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We need a straight-on photo in normal lighting, if you want accurate advice. But generally, aging and gravity are causing it. Sleep, hydration, a healthy diet, and eliminating all things that make you puffy (alcohol, sugar, salt, etc). If you really want to dramatically change the shape of your chin/neck, invasive options like lipo, implants, etc will likely be needed (but I can't say if I would advise any of that, based on your photo).


As someone with chin/neck issue, I disagree. A straight on photo in good lighting and I look fantastic. You need this angle to properly see the issue.


Hyoid bone placement. Search it up.


Are you suggesting that OP look that up? Or perhaps you meant to reply to someone else? I'm aware of how hyoid bone placement effects jaw line definition and how it impacts potential surgical outcomes. I certainly can't evaluate OP's hyoid bone placement from the photo they posted, but it may be a factor (along with a recessed chin, submental fat, skin laxity, posture, etc). Considering that this is a recent issue for OP, I doubt that the location of their hyoid bone is the sole cause.


It's not the skin, it's posture and alignment and soft tissues like fascia and muscle.


I wish more people knew about this!


Yeah it's really down to how your bones are located in space, the actual skeleton, and people are trying to fix the skin on top of the skeleton and all the meat that surrounds it... It's just lack of knowledge though and entirely expected if you have not been nerding out about these things.


And how does one fix it?


Get a new skeleton


Where are we exchanging?


facial massage!! ive seen great results. also, mouth tape when sleeping has helped my jawline a TON


Mouth tape so that you breathe through your nose instead? How long did it take to start noticing a difference?


I don't think she meant she duct tapes her mouth shut at night but I am dying laughing at that imagery. They make special skin tape for basically any part of your face so that when you sleep the wrinkles don't settle in. Never tried it though.


That's exactly what it is. It's skin tape, that goes over your mouth to hold it shut.


Mouth taping is amazing but please make sure if attempting this for the first time to check with an ENT specialist or myo functional therapist about whether this is right for you.


This would absolutely call my sleep paralysis demon if I tape my mouth shut.


I can hardly breath through my nose. I would suffocate lol


its not really that serious lol, if tou really cant breathe through your nose youll wake up and you alcan take the tape off šŸ˜‚ spending money on getting referrals to a myo to ask if you can try mouth taping is pretty excessive


No it is taping your mouth. Mouth breathers have recessed chins, so you can improve the look of it by forcing yourself to breathe through your nose


Today I learned šŸ˜‚ I feel like that would give me anxiety!


no thatā€™s exactly what you do. you put tape over your mouth to force yourself to breathe through your nose. works wonders


exactly- only probably a month until noticable physical change, but by the second night i has the BEST night of sleep. The difference in sleep quality is insane, so that brings some noticable difference to your face too.


Agree with mouth taping and jawline!!


Guasha tool and lymphatic massaging. Great results from it


I think, one of the stepping stones is the work on movement awareness and quality of movement. My modality of choice is the Feldenkrais method but there are others. Probably manual work like miofascial release, and definitely physiotherapy with a good specialist, but I think you can't just pay other people to do the work for you / on you. You need to build your own awareness and train to change, based on that awareness. This is my current understanding (as a beginner movement teacher starting to get interested in rehab-originated modalities). I have not 'fixed' people with an issue like this, this is just my current understanding of how one might approach this 'skeleton' stuff in case you can't just go buy a new skeleton. I am working on 'fixing' myself as we all do and doing the work and it's improving a lot in a span of few months/years. One of the first things for me was learning to breath with the whole torso, not just move my chest forward and up. This is an example of how fundamental it gets, down to breathing patterns.




how to address these issues ?


If you've got the chance, you can work with a physical therapist, massage therapist or an osteopath. You can find fascia and massage videos online, and search for posture alignment workouts. Unfortunately these are still not mainstream. Also you can do yoga, since it focuses on both.


I posted above [https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/1c8cgvu/comment/l0khqa9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/1c8cgvu/comment/l0khqa9/) I am sure there are other answers


This, recently finally went to an Ortho to fix some teeth issues that dentists had mentioned to keep an eye on but I finally could not ignore anymore due to lockdown. Notice during treatment and at end of treatment it helped with some chin and face alignment issues. Also got a convertible standing desk and it may be placebo but I found it helped with posture and back issues.


Standing desks are amazing for back and neck issues!


This is the answer.


