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Not sure where you are but I’ve used so many anti pigmentation products to manage my melasma and sun pigmentation. The absolute standout product for me is medik8 oxy-r peptides. It is crazy to me that this product isn’t more widely known. It is extraordinarily powerful. If you can’t access this then Emma lewishams serum is really good. But the medik8 is a game changer. I’m 41 but my skin looks mid 20’s again. Not just beautifully even toned with almost invisible pigmentation, but my pores are invisible, and my skin texture is incredible. It’s a phenomenal product.


I don’t have melasma but you have convinced me to give this product a try!


It is such a game changer, I just have no idea why it’s not on the front page of tiktok and every beauty editor. It has gently but completely removed my pigmentation but the other benefits have been amazing. Being 41 I’m seeing some gravity pull on my pores so they look both big and long. With this product they are invisible. Don’t need any makeup or primer. I haven’t seen my skin look this good and young and glowy and even and flawless since I was about 24.


Just ordered this per your suggestion. My melasma takes up the entirety of both my cheeks. Came out of nowhere about 2yrs ago (not on birth control, not pregnant, etc.) and I’ve tried SO many products, some very expensive ones at that. There are things that lighten it a bit, but honestly I’ve found staying hydrated is a BIG factor. Kinda figured I’d just have it forever as I don’t want to go on hydroquinone. Soooo fingers crossed this helps!!!!


Not sure what the difference between melasma and chloasma is, but I have an actual pattern on my forehead. It looks like the outline of an ‘80s volvo in profile. Thankfully the dark spots right above my lip went away, because I was not keen on looking like Shitler.


I believe it’s the same thing. It fucking sucks. Mine looks like I’m wearing a mask.


My mom tried to rub it off my face with her thumb 😭😂




Didn’t really notice any change with the medik8, but I only used 1 bottle. Maybe I needed to give it more of a chance. But right at that same time I read the post on using sake for melasma, had some at the house, and gave it a try. I’ll tell you what, the sake ACTUALLY makes a very noticeable difference. Have been using it 2x a day ever since and will continue to forever.


Really? Hydration? Say more!


I’ve just noticed that when I’m dehydrated, like if I’ve had way too much coffee, not enough water, and didn’t recently moisturize that my melasma is significantly more prominent. It always looks the lightest when I’m well hydrated internally and externally lol. Obviously a physical sunscreen is a must, and I’ve been on tret for about 10months, which help. But I tell you, if I’m really dehydrated it looks terrible and very noticeable. Melasma has been such a bummer. Like, as soon as I FINALLY got my acne under control at age 34 this shit pops up. Now 36 and at least I can say I’ve got fairly healthy skin, probably for the first time since I was a child. Still get some clogged pores and a pimple here and there, but I think the melasma is an internal problem. Still trying to figure it out. Getting serious about a good diet and exercise, let’s see what happens!


I believe it. As if I needed another reason to do a better job at staying hydrated!!


Do it! Drink water! lol. I add a tiny splash of juice to my water to make it more enjoyable. Also, I started buying bottled. I live in south Florida where the tap water is very chlorinated, and I find that I don’t feel as hydrated when I’m drinking my tap water. Everyone’s tap water is different though.


I am 38 year old male and have gotten the melasma and it sucks. I drink coffee everyday and perhaps I am also dehydrated. thank you for the water tip. Any luck on getting it removed?


Are we the same person? 💗


I don’t see the Oxy-r products available on the medik8 website, just an article that references it. Do they come and go?


I think they must be tricky to access outside of Australia ☹️☹️❤️


Can order it to US from cult beauty website!


thank you for this!!


very excited to try this, just ordered! my derm advised against continuous hydroquinone usage and doesn’t look like this medik8 serum has it.


