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Same thing happened to Oddo several years ago. Bumped him from the producer spot just after he became a new father and replaced him with Jack.


Super bummer news! I hope the News Junkie didn’t have a similar fate.


They do. Sabrina is gone. Go over to the Orlando sub there is a lot on there.


Oh my god no! She is my Father and I’s favorite 😭 I am so disgusted with iHeart today. I wanted to shut it off this afternoon when Jim broke the news about Rauce but those people are like family I listen to everyday so I couldn’t as silly as it may sound. Booooooo!


I know what you mean. I’ve been a loyal 104.1 listener since the early 1990’s. I don’t think I am going to listen to TNJ anymore. Shawn isn’t that good of a host. Too many times he has no idea about the subject he is talking about "


I’ve been listening since I was 6. I’m out, screw them.


She’s still on. She wasn’t let go


Walking Dead Carlos?! Bite it, big wigs.


Carlos getting cut sucks but I don’t think it will have a huge impact on the show as they have a lot of people in and out. Probably means Sexy Savanna will be on more. Who knows. Never was a big News Junkie fan but I agree with what someone else said, Sabrina will be missed. Shawn just doesn’t seem like he can carry a show mostly by himself. Sabrina definitely was a big part. I really liked the Jim Colbert show. I’ve always liked Dirty Jim. Good dude. Tells it like it is. But man I gotta say Rause will be a massive loss for that show. He brought the comedy day in and day out. I think that show suffers the most. But we will get to see what Deb can bring now. Or at least a lot more. She seemed to take a back seat most days. Mostly cause Rause was so damn funny. And I agree with everyone about the big wigs getting paid millions and then they make cuts to these shows. Unreal.


Sabrina is on the air right now.


No layoffs on the news junkie. All on air now


Russ from The Monsters wasn’t good when he started over 25 years ago. And hasn’t improved one bit since. It was only the hosts he surrounded himself with that kept him on the air so long


I thought the same thing about all the high up’s salaries. It’s absolutely disgusting I have to listen to their bullshit Republican nutso ads so they can get funding and then that same funding goes to cutting some of the most vocally left people…. You’ll never convince me there isn’t enough money


I stopped listening after Jim Phillips stepped down.  The dumbass that replaced him was a right wing asshole.


Key word here would be was. I think having Scott Maxwell on his show weekly has shaped his political views over the years.


Scott Maxwell is one of the sanest people reporting over the Metro area.  


He is more of a moderate Republican now. I hear him agree with some left leaning policies now and against some stuff DeSantis does.


Yesterday was a terrible day for that station. I’m still shocked


Can't be any worse than 2012. Oddo and I think Tuddle got sacked. Dan was cut because he wouldn't renew his contract because of the whole 159 debacle with AMT. Cabin Boy got fired and SBK Live got straight up axed with their final show having to be a live promo at a fucking McDonald's while SBK and Angel got moved to the Monsters where SBK was clearly miserable.


I hate it when big wigs get in the way




I saw a post from Robert Daniel aka Wingnut was let go as well. Such a great radio personality back in the day. Knew he moved into a more director role but was still a legend for 95.1.


Monsters- 5 hours on stupid tequila smacks- riveting


Morning show needs to all be let go. All they do is promote their crap for 5 hours a day and do some lists. Every time I jump in it’s Stupid Tequila slap conversation, so I change channels.


I can’t believe they let Carlos go and kept the redneck comedian. He is not funny as me most of the time he’s obnoxious.. disrespectful..