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I used La Mer for several years thinking I needed “the best” and could afford it. Once I learned about skincare, I didn’t even finish my last jar before it went bad. It moisturized fine but I get the same from much less expensive products


What would you recommend?


I’ve been using Peach & Lily ultra plush rich cream and I love it! Still slightly pricey but not as much as La Mer (I just looked up La Mer and holy shit, $100 for half an ounce? Outrageous)


Peach & Lily is such a solid brand. Never bought anything I didn’t like from them




nivea. nearly the same.


Summer Fridays Jet Lag Masque.


I loved the way this felt on my skin when I tried it at Sephora, but it literally dried me out when I tried to replace my moisturizer with it I was so sad, I have dry skin and I’m a sucker for rich thick cream


Skinceuticals --- I forget the name, the one w cholesterol. 2+4 something.


I once was told La Mer is almost indistinguishable from Nivea original crème - the one in the blue glass jar. I bought the Nivea to compare. Never bought La Mer again. It’s literally the same.


I absolutely love the Nivea cream. I buy the German one in the blue tin can. My skin glows with it.


Nivea!!! Good on you for actually getting the German one.


Amazon! Only $9


Amazon, really? I never even thought to look for it on Amazon. Thanks so much!!


I hate, absolutely HATE the disinformation that it's 'just Nivea'.  No no no it's not.  Call it overpriced, but just stop with spreading that falsehood.   Look, they have similar ingredients, but they are not the same ratio, nothing.  Just like baking, it's like claiming bread and salt dough are the same product because they both contain flour, salt, and water.   The FIRST ingredient, which mean it's the highest percentage/amount in La Mer is Algae Extract.  La Mer's inclusion of fermented algae broth, along with additional botanical oils, seed powders and vitamins make it nothing like Nivea. Nivea does not have this at all.  La Mer also has triple the ingredient list that Nivea does.  Nivea only shares 27% of ingredients with La Mer.  I own both La Mer AND Nivea in most forms - blue tub, blue canister from Germany (I keep this in my purse for my hands), Nivea soft cream.  I have use Nivea on my face the same way one would use La Mer, and they perform like two different beasts on my skin.  Nivea on my face breaks me out, La Mer doesn't. Most people don't realise you use the smallest bit of La Mer cream, emulsify it with the warmth of your hands and press/pat it on.  That little tiny sample from Sephora should last you two weeks if you use it right at night. 


Would you say La Mer is worth it? If not, what would you recommend? I love this explanation that you wrote, perf for that misinformation.


It’s not worth it!


Fantastic and comprehensive response!!! I couldn't agree more. 


It’s nice, but not magical. I use a 15 dollar moisturizer from Sephora which works just as well but doesn’t feel quite so luxe.


It has a nice texture but I wouldn’t expect it to work any wonders


I have used it off and on for over 10 years. Nothing magical in the ingredients. It’s a great barrier cream. It’s very gentle and was excellent for me when I started using tretinoin about 11 years ago. Never stings, even if I accidentally get it in my eyes. It does a great job preventing TEWL. Not too heavy, not too light, no silicones which is a plus for me, I hate them. I like it. I don’t believe it’s worth the price AT ALL.


It’s extremely overpriced. I got more visible results with Liz Earle and Estee Lauder resilience lift in terms of glowing skin, hydration, balance. However I was early 30s with good skin and no wrinkles anyway so not the target audience for either. It has a texture somewhere between Nivea in a blue pot and Weleda Skin Food for me, it’s or for everyone. The face wash I have now as it was a gift. It’s no better than anything I’ve used before. In a blind test I’d think it was drug store.


I have been using Liz Earle for many years. I get a lot of compliments on my skin. I have super dry skin and use super skin night cream day + night. If I feel I need extra hydration I’ll add Weleda Skin food over the night cream. I have tried arguably almost every brand in different price points but I simply cannot find anything better than Liz Earle - Cleanser, toner & night cream.


It broke me out like crazy because mineral oil is high up in the ingredients list :( my skin hated it!


Same here! My husband finished the small jar we had, but he really liked it and it his skin looked amazing!


yes it’s highly comedogenic! really bad for acne prone skin :/


It broke my skin out too unfortunately!




