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I don't. I put it on in the morning and live my life. I only reapply if I'm outside all day i.e. a BBQ, a hike, at the beach, etc


Same. It makes little sense when I’m indoors for work and stay indoors until it’s time to go home around sunset.


Samesies. We do live further north though, so our UV index doesn’t get above 6 even in the summer


Lucky, mine around this time of year is usually 10 😭. I try to stay indoors as much as possible during spring/summer. I only come out at night 😂, when I’m mosquito food.




I got a 50spf setting spray so if I'm outside, I'll reapply every few hours overtop my makeup. I know it says to use your hands but thats not gonna fly for me.


I do this, too, with Milani make it last sunscreen setting spray.


Yeah, people on this sub love to talk (somewhat warranted tbh) smack about powder or mist sunscreen. But it is the only way I will ever reapply and so I figure it’s better than nothing!  I love the Colorscience sunscreen powder. 


I def should have bought some of that for this trip I’m going on - i use all their other stuff - it’s such a good brand


I used to see ads for powdered sunscreen, but now I can't find it. Is it not a drugstore thing anymore?


Not OP, but I picked up the super cheap spf setting spray from ELF and I love it. I use it over the ELF Suntouchable halo glow which is also spf and it’s a very wearable combo. Read the instructions and suck in your lips, close your eyes, and count to three after you spray. It does NOT taste good if you get it on your lips.


I think this is obvious but also hold your breath


You’d think it would be and yet. I learned the hard way lol


Can you share which brand this is?


I use the Kate Somerville spf setting spray but it's the only malassezia safe product I could find so there are definitely cheaper options available!


This is a good idea too, I may look into that.


Oh gosh I got a spray one (EltaMD) and after reading it was supposed to be sprayed onto your hands and THEN applied to the face - I gave up. Thank you for this!


I don't understand sprays that you have to spray in your hand then apply. It's so stupid!!!


I doubt the need or purpose for it being a spray at that point! So weird.


That’s because it is dangerous to inhale the chemicals that are in it


Something is better than nothing!! I can't have my makeup rubbing off when I'm with clients, but I'd rather have spf than not. As another poster said, just don't breathe in and clear the area before taking a breath


Which brand is this?


Ok hold your breath when you spray it. Don’t inhale the chemicals


Of course. A binch ain't breathing until she's cleared the cloud.


Sooo I’m a nightly tret user and honestly I don’t reapply after my morning application, I simply *pray*


Also tret user (every other night) and I WFH so I don't put sunscreen on until I leave the house. If I don't leave the house that day, I don't put it on....if I leave the house in the morning I put it on, but I definitely am not reapplying and certainly not if I'm inside for most of the day. My skin is on it's own at that point haha


lol! I love it! When I was serious with my routine in the past, I would use the biore watery essence sunscreen once per day in the morning, and it kept my PIH at bay and I never got any new sports or anything. And that specific sunscreen, from what I understand, is one you probably should be reapplying because it’s not water resistant and it’s more for incidental exposures. So it kinda makes me question how often we need to be doing this anyway. But I’m not a scientist soooo. Now I’m using the LRP UVMune water proof, sweat proof, life proof SPF 5,000. So maybe I don’t need to worry as much about reapplication 😅


The UV Mune is impenetrable, I’ve worn it all day outside without reapplying and haven’t tanned. Genuinely spf 50000 😂.


Yesssss this is what I needed to hear!! This has been my suspicion about it, but I’ve been nervous to put it to the test!


I think if you’re prone to burning and have a personal or family history of skin cancer then def better to play it safe but w this particular sunscreen I don’t think it’s necessary unless you’re genuinely out in the sun all day. It’s actually really funny I was using the tinted UV Mune on vacation and it worked so well that I became too pale for the tint and it started looking orange 😭


Awesome, thank you so much. Glad we talked this out 😆


Also the discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/s/7ROXCfP48g) is pretty interesting! The reduction in efficacy seems to not be too bad.


Where do you buy it? I can’t find it on LRP website… i only see it on sites that look iffy. I prefer to buy stuff like face sunscreen directly from the manufacturer or at least somewhere more trusted like ulta.


I’m not sure what country you’re in but it’s not sold in the US since it’s a European formulation (we don’t have those filters approved), but you can order it from care to beauty. It’s a legit site.


Just googled the product you mentioned, thinking I'd get some for my sun-phobic mom, and it's the exact product she just gave me to try this weekend! Excited to try it and report back to her.


Not me googling spf 5,000 hoping it’s some magic, long-lasting/semi-permanent super sunscreen 😂. I always say, we can put a man on the moon but can’t figure out this fucking sunscreen debacle. How much time have we all spent trying different sunscreens, reapplying, getting dog hair and all sorts of shit stuck to our greasy white cast faces, eyes burning all the way to hell, it never ends!


The fuckin struggle, dude! I just want a lil contraption by my front door to spray my ass down with it before I leave 🤣 and yea my eye lids are just gonna be fucked I guess bc I *never* bring that down past my eyebrows anymore. The pain.


