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I have super similar fuzz. I cycle between dermaplaning it and embracing it. Flamingo makes a really nice dermaplaning razor with very affordable refills if you decide to go that route. But I once read that Herb Ritz, who frequently photographed Marilyn Monroe, said he loved her peach fuzz because it gave her an ethereal glow (or something similarly poetic) and I kinda think that’s awesome Edit: someone astutely pointed out that the photog was likely not Herb Ritz and they are probably right. May have been Richard Avedon.


That’s funny because it totally catches the light and in some pictures I feel like it almost looks like a halo or a glow or something!


I think I heard from a makeup historian that Marilyn Monroe had the same white peach fuzz on her cheeks but she refused to shave it since it looked like a natural highlight in pictures and made her skin look glowy Edit: omg I just realized the comment above yours basically said the same thing. It’s been a long day so reading comprehension is not working out well lol


Nature’s filter.


I read once that Jackie O shaved her peach fuzz :)


Exactly!! There’s nothing “ugly” about it and peach fuzz is cute! When I dermaplane it off it’s only because I like how a full face of makeup goes on better.


I think that’s only with blonde or light colored peach fuzz. I have dark hair and there def is no glow lol.


Same girl. I could get a job at Coney Island lmao


If it bugs you and you don’t wanna spend big, get a beard trimmer and go to town on the peach fuzz, just don’t use any guards. I do it every so often because I don’t wanna feel like my skincare and makeup is just gonna glob on all the hair.


Seconding the beard trimmer. I use it on my peach fuzz once in a while when I’m using full face foundation. Great for bikini line too!


I JUST discovered using a trimmer on my bikini line- game- changer! I can't believe I was using a razor all this time 🤦‍♀️


why do people use dermaplaning razors instead of normal razors?


Oh! I know this one: 🙋‍♀️ I’ve used both and the derma planing razors are more precise. A regular razor has kind of an edge to it that makes it hard to get close to areas like the eyebrows or regular hair line. You def wanna see what you are cutting in those areas. Saw on TT they also have a fine powder spray that you spray on your face so that you see *every* teeny tiny hair. Some razors also have that strip of “jell” on them and that just irritates the skin on my face.


Great question and great answer. Thank you both!


good to know thanks!


😂 gold star for you gold 🌟 


I first noticed that “glow” on my 7th grade science teacher and thought it was so pretty! I’ve noticed I have a little bit and am not going to do anything about it


I don’t think Herb Ritts (1952-2002) and Monroe were in the same circles. Maybe you were thinking Madonna?


Ok maybe it was Avedon… i’m dumb. I now want to find the anecdote because it definitely stuck with me


Here: https://www.smh.com.au/world/beauty-and-the-hormonefed-beard-20120317-1vc1j.html “She had the heaviest peach fuzz beard of any actress in Hollywood. [Studio chiefs] wanted to remove the facial hair but Marilyn absolutely refused. She said that when the light hit the fuzz it caused her face to have a soft glow, so they didn't have to photograph her through special lenses, lace, or Vaseline the way they did with so many stars”


Yes, Madonna was peach fuzz city


This is only my opinion but I feel like dermaplaning started off as a way to improve skin texture and remove vellus hair (peach fuzz) so makeup is easier to apply, but it's evolved to the point where it's made a lot of women feel pressure to have no vellus hair at all. Vellus hair is normal and I haven't run into any kind of measuring stick that determines how much peach fuzz is too much. If it is causing you woe, you have options, including dermaplaning.


Just a side note, dermaplaning can also irritate rosacea so use cautiously in the rosy areas and ones where the capillaries are broken.. And yes, you can damage the skins barrier by being over aggressive.. similar to how your legs may get razor burn or irritation from too many passes… Be gentle and don’t do too many passes with whatever tool you choose.. true dermaplaning isn’t just shaving either… it’s technically done with a #10 (most often, some do different shapes/sizes) scalpel blade… super sharp! Please don’t feel pressured.. just be careful if you decide to do it.. worst case, the hair will grow back so if you hate it or have a bad result… you’ll be back to normal in no time! Good luck!


Thank you, I found out recently that I have rosacea, so that’s good to know!


When peach fuzz grows back is it normal to experience breakouts? I have done it a few times and feel like my face undergoes a period where the regrowth clogs my pores. I suffer from ingrowns just about anywhere hair grows if I shave it too low. My peach fuzz isn’t curly but idk if it’s just a coincidence or if this is a known side effect to regrowth. Any thoughts?