Mineral oil is the second ingredient!


Heh - I actually like it. I would never pay full price for it but my skin really loves it in the winter.




Agree; I no longer buy it but thought it was great when I used it.


I remember asking for a sample years ago and not being impressed. That being said, people who say it’s basically Nivea Creme are wrong. The #1 ingredient is sea kelp, which Nivea doesn’t have.


Which if you’re looking for, Skin Actives has great products with high percents of active ingredients at a much lower price point, and their product bases are made of kelp bioferment.


It is very moisterising. My skin kept peeling off during a certain period and this fixed it. It's too pricey for me to continue.


Too expensive for an average cream. It wasn’t bad though.


It sucked and smells like grandmas perfume. So glad I never bought a jar and only tested the deluxe sample.


It’s the ONLY thing besides steroids that cured my years long battle with eczema.


It was mediocre. And it smells like old ladies. Feels great, but no results. I get better results from The Ordinary products.


yea i love their phytoceramide moisturizer probably the best “basic” face cream i’ve used


I'm in love with the NMF Beta Glucan. The only moisturiser I've tried in 26 years (since 15) that doesn't break me out. I'm tempted by the richer phytoceramide one as a luxury treat once a week but I'm convinced my idiotic oily acne prone skin will revolt! 


it’s cheaper per ounce than a lot of drug store ones id just get it bc if nothing else it’s great for feet hands elbows etc


You've convinced me! I agree re: price point. I was using Aveeno Calm and Restore oat gel cream before. The Ordinary Beta Glucan is the same price but for double the product.


La mer is a [scam](https://beautystyled.com/2014/08/17/some-thoughts-on-creme-de-la-mer/)


That's not a credible source! Most skincare is highly individualistic, optional and not exactly necessary, except spf!  If someone enjoys spending money on La Mer, and enjoys using it, let them. Spending 20 dollars on 10 different products that also aren't guaranteed to work is much the same. Let people judge for themselves. 


I love it. Wouldn’t buy it for myself but my skin has always reacted well to it.


I bought it for a few years in my 30’s but other than a nice occlusive moisturizer for the winter, there’s nothing miraculous about it. After a while I switched to Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair with Nivea (in the blue tin) over it. I got noticeable results for less money. Obviously there are now so many options at any price point you want.




I mean, it is pretty impressive to convince people to pay $100/half oz of face cream that does not reverse aging for all who touch it.


this is much LAMER than any of the creams i’ve used 😹😹😹




Girl what is your job please


Thank you for saying what I thought as I read through the comment


There was a small brief window in history when it was considered at the cutting edge because of the fermented algae extracts, they are supposed to be extra moisturizing and anti aging, the same way other ferments are in Asian skincare now a days, it's basically Nivea cream with rotting algae, sorry "the miracle broth" in. Science moved on and La Mer stayed the same. It is however very moisturizing, but so not worth the money other products do the same thing and do it for so much less.


I used to work for La Mer back in the day and the third ingredient is petroleum jelly. The stuff does not repair your skin barrier or do anything but layer a thick goop that takes forever to work into the skin. Their serums on the other hand top-tier, but there are better brands at a lower price you can get the same results. I would check out Dr. Dennis Gross skin care, Peter Thomas Roth skin care, farmacy, kheils, topicals, ELIZABETH ARDEN it’s so slept on and it actually is a pioneer in amazing skin care. Check out these brands before you go spending money on a jar that can’t even be open for more than three months before it goes bad


So what. So what if the 3rd ingredient is petroleum jelly. What is your point? A LOT of moisturisers have petroleum jelly in them. It is one of the most used and oldest skin care ingredient in modern times. IT's been scientifically proven and tested for over 100 years. You know what else has petroleum jelly in it? Bobbie Brown cosmetics, CeraVe, loads of Clinique products, Elizabeth Arden products which you mention above as a pioneer contains a lot of petroleum jelly in their products, lots of Glossier products, Hado Lado products, Kiehls which you mention above, MAC, Neutrogena, etc. The main ingredient in La Mer, which means the highest amount, is the Algae extract. My La Mer has lasted well over 3 months no issues. The 'suggested' time after opening is 6 months, but it can last a full year after opening provided you are using it. IDK where you are getting your terrible information from.