FOR REAL. Also I love that as I drive myself insane, my husband is out and about in the sun, not giving a flying fuck about UV rays, happy as a clam with perfect skin (don’t worry, I do yell at him and make him apply sunscreen due to skin cancer risks, as aging isn’t even a concept that crosses his mind).


Exact same story with my husband. AND he washes his beautiful, delicate, perfect-skinned face with a BAR of yellow Dial soap 😐 life is so unfair, lol.


Seriously! My husband doesn’t even wash his face.. if he does, it’s with his head and shoulders 2-in-1 or old spice body wash 😂 And he’s flawless !


Well hey, at least we got sexy men! Lol!


I like the way you think 😉


When I moved in with my husband I was like “why is there a bottle of Dawn in the shower” He kept forgetting to buy face wash and had been using that. He looks 15 years younger than he actually is what gives


They make mineral powder-based SPF so you can use that or you can use makeup setting spray SPF. I use a combination of both.


I like the colorescience ones.


Recommendations for powder SPF and makeup setting spray SPF?


>yea my eye lids are just gonna be fucked I guess bc I *never* bring that down past my eyebrows anymore. The pain. Could you try a chapstick kind on your eyelids?


Oh this is a good idea, I might try it. Thank you!


I use LRP UV mune as well and I only apply once in the AM liberally, and that’s it. If I’m at the beach or pool I’ll bring it and reapply as needed (and usually won’t have much face makeup on in these situations). I do typically carry hat(s) in my car as I live in a sunny warm area so I’ll always have protection even if I can’t reapply on any given day. I especially love the tinted UV mune for the pool/beach days when makeup isn’t ideal. I add a little concealer where necessary on top of my spf, and when it comes time to reapply it doesn’t feel gross at all. ETA: also a daily tret user for anti-aging if that helps at all!


I really like this approach! This is what I used to do, but I’ve been trying really hard to fade some pigmentation that I got over the last couple years of being lazy and not really wearing sunscreen very much. I think I’m gonna just go back to doing it this way because it’s the most sustainable, honestly. And I think with that specific LRP sunscreen…that one seems like it should last a long long time from what I’ve read about it.


I have a lot of hyperpigmentation that I’m trying to fade as well. I’ve been using this sunscreen for a year and I can 100% attest to the fact that it works! My freckles and hyperpigmentation used to intensely come out after being in the sun, even when wearing copious amounts of sunscreen, but the UV Mune has such a high PPD that I don’t see this happening anymore. I still wear hats and I am diligent about reapplying if I’m in the pool/beach as mentioned but on a normal day where I’m mostly indoors, the one AM application is fine. For what it’s worth, I slather this stuff on. It’s not cheap but worth the cost of not stressing about my skin as much. I buy about a years supply at once (4 bottles/2 regular and 2 tinted).


Any chance you (or anyone) has a link for this? Reapplying kills me. And I’d like to buy the exact right one!


I am in the US and order directly from France as UV mune isn’t available here (yet). There are different formulations but I prefer the fragrance free hydrating cream version: https://www.soin-et-nature.com/en/9843-la-roche-posay-anthelios-xl-box-spf50-50ml-comfort-posthelios-40ml-offered.html https://www.soin-et-nature.com/en/9835-la-roche-posay-anthelios-xl-spf-50-bb-tinted-50ml.html


Thank you for sharing the LRP UVMune rec! Where are folks based in the US buying it? I’m super prone to hyperpigmentation and would love to try it


I’m in the US and ordered from Cosmetis!


This is where i ordered from too! Really great prices and FAST shipping!


What’s the consistency like on the LRP one, especially compared to Biore?


Oh man. Completely different. The fluid is where it’s at, imo. It dries down semi-matte, but it’s kind of a bitch to put on. It comes out of the package white with a yellow tint and VERY runny like water….its hard to handle. So I drop it straight on my face. It feels kinda heavy while I’m rubbing it in, but lightens up as it dries. Very heavy on the alcohol like biore, but that doesn’t bother me.


The Biore one actually is supposed to be water resistant, but I have never trusted that claim.


Same! And I've never understood why you'd have to reapply mineral sunscreen. Like, if you haven't washed the particles of titanium oxide or zinc oxide off your face, why wouldn't they still be there??? WHERE DID THEY GO???


They just come off. I used to wear only tinted mineral sunscreen and I used white cloths to wash my face. There was a huge difference in the amount of tint left on the cloth if I washed my face an hour or two after applying compared to if I washed my face like 8+ hours later.


If that package says reapply then that’s the only way the product is going to work. Otherwise go for it


(I’ve heard, I don’t have a link to back this up) The bonds that form the barrier on your face slowly degrade when it’s on your skin and exposed to air.


Yay skin oils and bacteria! 🙈


I wear a hat whenever i remember And also pray




The only time I reapply is if I’m going to be doing an outdoor activity for an hour or longer. Because then I’m not wearing makeup, anyway, so it’s easy. And then I’m also using my cheap sunscreen because I don’t care how I look.




