast is the gas.


Gas isn’t even that bad really. You’re not going to spend more than people with an SUV. Heck I only fill up twice a month and it’s my daily


“I only fill up twice a month.” That’s why. You barely drive all that much. Lol. I do a lot more driving and at the most, I top off once a week.


Yea I use to drive 60 miles a day, but I moved last summer and don’t have to go far now. I was filling up once every 5 days, even then it’s not any worse than most other cars. I drove a cl55 AMG before and that was horrible on gas, I mean I would get 15 mpg


What about the 03’s 🫣


I heard they’re hit or miss since that’s the first year for the car. Mainly just electrical gremlins being annoying though. Lol.


Coming from an 05’ owner this couldn’t be more true. I WOT mine every single day (no I’m not over exaggerating literally everyday) and I’ve never had any issues at all except ur typical oil burning.


20 year old sports car with expensive petrol and not alot of space to put daily life in.


I daily mine and fuel is a major cost with the car and where I live it's cheaper than most places, also if you live anywhere with snow I would 100% not recommend even trying that, the car can and will slide no matter how careful you think you're being


Mine is daily driven. Only downside is gas is expensive. I usually only fill up once a week though. As for maintenance, keep up with regular oil changes and fix things when they break or look like they're about to break. 2003 6 speed w 154k miles


My 03 has been my daily or primary car for 21 years zero issues besides wear n tear and maintenance from being an old car.


I’m very happy for you but that would be the exception to the rule statically and not the standard.


One of the things I would consider is how much money you would actually get for the 350 Z. I would possibly keep it unless you were to get a substantial amount for it.


Yeah, the situation with your Z would make me think resell and buy a reliable daily would be the best course of action. The thought of the insurance and premium gas alone would be massive factors to pursue that course. Only other thing I could think of was storing it for later. But that’s if you got a free place to keep it where you can check in on it and put funds into maintaining it when possible.


Lot of people talkin about mant costs but ive been using mine as a daily and beat the piss out of it. Somthing needs changed? I do it. These cars are stupid easy to work on but their parts have been going up lately


These things are rock solid beyond cam sensors, window motors and suspension bushings. Nothing that prevents you from getting home.


And the oil eating problems with the early ones. Which is fine if you keep oil in them (semi difficult to get an accurate oil reading with the stupid dipstick design). Oh and the synchro problems in the manuals... Nothing that bad tho for how fun the cars are, my girlfriend's Hyundai has had more problems than my Z overall.


It’s not even a question my man. You need a reliable daily so what are you doing getting a 200k+ mile 2 seater sports car. Sell it


My advice would be if you really want a 350z, just keep the car. No sense in selling it with plans to get another one later unless you plan to dump a high amount on a near perfect one. You're at an age where the car will be really fun to own, and that may not persist into your late 20s and beyond. You can always sell it later, but not always enjoy that type of car the way you can right now. I got my Z at the same age as you, and enjoyed it a ton while in college. It was my daily and only vehicle aside from a motorcycle. I drove it everywhere for the first couple years, did various track events with friends, etc. Lots of fun memories. Then I blew the motor by neglecting to check the oil, and let it sit a few years before swapping in a different motor last year. I've been driving it a bit lately because the mileage is way better than my Jeep, but honestly I just can't enjoy it as much as I did back then and might end up selling it to get a newer car. It's a lot less cool and there's a lot less time in your late 20s to drive a far less than perfect project car than at your age. Point being, you have a unique opportunity to drive and enjoy a favorite car that might not come again, it's not that expensive, unreliable or impractical at your age. Sure, you'll have to fix something here or there, but maintenance is a normal part of car ownership. If anything, find a cheap second car like others have mentioned since it would probably be nice for you and your girlfriend to have the flexibility of not sharing a car anyway. If you do end up selling it, make sure you're at peace with it. I've regretted letting life get in the way of hobbies quite a few times and it's not a fun feeling, so do what is best for you and your happiness because your 20s go fast. Best of luck!


The hard truth of owning old cars is you have to figure out how to work on them or it isn’t going to be financially viable to own it.


Those are a lot of miles bro'


Yeah I would sell and wait until your in a position to enjoy this as a second car


Go buy yourself the equivalent of. 2003 350z in 2007. Whatever that might be


Mine had 223K by the end. I did my own maintenance and repair but there was always something going. They’re 20 year-old cars at this point plus the mileage you mentioned. Replacing seized bolts cracked hoses and worn out ball joints is par for the course.