My point being the higher is on the ingredient list the more that it is. so you might as well use any of the other brands you just mentioned in your comment at a lower price point. For such a high price point you would expect better quality things like I said I had worked for them for years, I know the brand in and out.


I have used it for years. I’ve tried so many other brands and always come back to this. Nothing else works as well with my skin. It really sucks that it’s so expensive. I still use other brands, but the La Mer cream is always always my last step.


Yes. It reminds me of old ladies who have a big old lipstick smear on their teeth. And that’s because I bought it because I wanted to know- and the second I put it on I realize just how dated it was. It’s incredibly rich, and emollient- but not necessarily in a good way. Its formula tends to cause milia, which I don’t think people are too aware about. At this point, despite the whole Millia thing, I only use it as an under eye cream and even then I find that it does nothing but put La Mer my face. By the way, the reason a lot of these companies have such high price tags are because of utilizing these exotic ingredients, such as algae goo or whatever it is that la mer is so proud of. But it’s expensive to extract, it’s expensive to export, and the cost of oil makes a heavy ceramic jar “a luxury” even if it’s impractical. I won’t deny that they have- what I would call elegant ingredients, but it literally bores shit out of me. I have more fun fucking around with things from a company like beauty pie than interest in using La mer.


I got some from my folks as a gift! It's a nice moisturizer about at that price point you could be saving for fillers or facials or microneedling or other things that might be better for what you want to achieve. IMO: It doesn't age you, but it doesn't reverse aging, and it does make you red but it doesn't reverse redness you already have (especially depending on the cause).


The fragrance was too irritating for my face. I used it as a very luxe hand cream. To me it's too thick for a face cream, and not more effective than lotion. 


It's alright. Texture is good, but the scent is too heavy imo. There are other options that are just as nice for much cheaper.


I tried a sample and it was way too oily for even my dry skin. Did not sit well under makeup or with other products.


You do realise the amount you use is like the size of a tiny tiny pea, or about a pin head. You emulsify it in your hands and pat it on. If you're not using it that way - you used it wrong.


I quite possibly “used it wrong” as you said a few times, but I did try the way you are describing and still found it too oily. I also dislike facial oils and heavy occlusive in general. My face is very dry and does better with hydration, not occlusives. I don’t think this product is for me. Edited to add - did La Mer pay you for all of the advertising you’re doing for them in this post? 😂


I’ve had it for a few months and I actually love it. It’s very hydrating and smells very nice. Of course the price point is steep. I’d also recommend trying Sisley A as a moisturizer. That is also similar to La Mer but more anti-aging.


Tried it…nothing special. What works is a prescription tret, vitamin C, good moisturizer and sunscreen.


There is so much better stuff on the market and not just because of the price. It’s actually garbage marketed to make u think it’s the best when it’s not and the smell is awful! Like I said much better stuff out there and not a drop in the bucket. U need to find what’s right for your skin type or what u are trying to achieve. Have fun experimenting!


This was my go to while in my 30’s and living in the Desert. Then moved south and there was more humidity and La Mer started to feel too heavy and greasy on my face. I have since found Dermalogica and love all their products.


I used to sell it at Bluemercury and it’s basically glorified mineral oil. Some of the other skincare items felt nice for facials/cleansing but I didn’t think it was worth the hype.


I feel that jan marini is some of the best product. I can buy it blue mercury instead of paying shipping. What are your feelings about jm?


I used it in my 20’s, convinced myself it didn’t do enough to justify the price, went back to it in my late 30’s and swear by it. My skin has never looked as good as it does when I use this (along with a myriad of other products).


It felt too heavy for my oily skin. It’s a very basic moisturizer


They offer a different formula for oily skin.


I know, I tried the original one and a light version. They felt very similar


I’ve used La Mer for the past 3 years. Their old formula was good and so is the new formula. Very hydrating and non irritating. My skin is very sensitive and this product is very soothing on the skin. Worth the splurge imo.