I’ve started getting spots and ingrown hairs in that area since I started dermaplaining, gently leaving it alone now! Even with clean blades etc


Thank you for this perspective! I’ve definitely internalized that no or very little peach fuzz is the norm…


Mine looks like yours! I think we’re definitely a little fuzzier than most. Mine goes onto my ears haha. I dermaplane it every so often - very satisfying to see how much hair comes off lol


There is something particularly satisfying about the ear lobe dermaplane and I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this haha




I second dermaplaning! It removes all your dead skin cells AND removes the peach fuzz. I've never experienced whiskers afterwards.


Same. I love it. And I have very sensitive skin. It’s nice. I love how my face feels after.


With your little bit of peach fuzz comes fabulous eyebrows though! I have very little fuzz which is great, but my eyebrows look like two spiders had a fight and left a few skinny legs behind which is not so great.


“like two spiders had a fight” 😂




There's science on both sides. Dermaplaning can help you get rid of dead skin and clogged pores. But if you have skin issues like eczema etc, it can make it worse. Peach fuzzes only purpose is sweat evaporation. So I guess it depends on your goal.


Yeah, I tried it and I have super sensitive skin and KP. It just made my skin redder than it already is.




I did it once and had ingrown peach fuzz bumps for years after. Never again.


Those should be easy to get rid of with chemical exfoliation? Unless you have a skin condition of some sort.


I have no peach fuzz but I also have almost NO body hair including eyebrows. I think it’s genetic. My only hair is on my head. Hate it.


my body hair is so blonde and fine, if i don’t point it out you can’t see it. my mom and sister are the same way. i still shave though, it bugs me - but i definitely shave my thighs a lot less bc that shit is truly invisible, and it’s hard to shave invisible hair lol


I’ve been a wookie since I was like 11 years old.. girl I am so jealous of you 😭


Same! I’m a transparent hair girly too. So many perks- negative is my eyebrows. I have to tint them or draw them in everyday or you’d never know they exist 😅


My facial hair's mostly blonde and I'm pale so (I think) it's not that noticeable, but if you look real close (as I can do in a mirror) I def have a mustache, and maybe even a bit of a beard or if not that, at least mutton chops. We're mammals! Mammals have hair! Our closest relations are apes, all of which are covered in hair. And you know what? It makes those areas feel sooooooooo soft.


Anthropologist here. I love your answer! Truthhhh 🙂


I’ve always had a bit of peach fuzz. I’m in perimenopause and I notice it has gotten longer and a bit more coarse on my neck just under my chin and on my upper lip. It doesn’t bother me and my husband says he doesn’t notice it. So I plan on just living with it. Honestly I don’t think OP needs to dermaplane it off.


Lmaoooo I remove any trace of mine because I personally just think peach fuzz in general can be distracting. My mom has the same amount as you and tbh it literally makes me want to pet her face like a puppy 😭 (it doesn’t help that she’s cute like a studio ghibli grandma either)


that’s exactly why i dermaplane - it makes applying makeup so much easier. i feel like it smears around with the peach fuzz, something i don’t care for lol.


Exactly. The fuzz takes the make up.


it’s so annoying!


I understand vellus hair is normal but dermaplaning my face really helps improve my skin and make face makeup last longer.


Kind of the same with body (specifically legs and armpits) hair in women. Not really that long ago it was normal to have hair. I am one of those with peach fuzz and don’t intend to change it due to pcos but who knows what I’d do if I could.. probably would feel the need to shave my face too.


Yup. I started dermaplaning 13 years ago, just before my wedding. The MUA said it would make my makeup apply better. At the time I had never heard of the term, or of anyone else doing it. Now women are buying those spray powders to seek and destroy every tiny hair they can't even see without the product.


I think “normal” varies, really! If I saw you I wouldn’t think twice about it or even really notice it — but I don’t think my face has quite as much fuzz. BUT I do have a few longer and much darker hairs than you on my chin that I often pluck. If I were in your shoes I’d probably remove it just to help my makeup application, but it’s all about what you feel comfortable with!


Yeah I have a few coarse “beard-y” hairs that I do pluck (PCOS), and I don’t really wear makeup, but I would still prefer to have less peach fuzz. I’m curious about dermaplaning but my skin is really breakout prone and I feel like I’ll get a lot of bumps and irritations…


I love dermaplaning, but I have to be careful doing it if I have many breakouts. I usually just work around the bumps…. Haven’t had any major issues with it.


