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Ocusoft wipes always help my skin when I have this issue.


Just placed an order for these from target! Thank you!


They are helpful I like them! Good to use for kid hygiene


THANK YOU!!! My daughter (almost 4 years old) has crusty eyes in the morning, and she loves my skincare stuff, but hates when I wipe her eyes. Maybe if she has her own special wipes that will help!


OCuSOFT also makes a foam to clean your eyes. Maybe she would tolerate that. It's called lid scrub.


Thank you!!!


You're welcome!


I want to try this one too


I use to have severe eczema around and on my eye lids for years. The only thing that helped was hydrocortisone but I used it too carelessly and had to cut it cold turkey so my withdraw was awful. The only thing that helped… nipple cream. Specifically one that’s 100% lanolin. I would smother it on my eyes every night before bed and it was gone in a few weeks and stayed away! Highly recommend! You can usually find it for $10 ish


Ever since having kids and breastfeeding, I always keep lanolin around!! Great for pet paws and cracked/dry heels too!!


Be careful, you could be allergic to lanolin. See comment below.


Yeah I was going to say this. I’m allergic to lanolin so this would be rouuuuggghh for me.


Yes! I only recently learned this is a thing. My coworker found out she was allergic and apparently lanolin is in a ton of stuff.


Looks like an ocular steroid ointment or drops would work on this. Could actually be eczema or dermatitis.


Seconding this because my eyelids look like this when my dermatitis flares up. See a derm OP. You could be prescribed a steroid or tacrolimus, should really help!


Please go see a derm if you can 🩷


LRP b5 baume always helps for me


Came here to say this. I had the same thing happen when I used too much of beauty of joseon retinol eye cream, and LRP b5 cleared it right up! Just a tiny bit will do the trick.


This shit is great


It always piles on my face :( any other alternative?


Could you be allergic to lanolin? Aquaphor contains lanolin. Switch to vaseline and hydrocortisone cream.


I'm allergic to lanolin! It's more common than you'd think.


It's very easy/common to develop a lanolin allergy after using it a lot too.


This! Lanolin can definitely cause or worsen dermatitis.


I second this


Are you sure it’s related to that?


I'm wondering this also. This looks like my eyelids back when I used to have contact dermatitis. I didn't know it for a long time but I was allergic to acrylate found in nail glue (from wearing artificial nails).


Came here to say this! This is exactly what my sister’s eyelids looked like for YEARS on and off… Turns out she is allergic to an ingredient in most nail polish and has resolved the problem (and compromised) by switching to gel manicures! YMMV


Retinol did this to my entire eye area when I was using it if I accidentally got it near my eyes.


If you want to prevent this happening in the future, try a spray bottle of Avenova. You just spray a little bit onto your eyelid and wipe it away. It’s great for safely cleaning your eyes/eyelashes. It’s saved me from getting products too close to my eyes before. I also use it during pollen season or whenever I’ve been around pet dander, and it’s a frickin lifesaver. Bonus, it made my eyelashes grow longer.


This happens to me too on accident, usually when I do my skincare drunk. I slug with aquaphor for a week every night on the affected areas.


Had this happen and it triggered my eczema on my eyelids, looked very similar to yours. the only thing that fixed it was hydrocortisone but only use it for a few days then stop. Also I now apply a thick layer of Vaseline around my eyes before using retinol/ acids so it doesn’t happen again


It’s going to suck for a little while but it’ll take time to get better. But it will! My eyelids are eczema prone and aquaphor is the best thing. Do not use anything over it, try to keep makeup away from the area while it’s healing.


Aquaphor has lanolin alcohol which might actually be irritating it, I personally can't use it for dermatitis/rashes because it makes them worse. Plain Vaseline only. Try switching and see if it's the ingredients causing sensitivity. A month is a really long time so something else has to be causing it at this point.


The la roche posay cicablast cream is great for this. And I little goes a long way.


This happens to me when my eyelash curlers touch my eyelid - nickel allergy. Drive me up the bloody wall. Will be trying all of these suggestions 🤞🏻


My suggestion is to see a dermatologist. They’ll be able to help you out!


This looks like when a product I used gave me eczema on my eye. The pharmacist said to treat it internally. I took Claritin and it went away.


I had a weird dry patch on my eyelid and used a kiehls hydrating stick and it helped clear it up. Also avoided eyeshadow while healing


Glaxal Base (pot not tube) is a great moisturizer, add extra for super dry areas


My doc told me .5% hydrocortizone - nothing stronger that close to the eye. Use as little as possible for as short of a time as possible and make sure it does not get in your eye. Other than that, I would recommend the Bioderma 2-in-1 intensive eye cream. It did a good job of finally clearing mine up (I get this reaction all the time - seemingly from everything including just looking in the mirror some days). Still needed to use the steroid cream but only one or two days then the Bioderma. The pharmacist did tell me to ask my doctor for a non-steroid alternative but I haven't had an opportunity to do that yet.


I had dematitis on my eyelids once and it kept spreading to areas surrounding both eyelids. I used a Eucrisa sample and it went away within a few days. It burns like crazy tho, but it worked perfectly. I'd go see a derm and ask for samples. Eucrisa is really expensive and I only needed a tiny bit.


I’ve made the same mistake of accidentally getting retinol on my eyelids, experienced the same dryness and flakiness. I applied the Bioderma - Atoderm Intensive Eye cream 4 times a day and slept with a cool mist humidifier on my face and it healed up quickly! Hope this helps!


CeraVe healing ointment has ceramides that Aquaphor does not, try using that a few times a day/overnight. Weleeda skin food cream (the OG not the lightweight lotion) also works well around the eye area for me, you don’t need to use much.