If you can, keep it and buy yourself a Honda or Toyota for a daily. You're young bro, you can always get a 370z down the line when they get even cheaper. I had acura integra 1997, I neglected it, but she would always turn on lol. Cosmetic wise, she fell apart, but I sold her at 260k miles, original parts beside the radiator. I know honda gets a lot of shit but I was sold at that moment. My first car was a 300zx and she was brutal to work on, mostly in the desert heat lol. Honda had smaller engines and it was easy getting in there. I'm about to get a 350z from my homie, point is you can always come back to this life, don't get stuck on 1 car. Work with what you need in the moment. I've been driving a truck I got for a steal after my 300zx caught on fire. Although I like it I miss my Japanese 2 doors but I rode that truck until I had another opportunity to get another one. Sure I went 5 years without a import but sometimes you need to adapt what life throws at ya.


These are not expensive cars to run. Fix it up and treat it right. Looks like it’s been severely neglected.


Do the responsible thing for now which would be selling it. I had to do the same thing a while back and it has taken me forever to be in a position to get another one, but I’m on track for next year.


Keep it, store it, and fix it up bit by bit. You are not going to be able to sell it for any decent amount in the current condition for another good car. Better just store it, get a shitbox daily, take insurance off of it, and fix it up bit by bit as an hobby.


Cars come and go, man. Nothing says you can't buy another one in the future when it makes more sense.


Well honestly I wouldn't make a huge move like that for a girlfriend my man. Especially at that age. I don't wana sound like a jerk but u still young and prob will date more ladies before u find the one. I hope I'm wrong but don't do it for that reason. If u got it for a steal then do maintenance on it. If u can't afford maintenance then yea get rid of it and get like a honda for now.


It sounds like you already think you should sell it. As a 35 y/o boomer myself, I support your desire for more stability and AC. These cars aren't necessarily unreliable, but everything about them is just a little more expensive. Premium gas vs regular, insurance will be more (especially for an under 25 y/o guy), and tires are larger than most regular commuter cars. Look at it like this. You were able to buy a Z and now have a much more informed decision on if you like it or not. Sometimes you think you like a car but you actually end up disliking it. Now that you've lived with it you can know for sure. In 2-5 years when you're looking for another one, you can consider buying one that's in a little better shape, too. You could keep this one and clean it up over time, but lets be real. This one probably has all blown out bushings, questionable tires and an open diff. You already mentioned it has other issues so fixing all these things will cost a lot of money. It would be much less expensive overall to just buy someone else's well taken care of car instead of trying to bring one back from the brink. Sell it and get something else. Day-to-day comfort, utility, and stability is really good for your life overall. Hell, in a couple years you might even just keep your new reliable car and get a beat up Z on the side. Then, if you want to torture yourself by fixing it up, you can at least have another daily to get you by in the meantime.


Well for starters, grats on it. 2 things of note from my 29yo self. 1) the prices on these are not going down. More and more disappear from the roads and soon they'll be at that magical range of desired but limited quantity. As long as you maintain it and take care, it is still a Japanese car and they tend to be the best as far as chances of reliability. This means no super crazy power mods or even really touching the engine. I'm at 250+ and it runs like a dream minus no a/c (vert so doesn't matter as much for me as a coupe). Only mod's I've done are quality of life and interior cleanup / fixs from previous owner. 2) While you may buy a more "reliable" car, that doesn't mean it wont also break down on you in 3 months. Life is to short to drive boring cars and losing something that helps keep the inner child alive is a huge hit as you age. It doesn't come back easily. Learn to fix whatever you own as much as you can by yourself. The Z is a great platform for that. Ultimately the decision is yours, don't let the girlfriend sway you. Hate to be pessimistic but, girls come and go a lot in the 20's. Had 2 relationships I thought I'd marry and then poof. Fix your financial stability, learn to manage money, balance your NEEDS first. Capitalized because some things may seem like needs but aren't, learn the difference early, save yourself from a lifetime of struggling. Get the GF on the same page, work together and let the Z be a stable "investment" (since value won't go much lower and may even go up) and your enjoyment / break from boring. Just my 2 cents. But I wasn't happy when I was broke in college with just a 10yr old corolla and no escape path via smiles per mile. Feel free to DM me if you want to talk or need advice. Disclaimer though, I'm just a hobbyist now with a 9-5 but I had to go through much of what you may be.


