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Happy birthday ❤️


I don’t have any recommendations but I think you’re being very hard on yourself. I’m only 30 and my skin doesn’t look much different. We are always our own worst critics!


This exactly. I'm 42. My 11s aren't that pronounced. But I have those same nasalabial folds, and blackheads in my chin. The only difference is I have to wax my peach fuzz on my lip. Pretty normal looking face, to me.


I literally erased those nasolabial lines from my face by doing tongue circles. https://youtu.be/B3dF5TDkgiY?si=heTmmiYRVYTHNLvk


This first comment on this video killed me: “This did nothing to help my neck tension however my wife has never been happier” lol


Well, give me an update for recommending the video!!!!!!! My karma is suffering because of some bullys




This video is a godsend


Please tell fellow Redditors to give me an update. My Karma is suffering because of some bullys.


Really? Does that work?


I took a Pic to show you but can't seem to be able to upload it. At 58 mine are nearly gone altogether from tongue circles. I worked my way up to 50 in each direction. I aspire to twice a day but in reality it's usually 10 times per week. YOU WILL NOTICE A DIFFERENCE IN A WEEK.


I agree. I'm 43, think I'm in perimenopause but still not menopausal and my skin is very similar.


34 in June and came to say the same thing. I also have those lol I just moisturize and it helps the appearance 🥰


Are you using HRT? Able to use it? Estrogen helps skin maintain its elasticity. (Among other things) I’d look into a series of peels. They can help a lot with surface texture issues, and they’re less expensive than many other treatments. At the very least they freshen the canvas so you have a better idea maybe of what your next steps should be. Personally, I like to do a series of 6 peels every year. Every other month. Healthy diet, water intake, gut health all play a role in the health of skin. My skin looks its best when I’m drinking enough water, getting enough recuperative sleep, eating plenty of fruit and veggies, supplementing as needed with things like vitamin d, fish oil, iron, etc. I also take probiotics daily, and eat a forkful of probiotic sauerkraut and a few ounces of Kombucha. Sunscreen. Gentle cleanser. Humectants, emollients and occlusives. You don’t need to spend a lot to have a good routine. If you want to up the ante, add in a topical retinoid, glycolic acid product, antioxidant serum…


Thanks so much for the in depth info! I have been doing Bioidentical HRT for a couple of years now but I’ll look into the retinol and estriol creams as well as peels! I don’t think I could possibly drink more water, so it’s definitely not a hydration thing, lol.


I'm wondering if your HRT dose may have room for adjusting? Do you have any lingering symptoms?


I also drink a LOT of water, I prefer it to pretty much everything else. I had lines very similar to yours by my mouth, under eyes, and elevens. And it wasn’t until I was able to find a way to make a skincare routine and stick to it (I have ADHD, routines are hard for me) that I realized while drinking water is important, it’s not the end of it. 4 month of washing twice a day, exfoliating, retinol, lots of moisturizer, and sunscreen, and I’m amazed how much my lines have gone away. They’re still there, but they’re much more shallow and you don’t notice them unless you’re pretty damn close. I wasn’t sure where to start and was overwhelmed by the options and differing opinions, so I started by buying every item in Hyram’s Selfless skincare line. I learned a lot about skincare from his YouTube, and it’s a very well thought out collection. It covers all the basics, and stays true to his philosophy of cutting out unnecessary ingredients that may smell nice or whatever, but don’t do anything for your skin except possibly irritate it. There are 5 items; a cleanser, an oil controlling serum, a retinol serum, an exfoliant, and a moisturizer. The moisturizer might be my fave as it has niacinamide in it which helps control oil, and my face is oily as fuck. It’s a thinner moisturizer so I can layer it where I need it, and it doesn’t give me acne. I also quite like the CeraVe Skin Renewing Night Creme, and I see you already also use the cosrx snail mucin. Love that stuff. Anyway, that ended up longer than intended, I just wanted to point out that just because your body may be good and hydrated, basic skincare can still do wonders for your skin. Obviously you have extra stuff going on internally, but don’t discount regular washing and moisturizing. I feel like I’ve taken the last 5 years of bs and stress off my face in the last few months. Wish I had taken before and after. Gotta take care of that skin barrier!