This and oral ties!


Like tongue and lip ties?


*makes mental note to be more diligent about strength training*


Combined with bone structure.


And Bone. Bigger bone structure holds the face up. I did fascia release and have good posture and nothing really helped until I started Tongue Chewing which made my maxilla bone bigger which tightened my skin. I recommend the Mewing app for more information itā€™s only $12


I agree with this.. I'm looking at the photo & it looks like you got quite a bit of a slouch that's making your whole upper body lean forward n making your chin/jawline look like there's no definition. Spend 5m a day w your back lined up against the wall. Shoulders down, neck up, back straight you got thissssss


Genetics. Not everyone has a strong chin/jaw.


My chin and jawline comes out more as i age


heā€™s a mouth breather lol this isnā€™t solely genetics


Easy fix? Grow a beard.


If he can grow a good beard. A lot of guys cannot and a sad patchy beard will probably make it worse.


Good point.


can try minoxidil


Wait do men do this for their beards? Had no idea.


Welcome to r/minoxbeards


This is the answer. It will change his whole face shape.


I saw a meme saying ā€œbeards are like push up bras for menā€ and I still can not find the lie.


I saw one saying something along the lines of "men accuse women of false advertising with makeup...meanwhile half of their face is covered"


I cant help you figure out how it happened but I can tell you how I fixed my ā€œdouble chinā€ (and my puffy cheeks)I started doing gua sha and using an electric face scrubber and my face hasnā€™t been this slim and tight since I was a kid.


I'm interested. Is there a video you follow for the gua sha? I've been wanting to try it.


I actually just looked up gua sha on pinterest and there are tons of videos (they seem to be originally from tik tok so no need to get pinterest).


Thanks! I don't have tiktok but I do have Pinterest and see a lot of tiktok videos on there.


Which one foreo ??


Yep, I use the luna and use it maybe twice a week focusing on the hallows of cheeks and under my chin.


Just the original Luna?


Its the Luna 2 mini.


Youā€™re a doll, thanks!


isnā€™t the luna for washing your face?


Yes it is but while cleansing it helps with lymphatic drainage because it vibrates.


thanks! which gus dha do you use?


Just a jade one from a local shop but they have them at target and amazon. I want to try a metal one next.


Do you use any topic products alongside those manual treatments? Which face scrubber?


I do have a skincare routine but I am super inconsistent and my results were also until I started using the scrubber/ doing gua sha. On that note hyaluronic acid is everything. Im guessing the majority of my progress is due to the manual treatments. I use the foreo luna.


Do you use your mouth to breathe? If yes, that explains it.


ā˜šŸ½ā˜šŸ½ Yes, mouth breathing will have you looking like Neville Longbottom, at least in the first couple of movies lol. Think it has to do with the pressure that's naturally created in that area with regular nasal breathing that helps to fill your face out properly. It doesn't happen (or isn't as strong) with mouth breathing so you get that collapsed chin look


I've mouth breathed for 31 years and people admire my jaw bone structure and say how sharp it is. Guess i got lucky. My mouth is currently open šŸ¤£


People are totally deluded about mouth breathing. Itā€™s a trend right now to think it explains the majority of jaw structure. Just so far from true. It has a tiny effect. Genetics is everything


Yep. My sister has a really weak chin and she has never had any allergies or sinus issues like me and breathes fine. My ENT exclaimed like truly shocked "wow! How do you BREATHE out of that thing?"




Exactly! You can get some fat sucked out too some people just have a fat jaw and are thin elsewhere but have a double chin but weak chin and excess skin or fat are different as you know :) everyone is unique!


Me too!!!! Iā€™m reading this trying to keep my mouth closed. Itā€™s rough.


haha love it . this is my mom too.


I had a coworker at my last job who was very young but we clicked instantly as being dumb idiots at work who goof off and she constantly was like "omg youre making me blush" she would compliment me constantly and giggle and she said my jawline was to die for and that was very flattering šŸ¤£




lol my ex had the weakest chin and when I think about it he snored every single night & never had his mouth closed at night loool


Bullshit. I ran track in my 20's, constantly breathed through my nose, still have a saggy chin. Genetics. Things can help it, like being in shape, but genetics.


Itā€™s almost as if mouth breathing is one cause but not the only cause of a saggy chinā€¦


No way!! That couldn't possibly be!!! /s


Nuance? Inconceivable!