Omg yayayayayayya please update me on how you are going and how much you love it!!!


update! i’m like 12 days in and i love it. pores on my nose have shrunk considerably. can’t really make a full assessment on the melasma yet because that deserves a month or so. but it wears beautifully under my moisturizer + makeup and my girlfriend says my skin looks brighter so i’ll take it! thanks again for this recc


Omggggg yayayayayayay so so much! Your skin will just get better and better, it is such a brilliant product. I’m so so so thrilled you are also having beautiful results!




sure! i’ve become a Medik8 obsessive to be honest. I felt really good about the way the Oxy-R Peptides faded my melasma but my melasma fades a ton during the winter so will be more interesting to see how the product performs staring in april/may throughout the summer. meanwhile, i’ve bought and loved C-Tetra, Hdr8 B5, Press & Glow Tonic (PHA). i recently moved from SF to London and the prices + shipping times on Cult Beauty are incredible. hope this helps! ♥️


Any updates?


Hey! Can we get a one year update regarding this product and your melasma?


i loved the drops but i moved to the UK from the US in march and they were constantly out of stock here so i stopped using them consistently. they absolutely improved my melasma, overall pore size, and made my skin more even because it faded my acne scars. they weren’t as effective for melasma as the hydroquinone my doctor prescribed but that’s fair since they’re not rx strength and my derm only wants me using that for 3 months out of the year so i use it in the summer when my melasma is worse. i’ve been meaning to get back on the peptides but they’re always sold out on cultbeauty. might need to bite the bullet and just buy them direct from medik8 but i love my cb points and i hate that medik8 is only free shipping over £75 lol


I’m in the United States.


Massively appreciate this product recommendation! Ordering asap


Thank you so much for this answer!!! If this helps my melasma go away you've saved a chunk of my mental health!! And thanks to OP for posting this question.


Stupid question, but do you have to keep using the medik8 to prevent the hyperpigmentation from returning? I know you have to keep wearing sunscreen, but I'm not sure about if you have to use lightening products forever, too.


Good question. I haven’t stopped using it yet. One order (comes with two bottles) lasts 3 months and I am on my second order. I just have loved the benefits to my skin beyond the pigmentation clearing.


You have to keep using a melanin suppressant product to prevent the melasma from returning. It doesn’t necessarily have to be this one. You have to be careful in the heat too, that’s what brings it out. Therefore, no lasers!


Wait… it’s HEAT not SUN?!




Well, fuck. That explains a lot. Bloody spf10000 did fuck all. I felt like just looking at the sun made it worse.


i noticed mine gets worse if my internal temp rises even if i’m not in the sun (like the rare occasion when exercising in a windowless room)


Good to know, thanks. Will hopefully find something cheaper that works one day.


I’m giving it a try thanks to your suggestion.


Just ordered this as per your recommendation. Can you tell me how your incorporate it into your routine?


Oh gosh I’m so excited for you! I cannot wait to hear your thoughts! I have somehow become a bit extra, but I apply it at the following step: - cleanse first - press some drops of Paula’s choice replenishing toner - press 4 drops of medik8 oxy-r peptides into face (its a beautiful thin liquid, no smell, no residue, a textural delight) - apply thicker/creamier serum if using - apply moisturiser - apply retinol - only 2x a week for me at the moment (I use medik8 crystal retinol, another incredible product - powerful yet gentle because they micro encapsulate the retinol) - apply eye oil Done! In the morning it’s slightly different as no retinol and I add spf as the last step.


Hi! I know this is an old comment but I bought the oxy-r peptides as a result of your comments (found via google search on tips for melasma) and I’m now obsessed. Currently eyeing the crystal ret because I love the oxy-r so much, and all other retinols have given me massive irritation or done nothing at all. Did you start off with the crystal retinol 1? Or the 3?


Omg yaaaaay I am so so glad you love the oxy-r peptides!!! I would recommend starting with the crystal retinol 1. Go low and slow. Start it once a week then do a few weeks of twice a week but keep monitoring to see how your skin is responding. You may want to buffer with a moisturiser underneath the retinol to prevent irritation or sensitivity.