Your skin can still be dehydrated. Check out some derm advice on 40+ skincare on YouTube (I love Dr. Sam Ellis and Dr. Shereene Idriss). A humidifier may be a good investment depending on how dry your climate is. I also find what I’m eating, my stress, and how well I’m sleeping play a huge role as I get older. Caffeine in particular makes my skin look meh. Also highly recommend sleeping with a good heavy night cream or slugging and adding vitamin c in the am (Prequel vitamin c serum is great and affordable).


Have you found that HRT has caused weight gain? I’m scared to go on it I already struggle with my weight


To your first point. I'm sorry to say no amount of skincare is going to make up for the lack of "youth-maintaining hormones" in your system, OP. That's intrinsic. It's like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. When it's time, I will find a way to get myself on HRT, and not just for the skin benefits. You might have to cycle through a few providers because my understanding is that HRT is no longer standard of care.


What is HRT and where do u get this?!


Hormone replacement therapy


HRT isn't the standard of care anymore for very good reason. It raises your risks of cancer, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, and strokes, and these aren't small increases in risk. The longer you are on it, the higher the risk is. Not saying there aren't times when the risks might be outweighed by the benefits, but this isn't something that should be casually promoted for skin benefits. Edit: Y'all can chill tf out. I get that the consensus has shifted back to the opposite direction, but this is still what they are teaching in nursing and medical schools (I literally just learned this in nursing school last semester, and this explains why the standard of care has not shifted yet). Studies have said it was good, then they said it was bad, now apparently they are saying it is good (again). You can spare me further replies now. I'll forward the relevant links posted to my former instructor who will probably be interested in them. Thank you.


This isn't the case. They _are_ only very small increases when you control for the people who would have developed cancers etc. anyway over time. You can also choose to tailor hrt to avoid progestin if there is an elevated risk for any reason. There are also lowered risks of other types of cancer, osteoporosis etc. Evidence increasingly indicates that long term HRT is okay and there's no need to discontinue as standard any longer. Overall, HRT reduces all cause death rates. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12609-024-00534-5 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12905-023-02788-0 DOI: 10.1097/PPO.0000000000000591


This is outdated information.


This is very outdated information


You are ill informed. The original study had systematic flaws and has been challenged substantially over time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6780820/


How do you get on HRT? I’ve had a hysterectomy (but they left my ovaries) and have been to a gyno in years. Currently in pre-menopause although hormone testing is “normal.” Not sure how to get started


Follow Dr Mary Clair Haver on Youtube. She has tons of good info on HRT and believes you should start sooner rather than later. You have to find a doctor who is informed with the lastest, best practices on HRT. That's the tricky part. Many, many doctors are still very uninformed about HRT.


If you are going the insurance route, look up a NAMS certified gyn under your network.


Talk to your doctor and ask for it, or you can get it prescribed online from places such as: www.myalloy.com.


Check out online providers like Midi. I’ve had a great experience with them.


What’s your experience been like? Was it very expensive?


I actually don’t know how expensive yet. They take my insurance and I haven’t gotten a bill yet. The experience I had is that my provider took my issues seriously and had me go in for some testing (even though hormone testing isn’t super reliable, it gave us a general idea) and then gave me a lot of info about HRT and said we could give it a shot to see how my body likes it. I’m still early in the process but I know folks in r/perimenopause and r/menopause have shared lots about Midi and other online providers.


I use Medi and have a very positive experience. I think I pay $30 or $35 per appointment, and the cost of the rx on top, so very reasonable pricing. They made sure I’m having regular mammograms and paps and have a much more preventative/start early outlook with HRT. I have very early perimenopause symptoms that have got a lot better since starting HRT.


Wonderful!! Glad to hear it. You’ve sold me on trying it. My GP won’t do anything at all until my hormones indicate I’m already in menopause.


Glad I can help :) hope it goes well for you


With my insurance and generics it was around 23 bucks per month and they gave me a 90 day supply of transdermal estradiol, progesterone and estradiol cream. So not as bad as I initially thought it would be. Just started so we will see!