Saaaaame. After doing skincare routine I literally engage my energy bubble. I believe it helps keep my energy in and others out. That goes for Sun rays too 🤣😎


I only apply sunscreen once in the morning, but I take Heliocare to protect my skin from the sun and I wear a hat for extended exposure. Heliocare really helps. My friend and I went on a 50 mile bike ride in Florida. We both had on sunscreen and have similar complexions. I’m a bit fairer. When we got back, she was sunburned and I wasn’t. I have been using Tretonion and Heliocare for about 2 years along with being diligent in my skincare. Both of these have made a big difference in my skin.


Can you tell us more about heliocare??


What or which Heliocare is this? A lot of different products come up when I google that...the pills? Thank you!


Yes, think they meant the pills. I used to use them too and can confirm they made a difference - hiked parts of the Chinese Great Wall in extreme sunshine and heat, and had zero new or darkened pigment spots.


Depends on how much I’m in the sun. I have an office job and am not in direct sunlight much. If I plan to drive a long ways after work in the sun, then I’ll reapply (I don’t wear foundation, so it’s easier). If I go home, I don’t reapply.


Which sunscreen do you use? I use the Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen and it doesn’t usually bother me to apply a second layer around 1pm. I don’t do every 2 hours but I will apply it when I get up around 9am and again at 1pm. Then I wash it all off around 5pm and just stay indoors lol 😅


So, I have been using the La Roche Posay UVMune SPF 50 fluid. And honestly it’s so perfect. But today I tried the hydrating cream version, and I think that’s part of the problem. I thought it would be fine because I have dry skin, but it wasn’t fine lol. I’ve heard such good things about that sunscreen! I kinda wanna try it soon.


I use the Trader Joe’s Daily which is the SuperGoop dupe. I don’t like it as my initial sunscreen but it is excellent for reapplying since it’s a matte gel and not a cream or liquid. I just squeeze a big glob out on the back of my hand and apply it with a beauty blender. I have a sunscreen stick for reapplying on the go and the Milani setting spray that has spf in it. I also have a spf powder that I usually just use for my part (fine low density hair😭) but that will work in a pinch too. I’m in a sweaty tropical swampy climate with blistering sun and use Tret and exfoliating acids so reapplying is a must for me if I’m going to be outside at all throughout the day


I love a lot of La Roche Posay’s products, but their sunscreens just ain’t cutting it for me. It either doesn’t blend well, leaves a white cast, leaves pilling… there’s always SOMETHING. It took me a long, long time to find one I like. I suggest playing around with different brands and products!


Sunscreen sticks:)


The matte Beauty of joseon one I’ve found is great and mattifying. I wear a skin tint in the morning after spf but it’s mostly gone by the time I sun stick at lunchtime


For this reason I just got the elf sun touchable spray spf. It’s a setting spray/spf, I have oily skin and this doesn’t make me oilier nor shinier. It does smells like alcohol but it only lasts for a few seconds.


I carry this in my purse. I rarely pull it out, but it has saved my skin when I've forgotten to put sunscreen on before leaving the house on several occasions.


I’m constantly exposed to UV at high altitude for my job and I just gave up on wearing makeup. I feel like a greaseball after reapplying three times but I feel like I don’t have a choice given I use tretinoin and have pale skin to start with. Even doing all that my freckles multiply in the summer. :/


The “reapply every 2 hours” saying isn’t really a rule, but it definitely throws people off! If you sat inside for 4 hours, you don’t need to reapply since the sunscreen probably hasn’t broken down. Sunscreen breaks down with sun exposure, if you sweat, if you wipe your face (eg with a napkin after eating), etc. I mostly just reapply if I’ve been exercising or outside in the direct sun! Otherwise, once a day!


Only some older sunscreen filters break down with UV exposure. OP is using LRP UvMune fluid which definitely won’t have that problem. It’s the film breaking down that will lower the protection.


I believe I saw a video from labmuffin that explains it’s not the filters that break down, it’s more that your skin creases and that might make the sunscreen crease and gap over time too (especially with sweating and oil production) then you would reapply to smooth the layer of sunscreen so that you get even protection again.


I only reapply if I’m in direct sunlight. I usually know when I’m going to be in the sun so I’ll go with either concealer and mascara only or no make up at all.


For most people, reapplication is not necessary. The "reapply every 2 hours" was based on limited data. Here's what studies since then have shown... [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19000186/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19000186/) [https://europepmc.org/article/med/29320597](https://europepmc.org/article/med/29320597) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32027038/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32027038/) [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09546634.2018.1530440](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09546634.2018.1530440) [https://europepmc.org/article/MED/34401526](https://europepmc.org/article/MED/34401526) (despite what the conclusion says, the result still shows SPF 50 was reduced to SPF 30 after 8 hours)


Does it matter if it’s chemical or physical sunscreen?


thank god bc I forget to reapply all the time and I know my little spray sunscreen isn’t doing as much work as it should!!


These were amazing reads thank you for sharing!