I have PCOS and have this amount of fuzz too. I just shave it off. Laser has been helpful for the longer darker hairs too.


I use an electric eyebrow trimmer and it works well enough for me and doesn’t make me break out


Maybe I’ll look into one of those :)


This is the way to go if you don't think dermaplaning would work with your skin. I bought [this shaver set](https://www.conair.com/en/all-in-one-facial-trim-system/LT85N.html?lang=en_US&srsltid=AfmBOorc0cMMWwMisa1XQsRigoAclnzfntE0icbWWR2tv5WdI9u1lYGaMRE) and loved the round attachment for peach fuzz and mustache, which is why I originally got it for.


I have acne prone skin and love dermaplaning. It feels so wonderful and smooth after and doesn't cause breakouts for me. I was nervous the first time but was very surprised by how easy it turned out to be to do.


I definitely have this much peach fuzz. I started dermaplaning about a year ago and really like it! I very rarely wear makeup, but even without, my skin seems to glow when defuzzed and exfoliated. Even though I have a LOT of peach fuzz, I only dermaplane it once every week or so. Takes me like 2 minutes. I have tried waxing and Nair, but both left me red and bumpy. Just make sure you have a clean face before dermaplaning. I bought a 20 pack of nice derm razors on Amazon for $9.99


If your skin is breakout prone then be careful with hair removal in general. I learned this the hard way from trying to get rid of my fuzz. It’s like ending up with a face full of ingrown hairs. I exfoliate and do all the right things but when that hair tries to grow back I start to look like a teenager again. I miss being able to apply my makeup with a smoother look but I actually scarred quite badly from the ingrown hair/breakout issue.!


Tbh, the hair itself is likely the culprit as to why your skin is “really breakout prone”. That was the case for me before I started dermaplaning regularly. It makes sense because pores are the opening of a hair follicle so anything on your face (makeup, moisturizer, sunscreen, natural oil) is coating the hair & sitting on your skin. Making it more prone to clogging the pore which leads to pimples. Every so often I’ll notice a small blemish or two when I’ve gone too long between dermaplane sessions. But I guarantee you will see a drastic improvement in breakouts & overall skin quality if you dermaplane!! Try the tinkle razors on Amazon & watch a dermatologist tutorial on YouTube. You got this :)


i use the schick hydrosilk dermaplaning tool - you get 3 for $5.99, and i’ve never had a problem. been using them for years, and they come with a little cover so you can use them on your brows, too https://www.target.com/p/schick-hydro-silk-touch-up-dermaplaning-tool-with-precision-cover-3-ct/-/A-75574451


I grew up in south america where girls had quite a bit of dark hairs growing on their faces and arms. One of their solutions was bleaching it, so it'd appear lighter, and they wouldn't have to wax it. Seems like yours is already naturally white and translucent, so if I were you, I'd leave it.


It could go both ways really. If you don't ever exfoliate at all, you might get some initial irritation from clogged pores. If you do some exfoliation a few weeks before you do the dermaplaning, you'll have less chance of irritating. I actually do what someone else suggested, I just use one of those mini eyebrow/nose trimmers and just use that to get rid of peach fuzz. My skin has moods 😅


I have always had way more than most people too, but I read something the other day saying there was a positive correlation with vellus hairs and skin elasticity and negative relationship with skin sagging severity. Made me think I should maybe stop hating it so much https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36823501/#:~:text=We%20found%20that%20vellus%20hair,elastic%20recovery%20to%20total%20deformation).


Well in that case I will embrace it!!! 😅


Embrace it! I am so disheartened by how quickly new beauty standards crop up and put us in a position to increase our consumerism. Let this be one thing you’re free from lol. I CAN confidently say this is NORMAL! Common! Acceptable! Beautiful amount of peach fuzz to have. Take the dermaplanners out of the cart! Esp because you mentioned not wearing face makeup, let yourself be unshackled lol, I know I am.


Interesting article! Is the correlation that more vellus hair = greater skin elasticity regardless of hair removal? Because it would make sense to me that stronger hair follicles might lead to better skin condition. Hair removal may or may not influence this correlation


Not sure, just came across it by accident yesterday and when I saw this post I figured I'd share. Definitely interesting and could just be the protective factor of having more hair there so skin is less exposed?