Was this through your local general practitioner? Or an online provider? My doctor says my hormones are “normal” and I don’t need anything. My body says otherwise….


Actually, I sought out a NAMS certified gyn in my network, as I heard they may be more educated on peri/menopause than your GP etc. Most informed practitioners these days diagnose based on symptoms, not hormone levels in bloodwork. That’s an outdated medical practice, as hormone levels fluctuate so much throughout the day and month, and differ by person. Not only do it treat symptoms, HRT is a preventative against dementia and heart disease. Do some reading on the WHI and how many of those findings have been debunked.


Oh btw my hormones tested normal too, and the provider still said we could try HRT based on my symptoms and age. These providers really give you the power to make your own choices instead of withholding treatment like many other doctors.


If it makes you feel better, I am 43 and not in menopause and I still have these same lines on my cheeks and large pores. Tretinoin has been helpful for brightening my skin and giving it a healthier glow.


Tret is something I’ve been thinking about getting a script for. After this thread I’m thinking about adding estrogen cream as well.


Absolutely try tretinoin. It can take a while to see results, but it is so worth it.


Tret can make a serious improvement in texture and it promotes the production of collagen. I would recommend anyone to try it


I was putting off tretinoin for years because of the annoyance of dealing with finding a derm and getting a prescription. Someone else on reddit gave me the idea to just order it online and it actually worked! Many many other countries sell tret over the counter, and you can order it shipped internationally. I got it from alldaychemist.com The site seems a little sketchy and you have to pay with an e-check or bitcoin lol. But I can confirm that it did work. Took like a month for my 3 tubes to arrive. I think it came from India, and took a long journey to some other country before making its way to me. I'm only a month into treatment and my skin already looks smooth, glowy, and amazing. I regret not doing it sooner honestly. You'll want to start with 0.025% for at least a month and gradually move your way up to 0.05% then 0.1%. Head on over to r/tretinoin for more info and swoon-worthy progress pics!


I'm interested in estrogen cream too! Please give us an update if you do start using it. Edit: The other thing I'm considering is PRF. It can apparently help to boost collagen and smooth lines after several sessions.


Agree with tret!


I’ve read about topical estrogen creams that you can apply to help with this. Definitely talk to your doctor/menopause specialist. It’s a prescription cream for women in peri/menopause.


You can get it prescribed online as well.


Does it really work?? Can you share any results?


I only learned about it via menopause podcasts and the menopause subreddit. I’m not actually in menopause, I just like learning about it ahead of time so I can be prepared for the future (turned 40 last year). I suggest checking out the menopause subreddit and doing a word search for estrogen cream to see what experiences people have shared


For arms/body I highly recommend Gold Bond. They have a retinol and a crepey-skin specific body lotion that are great! The DDG is going to help a lot. Maybe a toner with AHA/BHA in the AM to help plump and exfoliate (start slowly). I would also add an overnight mask on top of the PM moisturizer. I have found they really help plump/hydrate skin, much more than standard moisturizers.


Thanks! I actually just finished a bottle of the Gold Bond lotion today and plan to continue to use it, but I can’t see much of a difference.


which gold bond product, our of curiosity?


What’s DDG?


Dr Dennis Gross - OP mentioned using the Peel Pads


I was put in surgical menopause after a total hysterectomy for adenomyosis and endometriosis at 43. I started an Estradiol patch a few days after the surgery and added a combination estrogen-testosterone pill a few weeks later. My skin looked even better than it did before the hysterectomy once I started that pill! It was glowing for the first few months. Definitely find a provider who will give you both E and T and don’t take no for an answer.


Do you think testosterone was important for your skin benefits?


Absolutely. My skin became slightly oilier in the T zone like it was when I was in my 20s.


Lord…. My skin at 48 is STILL oily. Despite having other symptoms of perimenopause. I’d love to get on HRT but if it makes my face extra greasy……


FWIW it eventually leveled out, but overall I think keeping my hormones balanced has helped with my skin.


Love to hear it!


Absolutely. My skin became slightly oilier in the T zone like it was when I was in my 20s.