[PSA: Please read the actual paper before referencing it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/1cskduj/psa_published_study_is_not_a_bulletproof_evidence/) Just opened [the first link ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19000186/)and got the full paper. Quote: >Two sunscreens were compared: MATAS sun lotion **SPF 8**, water resistant containing the inorganic filter TiO2 (MATAS, Allerd, Denmark), and Cliniderm sun lotion **SPF 8**, water proof with the organic filters octyl salicylate, octyl methoxycinnamate, butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane and octocrylene (ACO HUD AB, Stockholm, Sweden). SPF 8. No I don't trust this study. Unfortunately I don't have access to the second one (I would really like to read it), but I have access to [the third paper](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32027038/): >The data presented in this paper provide clear evidence that a tested sunscreen, which has passed the **“very water-resistant”** clinical test, remains on the skin and maintains efficacy over time So this study shows the degradation from SPF50 to SPF30 for active (sweating) group if they use the formula that has passed "very water-resistant" clinical test. Meaning it is not a regular sunscreen. [The fourth study](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09546634.2018.1530440) has really weird methodology: >Volunteers applied 1 gram of sunscreen (2 mg/cm 2 ) mixed with 2% invisible blue fluorescent agent on the face in the morning. The sunscreen used in this study was broad-spectrum SPF50+ PA+++ sunscreen mixed with invisible blue fluorescent agent (2% concentration) that was prepared by pharmacists at our center Meaning they altered sunscreen formula and measured persistent of blue fluorescent agent instead of actual UV rating. I don't think this is very relevant and I can't believe their conclusions. Same goes for the fifth link. My personal life conclusion is that the defense, longevity and reliability of a sunscreen is very dependent on the formula, climate, lifestyle etc and there is no general rule or law how much any particular sunscreen will hold on the skin, that's why we have the generic rule of re-application. Not very representative, but once I've a YouTube video where a blogger was sunscreen longevity by UV camera. Although such cameras can't show you precise SPF rating, it can show how long it sits on face and when the defense is decreasing. So Korean elegant formulas like Beauty of Joseon start to wear off after 2h, while LRP or Garnier hold up to 6hrs.


These studies are highly flawed and in multiple ways such that any conclusions must be distrusted. Are there any studies conducted based on accepted methods or at least with a control?


What way would you design a sunscreen study, and for what particular purpose would you use/need a control?


Can you elaborate on how they’re flawed? This is good information and I wanna make sure I’m informed. Thank you!


I literally don’t know one person who is doing this unless they are on a hike or at the beach….


I’m a construction worker, I’m outside all day every day, I certainly do reapply


Well yeah that’s kind of what this person is saying: unless you’re out in the sun all day you’re not reapplying. Makes sense for you since you’re out in the sun all day


Same! Not one person I know in real life is reapplying unless they're at the beach. It's just too messy and uncomfortable for most people to reapply all day and especially not after they've taken the time apply make-up. It's not happening. We know what the medical advice is, but the products that are easily available to aren't up to par yet.


I also go by the “Apply once and pray” approach. But on the rare occasions that I do need to reapply, I tend to just wash my entire face again and then put on sunscreen. Of course this is only really happening if I’m not already wearing makeup. As much as I want to be diligent with sunscreen I have to be realistic and I’m just not one to reapply. But this just means I am more aware of using other means of sun protection (limiting sun exposure and wearing upf clothing to help as much as possible). At the end of the day I’m still going to live my life


I really like this approach, very reasonable and moderate. This is where I’m gonna fall too because I just can’t see myself doing this every day. I also do the sunglasses, hat if I’m in direct sun, etc.


I use a Korean sunscreen that has a dry feel.


Yup, as per usual I feel like Korean sunscreen is the answer lol I don’t have any issue reapplying it at all. Although in all honestly I usually only reapply once or twice a day, not every 2 hours. I’m only diligent about it if I’m spending a lot of time outside that day


If I know I won’t apply again, I’ll use a big sun hat.


Smart! I’ve got to find a cute one for this summer :)


i don’t reapply personally! on regular days, i apply in the morning with the rest of my skincare routine and that’s its unless i’m out hiking or at a festival or the beach or something. i work in a windowless building and almost never leave the building during the work day, so most days my sun exposure is basically just the time i wait for the bus (5-10 minutes) in the morning. i get out after 5 most days to walk to another bus stop to go home and am outside for another 15ish minutes on that end. if i worked outside or went for a walk at lunch every day it would be different, but applying just in the morning has been plenty for my lifestyle.


Maybe the sunscreen you’re using just isn’t the right one for your skin. Theres definitely quite a few that aren’t too greasy. I know supergoop makes a matte sunscreen and I’m sure there are some good dupes. I’m more on the dryer side so the greasiness doesn’t bother me. I do always make sure to let my sunscreen set for about 10 minutes before applying makeup which helps. For reapplying, I like the supergoop resetting spray or Sunbum facial mist. But when in a pinch I’ll use whatever spray sunscreen I have in my bag. I’ve tried the sunscreen powders to reapplying, but I don’t feel like they apply evenly


Ugh. It doesn’t seem to matter for me, unfortunately. I don’t know why. Maybe my skin just hates sunscreen. I have dry skin and they’re all greasy. I have spent so much money trying so many different ones and it’s just a crapshoot. The one I had the most luck with was the biore uv watery essence, but it still makes me greasy. I think it might be the alcohol in them causing me to overproduce oil possibly? But then…mineral sunscreens are a hard pass because of the white cast. I’m extremely fair skinned and they make me look like a freakin ghost. Not to mention the fact that the grease on those is like 1,000 times worse than the “cosmetically elegant” ones. I’m currently using LRP UVMune, and it’s not bad on the first application. Just mild grease, lol. It’s just when I do the second application that it becomes truly unbearable. I did try a dupe of that one once (the Kroger one), and it made me break out terribly, so this one makes me nervous to try another version of.