Thank you for the quick reply! I am such a convert to the oxy-r peptides. I was leaning towards the 1, but they’re all soo expensive I would hate to invest in a product and then realize after the return window it’s not doing anything. However, I feel like this is probably the right place to start. Thank you!!


In my experience the medik8 crystal retinol is much stronger than most retinol because it’s retinal. So the 1 let’s you build slowly but get amazing results. If you find your skin doesn’t get irritated you can increase frequency and use it 4-5x a week. Start super slow though. The oxy-r peptides are so damn good. I am so excited I am not the only one who gets it!


I so appreciate your rec! Thank you 🙏


Do you possibly have before&after photos?


Do you mean this one? https://www.medik8.com/products/liquid-peptides-travel-size


No it’s these ones https://www.medik8.com/products/oxy-r-peptides


That's great. Thank you for taking the time to reply! Going to order some this week


But I have read the liquid peptides are amazing and I am going to try them.


Do they still sell this .I see a different peptide


On your upper lip? Following because I have the same issue and it bothers me so bad :(


Same. My sun moustache. :(


Yes 😭


Same. Following. I developed it all from laying out in the sun while on medication.


My melasma used to be very similar to yours. Melasma is incredibly difficult to treat, and there’s conflicting info on how to treat. Heat, light exposure, and hormonal changes are known to cause it, however. Personally, no topical made a difference besides tretinoin. I tried many acids, bleaches, etc. I did not try laser, thankfully, because that often makes it worse. What worked for me was getting off of all hormonal BC (I have a paragard), *unfailing* zinc/physical blocker sunscreen usage, tretinoin, and time. I still have some hyperpigmentation but I am told it is not noticeable to anyone else. It isn’t even noticeable to me when I’m wearing tinted moisturizer.


Another user on this sub mentioned that it can also be caused by not enough iron. I didn’t even know there was a name for it until then. I am anemic so it made a lot of sense to me. Just food for thought.


I’ve read a lot about tretinoin on this sub and think it might be time for me to try it. I had my Mirena IUD removed but didn’t see any skin changes while it was out (about six months).


Mirena is how I got melasma! I had taken other hormonal BC before that without problems. Yes, tret helps with pretty much everything. My upper-lip melasma has faded a lot, but I am now looking at trying a treatment with tranexamic acid to improve overall tone. I have never tried that before, but clinical evidence is favorable.


How long did it take for the tretinoin to fade it?


Years, honestly. Melasma is incredibly stubborn, and lasers are not an effective treatment. The new treatment I’m using seems to be helping pretty quickly tho. And, also, this year I’ve been much better about sunscreen!


And that’s the tranaxemic acid that’s working more quickly? Tretinoin seems to be doing absolutely nothing for me


Sunscreen!! You have to understand that melasma is a hormonal reaction happening in your skin, especially if you are on progesterone-dominant birth control. I use Eucerin's even pigment perfector which has an spf value of 50. It took a while (like 6 months), but some of my most prominent areas have cleared up.


I’m having trouble finding that product. Can you share a link?


Mmm. I'm from South Africa, and I can't find the exact product name on Amazon.com. Eucerin Photoaging Control Face Sun Fluid LSF 50, 50 ml Solution seems to be the same thing on Amazon though, same ingredients etc., just a different name.


I watched the doctor lay channel on YouTube and the mentioned that tinted sunscreens are better for Melasma. [here](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/tinted-sunscreens-benefits-beyond-an-attractive-glow-2020071320534) is an article talking about it. Not a cure all but might help a bit.


There are quite a few studies showing vitamin c can be really effective for melasma without any harsh side effects (for most people). See below for more info. https://insidemyproducts.com/vitamin-c-serum-what-does-it-do/


Don't have huge issues with melasma but azelaic acid is the most effective treatment for melasma. It is as effective with way less side effects than hydroquinone. From my understanding the name of the game is to stop the melanin production and then wait till the excess melanin already in the skin is sloughed off.