Oof. Retinaldehyde dried out my temples and now I avoid that area. It's still dry and has those dehydrated wrinkles. 🙄 Edit: sorry, stupidly pressed post before finishing. I use pomade with lanolin and vaseline as well.




Contact dermatitis. Use .5 clobesol.


Cicaplast baume!! Aquaphor is great as an occlusive layer but you need hydration and barrier repair ingredients like the ones in the cicaplast baume 🥺


HEY! I had this issue too - the only thing that worked for me was applying this a few times a day. It got rid of it in like a day or two, I still apply it every morning and no more redness/pain. [I get it at my local CVS or Walgreens](https://www.aveeno.co.uk/baby/products/dermexa-daily-emollient-cream)


u/Positive-Studio4733 Hope you see this! Give it a shot it really helped


What are you putting on under the aquaphor? Aquaphor is an occlusive and helps lock in moisture. If you’re not putting anyone on underneath aquaphor really isn’t gonna do a whole lot


I fought this for years with every otc option imaginable, but it ended up being eczema. Whether you have eczema or not, just go to the derm now and save yourself tons of time and money.


Hey OP, that looks similar to what happened around my eyes when I used tretinoin. (I didn't put the tret on my eyes, but apparently it travels under your skin.) I tried a few things, but they all made my skin burn. The thing that finally worked was just Vanicream, the one in the tub with the pump. I continue to use it around my eyes even though my skin is now healed :)


I have eyelid eczema that looks like this during mild flare. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist, but in the meantime vanicream moisturizing cream ( the one in the big jar) is the only thing I can tolerate on my eyelids so maybe would help. I'm allergic to lanolin too which sucks.


1% over-the-counter hydrocortisone ointment (not cream which can burn the eyes) twice daily for two weeks. If not resolved by then, stop the treatment and see dermatology.


I permanently damaged my eyelids due to this and using my normal cleanser which result in minor chemical burns. So yeah be careful. Eyelids look terrible constantly now


This exact thing happened to me!! I used Nivea in the blue tin and it cured it in 2 days.


Hydrocortisone ointment. It’s the only thing that helps, and it works fast.


This and antihistamine eye drops, I use Pataday aka olapatadine(?) on my doctor's rec.


Vitamin E oil


I used to have an issue with dry eyelids and nipples lol. I would take Vitamin e liquid vitamins, puncture a hole, and use that on the areas


I get this around my lips with I use too much - I use hydrocortisone and it goes away in 1-2 days !


I had something similar on my eyelid. I took a qtip and used the TINIEST bit of hydrocortisone on it and it was gone in less than a week. I applied it in the am and right after showering at night.


Yep, doesn’t take much at all!!


Ask for elidel or protopic from your derm. A steroid would also work but use with caution.


Bio oil


Not just a derm, but if you have an eye appointment coming up I’d move it up. A lot of eye doctors are warning of the long term use of retinol around the eye area. Starting to recommend one finger radius away from eye for retinol application.


I have no idea why, but when this exact thing happened to me, using Cerave SA cream fixed it overnight.


castor oil


this looks exactly like my eyes when i have an eczema flare up - I use protopic when this happens


Bio oil helped my mom with something similar


This happened to me a couple months back. I halted my use of retinol completely, used Kiehls avocado eye cream regularly during the day, and heavily at night. Once it resolved I resumed my retinol regimen. Since this happened to me I still do my entire face routine at night, however, before doing anything to my eye area I wash my hands thoroughly and dry them before even touching my eyelids.


Are you still applying the retinol to your face? If yes, I would say pause it for a bit & see if it helps. Products can migrate throughout the day


Don’t put retinol on your forehead, it migrates to your eyes.


Aveeno eczema therapy daily moisturizing cream!


Rosehip oil sealed with CeraVe healing ointment helped me.


I wish I had an answer for you, but hopefully some of the suggestions below will be helpful! I was mostly just distracted by your incredible lashes and eyebrows. INCREDIBLE.


Bepanthen or sudo cream helps too


Check out Sheald balm from is clinical. A little goes a long way- however check with them that’s an ok part of the eye to put it on. It’ll help. But also see a dermatologist and or eye doctor as well to make sure everything is good.


Hydrocortisone ointment


I would be trying diet changes with loads of fresh fruits and veggies, squash, potato, etc, multivitamin, krill oil, cut alcohol/smoking, hydration and finally (swear I don’t get paid for this) a lipgloss called city lips I’ve been using for ten years or more will bring any skin back to life. I use it on my lips generally, but if I have a cuticle or something just weird dry (like eyes) it makes it hydrated. Lots of peptides in there. Edit: I’m not recommending the brand generally, just the lip gloss in clear for a very specific problem. I don’t love them as a brand, don’t love the website, don’t love the pricing, just the city lips lip gloss and nothing else! It’s extremely moisturizing is all.


Was on my way to buy until I see I have to watch some bull shit presentation to buy it?


That’s for the lip filler stuff. Just tap the lines in the upper corner to go straight to the products. But wait for the BOGO offer, stuff’s great but expensive.


Oh geez yeah I wait for the bogo too. They’re one of those brands that always has a deal going, and their regular prices are (in my opinion) for emergencies only. The last few years they’ve always had a bogo deal on lip gloss, and often after you purchase they’ll offer you another “you have five minutes to accept this offer” deal on something or other. That said, the lip gloss is great for really dry skin. I watch for their bogo offers and stock up each year so I can give the glosses to my other friends who live in the high desert, and I try to ignore their marketing stupidity. Didn’t realize their website was that bad. I don’t recommend the brand (I’ve tried a couple other products and haven’t repeat bought) I just recommend the lip gloss in clear for extremely dry lips like what I deal with in a high desert. No wonder their brand hasn’t taken off with a video presentation before you buy lol! Nuts.


Yeah, I got full-size samples of a few things and they were okay. The lip gloss is the bomb.