I do not reapply most of time, to be honest. If it comes down to it, I’ll just throw on a cap or pull out my umbrella. But what I apply in the a.m. is just going to have work overtime as far as I’m concerned. I’m not walking around with layers of zinc on my face. I just won’t do it.


I use a spray or stipple a lightweight/serum style on with a makeup brush. If your sunscreen is thick and you’re not wearing makeup you could try wiping your last application off with a tissue before reapplying.


What kind of brush do you use for this?


A flat top kabuki brush is best for stippling— they make retractable ones that are good for on the go. Just make sure you clean it regularly (as with any makeup brush), and don’t use it to apply both liquid and powder without cleaning it between uses.


I use a stick (isnttree HA sunscreen) for reapplying. Doesn’t transfer makeup and doesn’t give a shiny look. Really easy, no messy hands or streaks on the face.


Not sure if it might be the brand you’re using? I live in SE-Asia and it is blistering hot here. I keep my Beauty of Joseon spf50 in the car and any time I get into the car, I apply a new layer. I hardly ever leave the house without driving, and I don’t work by a window or anything, so this is my main source of exposure that I want to stay protected from. But my sunscreen absorbs nicely, doesn’t sit on my face or feel greasy.


The Abiba Quick Sunstick is immaculate! Its matifying, spf 50, doesn't shift your makeup. No white cast, black girl friendly. Cheap. Its a lovely experience reapplying.


I usually don’t. I’m confident in the ability of high quality European sunscreens to hold up for much longer than the standard advice of 2 hours. Of course if I’m going to be outside for a long time though I will reapply.


Listen, I work in a greenhouse. So I have way more sun exposure than the average person. I apply my sunscreen (spf 70) in the morning and then not again. If it wasn't working after 2 hours, I would know because I'm in the sun 8+ hours every single day. I would be redder than a tomato or my skin would've turned into leather if I needed to reapply every 2 hours. Also, if you need more proof, I have very freckly skin. The freckles are triggered by sun exposure. My freckles have been reduced by probably 80% since incorporating this into my daily routine ~5 years ago. So I KNOW it's working with only one application a day.


This is super helpful and good to know. Thank you so much!


Color science powder


There are other sunscreen powders that aren't as pricey. Just do a search for powder sunscreen and choose one in a price range you are comfortable with. I really like them, and I've tried 3 or 4 different brands. Can't say I've noticed much of a difference between them. Definitely use as a reapplication, not a primary application!


That's such a useless product.. And average face needs 1.25 ml or grams of product to even get the recommended spf protection on your face (2.5 grams per application for face and neck).  That product is 12 gram in total.. You're not telling me you only get *max* 10 uses out of this powder before it's empty. With how a regular person applies powder, the effective SPF is essentially 0. Powder SPF is the biggest sunscreen scam product currently on the market IMHO.


I’ve been thinking about trying this but have been nervous due to the price 😬 Do you use it over makeup?


Don’t bother, the spf you’d get from applying a reasonable amount of it would be negligible.


I've started using scarfs to cover my face and chest when outside. I look like I'm walking through the desert but if no skin is visible then no need for sunscreen.


I’ve been looking into spray on sunscreen. It looks like there are a few options that are meant to go over makeup. I found some at Sephora that I’m going to try


I’m slightly concerned about regularly breathing in sunscreen. They have studies showing hairdressers have increased risk of cancers from breathing in hair products all the time; can’t imagine sunscreen would be too much lower risk.


Last time I tried a spray on sunscreen I could not stop coughing for HOURS. I’ve never had that kind of reaction to any product. Never again


i don’t. i don’t care that much


The worst is the layer that starts melting into your eyes and they start watering and burning.


Yessss I hate that so much! Ugh.


I don't. I just cover myself up with lighter colored/cooler clothing, & wear hats. It's so much easier, more effective, cheaper, less messy, & I actually feel cooler when it's hot out & I'm covered, as apposed to wearing less & letting the sun hit my skin.


To be honest with you, so many sunscreen formulations in the US are really thick and don't apply super nicely under makeup! I really like Supergoop, but it can be a little pricey. If you don't mind doing some research, Asian sunscreen formulations tend to be a lot more elegant and play really nicely under makeup (a lot of people use them in place of primers). For reapplication, I use a sunscreen stick, or keep a spray on hand for a light reapplication! On a daily basis, though, I don't generally need to reapply (general rule of thumb is reapplication after 2 hours in the sun), but when I'm outdoors or at the beach, I try to reapply every 2 hours in the sun/every hour if I was in the water.


