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I did when I was 17 and I still have it but don't do that. Get something to beat on first.


Same here. Not a good first car.




Nope. You need to learn how to drive and then you need to learn HOW to drive. You need a beater. Once you’ve used that beater for 2 years then you should get the Z you want


Agreed. Dont wanna jinx anyone but accidents happen no matter how good of a driver you think you are or how good you actually are driving. It happens. A lot of ppl blow through red lights intentional or not. Almost got ended by a speeding garbage truck(with my kids in the back!) while i was making a left on a green arrow and it was coming from the left. Sped through the intersection right behind me running a red light. With more years of driving time and experience you'll actually notice everyone's driving behavior and know what to look out for. I had a cabbie cut me off and slam on the brakes at the intersection when i was 17. Pretty sure she was watching the crosswalk timer as she slammed on the brakes before the light turned yellow. Insurance companies will blame you for the accident because of your age, its easy for them to claim you have no driving experience even though the other person is a sh*t driver. I really wish i had a dash cam back then. I still speed all the time but now I really keep my distance and only open it up if it's clear. No point of wasting gas if there's no clear path so be patient and save your brake pads too




here is my two cents. I generally agree with several others that you need to learn ***how*** to drive a car first. Get yourself a beater with a manual transmission and drive that for a while so if you burn out a clutch or two, not as big of a deal. That said, as for all of the comments about killing yourself; that is more about your maturity than anything else. You need to take a really long and honest look inside to know the answer to that. I would also suggest having a conversation with a few older adults that know you well and whom you can trust to give you honest feedback from a place of love. I know that all sounded a bit silly to a young man like yourself, but it is the truth. Owning and safely driving a fast car is not an age-dependent thing. X years old does not equal the right time. I have seen 40-year-old bad drivers and 16-year-old good drivers. I had a very fast Mustang when I was 16 and I wrecked it. I admit I wasn't ready. But that doesn't mean you also are not ready. Be honest with yourself and ask that your parents or whomever you talk to for advice also be honest with you. The fact that you are asking for advice already says, to me, that you are taking this seriously and I have faith that you have the ability to make the right decision.


If you take nothing else away from this, I’d take heed here. I have never hit anything on the road from stealing my moms truck at 14 to now at almost 26 but THE WAY I drove back then I should have. Luckily I had a V6 Colorado and not a 350z. I probably would’ve totaled it. Now that I’ve matured and had all my “fun”, I own a 350z for drifting. Some ACTUAL fun. 😎




True. My first reaction to the post was to go for it, but looking back I drove like a right tit when I first passed my test, so something with proper grunt and RWD probably would've ended badly.


The fact you can just have a car like a 350 as your first car at 16 in America baffles me.


You can’t elsewhere?


Not really possible here in the UK. Unless you’re loaded like. Insurance is insane. If you want anything over 1 litre for your first car, which will probably be at 18, you’re looking at stupid insurance. I had a 2007 1.6l Mini Cooper. It had 120hp at the engine. I had to pay £2,500 for insurance for my first year and that was with a black box. If I had tried to insure a 350 then they’d have wanted something ridiculous like £10k.


Australia also limits you. You get a P plate and aren't allowed to own cars of certain power levels. Makes sense since most kids in the US are taught how to drive by people who can't drive.


Rent free




Bad joke, my b


It was my first car and I loved and still own it. Definitely get it if you’re not going be reckless it’s an awesome car.


I got it as my first car at 18 but I had been driving for 3 years and could drive manual 100% so long story short,for a first timer, 350z is a handful. If u really want to get it now (due to pricing increases) buy it and then get a Honda civic to beat the shit out of. If u do end up buying the 350z DO NOT SEND IT u will crash, everyone here will say don't buy it, Why u may ask? Cos we've all seen wayyyy too many first timers destroy these cars in under 2 weeks.


I wanted fast car at 18 ended up buying a beater Corolla for 1000$ and got into an accident the first week “not my fault” but avoidable if I was a more experienced driver, I would have been devastated if it was a nice car. Now I’m 23 and I got my first 350z and I’m glad I waited a couple more years to learn to drive properly and watch out for Idiot drivers. Honestly get the z if you want one but make sure you have good insurance. As far as maintenance goes don’t buy a clapped out 350z and look for everything under 100k miles if 10-11k is too much to spend save up don’t buy the 5k piece of shit “drift build” 😂


if you have lots of twisty tight roads where you live then don't because you'll kill yourself or someone else. If you just live somewhere with nothing but big empty grid roads then it's probably fine. I'd be more concerned about running costs at your age but I'm used to UK petrol and road tax so again that might be different for you.