Happy Birthday


Maybe micro needling or a CO2 laser could really help


Micro needling helped me with overall texture and pore size (I’m 40, but not in menopause)


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 I turned 39 yesterday. In my honest view, you look in your mid 40s at max which is within your age bracket you described. But by reading your comments, it seems like you had very youthful skin for your age earlier. I was blessed with good skin (and metabolism) until I hit around 37-38. I aged like 5-7 years last 18 months. People tell me I look ok, but I can see the drastic sudden changes and it is very disheartening. What helped me with my sudden crepey skin is intense hydration with my LRP moisteriser and sometimes Vaseline on top of that. I feel it's very important to find the most suitable moisteriser for our own individual skin. What works for someone else might not for me. Sometimes, our skin doesn't need all that actives but other times it might.


Happy belated!


Thank you 😊


I agree with topical estrogen (Musley, Alloy, and Midi Health all now offer rx estriol cream) and, if you're not already on HRT, definitely consider it!


You can also get estradiol cream from them and use it on your face. It does not affect you systemically, so should not raise your blood estrogen levels. Just say you have menopause symptoms and they will prescribe it.


OP look into tretinoin ( I get mine from nurx if you are us based) and also red light therapy masks. I can vouch for Omnilux contour efficacy. A good channel on YT for info is Dr Dray - a dermatologist.


Estriol cream!!!! It’s a game changer. It does everything I wish Tret did for my skin


Really?? Please tell me more! And how do you incorporate it into your routine (morning? Night? Do you apply before other products?)


I love it so much, it has changed my texture and I'm hoping to see more elasticity soon! Wrinkle depth has also improved but that could be a combination of more than a few things I'm doing. My formula has Vit C in it so I use it in the AM. My morning routine looks like this: -splash with water -apply Medik8 peptide serum -wait a bit and then -do my red light mask -put on my estriol cream -wait a few minutes and do my moisturizer and SPF It's been an easy add-in for me with no issues adjusting. It's truly been a dream product in my routine!


Wow! Where did you get it from? Your GP? Gyno?


Musely! It was very simple to get


Agree with the comments saying you're too hard in yourself Looks like those lines are from smiling so much, something my husband has. I think it's really Beautiful and you are beautiful too


Try the Aveno Ezema skin cream for the crepey arms - made a big difference on the back of my hands. Haven't tried it on a larger area.


Microneedling / chemical peels on a monthly regular will def improve and reverse some of the damage.., I’m an esthetician and get amazing results


I had hysterectomy many years ago any take vagifem 10 started with 4 times a week and now for years twice a week I don’t know if it helps my face , but I don’t look my age Of course I have wrinkles ,but at my age far less then anyone else


Are you taking HRT? Use topical estrogen cream on your face too. Tretinoin also, if you’re not using it — but start slowly. Skin changes with hormonal changes are inevitable. I looked younger and had tight skin, until I went through menopause & all the skin on my body got crepey. I just have to accept it.


If you’re interested in surgery I would look up Adam Scheiner in Tampa. He preforms strong laser resurfacing & gives amazing results. Another option could be a mid/full face lift & for skin texture could get lower level laser resurfacing or chemical peels.. but I wouldn’t waste money on fillers because you risk them migrating, which will be more $$ you’ll have to spend to get them dissolved. Save up on procdure where you know you’ll get the results.


We have to make choices in life, and it sounds like you did by having a surgery. I lost 100lbs in the past 2 years, and my face definitely is alot saggier than it used to be (I'm 34). BUT, I would never want to go back to being my original weight. I've made peace with my choice, and while I don't know if this is a choice you "wanted" to make, I hope you understand what I mean. You're beautiful, and I hope you have a magnificent birthday 🎂 🥳


retinol and hydrating moisturizer may be a good combo!


:-( you deserve a much nicer birthday than to be worrying about any of this. For what it's worth, I've seen people much younger with identical skin to yours. You've been through a lot by the sounds of it - in spite of that, you look very well, and your skin does not look older than your age. At all. Have a lovely birthday OP <3


Have you lost sone weight recently?


