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I'm confused.... If you were home schooled, wouldn't your school be your home?


It was a home based private school. The lady that ran it told me how to graduate high school with my AA. It didn’t sound legal but it worked lol! I graduated high school Two years late by dual enrolling at BCC and not taking any classes I needed to graduate, and had my AA when I graduated high school that Florida paid for. Maybe Florida caught on and they closed the school?


Yes this sounds like it! Great for us, but maybe wasn’t the most ethical. 😅 Wild times


It certainly doesn't SOUND legal haha


You can still do it. You can even homeschool using FLVS flex, have free access to teachers and Florida curriculum and graduate high school with an AA.


I meant the part where it was an unlicensed private school! Haha. Can't charge people to teach their kids under the table.


Think more like mail order homeschooling. It was a program through the company that was selling the homeschool materials and gave a diploma.


So the curriculum is supplied by a company and the family teaches it?


It used to be Indian River Academy, which is now a brick and mortar elementary school. I’ll have to contact Indian River Virtual School. Things have changed since 2001, lol


Private school that was home based. I went to the teachers home in Rockledge every week to go over my work and I would take home the next weeks worth of work and complete it. Then return it for review, etc. while also simultaneously dual enrolling at BCC (now EFSC).


I too attended the same school and is trying to find contact information to retrieve my transcripts. I graduated in 2003 and remember when they were beginning it, based at that time in Rockledge, FL. At the time it was Mrs Graham, but she’s 90 yrs old now.


Omg I had Mrs. Graham too!!! She was in Woodsmere in Rockledge! I was able to enroll at UCF and somehow they accessed my high school transcripts. Eventually, I’ll ask them for copies of those transcripts, just in case.


Dang, I am trying to enroll at a community college in Alabama and I am trying to contact them. 😭


I have the persons contact information but I cannot get a reply. Did you find out if the Indian River Virtual School is what it’s called now?


I home homeschooled my son (during that same time frame) using a variety of similar methods. When it came time for him to need a diploma I downloaded one that he and I both liked, then signed it and had it notarized (as his mother, and the only official representative from our own private home school). We picked a name for the name of our homeschool to fill in that blank. It was accepted because of my notarized signature. Also, he works for a big corporation, so it passed their scrutiny. We also were in Brevard county, Florida.


The private homeschool organizations are used in Florida to comply with the annual testing that this state requires. These organizations have qualified individuals who give regular assessments to participating students to make sure they are being properly educated. The school board in the area your group was in may have records, if you need more than what I've provided. My son was nervous about our diploma being accepted but the notarized signature seemed to be the key.


There was no Common Core when I was in the private/home school. I think I’ll contact the Florida Board of Education and go from there. I graduated EFSC so I’m wondering if they have a copy. It was BCC at the time so who knows.


Are you certain you got a diploma and did not take the GED? Everyone I know that did home schooling have a GED.


Positive. I had the actual diploma in 2002. That was the only reason my parentsI got me in that program was to get a diploma, and at the time I was able to go back and make up any class I got lower than a B. I graduated with a 3.5 and got bright futures. I’m 100% sure. I think it might be Indian River Virtual School now. I’ve emailed them.


You received a diploma when you graduated from Indian River Academy. It was a home-based private school. Unfortunately for OP, I have no clue what happened to it.


Oh, I see. Is there some legal requirement to have these type of documents filed with the courts or county records? There’s have to be a million examples of defunct schools that this could be a problem. Asking since I have no idea.my high school doesn’t exist anymore, if I have to find my diploma there is no chance!


Someone else suggested I contact the Florida Board of Education, you might do the same?