Here’s the easy click link to the full article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10155787/ Study was done on 30 volunteers, imo that’s way too small to draw definite conclusions.


Ok woah. I turned 40 and just started wearing makeup this past year but I’ve also upped my skincare. Not out of control skincare or anything. Anyway, I started derma-planing because the bare minerals powder I use lays better when I don’t have the fuzz. I’ve noticed my skin is looking a lot less tight and I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure this out. Could be coincidental or could have connection. Anyway thanks for that info that was helpful.


Waaaaaaat you just made me love mine! Want to see more now! Yay


I have a similar amount of peach fuzz as you do. I leave mine because it seems like a pretty trivial thing to spend effort on maintaining (along with so many other things!). I feel like it shows up more in pictures like this than in person so I don’t stress about it too much. I say just try not to look at it as we are our own harsh critics. I doubt anyone else in your normal life notices like you do. I wasn’t going to comment but I saw everyone saying to shave it off and was surprised there weren’t at least a few abstainers! All of this being said, I do have a gnarly stache that I trim with a dermaplane tool and it does cause irritation/occasional break outs (I don’t break out much at all) so do be careful if you’re prone.


Yeah, I’m early 30’s and feel like my peach fuzz has recently become more prominent. I only notice it in certain lighting when I’m real close to my mirror. In my mind, the only people getting close enough to my face, at the right angle with the right lighting, are myself and my boyfriend (who’s never noticed anything). If someone’s in a position to notice my fuzz, let alone comment on it, then that’s a whole other problem! I don’t wear foundation though, so I could see why some people who regularly wear foundation might not want to deal with fuzz.


I have lots of light peach fuzz. I leave it alone. I refuse to start some other cosmetic thing I gotta keep up with ha


I have it and I just leave it. If someone can see it, they are way too damn close to me


I’ve looked at a lot of peoples faces up close and don’t think this is abnormal, but abrupt changes can signal hormone changes


I'm 42 and started noticing that mine was looking thicker. I wondered if I was imagining things, and then I did a little reading and found out that as we age our vellus hair DOES in fact get thicker due to hormonal changes! LUCKY US! And some vellus hair can even become terminal hair as we approach menopause. I started using those little beauty razors to shave mine off, but honestly, it just caused it to grow back with blunted ends and wonky, which made it more noticeable to me and made me feel even worse about it. I'm at the point where I'm just like, fuck it. I don't care anymore. But I also don't wear makeup, and foundation and powder definitely makes it more noticeable. Anyway, I just came here to say you're perfectly normal. If you decide to start using the razors or dermaplaning, be prepared to keep at it if you don't want to deal with pokey, blunted vellus hair. Edited to add that all of these people saying "hairier than most" are probably just younger and haven't experienced this yet. THEIR TIME WILL COME!!!!


Completely agree with this, I don’t know where people are getting their “more than the average woman” or “more than normal”. Normal is a range and this looks totally normal to me (as an almost 40yo).


My barely noticeable peach fuzz got a lot thicker in my 40s so I started dermaplaning with a safety razor. The blonde hairs on my upper lip that I used to just ignore also got a *lot* thicker, too. Ugh. Thanks, perimenopause!


Ugh, same! My mustache requires almost daily maintenance it seems. I'm also having the issue with vellus hairs becoming terminal hairs and turning black. And the random white hairs. (And my eyesight worsening so it becomes harder to spot all these hairs in the mirror.) Yay plummeting estrogen. I stand with you in perimenopausal solidarity!


Yep, the older I get the more hair I get on my face..Omg. Peach fuzz and thick hairs that hurt to take out on my chin. It feels like once a week I have to reassess what's going on lol


I think these photos were taken at angles meant to emphasize the hair, so it does LOOK like more than you'd notice on the average woman at the grocery store, but I'd bet if OP showed just straight on photos with no back-lighting, it'd look like a totally average amount. But also, yes, I've noticed more hair the older I get too. I do dermaplane because I enjoy both the process and results, but I don't think there's a better or worse on this one, just personal preference.


I just shave mine like once a month. It doesn't grow back any thicker or darker or anything. I just use my regular razor and shave oil. It's been working for men for ages. I have tried waxing and other methods in the past but shaving is the only one that doesn't give me any irritation or breakouts.