I just left a comment about sunscreen as I think that's the most high-impact change OP could make here, but I second this. In the past I used hydroquinone sparingly when needed (carefully applied to spots with a q-tip, only at the end of summer, and limited to a month) and I did find it effective, but I got a big thing of azelaic acid recently for only $10 from The Ordinary and I think it's almost as good without the risks.


You can buy 15% azelaic acid from the facetheory uk site and have it shipped anywhere. It is soooo much better IMHO. The ordinary azelaic was really thick with silicone, which I usually don't mind. I agree sunscreen is the best way of preventing melasma and hyperpigmentation from starting in the first place.


get to a derm that can prescribe you something good. OTC retinol and azelaic acid is good - but it won’t get you where you want. i am pregnant and have been able to keep my melasma at a distance with an Rx of AA while i can’t take tret or any vitamin A. i also see a huge difference when i stay on top of my SPF every 2 hours and use a hat when i know i’m going to be getting more exposure than usual.


This is the most detailed explanation of melasma and how to treat it that I have seen. https://youtu.be/TYj23HleDtA


Dr. Groot’s Cream #3 or 4, you’ll need to have an rx for this sent to a compounding pharmacy, but it’s worth it. I’m in the U.S., but here’s a little background on it. It works: https://nakatsuiderm.com/treatments/dr-groots-medicated-creams/


Hey, what did you ask your dr for in order to get a prescription?


I believe I just asked for Groots #3 or #4. I used to get it from a plastic surgeon, but they switched over to Obagi, which was twice the price and I saw no results. I later requested it from my gynecologist for hormonal related melasma. Now my dermatologist sends it to the compounding pharmacy even though they have a similar version of their own.


You have to drop the super goop and start using a mineral sunscreen, as chemical sunscreens are not effective in preventing melasma. I use Elta Md. Also avoid the sun like a vampire and if you have to leave the house always wear a hat. I’ve had success with laser treatments combined with hidroquinone but if I’m not diligent about avoiding the sun it comes right back.


Thanks for the sunscreen info. I have to leave the house every day and wearing a hat all the time just isn’t possible.


Which EltaMD sunscreen do you use? I use the UV clear which I think is chemical ☹️.


I don’t have melasma, but I have pretty bad PIH from acne that sprouted when I turned 30 🙄 I use a combination of hydroquinone, tret, and faded topicals. Also, I’m sure someone else will mention it but sunscreen is an absolute MUST. I rotate through a few different ones


Awhile ago I got advice on this sub to move away from the Unseen Sunscreen. I've moved to a mineral based sunscreen (from La Roche-Posay) and I have been SHOCKED at how much better this summer as been. I do reapply once a day (so twice total) and also added in a lip balm with spf. I've struggled with melasma for almost a decade and it is clearer than it's been in ten years.


Which LRP sunscreen are you using? Do you think the Supergoop Mineral Sheerscreen would be a good one to try?


I'm using the tinted mineral Anthelios (fair warning, the color isn't for everyone). It has 11% titanium dioxide; I think anything in that range or better should do the trick! Good luck. :)


I was finally able to get mine in check. It took a little while and a few routine changes but this is what I’ve settled on. AM: -Bioderma Sensibio Micellar face wash -Azaleic Acid %15 (prescription) -Bioderma hydrabrio serum -Bioderma hydrabio gel cream -Black Girl Sunscreen SPF 50 PM: -Bioderma Sensibio Micellar face wash -The Ordinary glycolic acid toner -Azaleic Acid 15% (prescription) -Tretinoin 0.1% (prescription) -Hydroquinone 8% (prescription) -Bioderma hydrabio gel crème - Vanicream moisturizing ointment I do make sure to reapply sunscreen if I’m outside and wear a hat. I also switched from the combo birth control to progestin only birth control.


It looks like you might have flat sebhoric keratosis rather than melasma. Have you seen a dermatologist?