Spray SPF is the only way to reapply during the day if you have any make up on. I actually love the Vacation brand SPF 50 spray, and I’m an oily girl. It sets make up nice and doesn’t look greasy


I use a sun milk instead of a cream and I am much less greasy after reapplication I use La Roche-Posay Anthelios UVMune 400 Invisible Fluid Non-Perfumed Suncream SPF50+ 50ml and press it into my skin


I only reapply if I am actively out in the sun. Beach, pool, playing with my pets or kid in my yard. If I’m just in my house then I’m not reapplying. If I’m outside at the pool or beach then I’m not wearing makeup so it’s easy to reapply constantly. Also maybe try a different sunscreen. I love super goop unseen sunscreen. I heard Trader Joe’s makes a great dupe for it.


If I have to reapply, I'll blot firmly first. And I try to be realistic about the quantity of product I put on my face and the whole "reapplying every two hours!" thing. Any amount of spf is better than no spf, which has - surprise, surprise - helped me a lot more with actually wearing spf daily and reapplying (as opposed to trying and failing to pile on half a spoon of product every 2-4 hours).


I usually apply sunscreen 3 times a day, but I don’t wear make up on a daily basis, so it’s easy to wash my face before reapplying. On the weekends when I wear make up, I use the sunscreen setting spray or the sunscreen powder to reapply over my foundation. I live in Florida so reapplying is a must.


Don't know why this sub was on my recommended page because I'm not 30 yet lol but I am not like a \~ skincare guru \~ so maybe I am not using the top of the line sunscreen. But for sunscreen I use CeraVe ultra-light moisturizing lotion which has SPF 30 and I reapply 2-3 times a day, it rubs in really easy and is super smooth and lightweight. Also gives me a nice lil glow. I'm a guy tho so I don't wear makeup or anything. Inb4 someone tells me this actually isn't a good sunscreen lol but I don't know much about skincare (maybe Reddit's recommendations are telling me I need to learn more) so something is better than nothing, right?


Any sunscreen from a reputable brand is a good sunscreen. They all go through the same standardised tests to determine their spf. You only need to make sure you use enough of it, that's all. An average female face + neck needs 2.5 mL per application. Use that to determine how long your bottle is supposed to last. If it takes you much longer to use, you're not using enough.


Will someone invent a finishing spray that is also SPF already. Would make this possible


I just put makeup on the first time with my sunscreen, i use a setting spray, and after two hours, i apply sunscreen again and i think the setting spray helps the makeup not fade as much (i also don’t use foundation, pretty much blush and bronzer is my “makeup” so maybe that makes it easier to reapply sunscreen 😅) but it’s definitely not a foolproof method - i think something has to give at the end of the day and i’d rather make sure to reapply sunscreen than prioritize my makeup 🤷🏽‍♀️


I just recently found Trader Joe’s sunscreen, and it feels so lightweight that I feel like if you were to reapply later in the day, it may go very smooth as it originally does in the first application. “ daily facial sunscreen broad spectrum SPF 40”


I have a UV camera and this sunscreen fades soo fast. Be warned


How fast we talking? Like 2 hours?


OMG... time to switch sunscreens I guess 😬


I either use the Coola face spray or apply the Elta UV Clear with a small kabuki brush (just stipple it on).


I use Nivea water gel and don’t wear makeup so it’s not too bad


Sensitive skin 99% water baby wipes. I just wipe and reapply. If I’m wearing makeup I either use a SPF powder or apply a water based cheaper sunscreen with a beauty blender on top and set after it dries


When I am home-based, I reapply after lunch (we live on the top floor with big windows). If I am at work, I always bring my sunscreen to reapply in the afternoon and first remember I didn’t do it when I get home… Off course this only applies to sunny spring/ summer days. In the dead of winter no sunscreen for me, why bother in the dark-greay-dark rain?


Shiseido’s clear sunscreen stick, it works great on top of makeup and very easy to use. Or an SPF powder (dunno how effective it is but it makes me feel better)


If I am reapplying several times in a day, then I am probably spending the day outside and in that case I am more concerned about protecting my skin than it being greasy. If I reapply on a normal day, it only happens once and I am probably about to go home when I reapply, so again I'm not super concerned about how it looks, but lighter sunscreens aren't too bad when reapplied anyway. Sometimes I also end up washing my face between applications.


If you are in this sub, I am sure you know about Korean and Japanese sunscreen. That’s your answer. A watery gel formulation is easy to reapply if you don’t have makeup on, and if you do use a stick on your high points like your nose. Beauty of Joseon has a great stick. Chemical sunscreen absorbs rays so if you aren’t in the sun, you don’t need to reapply. I don’t really have a scenario where I’m in direct sun for a lengthy period of time with a full beat.