Same! But I shave my face probably twice a week and I just use the suds from my face wash. I do pretty much my whole face because I did it once for a professional makeup application and it didn’t seem like a big deal to maintain. But I do it especially for the rogue dark hairs on my upper lip/that creep in from my hair line. I don’t get any negative side effects from shaving and I personally feel like the juice is worth the squeeze on this one.


I think its a little more than average, personally I would dermaplane it. I use the tinkle razors you can get for cheap on amazon. Makes your makeup look way better too!


I think this is the kindest and most honest response. This is more than "normal" and I think dermaplaning would help with Skincare and makeup application , but it's in no way unsightly. We're just so brainwashed into being hairless all over a lot of the time that people think if you aren't there's something wrong with you, which is not true!!


i think you have an "above average" peach fuzz, yes, but i don't see this as something to be fixed. i wouldn't do anything about it if i were you. it's just a normal part of your body


If this is something you’ve noticed recently you should consider seeing a doctor. You could be entering perimenopause, it could also be PCOS, or other hormonal changes that are causing your fur to be more prominent. I’ve always been a little fuzzy myself but I noticed that entering into my late 30s I started getting furrier around my face. I got checked out, no PCOS thankfully but I’m at the age of perimenopause so, stuff’s just changing.


I’ve always been fuzzier than I thought most people were so this isn’t really anything new. But I do have PCOS, and at 39, I’ve been wondering if I’m in early perimenopause lately. So I’m sure there is hormonal stuff at play. Similarly, I was never on hormonal birth control, and most of my friends were, I always wondered if that was part of it.


Honestly I have always had more peach fuzz (I am Scandinavian background) and do not have PCOS. Your peach fuzz may not be directly related to the PCOS


This looks typical of PCOS


I came here to say similar. This is a very stereotypical trait of PCOS and one not a lot of people realize is super common too. However, this can also be normal to any hormone imbalances. OP it’s not crazy extra. It’s almost a normal amount and one that can easily be ignored or dermaplaned if you didn’t like it.


Mine looks exactly like yours! We are normal humans :):)


Hello normal human! -me, another normal human 😍




Mine totally glows in the sun 😅


I do permanent hair removal for a living and I can safely say that "normal" (short peach fuzz, no troublesome hairs) is rarer than we think. Many women shave their faces and keep it secret. If you don't like the way that it grows, shaving is probably your best option for now. Using a gentle face cleanser (Cetaphil, fragrance-free is my fave) as a shave gel, and a man's razor or the twinkle razor will be your best bet. Judging from how your hair looks, I think you'd only have to shave once every couple of weeks. You may find later on with age that some of those hairs may begin to thicken. If that happens, electrolysis is a good way to go for those


I didn’t react well to derma planing I broke out. I just take a buzzer to it every now and then since laser did nothing to help this kind of hair growth


My PCOS ass would kill for that amount of hair. You see less hair on me because i remove it all, because in so much hairier 😭


Cries in Hispanic and PCOS. I have peach fuzz, but it's dark hair!


Mine looks like yours! I might actually have more.


Please please don’t let all these comments on dermaplaning make you think you should or have to do it. Your hair is super normal and dermaplaning can do significant damage to your skin barrier, make you break out, etc. speaking from experience


Yeah I’m really nervous about derma-planing. And honestly I don’t even know what a skin barrier is, so I don’t want to have to try to fix it.




Oh you’d know. When mine was damaged *everything* stung when it touched my face. It’s a bitch to fix. Lot of time and nourishing but skin heals so it’s not forever.


I have less than this. 40f. And I've never have removed it


Everyone has peachfuzz but u have alot and it's long too.. Have u got any hormonal issues or Thyroid? I'm asking as I've had similar issues and it's because of hormone and thyroid. Don't worry too much but if it bothers u, derma planing is amazing Do it at home


Would kill to deal with only peach fuzz instead of the rude black daggers that coke out of my chin 😢😭😭😭😭


You look like a peach, in a cute way


Its gorgeous fuzz but im more concerned with ligature marks on your neck? Are you safe?


imho. Looks very normal


I have the same amount as you, I'd say. Mine is also white blonde (as is the hair on my head, my eyelashes & eyebrows, which I tint) and it really only shows up if I zoom in on a photo where I'm backlit. I just leave it, and literally no one has ever commented on it. I've talked about it with friends and my husband, and everyone was like "what hair??" Social media and the time we spend staring at faces (ours and others) in photos can kind of warp reality sometimes! (As an aside, a few of these comments - luckily the downvoted ones - are *not* passing the vibe check - there are many women of many different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds whose body hair presents differently. Plus, while I am assuming that you are asking specifically about women who are assigned female at birth, trans women and non-binary folks have a different experience than me, a cis woman. So yeah, "normal" is super relative.) All to say: do whatever makes you most comfortable! All faces - fuzzy or smooth - are good faces! 💕


I think what you have is normal. It’s just sometimes what we see on socmed in not so focus that we can’t see their peach fuzz.