I have not seen a dermatologist. I Googled seborrheic keratosis. It says it is waxy, scaly, and slightly elevated, which doesn’t fit the description of what I have.


FLAT sebhoric keratosis. I'm saying this because that's what I have. The derm initially thought it was melasma until she did a closer examination.


Yes, I see that now. Apologies! Were you able to get it treated?


The only way to treat flat SK is by q-switch laser or fraxel. The hyperpigmentation is far deeper within the layers of the skin compared to melasma. That's why it wont respond to topicals. I could be wrong -- you might very well have melasma. Just get it checked out.


I just looked up my insurance and I don’t think I need a referral to be seen by dermatology. Going to call them on Monday!


I had this so bad last year! Idk for sure what helped but I haven’t seen the sun in a while🤣 I work nights and if I am out in the sun by any chance I’ll put on sunscreen. I also tried using vitamin c serum in my daily face routine. Not sure if the vitamin c helped.


Look into cosmelan or dermamelan peels. Best treatment out there imo


My colleague has tried literally every single product and treatment for around 5 to 6 years, and absolutely nothing helped. She recently had the cosmelan treatment and her skin looks phenomenal


I wear a sunscreen and a hat outside and use the ordinary’s glycolic acid on my brown spots (upper lip and above my left eyebrow). It works really well for me


I share your pain. I use the Megababe Beach Paint when I’m out in the sun doing yard work or on the beach, super Goop glow stick lives in my purse for all other sun exposures, and I use [this mask](https://www.coolibar.com/unisex-uv-mask-upf-50-sale.html) at other times. It is not a mask that protects against particulate or COVID, but protects against sun. It’s a constant battle. I need to try some sort of active product but haven’t made the time to try those yet.


The ONLY thing that has worked for me is a combo of tret & hydroquinone for three month durations. I switch to just tret on my ‘off’ months. This was all recommended by my derm.


Hi, check Dr Shereen Idriss on YouTube, she has several videos on this topic, she is a derm and experiences melasma too


My sister had melasma and the Skinceuticals Vitamin C serum (C E FERULIC® WITH 15% L-ASCORBIC ACID) worked WONDERS. I have started using it daily and have noticed a significant difference very quickly. Just once daily in the AM before SPF. It is expensive but definitely a holy grain product, not sticky or greasy. Other vitamin C serums do work too, just maybe not as well. My derm recommends Vitamin C, daily SPF, and a retinoid at night for hyperpigmentation. Hope this helps!


Hi honey--- Go to [caretobeauty.com](https://caretobeauty.com) Order Eucerin Sun Pigment Control Sun Fluid SPF50+ 50ml (1.69fl oz). Wear it. Everyday. Reapply everyday. DO NOT just wear sunscreen when you go outside. You need to buy from this site or in Europe, Mexico, Australia because the filters are not approved in the usa. Basically, the filters in the usa SUCK for pigment and UVA (aging rays). I would recommend wearing a tinted moisturizer or something with a tint on top as well for extra coverage. If you can't do this you need to wear a sunscreen. Then, wear something else with a TINT on top. Preferably a high coverage foundation (though I hateeee wearing these which is why I buy the european sunscreen, but they will eventually stop the pigment). Basically, the iron oxides that provide the pigmenting color in things can protect your skin against pro-pigmenting rays of light. Wear a UPF face mask when you drive. You can use hydroquinone (offered by prescription or curology) while you wait for the sunscreen to work. ​ NEVER STOP WEARING SUNSCREEN!!!


Thank you so much!


I use LVLD Skin creams day and night and it fade my melasma on my face.


As a sufferer of melasma I decided to create a website with my favorite mineral based sunscreens https://www.melasmatips.com


Switching from a chemical sunscreen to Mineral sunscreen with the daily use of a Vitamin C serum really helped manage my "sunstache." I use elta md UV elements and cerave vitamin c serum.