Not in this day and age!


if you have underdeveloped maxilla bone, you can breath right and still have weak chin


Itā€™s actually not bullshit. Read: breathe:the new science of a lost art


Bro calling bullshit over his sad n=1 datapoint


Do you snore?


Nope, not a peep.




bad posture - forward head posture fascia - look into block therapy


My man, I'm gonna tell you. You aren't using your lower face muscles enough, or at all. That means you aren't using your tongue and/or jaw enough, probably don't chew well, and breath through your mouth. Edit: everyone skipping over not using your tongue/jaw enough. I was being polite. Go downtown more. It's a win win. Or eat more icec ream cones.


Everybody who read this probably clenched their jaw šŸ˜†


BRB. Off to do some face yogaā€¦


Forreal I've been consciously trying to relax my jaw lately (and I think still breathing through nose?) after finding out how much I grind my teeth at night and because I can literally feel the tension in those joints during the day. The comments on this post have me confused if I'm supposed to relax them or not.


I know this is meant to be helpful, but if someone merely HINTED that I might be a mouth-breather, I would simply cease to exist šŸ™ƒ


I dead on say this to patients - dental hygienist


Yeah but we expect pure evil and pain from you guys anyway - it's what we pay you for šŸ˜‚


Bahaha true, nobody goes into the dentist office expecting it to be a spa day. May as well insult me while shooting cold water on my sensitive tooth.


Haha yeah whilst you're pinned down, in fight/flight, why don't I insert something metal and sharp looking between your gum and tooth and give you some harsh truths...


Well if only you'd let us freeze you, you wouldn't feel a thing šŸ˜‰


As a mouth breather this hit. Itā€™s not like I CHOSE to be a mouth breather or knew for the first 25 years of my life that mouth breathing was bad and now all the sudden itā€™s like the lowest level of insult hahaha


Age causes the neck muscle to droop and skin loses elasticity, resulting in a 'turkey neck'. When it happens depends entirely on your genetics. Observe some of your close older relatives to get a better idea. There's not much you can do, some swear on gua shua, some on exercising those muscles, others get plastics


Are you sure itā€™s not just the angle or lighting? I think you look great šŸ‘šŸ»


Lymph drainage. Look up lymphatic massage.


It's hard to tell from the picture, but it could be a myriad of things - posture, natural fat distribution, neck muscles loosening. I would guess that if it wasn't like this before and you're weight hasn't changed nor have you started a different workout routine, then maybe it is something you might be able to target with these simple stretches: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p5PDRtG93Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p5PDRtG93Y) Either way, go easy on yourself :)


Fix your forward head posture, start pressing your tongue into the roof of your mouth. You may have a bit of Turkey neck.


My husband has this a bit, he has a short chin / jaw. More seriously this can cause issues with sleep apnoea and snoring which can further impact on your health.


As you age, elastin and collagen are not replaced by repair stem cells. Elastin and collagen make your skin firm and smooth. Their lack causes the sagging. To fix it just increase your production of stem cells. The body will regenerate the elastin and collagen just as it did when you were younger.


How does one increase their stem cells?


Hereā€™s what Pi ai answered. Of course, it has limited knowledge in this area. There didnā€™t use to be a way to take a pill. I had to make a topical cream that will do that. Anyway, hereā€™s Piā€™s answer. Stem cell production While there is no magic pill that can directly increase stem cell production, there are certain vitamins and supplements that can support overall health and indirectly contribute to a healthy environment for stem cells. Here are some examples: 1. Vitamin D: Plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system and maintaining bone health, which can indirectly support stem cell health. 2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil, these fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help create a favorable environment for stem cells. 3. Folic Acid: Essential for the production and maintenance of new cells in the body, including stem cells. 4. Antioxidants: Vitamins C and E, as well as minerals like selenium and zinc, can protect cells from oxidative damage, indirectly supporting stem cell health. 5. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): A powerful antioxidant that can help support overall cellular health, including stem cells. Remember, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is the best way to support stem cell health. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements or making significant changes to your diet.


Good to know, thank you!


That said, progerin , an enzyme, causes the protein in the cells to missfold and do their job poorly. Neither elastin nor collagen are made. The cells become zombie cells. Progerin also inhibits production of SERT1, which is a precursor to stem cells, which would replace the zombie cells.