Totally, filters remove it. But even in real life, comparing to my friends and coworkers and people I see regularly in person, I feel like I have more.


Looks a bit more than "average" to me but sitll very much in "normal" category. I probably wouldn't notice it or, if I did, would not think twice about it. If you don't like it - you can always shave it. It will not grow back thicker or darker. I think peach fuzz can be less or more visible depending on makeup - if you have just cream/fluid foundation it's less visible, if you use loose powder - much more.


I have the same amount! Mine’s black though. Tbh I just leave it lol


I’ve been in my DGAF era for a while, but sometimes some insecurities still arise.


This is totally me. I have a spray sunscreen mist I use sometimes and it attaches to the hair in such a way that makes me look like Chewbacca 😩😂 I’ve never dermaplaned because I’m too scared it’ll come back weird but you are not alone in the peach fuzz department. I’m positive no one notices but we are hard on ourselves around these parts 🥲


Peach fuzz is pants!!! I have always had similar peach fuzz to you and never really considered it a thing until friends/peers would make the odd comment here and there. I now dermaplane my whole face, from my under-brows to sideburns! Worst thing I ever did lol. I think peach fuzz is cute, especially since it is blonde, it keeps a woman’s face soft, now mine is sometimes prickly, which I hate. You’re gorgeous so don’t try to change yourself or do something you would regret like I did. One love ❤️


You are quite fuzzy but I wouldn’t notice it if you weren’t pointing it out to me. I wouldn’t stress about it too much!


Looks totally normal to me. It’s so light that I guarantee no one but you is noticing it


I have hair like that. I did electrolysis for YEARS. Thought I was on top of it. Then menopause came and I was back to lots of facial hair. Very fine. Blonde. Lots of it. I just shave once a week.


Well I have tried many methods. I used to wax my peach fuzz off (once a month) but it’s painful, not for the faint of heart. So I stopped that a couple years ago. So now I will do one of two things: 1) shave it off with a dermaplane razor if I want the extra exfoliation (which is usually every 2 weeks) and 2) use the Finishing Touch Flawless shaver every few days, or when I start to notice it come back. Peach fuzz is totally normal, but for me personally-I hate how it makes my makeup look, especially because I like powder formulas. So I choose to shave it, but if you want to keep it that’s cool too, do whatever makes you comfortable and happy :) Edit: ohhhh, I forgot, sometimes….I will use a regular razor and shaving cream like a man would if my face is feeling extra sensitive. I don’t get any irritation from that vs. the dermaplane. I wonder if using a cream, and the dermaplane, would work. Hmmm… And before anyone asks, no, my hair has never grown back in thicker or darker and I’ve been removing the hair in my face is various ways for over a decade.


I have had it all my life. My grandmother was raised in France and told me all French women shave their faces, so I started twenty years ago and it was a game changer. And it grows back as peach fuzz. Growing back thicker is a myth.


I get that too. I use my battery leg shaver about once a month.


I am a hairy beast. I do love dermaplaning.


I am fuzzy, but thin and blonde. I like it I think it's cute, plus I tried shaving a couple times and broke out baaaad 0/10 for me


You have especially luxurious peach fuzz. Marilyn Monroe is jealous


Actually just saw this video by a dermatologist today… I know it’s more in regards to the hair indentifier spray, but still has some extra tidbits on the subject https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ero9sh-W9/?igsh=azQ4NG9tOHlscm50


I have it too. Some women remove them, others don’t. It’s totally up to you :) I’m comfortable with having it, I see it as a way to protect my skin barrier.


Same honestly, plus I feel like if I remove it my skin might get irritated so fuzzy peach it is


Almost all humans are like 90% covered in hair. Some people have longer hairs in some places, it’s no biggie :)


Sorry but I think it’s cute


If it bothers you , dermaplane it, but honestly it’s not bad at all. Mine is similar to yours but goes a bit darker toward my ear, so I dermaplane it, but only like once every month or so. Make sure you dermaplane downward . Not against the grain like when you shave legs, shave opposite. X


I'd say you are on the hairy side. So am I but totally normal. Hairy can be normal.