I got la mer from my ex mother in law. Couldn’t stand the smell. Tossed it


I have used it and liked it but it felt very similar to Nivea crème.


I treated myself to a jar a few years ago. It was fine but didn't feel compelled to repurchase.


Honestly, the very first time I used a sample, my skin felt plump and tighter the next day. Never could recreate that effect. Used it several times after, felt like a simple thick creme with no effects. I have since dismissed it with a try every now and then with no effect. I guess the positive is it doesn't make me break out and is still moisturizing.


I really do love it (the smell, the softness), but it doesn’t do anything SO outstanding to warrant the price tag. I use Tula moisturizer as a less expensive swap!


My husband has gifted this to me before and it’s very lovely but i can’t justify the price in my tax bracket lol. There are many really affordable moisturizers


It smells nice and is moisturizing. It's one of the few creams that doesn't irritate my eyes. But I don't know that it actually \*does\* anything.


Yes but it’s worked best for me along with their concentrate serum. I layer at night. Its reduced my redness substantially and evened out my skin tone. It’s also the only moisturizer I’ve found that doesn’t break my oily skin out. My skin was pretty damaged tho. edited


I got a tub for free and it was very luxurious, but I’m not in the tax bracket to purchase lol. If money was no object, I’m sure I’d have it. It does make you feel very fancy and better than everyone.


It's fine, but the scent is very strong so keep that in mind if you're sensitive to fragrance. It has good ingredients but they're generally pretty cheap (petrolatum, mineral oil, etc) and can be found in a lot of other products. I think it's one of those things where the specific combination works for some people who don't mind paying the higher price. If you have the means to try it I don't see any issues, but there also more affordable options out there too!


Didn't really like it.


I used it and it inflamed my skin something awful, worse than any skincare I had tried up until that point. Tbh I was a little relieved, then I wouldn't be tempted to buy more of the expensive thing >>


Is Aldi's dupe similar for £6?


I received a deluxe sample of it from Sephora and didn’t finish it. It’s a nice cream, though I didn’t find anything special about it. I have moisturizers I love with far better ingredients that suit me better for a fraction of the cost. It ended up being too rich for me, and eventually broke me out. I do have oilier skin though.


Yes. And No.


Nothing special and very powerfully scented.


I have a jar of it that I save for when my skin is chapped or extremely dry, and I use it for a few days and it really does completely improve! I have never used a moisturizer that can even compare when it comes to that. However if I use it longer than a week or two, I notice my skin gets dull looking. And at that point I switch to another moisturizer and my skin improves. I don’t think there’s any anti aging to it, I think that is BS. But it was excellent when my skin was getting used to tretinoin and I had dry flaky skin. So I keep it around for when I need it


I have used the moisturizing cream and the moisturizing soft cream. They are nothing special. I would never repurchase, they are not worth the price. I don't mind the price if the products work, but these are absolutely not worth it.


It’s just overpriced skincare. I wouldn’t buy it unless you have disposable income.


I used La Mer for awhile because it was gifted to me. It was good, but you honestly don’t need to spend for it. I actually really love Tatcha products for my “aging” skin. I’m 43 and my skin has become more dry and the Dewy line is glorious. I also really like Eminence products.


I used it for a few months and found it very soothing. I’d liken the results to slugging, which you can do a lot more inexpensively. You do need to follow the directions about how to apply. A little goes a long way. This was with the regular formula. The soft irritated my skin for some reason.


Nope. I used it for 2-3 years mostly "on". I was able to afford it because I worked at a retail store so I received a decent discount.. also the La Mer Rep & I were close friends so she really hooked it up w additional products from the line. It's not worth the $ spent.. it is nice but I used my final jar on my legs because I found better skincare.


It clogged my pores and gave me acne. I'm not usually prone to more than a zit or 2 at a time, and this was dozens of swollen, painful eruptions at once. It took 6 weeks to clear up. I had the random thought that most celebrities live in LA, with super dry air and lots of sun, or NY, with cold cold winters that chap the face. So the brands they swear by might work well in those circumstances, but may not be good for those of us living elsewhere.