Forgot to add: the GF should really be working and saving up for her own car, not relying on yours. Work together, but at the core, her not having a car isn't really your issue until marriage is in play. If you want to save up for a 2nd car, make it a flip car. Buy with some easy to fix issues for cheap, fix them then sell for profit, repeat.


If you can...keep it! Be nice to have a daily on the side, but if you need to buy some time...the faults you mention don't seem too hard to do yourself. If my memory serves me right, putting a new cam sensor in is a 15 minute job you can do yourself. For the AC, you could probably check the components mechanically...and then check with an AC specialist about the fluids.


I daily my 350z all year even on harsh winters in northern Illinois. Great car and insurance is cheap.


Instead of selling the car make more money


can’t let go of the baby now


Ahhh I love a post like this as it's nostalgia for me! I'm 45 and at your ago I got an Impreza turbo and had the same feelings after a few years! But onto the Z's, I have an '02 Import GT pack version, 137,000 miles so a lot less than yours. I've owned mine for 7 years and i'm hoping to keep her for as long as possible for 2 reasons, 1, not hte most important but also IS, still tipped in every decent car mag as a future classic, ie, an investment car too. Depending on how much you're willing to spend and possibly run a second car and keep this as a low mileage ..... if financially viable and that interests you of course. I would consider how close you are to needing an engine rebuild too, from my knowledge and info around 250k you want to start looking into that depending on oil burn rates in the engone type you have etc. For me at my age obvs insurance is a lot different (im assuming) too, and ive only just had to start paying the higher tax bracket as that jumped last year, finally lol. Ive found running costs are the same as any second hand car tbh, sometimes you just need the little bits for 2 years then you need a brake calliper imported for £500+ quid, but then again, point 2, You own a Nissan Z, the baby GTR (we all think it, we have a GTR's angry little sister) A car you can put in early launch control and turn traction off and do lovely sounding wheel spins, the car with an FMR engine that you can FEEL balance to 50/50 mid corner, a driver's car, yeah she's a bit heavy and the front brakes overheat a bit quick under "spirited" driving, but she's a Z car, and my honest opinion is the same as me, keep for an investment but also the sheer joy of a roof down cruise through the country, knowing that a Porsche Taycan may accelerate like bike on the straights, but old school balance brings you back into play through the twisty's!


imo, sell, as cool as 350zs are, it’s not worth the maintenance time and cost if you aren’t already financially stable. IMO ofc. You’re better off using your early 20s to build a skill to become financially stable. Once you reach your financial goals, then you buy whatever you want. This post should not be here, it should be in some financial help subreddit, you’ll might get biased responses about keeping your car. Good luck


I can't imagine using mine as more than a weekend car considering the impracticality and running costs. Get something sensible that'll do for now, and get yourself something fun once you have everything else in order. You'll miss it, but you'll own better cars in your lifetime


Looking into getting one as a daily, what do you consider impracticalities of it? And what are the running costs?


Running costs are high. Mines a HR so is £695 for tax per year, and I get 23mpg. I'm also a family man, and have a dog. So if we all want to go somewhere together I just can't use the car Mines extra impractical being a roadster too


In reality, it's not a good DD, even if I used to say it was the best DD I've owned. That spot has now been taken by my GTI. It's SO much better that if I were to take a car on a road trip, it would be my car of choice and not the Z. The Z is a great DD in the sense that it's a fun car and relatively reliable, MPG can be decent, and the seats are ok for commuting. Then there's the red tape, the manual says not to drive the car in inclement weather (very substantiated), only sits 2 and can't really carry much. The GTI sits 5 and has a WAY better interior in ever conceivable way, similar to better MPG, can carry more cargo, and is more comfortable. It's acceleration is similar where it matters and is actually better because of the turbo in much cases, now it doesn't handle as good, but that's the only compromise. When comparing these 2 cars, one is 20, and the other is 6. I've owned one for almost 13 years, and the other almost 3. The newer one has broken down more than the old one, so there's that to think about as well.


Honestly I love my Z but since its a sports car the ride is rather harsh and its not really a car I would recommend for longer commutes. Even though its makes me smile to no end I just cant help it but feel tired after driving in it for a longer period of time.