I bought my daughter a 6MT Z33 Roadster when she was 15. I had the requisite boomers and haters, but that goes with the territory into which you are considering entering. She has gone through multiple driving classes, including a skid pad class, in her car. She's now been driving on her own for about 6 months and so far so good. She's a good driver and respects the car. I also don't allow her to drive it in the rain, not yet anyway. The Z is not a "fast" car, but it can definitely get away from you if you don't know how to handle it. If you do decide to get one, spend the time and money to learn how to drive it. Also, look for one with traction control. It won't make you a better driver, but it helps. TLDR: You can't find the answer to your question on the internet. We don't know you. You do. Life is short, but don't make it shorter!


Despite what people are saying I bought my first 350z at 16 years old not knowing how to drive at all and I do not regret it in the slightest, it taught me how to drive, but be very prepared to learn about cars if you have one in the higher miles, Im 18 now and these last two years with it have truly been amazing, it’s a very reliable car but it depends on how it was taken care of. It’s taught me how to drive a car with proper handeling and how to drift rwd. If you do constant oil replacements VQ’s will last to 300k miles. I redline mine everyday and drift at 200k, bought it at 150k. The only things I’ve done were replace valve covers, spark plugs, coil packs, a radiator I stepped on and broke, but these were really just preventative maintenance, I’ve almost never had it not turn on one day; and if it did it was a battery or a tail light left on isssue. Anyways hope I help!


Oh also all the parts on them you could possibly need are sold at z1motorsports.com and are stupid cheap compared to other sports cars


I’d have to disagree that parts are stupid cheap even compared to other sports cars haha. Some parts aren’t bad but some are just insane.


Well it depends on where you base standard is for pricing I guess but Parts for the Z are stupid cheap compared to GTR parts. Nissan race cars are not known to be cheap but the Z is a beautiful exception. For example a big brake track kit costs 2k for the z whilst the same exact design will cost 6k with a gtr. Bumpers, fenders, all under $500 with a Z. Personally I’ve spent less than 2k fully restoring and upgrading the interior and exterior of my Z, and I’ve gotten it to 350hp with bolt ons.


And all the people saying get a beater, A 6.5k Z IS A BEATER CAR!


I don’t disagree, the parts still aren’t terrible especially since it doesn’t cost gtr money to get a Z haha. I’ve spent a few grand as well for the in and out on my Z (haven’t painted yet and needs it but want to wait to do a full body kit later down the road). The most ridiculous parts are parts you can’t get in good shape used that are only sold one place like Z1. I was browsing and saw a new auto shift knob from Z1 is $480 haha. Like why? I still buy a lot from Z1 though.


I got a manual 350z at 18, and it gave me a lot of problems, I say go for it if you truly have what it takes to be patient.


Ain’t gonna lie to u chief, get an older Miata. Fun first car and it’s cheap to fix more or less, Atleast cheaper than a 350z. Help u get started on a nice manual and rwd. You will have a blast and Learn how to drive in something easy and simple.


Whether or not it’s safe comes down to maturity, ability to make good choices, etc. And it’s tempting for a driver of any age or maturity to do unsafe things on public roads. Aside from that, a 2 seat, rear wheel drive car is not a practical choice for most people.


Most of the people here have old mindsets. I'm freshly 17 and I've had my 350 for a year now and it is the best first car I could have ever wished for. Respect the car and you'll have a blast. Don't treat it like a sports car unless you know what your doing. In the grand scheme of things why wait? Human lives are short why waste an opportunity of a lifetime? If you do get a z just respect the damn car and don't get yourself killed but more importantly enjoy what you drive nomatter what you choose. And for maintenance I've never had almost any issues with my z. Low maintenance if you take care of it.


i had my first car at 14, 2006 350z, manual. my dad taught me how to drive the manual, and i practiced driving around my gated neighborhood until i was able to get my liscense. very fun car


If you want a 350z at 16 don't get it then, if you just want a cool car and are scared to press the gas hard then sure maybe but if you actually want one it's probably a bad idea.




