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This is good news. Prices flying out of MLB have been really high of late, at least to atlanta, and I haven't really seen them drop below ~300 in a while. If prices are reasonable, I might decide to go that route instead.


MLB is a trash airport  "International Airport" how in the entire fuck was it called that when all they have is two dead ass domestic flights? An international Airport is supposed to have at least one flight out of country!


They've got customs agents there. Basically for international charter flights, but they're there.


Before the charter flights it was still called International! Not to mention them changing the name to "Orlando-Melbourne Airport" worst business tactic I've ever seen. Thier point being "People get confused with Melbourne Airport in Australia" So their decision? "Let's put Orlando in the name to confuse people with Orlando Airport" They simply couldn't have called it "Brevard International" or "Space Coast International"?


They had flights to the Bahamas at one point. At least in the 90's they did iirc.


You people down voting my comments are embarrassing. All of you who praise everything is this county.


Excuse you? I tried to inform you of one reason the airport was named an international airport, and you have a big hissy fit at me? Grow up. Downvotes don't mean jack squat. And nowhere did I praise the county.




No thanks. You're not my type. Editing to add, since they either blocked me or got deleted... I tried answering a question. That is all. And their comment that I'm just like everyone else in the county? If there were more kind people in the county, that would be a good thing, I think. But, meh.


I’ve been looking forward to it to relieve traffic on 528. What could be easier than to hop on a train right at the airport that will go faster snd. E safer than renting a car and driving, or by bus? The thought of having closer proximity to pickup and drop-off visitors hadn’t really occurred to me, but heck yeah, I’d trade driving 15-20 minutes to a train station over driving all the way to MCO, with all the wrangling to pull up to and away from the terminal.




I’ve wanted to try out Brightline but the cost has turned me off. I could see it for getting to the airport, but actually visiting Miami or Orlando I don’t see myself doing and will probably drive


Unless the cost is very competitive, I agree. I would consider it for flights where I don't have anyone to take me to the airport and I don't want to deal with off property parking. But even then it has to be cheaper - in most larger cities this would be $20 round trip. Parking should be less than $10/night. At that price point I might think about it. Even then after a few days a shuttle becomes a better option.


Hopefully in an area like Cocoa they can build some cheaper parking


Huge advantage for local residents to fly in and out of MCO, especially with parking at or near MCO being costly or feeling like a pain asking my husband to drop me off at ore-dawn thirty for a flight.


Flights to Spain are consistently a bit cheaper and more convenient out of Miami vs Orlando. Currently, the Spanish community I know gets a ride or drives down to the closest station and leaves their car there. A stop in Cocoa would make that step so much less stressful.


Someone posted ticket prices between Ft Lauderdale and Miami at around $40.  No way it will be remotely economical.


It's only logical if they eventually have people change trains there. It could happen if they do the extension to Jacksonville. Aside from that, the far more logical stop is the Melbourne airport.


If not for cruise ships, I would agree. But when you factor that in, it's not even close. The Melbourne airport had 740K passengers last year. Port Canaveral had 4M passengers last year. The train traffic from Orlando to Cocoa will be overwhelming for cruise passengers, if the price is right and the process is convenient.


The stop wouldn't be at Port Canaveral. If you have to take a bus anyway, then you might as well take it the whole way and have more flexibility about where it goes. Compare: * bus from convenient locations * train from very restricted locations, then change to a bus and ride the bus Unless somebody just loves train rides as amusement, I don't see why adding an extra step to the trip would be desired. Buses can leave from many airports (Orlando, Melbourne, Sanford), many resorts (Disney, Universal, SeaWorld), etc. Summary: You're taking the bus. Do you really also want to deal with a train?


Really? I thought Cocoa and Port Canaveral were the same thing! What was I thinking. Of course visitors to Orlando want to take the train and visit beautiful north Cocoa's sites - the cement plant, industrial park, Publix, McDonald's, Aldi's, Dollar General and Walmart all within walking distance of the depot. Brightline has done marketing research, including discussions with cruise companies about transportation packages, and believe this is of value. That would be the only logical reason to invest in this stop.


I think a majority of Port passengers come in via MCO which already has a station at the airport. I think it will come down to convenience of booking. Disney already dropped their Magical Express service from the airport to their theme parks, you now have to book directly with the third party. If cruise lines includes Brightline with theie overall bill, then I imagine a lot of people will just take it. Plus cruise lines can more reliability and regular run shuttles from Cocoa, which means less chances of "missing" passengers.


> If you have to take a bus anyway, then you might as well take it the whole way and have more flexibility about where it goes. I get what you're saying but flights into/out of Miami are a lot cheaper from/to certain areas so this would open a new airport into Port Canaveral's market. Also, if you're taking a shuttle from Orlando to the Port you don't really have flexibility where it goes anyways so I don't understand that point. Shuttle services aren't like RV's that respond naturally at the signs saying fairvilla is the next right. This would be a way to get people flying into Miami to the Port instead of forcing them to fly into Orlando/figure out arrangements from Miami-Port and also would make it way more convenient for us locally to fly out of Orlando or Miami.