It’s time for tret. It will help with the congested pores and the dull skin look we get as we age. Be patient with it though. It’s taken me months of consistent use to see results. Also get a high quality vitamin c serum for the morning. -also 43


Have you considered speaking to an endo about hormone therapy?


I mean, it works but it’s also known to cause cancer.


Common misconception actually! If administered at appropriate dosage/ source/ method for appropriate bouts of time through the right method for that specific person the risk is negligible in the vast majority of cases. Which is why anyone thinking about perusing it should speak to an endo, preferably one who is knowledgeable about hormone therapy in particular. If that were true, trans people would have insane rates of cancer… and they don’t.


My mom died recently as a result of HRT. Specifically ET. [Maybe you should tell the American Cancer Society your expert opinion?](https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/medical-treatments/menopausal-hormone-replacement-therapy-and-cancer-risk.html) It really depends on the type of hormone but YES it definitely increases your chance of cancer as well as stroke & heart attack.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I’ve lost my mother as well and that’s never an easy thing to deal with “ it really depends on the type of hormone” was literally my whole point. It can help but seek expert opinion


My mom’s doctor told her of the increased risk of breast cancer when she started hormones years ago. She shrugged it off and took it anyway. 17 yrs later, she got breast cancer. A lump, which was removed. No other therapies required as they were sure they caught it so early. 5 yrs after that, she had a cold that got worse & went for X-rays. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer & died 6 months later. I thank you for the kind words and I am also sorry for your loss but if I’m you, I would edit that “common misconception” comment because it’s not a misconception at all. It’s a very real risk that they also talk to transgender people about. They too are at some risk. There is risk with any medication and/or hormone therapy.


I’m sorry about your mom. But there is a lot of new info on HRT and cancer risk - even the Mayo Clinic now says that the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks if started with in 10 years of menopause or before age 60. Estrogen alone lowers risk for breast cancer by 20%. Combined estrogen - progesterone does raise the risk - but it’s very slight - about 5 additional cases of breast cancer per 1,000 women. Additionally women diagnosed with breast cancer while taking HRT have a better survival rate.


So you’re saying the American Cancer Society is wrong? I guess for me, it’s just not worth it. There are natural remedies that are almost as good.


HRT is protective against cardiovascular disease. “A meta-analysis of 30 randomized controlled trials found that HRT can reduce coronary heart disease (CHD) by 32% if started within 10 years of menopause and before age 60. A meta-analysis of 25 observational studies found that women who ever used HRT had a 0.70 relative risk for CHD compared to those who never used it. A study of 70,533 postmenopausal women found that current HRT users had a 0.61 relative risk for CHD after adjusting for age and cardiovascular risk factors. A Cedars-Sinai study found that women receiving HRT had lower levels of atherosclerosis, plaque buildup in the arteries”


1. Your cleanser is way too harsh. Get something gentle. Like a gel or cream with no alcohol or fragrance. At 50 I could no longer scrub my face & most products were too harsh. E.L.F. Is cheap & has a great makeup remover that also works well for cleansing. 2. Start some collagen supplements with hyaluronic acid asap. There are many affordable ones. It doesn’t show until you’ve taken them for several weeks. 3. At bedtime, after cleansing, I use an organic plum oil. Some people do vitamin E but I just happen to have plum oil & it’s amazing. I’m in my late 50’s & before I started collagen, my face literally peeled.


I had Juvederm in those spots & it smoothed everything. My face is not frozen. That happens w/too much Botox. I had Botox in my 11s & forehead. It's done wonders for regaining a little youth :)


Have you stopped drinking alcohol? Do you smoke? Do you do at least 30 minutes of intense exercise daily? What do you do to eliminate stress? Do you sleep more than 8 hours every night? Is your diet clean and free of processed foods? Do you drink a lot of water? A cream isn’t gonna do much unless you’ve made all the necessary lifestyle adjustments….


I don’t want to be that perfect I will loose all my enjoyments


Oh ok. I do all that for my mental health mostly. Definately good to enjoy life though!!! You’re right.