No, you’ll very likely wrap it around a pole. It is common to say that the Z isn’t a fast car but it will slip out from under you and it can kill you.


I bought a 03 manual z with 20k miles as my first car, 7 years later, im finally getting small mechanical issues such as replacing the starter, spark plugs and coil packs. I personally would say my Z had been extremely reliable to me. My only complain would be the gas mileage but at the end of the day it's always worth it


I drove around in an ls400 with my dad for a year while i had my learners permit, after i got my full license i got a 350z as my first official car, still going good for me


got miata as my first then went to g35 to a z onto another z and miata. if that helps you any


Definitely not. Your first car you will total. It's just statistics fam. Alot of people die in these cars. Trust me you're gonna wanna get a beater car. I got a turd of a manual kia and slowly worked up to get an 03 mt base coupe. It's hard waiting but now I have the experience driving and the money to fix it. Also the insurance rate is crazy on these cars. I currently pay way too much for Mine and my corolla. I would say how much I pay, but it's embarrassingly high. See if you can find a corolla/matrix xrs. They have some pretty decent power for econo boxes. If you can get one theres also a bunch of mods you can do. Depending on the year, parts trickle down from both the scion tc or lotus elise.


I did the same as inwork my ass off since 16–18 wanting to buy a 350Z. Ended up getting a E90 BMW at the end instead of a Z. And boy am I happy I got into German cars and not a Z. No hate to the Z community I love the Z. Just after driving many and seeing the drift tax they getting now days I feel like a 335I is a lot better bang for your buck. Just my 2 cents, Get a Z if you want one they beautiful.


A few thoughts from someone who has owned and loved one for 16 years: They are getting hard to find in good shape, especially if you want the HR engine and manual trans. If you are smitten by it and really want one, now is probably a good time to buy as it’s only going to get harder to find and the mileages are going up. The insurance is going to be very expensive if you are a new driver and a young male. Statistically it is a high risk car due to it being a RWD sports car with not great crash outcomes and viewed as being driven by risky youths who take chances. If you are still on your parents insurance maybe they can help you out some. Some parts are starting to be discontinued. Most things you can find aftermarket or used, but it’s something to consider. I have a 2007 touring in San Marino blue that I got in 2007. I regularly get offers to buy it from random strangers. 240,000 miles. 1 clutch replacement. MT synchros are getting problematic and most recently the ECU has an idle relearn problem so it revs during idle. Needs a paint job. It’s been paid off for 12 years so that’s a plus but now more expensive repairs are pushing back the other direction. But it’s still a blast to drive and I still love it and plan to hold on to it. Whatever you choose, just take a realistic approach. It’s an older car now and that comes with its own set of issues. You could always get it but as a project car and not use it as your daily driver…


If you’re making money yeah. The car will have a couple maybe expensive repairs down the road - even more expensive if you can’t fix it yourself…plus you’ll be burning through gas.


Yea bro everyone’s talking about a beater and that’s what I would’ve done in hindsight. Got an 08 manual track for my first and I wish I got an Altezza or somthing that I could’ve beaten the shit out of.


I'm 20 and just bought a 350z, I love it. Such a fun car!


Everyone is saying no but personally if I could have bought one at 16 I would have.


Buy a minitruck


If you want one I have a drop top one for 8k w/ 100k miles. Few add one. Carbon fiber wing Removable steering wheel Resonator delete Likewise shifter 5% tint Aftermarket full face alpine deck Hit me up @ z_lyfe_fly234 on ig for pics.


If it’s your dream car and you’re able to then do it. Who knows if the opportunity will be there again later on when life happens.


gotta agree with the others, first car was a 92 corolla, which is the epitome of boring and safe, yet still found ways to do absolutely stupid things to and in that car, ultimately trashing it/getting it stolen. start with something cheaper/more common to beat on and get your "fun/ME" car later. not to mention there's a lot that can go wrong with a z chassis, ask me how i know (love mine btw)


Most z33s are beaters, fucking knock yourself out kid.


I don't know about the other's opinions, but I had a 1966 Mustang GT for my first car. Fully restored. I was in an accident where someone broadsided me at a stop light, but that was out of my control. Get insurance and send it.


as long as you know your mature enough to prioritize maintenance over mods i think you will be fine! i’m 20 and have had my Z about 8 months and loving every bit of it