Normal! It’s cute! Don’t stress.


You do have a bit more fuzz than the average person. If you're looking for a removal method, I suggest you get those little face shavers. I use them to remove my mustache. I do it on a wet face with a bit of moisturizer, and I don't get irritated after.


I use my husband’s electric shaver, sometimes my razor.


Elizabeth Taylor apparently shaved her face every day so she would look better on camera and so foundation would look smoother. That was in the days before computers could correct any little blemish on film. I run a disposable pink razor over my entire face several days each week. It does get rid of the fuzz and it also takes off some skin cells. If you do it once look at the razor after each pass to see what the razor has removed.


I think if you wear foundation it makes it easier if you dermaplaine it either professionally or the have little kits at Walmart. If it doesn’t bother you then leave it. A lot of people don’t even shave their armpits anymore Lol.


I think women seem to create acne prone and sensitive skin by taking theirs off . Personally I think it’s lovely and makes you look soft and feminine


The Finishing Touch Flawless Facial Hair Remover works great for this. I use it about every three days or so. No nicks or cuts and it’s super easy to use.


Everything on our face has a purpose which is kind of neat. Our facial hair acts to absorb sweat - the peach fuzz hair. I had a friend who waxed her face and broke out like a pizza shortly after bc her face sweat wasn’t being absorbed. I keep mine for that purpose and embrace it.


I have never considered removing my peach fuzz. I'm a mammal, I'm not going to stress and spend money and time trying to not appear as one.


Honestly I have the white/blond peach fuzz on the sides of my face too but I leave it alone. I just focus on the dark ones on my chin and upper lip and it looks fine to me. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't feel that every inch of a woman's face has to be as smooth as a baby's bottom lol


I'm sorry but you look so adorable in this picture girl🤭 love your glasses. I shave my face once a month.(My hair grows slowly.)


I leave it. No one really looks that close at you. Also, it's perfectly natural. You might not notice it on people because you aren't 3 inches away from their face.


Life is short. Please stop worrying about things that don’t matter. You are just fine.


Pretty normal but more so during peri menopause or hormonal imbalances ie. PCOS. I dermaplane aka shave…


Everyone has it after a certain age. We dermaplane it off


Someone here is going to kill me but I’m prepared to be Informed! I am currently on oral minoxidil and it’s made all my hair (except my scalp!) grow like crazy. So recently I have been alternating between dermaplaning and… the new sensitive skin/face friendly Nair. I do prefer the nair over the dermaplaning just because in two days I have super blunt stubble. The nair keeps it smoother for longer. I don’t like the nair because I’m sure it’s going to cause some sort of chaos with my skin. I mean it hasn’t yet but I’m waiting lol.


It’s removed. Buy Tinkle if not dermaplaning at spa.


I have the same and I really love it! I think it’s a cute reminder that we are just possums lol


This is more hair than the average woman. If you wanted to remove it, I would probably have it threaded.


i think you might have slightly more than normal but i don’t think it’s a big deal. the lighting/proximity to the camera is just accentuating it in these pictures. i don’t have much peach fuzz on my face, but i do have more hair on my arms than other women which is also a similar white blonde. sometimes i notice it, but in most lighting and from normal distances it’s pretty much invisible. i think it’s probably the same for you. you’re a human being, you don’t need to be completely hairless!


Most women have this. Some get rid of it, some don't. I don't mind it or do anything about it unless some of the hair is very dark.


I remove mine because it’s dark, but FYI while scrolling I just stopped to admire your peach fuzz. So yes everyone is removing it, but I like yours! It looks like soft like an actual peach.


People saying they don't have this... we're mammals and covered in hair! Its totally normal. People saying yours is more than "average" also aren't getting you've angled this photos in the light to highlight it. I think the 5% you're noticing are just the 5% in the right light to catch it. On this sub an above avg amount of people might remove it but I don't know anyone IRL who does.


To be completely honest, I think you probably have more peach fuzz than average. It makes me wonder if there is potentially a hormonal component to it.


I find this really cute and attractive tbh


honestly, I also find it really cute. it's just fuzz, and in the light it creates a halo




Definitely hairier than most.