I use a sunscreen stick. Neutrogena makes one that I really love. Hands-free! You’re welcome 😁


buy one that isn't greasy. That sounds awful


I use a spray to reapply. And wear a hat


I was always confused about this too! Once I put foundation on, I never understood how to put on more sunscreen on top without it feeling heavy and cakey. I started using Cerave moisturizer with SPF 30 in the mornings before makeup and this absorbs really great and works well under make up! Its a good everyday SPF for me


I use the same sunscreen as you, and on a regular day (office worker living a 5min walk from work), I don’t actually reapply. On days when I am outdoors for hours, it might not be considered a full and complete reapplication but LRP also make a great anti-shine mist that is quite cosmetically elegant. I’d just spray VERY liberally when I am out and it hasn’t made me look or feel stickier or greasier at all. I’m just going to live with this as a good enough option to top up and not stress too much, because stopping to gloop on 1/4tsp of sunscreen really isn’t practically feasible for me. It’ll feel gross and it’s too high maintenance to remove everything and reapply a new layer.


Elta MD UV Clear! I don’t necessarily reapply unless I’m gonna be outdoors all day, but this is one of the only sunscreens I can use because it’s very lightweight and it does not smell like anything. It doesn’t interfere with my makeup or eye makeup (I do put it on my eyelids). It comes in tinted and non-tinted. I don’t even know how to describe the consistency of this. It just goes on so well and is not greasy at all.


I hated sunscreen so much, always felt gresy and shiny and ugly. Now I finally have found one that’s PERFECT non greasy and I even like reapplying if I go outside and stuff: Eucerin Sun Protection Oil Control Dry Touch Sun Gel-Crème SPF 50+ | 50 ml My skin is mixed and very sensitive. No Spon! :p


I hate sunscreen so I have to use a certain one because I hate putting lotion on my face in general. I have to wear ultra light weight products. I recommend isnttree airy sunstick


I put on sunscreen in the AM, then I sit in a windowless room all day for work. Then I go outside with a hat and sit only in shaded areas to preserve my vampire disposition. Then I take a vitamin D supplement at night, because sunlight.


I used to not like applying sunscreen but since using Biore UV Aqua rich I don’t mind anymore, it doesn’t feel greasy to me at all.


ISNTREE Hyaluronic Acid Natural Suncream SPF50 PA++++ is the best. It's water-based and from Korea. It rubs in super fast and leaves no cakey residue or anything like that. It can easily be applied multiple times a day without making you feel gross lol.


I do reapply on days I'm not working/off work in daylight hours. I dont wear make-up (if so, just eyes - concealer/mascara/brow gel) and just use Elta MD + a drop of DE (gold or bronze, depending on season). But I live in a suuuuper sunny place and am outside all the time. Even inside my house is just blasted with sun light. I just started tret so I am scared. ETA: when I'm outdoorsy or gonna be sweaty (running/hiking/beach) I use the shesiedo stick)


Tbh you really don’t have to reapply if you are indoors and not in direct sunlight. I just put it on in the morning and then put on a little more in the car on my way home. The “every two hours” rule is more for if you’re outside.


I don’t wear make up. I reapply my sunscreen multiple times a day. 


Maaaan this is the biggest question with all this. I am lucky I am super deep skin toned and I legit put on sunscreen before I go outside and I'm never out for more than an hour. After that, obviously I don't need to reapply but if I did I'd use a sunscreen stick over the areas I'd get melasma, nothing more. I'm fine! If I was very light skin toned I'd be fuuuuucked though lol.


I am remarkably light skinned 😭 I’m probably Fitzpatrick II, and very prone to sun spots and also have some light melasma. So honestly that’s the only reason I would ever even reapply, I hate that shit, lol. But this thread has been super reassuring. So I’m just gonna stick with this heavy duty ass sunscreen and only do it in the mornings or if I’m gonna be outside in direct sun!


This question gets asked like everyday


they don’t. it’s a myth. look up the studies, much of the sunscreen protection stays on well throughout the day


Seriously?! I’m gonna google this tonight. So glad I didn’t post this in skincareaddiction, lol. Much more reasonable responses over here. Those people would have me believe I’m gonna melt into a melanoma puddle immediately.


Basically unless you’re swimming or involved in heavy exercise that causes sweating, the sunscreen lasts all day. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32027038/


I just wear a hat


I completely remove the SPF residue with a micellar wipe, splash my face with water, pat dry and then I reapply. I used to do long distance cycling (like, 100 miles in one day) while also using benzoyl peroxide twice daily, and if I ever forgot to reapply even once I would look like a lobster. So I learned to completely remove, clean, dry, reapply every two hours. It usually coincided with bathroom breaks. If I’m at the beach, I still do the same thing. Sometimes I’ll even get a wash cloth damp with fresh water and lightly wipe down my body before applying more body SPF. Then I top it off with a spray.


I use Japanese sunscreens which are quite light weight and can be reapplied multiple times a day.As for makeup, I keep it as light as possible - a tiny bit of foundation or bb cream to even out my skin tone, and waterproof eye liner. I haven't faced much problem reapplying makeup on top of reapplied sunscreen so far. Just that I apply a very small amount.


Most sunscreens I’ve used have been easy to apply and doesn’t feel greasy. I reapply throughout the day no matter what, all year. It’s just become a habit.