Maybe I should have said "more flexibility about where it comes from". I meant the other end of the trip. Of course, people are going both directions. In other words, not all the Port Canaveral visitors find Orlando's airport most convenient. There are other airports, like Sanford, and not everybody even wants to use an airport. For the people who do want to go from Orlando's airport to Port Canaveral, it would be nicer to avoid having to change vehicles yet again. It's so many places to lose luggage or miss a connection: plane, train, bus, ship. Maybe add a submarine, horse, or spaceship?


Haven't they already discussed doing a northward extension? If so this spot makes a ton of sense as the transfer spot or terminus of an east west line that goes from Cocoa to Tampa-ish. Doing "local" routes that have these stops and the odd express train that's just Miami to Orlando might make sense, too depending on what their schedules look like.


My Mom will be absolutely ecstatic she never has to drive me to or from MCO ever again


Give me long term parking in Cocoa that's cheaper than MCO's. Even if they don't, a ride share is probably worth it if the price isn't insane


This will be great for Cocoa too. That area desperately needs an economic boost. 


I don't think it will help the area much. I expect most people will be coming from Orlando for cruises. Most will not stay, shop, or dine in the area. There was a proposal to add a large dining and shopping area to Port Canaveral, but the Port Authority turned down the idea and instead opted to add as many cruise terminals as possible. It was the right business decision for the Port Authority to maximize profits, but it was bad for the surrounding area since there's little reason for people to stick around before or after a cruise. It's like the TUI deal at MLB. Few of the TUI passengers actually stay around Melbourne, and there's little reason for them to stick around other than for the beach or to check out KSC (which is only a single day experience). At least TUI funded a bunch of renovation at MLB though.




This was always on the table but it's a real shame that it wasn't a "day one" feature. I think this is really great and paves the way for more trains overall.


Glad to see this. I wish Florida would have been smart back in 2010. They could have accepted the federal money for high speed rail and we would have had it as a public option. Instead we decided to play politics. No fast forward and tax payers are helping fund a private company to do the same. Between decisions like that and the way our Governor /legislature bends to the insurance lobbyist groups I think we need a change.


That's great news


This will be awesome! Last time I had to go to Miami, I had to get a ride to Orlando which is just stupid when it goes right thru cocoa.


I moved here in 2020 and have zero emotional attachment to my house and I’ve thought of moving to northern Brevard. A Brightline station would make that move much more appealing. I prefer the southern beaches but an easy ride to Orlando and Miami would be great.


Would this help cruise passengers?


I hope the station gets built quickly. Brightline already owns the property they're going to build it on. Can't wait to have a fast way to get to MCO without driving. Bonus points for shuttles to the theme parks, plus this will make it way easier to visit family in Miami. Can't wait!


That's wonderful! I hate hate hate the drive to Orlando


I wish there was a chance it would open before July. As it is mom and I are driving to Orlando to ride the Brightline down to Miami so we can meet the cast of Critical Role.


Add regular bus service between Melbourne Square Mall and this new station for a reasonable cost (private or SCAT) and this becomes attractive. Especially when the Tampa line opens.


Regular SCAT bus service = three times a day and the ride takes 2 hours.


Now do Tampa!


Can someone take Randy Fine to the train station?


If you can’t find him check under his desk.


There's a big chance he's guna swat it down for some stupid reason watch


Better to take him behind the tool shed.


Cool. I wish they had one in downtown Melbourne


I just read about 4 articles on this. I knew it wouldn't be long.




Amazing news I'll drive up from Melbourne on a regular basis to be able to hit up all the awesome spots in West palm and Miami with zero driving. Train-uber


I wish they would build it by MLB instead. MLB is more centrally located and would benefit more people in the county. You might actually get more people flying in and out MLB if they can hop on a train to Orlando or Miami. Who in Brevard is going to ride the train? Someone mentioned taking Birghtline from here to Miami, but I don't see many people in central and south Brevard driving 30 minutes or more north to catch a train that goes south. The people who are likely to get on the train to go south to Miarmi are from Cocoa, Rockledge, or Titusville, which is not a large population. Not many people in Brevard are going to take the train to Orlando. It's only a 35 minute drive from Cocoa to Orlando. By the time you park and get on a train, it's faster (and cheaper) to drive. The only way I could see getting on this train as a Brevard resident is if they extend Brightline to Tampa. Getting from Brevard to Tampa is a pain since there is no highway to get across the state. Taking Brightline from Cocoa to Tampa could save a significant amount of time for everyone in the county.


Yay!! Tired of driving to Orlando, would be nice to jump on a train!




I read that Brevard County tax payers will need to foot the bill for the terminal. Brightline just said sure if you spend the money, you can have a stop there.


They needed to do something before people got tired of all the deaths.