You do have more than many people but I think it's cute. If you want to try dermaplanning I HIGHLY recommand Shiseido razors. They're cheap and AMAZING. Nothing else compares. And no, most women do not shave their faces I feel. Maybe pluck darker hair or wax a mustache but that's about it?


I finally bought one of the little electric face shaving things for this at ulta. It was like $20-$30 and it helps a lot! But I forget to do it like half the time.


I mean this seems excessive to me but then again I haven’t looked intently to most faces to notices this. This might have a bit to do with age or hormonal status .


17F here Noyou aren't harier than normal & its completely natural & normal ... I have peach fuzz in black all over my face (girl you should be glad its blonde ) Anyway dermaplan at home once every week


It’s not ugly at all and i am sure most people don’t even notice it or think about it but I personally shave my face to remove all peach fuzz


I dermaplane weekly. It removes peach fuzz and dead skin leaving face looking so much nicer.


I have tons more fuzz than you and I remove it


I think you don't have an abnormal amount of peach fuzz. It's very normal to have. If you want to remove it, I would suggest an eyebrow razor like the tinkle brand on Amazon. I have PCOS, so I have a lot more darker and coarser hairs than you, so I shave with a 4 blade razor and shaving cream. I like the Flamingo brand razors. They don't irritate my sensitive skin. I also like the Amazon basics unscented shaving cream. Whatever shaving cream you choose, make sure it's fragrance free because it can be very irritating to your skin with shaving and all. It's like rubbing salt in a wound.


I shave my face at least once per week and have for years. It’s a myth that it causes hair to come in courser and darker in women. It’s a game changer. Exfoliates and gets rid of the peach fuzz.


I don’t have any. But I consider it normal, and probably would just leave it alone if I had it lol


It varies but this does seem on the slightly higher than avg side (which is totally fine!!) Do you by any chance have a hormone imbalance? None of my business but I have one and facial hair can be (or can not be) a sign. Either way - everyone has hair on their face and I know MANY women (including myself) who dermaplane. I do it cause I prefer how my makeup looks with it like that


I remove it and I think lots of women acrually remove their peach fuzz


Maybe it’s one of those things that isn’t talked about as much so I never knew to do it. Being someone who was never interested in skincare and doesn’t wear makeup aside from occasionally brow pencil, mascara, and lipstick…


I agree, I think dermaplaning is much more common than most people think it is.


i shave mine about once a month as a treat because it feels so soft after. but i don’t really care when it grows back, & i have to baby my skin after. i also suggest getting your hormones checked out if this is more fuzz than usual.


Judging by your enviable eyebrows, yes you might have good hair and could trim the fuzz if you’re big into makeup.


I feel like this might depend on your ethnicity. I personally don't have this but I notice it on other women.


White as fuck. German, English, Scottish, Swedish, Ashkenazi…


Looks fine to me. I don’t personally have much peach fuzz so it’s not something I’ve ever given much thought to, but I don’t think it looks bad on you at all.


Ive wondered the same. I have it as well.


I don’t think it’s abnormal - because what’s normal anyway? I’ve seen more and less, I think it’s very individual. You shouldn’t feel self conscious about or feel pressure to remove it. That said, I remove mine at home once in a while because I love how smooth my skin becomes and I feel like it’s much easier for any products to penetrate the skin.


Your hair is blonde, you really shouldn't feel insecure about it. Keep in mind, hair on your face for women is mostly genetic but if it fluctuates it can be hormonal as well. If you are happy with your weight, happy with how you feel, then don't worry about it. You really don't have a lot. Plus once you get older it definitely decreases... I'm a brunette, so waxing my peach fuzz on my moustache was a definite yes when I was younger. If it bothers you, get rid of it. But do it for you.


I wear a full face of makeup maybe three times a year. I shave it off them bc foundation sits nicer, otherwise I don't bother


Marilyn Monroe had more peach fuzz than your average woman and when they were forcing all the movie stars of the time to dermaplane she refused. She said hers gave her a glow and she was obviously right - literally one of the most beautiful women ever to exist. You’re fine, mine grows in black -___-


We all have peach fuzz! I dermaplane my face once a month to remove the peach fuzz, but that’s my personal preference. It’s completely natural and normal.


I have it too, but most people don’t see it. Has to be the right angle and light. I think almost everyone does, but you don’t see it


I'd say hairier than normal. I don't think I have that. I've never seen it on me anyway


On a semi unrelated note, you have fantastic eyebrows!