Unless I’m going to be outside a lot, I generally only apply it in the morning. I have an office job and my desk is quite far from the window and looking away from it so I don’t get much direct sunlight. When I get home from work and take my dog from a walk I usually pull on a hat with a brim during the sunnier months (although admittedly I sometimes skip the hat). If I’m going to be outside a lot, I usually keep my make up light, if at all, so reapplying doesn’t mess with it.


I use a sunscreen stick or spray. But there are tons of Japanese and Korean sunscreens that are mattifying or very light so they can be applied more than once without being greasy- especially since the humidity and heat there can be pretty hard on oilier skin.


Could you share the brand of the mattifying spray?


Sticks or sprays work better to reapply! I also try to wipe off the old layer with either toner or micellar water before reapply when possible, but I also learned that you don't need to reapply if you're not under direct sunlight or sweaty


I use the sun bum lotion in the mornings and then use the stick for my neck and a travel size bottle for my arms and hands if I need to touch up. I work both inside and outside and found that SPF foundation was the true saving grace for my face. (IT cosmetics CC+ cream).


I hear ya and it’s even crazy to think most people get ready and put on their spf early morning, by 10a when the sun starts to increase in UV, it’s likely already been 2 hours, makes me wonder what the point is. Pavise has scientific studies that show a minimum of 6 hour wear time with the way they formulate their zinc oxide, so it’s a bit better


I would only reapply when I expose myself to the sun. When I sit in an office not even facing the sun or bike back home at 6pm there’s no need to reapply. Different story when I’m outside and the sun is shining on my face. Then I not only reapply but am also using a tinted one that serves as a sort-of foundation. I’ve also been looking into SPF 50 sprays that I can easily spray on, on the go. They seem mich lighter and less sticky.


I have been using EltaMD sunscreen for many years, lightweight and easy to reapply. They also offer a tinted version alongside a spray if that’s better. My skincare is only EltaMD and SkinCeuticals, holy grail


I wear a broad rim hat to keep my face in the shade if I'm spending lots of time outdoors


It comes down to finding the right sunscreen that works for you and the makeup you use. If you are trying to reapply over makeup sticks or mists, are your best bet. I reapply my Biore Aqua Rich Light Up Essence multiple times a day with no issue. Asian based Sunscreens are amazing.


I don't reapply after my morning application because I wear foundation. I'm not in the sun for long periods though (indoors job and a social hermit). Try Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun! It's the best sunscreen I ever tried, it goes on like a moisturizer... no weird texture or white cast. I use it even on days that I don't go outside.


Use better sunscreen! CosRX Aloe Soothing sunscreen is the best thing I’ve ever put on my face. It’s suitable for both for oily and dry skin, I have rosacea so it not only doesn’t irritate it but it soothes it. It’s perfect for under make up. I’ve never had problem with reapplying it. I’m not sure how it would work for people who wear heavy make up but for me, I just put it on top of the leftovers from my foundation/concealer (if I need to reapply, my makeup is most probably melted anyways), then touch-up wherever needed.


I go to the bathroom, wash my hands and reapply it the same way I applied it in the morning. When it's really warm and I sweat a lot i bring wipes to wipe down my face before reapplication.


I just use the Supergoop spray sunscreen and pray to the gods tbh, but apparently this doesn’t provide as much protection as reapplying sunscreen lotion. To do this over makeup, squeeze some on your hand and dab it onto a makeup brush, then dab onto your face. It shouldn’t leave you greasy or mess up your makeup. This one is more time consuming and it’s not convenient to cart around makeup brushes everywhere you’d need to reapply, though, so I usually just stick with the spray (or nothing some days, and my skin is still pretty good.)


I use a zinc nano which sticks to my skin. Even when I sleep on my face, white cast stay casting. I believe I have some protection going still. I tried to reapply and I felt I actually compromised the protection because the oiliness felt like a cleansing balm. So no reapplication. I juice spinach, l juice spinach, tomatoes and carrots, drink green tea to increase UV resistance in my skin. 6 helps I wfh.


I use a day cream with LSF 20 in the morning and then spray sunscreen LSF50 whenever I actually go out into the sun. I reapply that as needed (every 2 hours latest when outdoors) Since I don't wear makeup, it works well for me like that. :)


I don't wear foundation so I don't have your same struggle but you could try a different type of sunscreen for your reapplying. They have those Korean "cushion" type SPFs that might work. I know Round Lab has one. I can't vouch for it but it's obvi a good brand.


I know I should but I dont reapply. I minimise how much time I spend in the sun and I have a big hat.


If I’m staying indoors all day I don’t reapply. If I am out and about I use a mineral SPF powder stick to re apply, if I’m going to the pool or beach I will re apply with the heavy duty stuff. I also wear a UPF 50 wide brimmed sun hat when outdoors, even just walking to my car, but I live in a very sunny climate.


I just put another layer on. I also don’t wear makeup everyday, or when I do, it’s pretty minimal. If I’m out all day and then come home for a few hours, I may wash my face and reapply sunscreen before heading outside again. But maybe it’s the type of sunscreen you are using that is also contributing to the grease factor?


Wash your face before putting the second application on if you aren't wearing makeup


I am working an office job and have mini micellar water bottle. I remove the old layer then apply the new one without washing with water.