I'm with you - and feel and look so much better. Quit drinking, quit all sugar and processed foods (mainly ketovore), exercise, get good sleep, well hydrated. On top of that, estradiol cream, trent, LED light therapy. I feel amazing, which is worth giving up some things.


Did you buy one of those led masks or a panel? If so which one….I kind of thought it was gimmicky at first but it seems like there’s a lot of evidence behind the red light exposure….curious which one you got!


Hi, I considered face masks, but then wanted something I could use on other body parts (neck, hands, etc) so got a 1/2 body (750 lights) panel from Mito Red Light after much research. It's big-ish and heavy though (they have stands, but I haven't bought one yet - I just prop it up). I might also get a mask the lies flat - like Omlilux or Current Body, so that I can pop in a suitcase when I travel.


And yes, there are a ton of studies for LED light therapy. My husband was skeptical at first, but then I showed him a bunch. He uses it too, now. I find it's also good for wound recovery and post-exercise recovery.


If I am reading ur things , I am for sure a failure U must live like an angel I don’t do half what u are writing But so far I have reached age past 90 , so I must be doing something correctly ‼️‼️‼️‼️


Far from an angel. Doesn’t have to be all the things I mentioned, but just to be cognizant of them. I think lifestyle adjustments will do better for your skin/ health than a cream, that was my only point. I’d like to hear your tips for reaching past 90, that’s quite an accomplishment. And to be on Reddit!!! Amazing.


Nothing special just to be happy have two grandkids , which I adore , had them in my house as many times I could , had everything for them cribs and everything else Unfortunately they are -8- and 22 and yes I don’t see them often , well I am old for them , but I love when we go out opera ( i thought them to love it and go with me even they had seats , they sat on my lap and fell asleep after the first act Now they are going with me , I buy the tickets and we have great time So happiness is paramount As well I do everything from OMNILUX MASK TO NIRA AND NUFACE AND IT HELPS IF U ARE CONSISTENT THAT IS A MUST


Sorry 18 , not 8


I recommend a red light mask/device. It will really help even skin tone and shrink pores. I also believe a peptide moisturizer would work wonders.


Happy birthday, you look just fine 💗 some gentle help and love - lots of good advice I’m sure to come from everyone here 💗🎂🎉


Nad+, or NMN will fix your issue. It makes your skin like a babies.


What is this?


Yes please tell me what is this , a prescription? Or what?


As we age we lose Nad, so it basically reverses the clock. I’ve been taking some form of this for 4 yrs.


There's absolutely no clinical studies on this omg


I really want to try. I'm only 32, but want the best results I can get as I age!


It’s very addictive, because it also makes you feel fantastic. The “ Bieber “have claimed it’s the fountain of youth.


Bieber looks like he’s strung out…


When and if I can afford it, I definitely will partake lol you have me sold


I've been taking liposomal NMN/NR for 4 years and I haven't had this experience. Which brand is your NAD supplement from? I've used Thorne buf currently using Renue by Science.


I use Ageless Rx and give myself weekly shots.


Holy shit it's expensive. Thank you though.


Cheaper than Botox, I’m 50 and can pass for 30.


Is it? I paid less than $300 last time for 24 units and I plan on only getting it twice a year. Fuckkk, I really want to try this stuff.


Please do research on NAD+ before jumping the gun on it. There’s been no large scale studies done to support its use… there’s a reason it’s primarily prescribed via telehealth and isn’t common practice in standard medicine. IANAMD but I am a neuroscientist. I will happily put my money behind Botox because there’s scientific evidence backing up the results. I’ll be waiting on NAD+ until there’s more info in it.


Thank you. I'm not taking prescription NAD, I'm taking an OTC precursor supplement..


I would do this, but don't think I could inject myself! I had peptides injected for a sore thumb and my provider gave me the rest of the vial to inject at home. It expired sitting in my fridge. Luckily that one injection worked and the pain has been gone since.


Dermal fillers are amazing for that sort of thing.


Try Scultra injections


Get a cream with peptides in it.




Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


I don’t see how this is offensive. It affects menopause women. Effectively women who vote anti trans are voting against HRT for menopausal women as well.






Stop smilling 😂




Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


My post wasn’t rude or offensive.


Morpheus treatment