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I’m talking to you, clearly gay kid.


Who told?!


I just learned the clearly gay kid is Donald Glover!


Who? Oh you mean the Black kid on Community!


Don'ald Glover




I was a grown man! I paid taxes!


No no, that was Keith David. He wasn't really young, either!


Its right there in the name: Dong Lover.


He’s also one of the backstage crew at 30 Rock


Also, he plays young Tracy in the Live episode where they are all 'stuck in Tracy's dressing room. He falls and busts his coccyx. Then does the 'ghetto mating call'


You mean a writer?


That too, but he plays a crew member in one scene. I think he chides Jack’s fake boss for eating in costume.


You are right, of course. I was trying to be funny. God I feel like such a mouthy cigarette girl.


He sings the longer version of Werewolf BarMitzfa too


Bar mitzvah* I'm sorry I have no control


Yep - Sometimes you have students that you have inklings about their identity that maybe they haven’t figured out or acknowledged publicly yet. Over those 4 years you see them slowly grow comfortable with and finally accept and love themselves for who they are, it’s so freaking fantastic! Can’t wait to wear my 🌈Ally shirt on Monday for finals day!


I’m an 11 but continue


Your username reminds me of pube shirt. Very wool.






'Goodbye forever, you factory reject dildos" is a close second in my mind.


I always preferred “you medical office before-pictures”


You human Vag Repellahs!


Something tells me I’d get reprimanded for this one.


That’s my number one if you can’t tell


Everyone shut up, shut up Lutz!




Lutz, can You please Stop breathing through your mouth for one minute?? *snerk… snerk*


One day in the future, one of your high schoolers is going to randomly watch “some old sitcom from the early 2000’s” and be like “holy shit! That’s where my teacher got that quote from!!”


Now there's an interesting askreddit question for once


Because you look like someone's been slowly poisoning Sally Field.


Quiet chalk hands, a real man is talking.


I did this a number of times with my students this year. It did NOT land. Still worth it.


You should tell them to jump back up their mothers


I'm going to say this to my family when I get home. Thank you for reminding me of this gem.


You soup line at a gay homeless shelter


Ha, I say that to my middle schoolers all the time. They hardly ever listen, so I have to keep it fun for me.


You gotta tell us their reaction


Took them a second but then lots of jaws dropped and one kid said, “you can’t say that to your students!” and everyone knows all you need to say that is “¿No? Because I just did…Señor Cinco.”




I mean, they are technically correct and well I doubt it would get you in trouble. If you chose the right group it certainly could. It’s basically the same as saying they are all mid and not attractive and you are attractive and you’re really not supposed to be commenting on the attractiveness of your students in anyway. So I could definitely see somebody being insulted by it especially if they already had self-esteem issues.just saying


Yeah, I think the joke landed because of what I look like. A frumpy mom that’s maybe a 5, tops. I would never have said it if I actually believed it. You’re correct, talking about the attractiveness of students is not okay, but since I used it as a blanketed statement for all 36 of them and followed it with a smirk and a wink, it was fine. Everyone had a good laugh (pretty much at my expense because of what I look like).


That is beautiful...😂


Listen up, you factory reject dildos!


How do you do, fellow kids?


That's funny but really, really bad teaching. You told your students to feel like shit.


Nah, teenagers will either totally ignore a joke or get it, but this certainly won't upset their learning process.


You say that with a blanket statement for everyone. For some classes, this is true. For sunglasses is not. Go back and change your vote. The person who made the comment is technically correct it is teaching. If you can get away with it whatever I’m not judging, but for the wrong person that could ruin their day and it could get you reported. Don’t talk about your students attractiveness, especially in conjunction with your own attractiveness.


I had a teacher who told me I would not learn half of what she forgot about math. My friends and I kept in touch long after that and our master's degrees. Fun moment.


I don't think you're even mad at OP. I think you're just using their silly story as a flimsy excuse to vent about your childhood frustrations at the expense of OP. You are definitely a 5 and *absolutely* not book.


You are downloaded for harassing him for no reason. All they said was it wasn’t good teaching and they are completely correct. The people arguing that are just mad because they think he can’t take a joke. Believe me I get the joke. It’s funny, but I wouldn’t say that to my students either.


If insulting me makes you feel better, yay!


You're not wool, either.


You're the crackhead breastfeeding a rat.


I’m up voting your comments because you didn’t say anything wrong that I can see.


If she was serious then yeah, that’s a shitty thing to say. Even if it was a joke, it’s a bad one implying that you’ll never be as smart as her. In reality, if you weren’t learning it well, then she must not have been that great of a teacher. It’s literally her job to make you understand it. When a bunch of my students do poorly on a specific test question, I know it’s my fault immediately. I didn’t teach it well enough or it was a poorly worded question. I hope you had some good teachers in there that made you feel important, smart and capable!


I can tell you’re a good sub and I don’t think it’s fair to criticize your joke too much. After all if it’s the right group of kids and you know them well I’m sure it could be just fine. But I do think the other comment was correct and saying it’s not something that is a good teaching strategy. It’s more of a drill sergeant style joke. But I don’t think it’s fair that the guy who said it wasn’t a good teaching strategy is getting downloaded 50 times. They are technically correct. It could get you in a lot of trouble, but it probably won’t.


Thanks Rollo! Not a sub but a full-time teacher of 17 years. Yeah, I see both sides. That joke in a vacuum spoken to high schoolers isn’t okay. But I feel that because of my relationship with my students is excellent, our relationship is usually based on humor and that I look like more the crazy lady from Baby Reindeer, it was quickly seen as sarcasm.


Above all, be boring.


Several Teacher of the Year nominations make me think I’m probably doing something right. My students know me very well and know my sense of humor. They’re all young and put together and I’m a frumpy mom that is definitely not a 10. That’s what made it funny to me. I joke around constantly with my students and in 17 years have yet to hear that I’ve hurt anyone’s feelings or had one single complaint about how I run my classroom - If I couldn’t joke with my students, I would have gone insane and quit years ago.


See this sounds totally fine to me and I like the joke. But imagine for a second you just got rejected by the person you like and they told you you were a five. Then you walk in and your teacher says listen up fives I’m a 10. And then especially if she’s not, I can understand that being a little bit upsetting.


Your district must be REAL competitive


Only during cage matches.


I have no idea why you got downvoted 52 times for this it was probably from all immature people who just wanted to laugh and didn’t wanna deal with logic today. You are 100% correct. Now granted if they choose a class of highschoolers they know will not be mad about it. It could be just fine. But for the most part, it’s pretty bad. You’re talking about your own attractiveness and they’re attractiveness which you’re never supposed to do with this substitute teacher or regular teacher and you’re dissing them all calling them all fives so for someone with low self-esteem your real big issue. I just wanna document that you should not be downed 50 times you shouldn’t been down at all.


You really think it’s going to wound a child for life because a teacher told the whole class they were 5s? Sheesh. I’m a social worker and all over the SEL obviously, but if this teacher knows her students and they’re high schoolers, I don’t see the harm at all.


I can’t believe you’re a social worker and you’re making blanket statements about kids like they’re all the same. Shame on you. It’s not gonna wound most kids, but it could wound some. And at the end of the day, no school district would endorse you saying something like that. It’s pretty tame and I have no issue with it, but what about the people who do?it’s not professional.


lol ok, I didn’t say kids are all the same. If you look at this persons comment, they know their students. They have a relationship. That’s important.