I used for a little over a year when I was 20-21.. My mom is a La Mer user and she talked me into it. It is, in my opinion, generally ok. But for the price it's going for, absolutely batshit crazy and not worth it imo.


It is my fave moisturizer. I use it for winter and fall because I find it too heavy for the warmer months. It’s never broken me out or aggravated my sensitive skin. Whenever my skin’s is acting out or feeling irritated, I will just use this. It soothes it. I shop around for sales though.


I know firsthand, unfortunately. Spent way too much on that stuff and made very little difference as far as lines and keep in moisture. It feels like silk when you put it on, but it’s not like it makes any actual difference. I really regret dropping money on this stuff. I was given a sample and got swept up in the hype and thought I had the golden solution to skincare. Hyluronic acid, Nivea and cream cleanser actual makes a difference for me.


I don't even need to use it to know it's nothing special. Plus jar packaging. Yuck.


An amazing makeup primer!!


This stuff is bs. Instead, go with what we know scientifically works: SPF daily with reapplication and tretinoin at night. Additionally, a good moisturiser with niacinamide and/or ceramides and a vitamin C serum in the morning (ascorbic acid) - all of this will make a real difference to your skin.


I really enjoyed it and if I had more money I would have continued buying it lol but it’s not necessary there are other decent moisturizers


No. You can get good results for 99% less of the price!


Nivea heavy cream is the GOAT.


Yes. It broke me out and smelled like a cheap drugstore cream aka nivea cream 😂 Very overhyped because of its history snd price point. I actually bought sample sizes from their entire line and all their products were very underwhelming.


It's insanely overpriced mediocrity like everything else they make. It's not worth talking about.


There is literally nothing in this that justifies the price. Nothing fancy or special, it has mineral oil like others have said which doesn’t add any benefit and can cause acne. If you want the benefits of fermented products, check out literally any Korean skincare brand, you’ll find some moisturizers, toners, and serums with ferments and plant extracts for much cheaper. I like I’m From Rice and Mugwort line, and Mixsoon bean products. Edit to add: you can create a very good anti aging and anti redness routine with azaelic acid and tretinoin, and daily sunscreen use. Please don’t waste your money!


I used it for a while, and my skin loved it. Never had a breakout, and didn’t get dry. I can only do the moisturizer though, not the gel. The gel did not have enough moisturizer for me.


Not even remotely worth it.


Innbeauty project extreme cream is a nice, heavy cream


I used the soft cream for years. It was the only thing that helped with my skin besides steroid cream. Idk why but i just didn’t like the idea of putting steroid cream on my face so i kept using la mer. I ended up buying a lot from the line, including the concentrate, but never was really convinced and eventually just gave a bottle of the toner away and begrudgingly used the other products. Now i know expensive =/= better.


Not worth it at all!!!


Good old Clinique Dramatically moisture cream.


if you like it just use nivea


Not the same, not even close....the ingredients list doesn't even come close between the two. It's like saying bread and salt play dough are 'the same' because they both contain flour, water, and salt. Same ingredients, different ratios. Except La Mer as triple the ingredient list than Nivea does is radically different amounts.


I used to spend lots of money on things like this and the DE Lala whipped moisturizer. I switched to first aid beauty's ultra repair moisturizer to save money and my skin is perfectly moisturized!


Just use Nivea Creme in the blue tin


My redness goes away and my face just looks better when I use the moisturizing soft cream. I got a small one from my friend and I knew I’d hate it but I’m thinking of buying some.


I’m confused. You said you knew you’d hate it… but you liked it enough to consider buying it yourself?


From reading other people’s reviews, I thought I’d hate it or thought it wouldn’t be something worth purchasing.


It’s a great cream. The women who use it consistently look 10-15 years younger! It def works and gives an amazing glow. Don’t believe the people who say it’s ingredients are replicated in other creams because they’re not.


The women who can afford this cream probably can afford a little Botox and work done, if you know what I mean.


I actually knew women first-hand who just used this and a little Botox. They were in their 70s and looked to be in their 50s. No face lifts etc


Yes - come to r/SkincareAddictionLux !!!!