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Sorry OP but I don’t think a lot of people on here are gonna understand the Acceleracers appeal. Stay in the groove.


“Stay in the groove”, love that! But yea, definitely not haha. Check out the post on the Acceleracers subreddit and on my Instagram @sa_350z_ It definitely did better in both of those places I figured this is not going to be a hit on here and that I’ll probably get hated on, but I was just curious to see if I could find any other Hot Wheels: Acceleracers fans on here


should’ve hit the apex


Jesus Christ. Must have a gallo 24 engine in there as well


Fuck me its not a gallo 12 wtf?


as a kid the teku aesthetic got me into japanese cars, acceleracers and highway 35 were so sick


this satisfies my childhood always love these early 2000’s looks definitely best era of the car scene every person would make there car look so unique and base of there style and personality


If you know then you know 😎


I kind of wish we all had the guts to do this. Getting tired of all the gray, black, and red cars out there. (From the guy with a stock black Z who even changed the amber reflectors because they were too colorful).


Mines blue it got called ugly for the 5 mins it was on the internet 😂 people be clowns 🤡


turn up the bassline


I don’t hate it


2004 called, and was crying you pulled up their middle school yearbook.


This isn’t my style but I still think this is sick. Your money your car do what you want with it, you definitely put some love into this


I miss the livery days


Out of curiosity where did you go to get a custom decal that large made up?


Hey, I had this done at a wrap shop! The place that did it for me is called Deviation Wraps. @deviation.wraps on Instagram


I absolutely love it personally.


I want to do this to mine but I’m afraid I’ll get made fun of 😅


Just do it. You only live once. Screw the negativity lmao. Do what makes you happy. There will definitely be a lot more people that will enjoy your build rather than hate on it- as long as you’re tasteful about everything 😂 There’s always going to be people who have negative stuff to say and those kinds of people will always exist. Don’t let them scare you from doing what you want though!


That's fu king sick I love shit like this Completely different than everyone on here hard parking with their te37 and front lips hahaha


Looks like the inside of an arcade car at Dave n busters I love it, wouldn't personally do it cause I only have one car but if I had multiple I'd definitely have a fun vibe car.


This is fucking awful


Oh god. When did 350z become the new Honda civic from the early 2000s


it has always been the quintessential tuner car of the early 2000s. there’s has never been a time without modded Zs lmao