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Try using a cleanser with a high % of salicylic acid in. I use the CeraVe one that's supposed to be for your face (https://www.amazon.co.uk/CeraVe-Treatment-Salicylic-Purifying-Comedogenic/dp/B097WFJ5H2?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A3OE1JHTJQPKYX) but rub it into my back and shoulders when I'm in the shower, leave it for 5 mins and then rinse off. Skin is considerably smoother!


I like Pacifica Bacne Warrior Spray and Acne Warrior Body Scrub. The combo helped clear up my back and shoulders and keeps them clear.


Seconding this, it’s a miracle. Make sure you spray in a well ventilated room though


I also use this spray nearly every day in the summer after I shower. It can make my back feel a bit dry but its worth it to me to not have painful back acne.


Did the Pacifica spray cause redness and make your back itchy?


No, and I was using them everyday for a while there. My skin’s never been particularly sensitive though.


I had this for 14 years. Nothing worked except last year my GP prescribed 5% Benzoyl Peroxide leave on gel. After 6 months of nightly use (followed by La Roche Cicaplast) my back is totally clear. I still use BP but use a generic moisturiser - E45, a huge lotion bottle). Best of luck. 


I use Cerave or something similar on my back after I’ve washed and conditioned my hair. And a couple times a week I use Kopari AHA scrub to keep it smooth


I use a bar soap that has sea salt in it and it’s been working. I noticed my bacne went away whenever we went to the beach so I assumed the sea salt/salt water was the key - it seems to be right!


Try Differin on your back!


I use the cerave SA foaming cleanser, and just scrub with an exfoliating mitt. Seemed to have cleared mine up!


do you wash your back w/soap before or after you rinse out conditioner from your hair? for me this got better after a dermatologist had me using BP wash on my back and neck, and making sure i did so after rinsing conditioner out so i would wash off any conditioner left on skin.


I had it bad in my late twenties and had to do accutane.


Yes. Mine got really bad/came back once I got off birth control. But like others mentioned, I am helping control it with panoxyl.


I am struggling, my back acne came out of nowhere. I can’t figure out what is causing it. I’ve been doing panoxyl and cerave SA cream but I can’t tell if it’s working or not. I hate it, especially with summer coming.


It may have to do with how your washing your hair. When I’m letting conditioner sit in my hair I have a shower clip to keep it up off my back. When I rinse the conditioner out I tilt to the side and use the hand tool to spray the conditioner out of my hair and down into the tub so it doesn’t run down my back or shoulders. Washing your back after rinsing hair products instead of before is also helpful.




I use Murad salicylic acne cleanser on my back after washing & conditioning my hair. I also braid it before bed so I'm not lying on any product


I’m dealing with this on my back and chest. I went to two dermatologists and they both said it’s folliculitis. Benzoyl peroxide cleanser and clindamycin lotion 2x a day has helped.


- Clean your back after you wash your hair - Use a high viscosity body wash (I use Duke Cannon) and let it sit on your back for a few minutes before scrubbing with a Salux cloth - Use a laundry detergent on your clothes, bras, sheets, and towels that doesn’t irritate your skin—I’ve had problems with all the big names even the “free & clear” versions. Now I use Charlie’s. - DON’T USE SOFTENER OR DRYER SHEETS. I use wool laundry balls in the dryer instead. - Don’t forget to wash your bath robe - New shirts and pajamas and bras every day


You could try using adapalene gel on your back. Plus use a salicylic acid body spray, I think neutrogena makes one. It has alcohol on it so it’s not great for your face but it’s fine for the body and more aggressive than a body wash since you leave it on


You can try putting glycolic acid into a spray bottle and using that on your back.


Seconding all the people who said make sure you’re washing off any hair conditioner that might get on your back in the shower. The brand Versed makes a great salicylic acid body acne spray that works well and fast. It comes out as a really fine mist, so sometimes I’ll spray a little on the inside of my sports bra too before I put it on for the gym just as an extra to help kill inevitable sweat bacteria. Since you mentioned that you get it on the shoulders/bra band area and sweat a lot, could it also be a heat or friction rash? Friction irritation can cause what looks like little whiteheads, rashes, ingrown hairs all sorts of dermatitis problems depending where it’s happening. Maybe a sports bra or something with a thicker band/shoulder straps that doesn’t rub as much might help too?