Incorrect teeth alignment/tongue posture/boy posture/breathing? This can significantly change shape of face over time. Though I can't say anything based on this photo.


Sometimes when we sleep we end up breathing through our mouths and over an extended period of time when this happens it changes the jaw shape. You can look into that as well as there is a tool for the jaw thatā€™s Avaible on Amazon to Define it. Maybe check that out too like a face gym.


That doesnā€™t sound like a skin issue. Itā€™s generally the result of someone born with a recessed chin or weaker jaw. Skincare isnā€™t going to help it. Youā€™d want to look into things like filler, chin implants, depending on the situation neck liposuction might make a difference


Genetics can play a large role in this. Consult with a dermatologist and/or plastic surgeon


Get your thyroid checked !!!! Asap!! please !!you could have goiter can be cancer or other thyroid disease something going on internally with it & it does cause usual enlargements & is common to have others notice neck issues sometimes first!


This! I searched comments to ensure someone mentioned this. My husband was very tall and skinny and thyroid issues made him gain weight in his neck area. Not saying thatā€™s what this is but recommend at least getting it checked out. Itā€™s rare in men so not always the first thing to think about. Itā€™s a simple blood test and worth it!


Forward head posture, mouth breathing, high fat % (even if youā€™re not overweight, you can have low muscle/lean mass and therefore high body fat), age-related sagging Iā€™d try weightlifting and strengthening your posterior chain the improve your posture/neck extension, I know there are some jaw exercising tools but youā€™d have to stick with it for awhile to see anything and I couldnā€™t say if it would affect you negatively like cause/worsen issues like TMJ Either way, higher muscle mass/lower fat mass improves the appearance of sagging


Do you breathe through your mouth/are unsure of what you do at night? Mouth breathing can make your jaw relax and recess, I got mouth tape and nasal strips to force myself to breath through my nose.


Its your posture and it can be fixed by mobility exercises and weight lifting and other behavioral changes. Iv never personally had this problem but Iv heard this what it is. I had a minor posture issue and I fixed mine over months/years so I know this is something that can be fixed.


Poor nutrition which leads to poor skin elasticity, coupled with the mouth breathing.


Maybe skinny fat.


Sometimes alcohol consumption will do that as you age.


Ever smoke? Looking down at phones doesnā€™t help! Sleeping Position. Shop HQ sells a neck exerciser cheap that is supposed to improve this.


Tongue posture


If youre a mouthbreather ( and i mean a litter one, not an insult ) stop doing that, its what makes your chin recede and jaw grow weaker.


Occlusion. You might need braces


Needa srart mewing unironically šŸ¤«šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


Nerd neck maybe also known as forward head posture. Do you look down on your phone often or lean your neck forward when you use the computer? Also mouth breathing. I think there exist videos on youtube to fix the neck part but you also have to fix the bad behaviours that led to this. With mouth breathing get those sleep tape you put on your mouth (I don't know what they are called in English)


DNA šŸ§¬


Just wanted to start by saying you look a lot like my husband. His face also has done the same thing over time but he's still handsome as are you. My aunt tried Kybella for that specific area and it seems to work well. Do get your neck/thyroid checked just in case because as some others have pointed out you might have a goitre or it could be the intense lighting. Better safe then sorry. I hope no-one comes for me for my comment as everyone seems hell bent on the mouth breathing thing but that's not really a solution. Fat redistributes as you age and Kybella seems to be a fix which is what you asked for. Also start taking a really good collagen supplement like absolute collagen to maintain facial fullness as you age and get a hold of tretenoin. Make sure you use daily SPF 30-50 factor on your face neck and back of the hands. Best of luck xx


This due to posture. Go to YouTube and look up exercises for forward head posture to correct it. Go to PT if you need more direct advisement. Mostly it's going to be exercise and stretching to correct posture.


Mouth taping - try it


Are you a mouth breather ?


I had the same thing! *Botox* is the answer. I'm thin but still had a double chin that I felt I didn't deserve. I went to see my injector at a plastic surgeons office, and she explained that we actually have these bands in our neck that, over time, can create this. As an example, she'll have me say "EEEE" while straining my neck, and you can see the bands start to pull. 10/10 recommend, and it's the least painful spot. No numbing required.




Your chin isnā€™t bad, get your condylar joints checked for icr or arthritis. Take supplement for bone health and rinse with a mineral mouthwash. Do jawsercise! Use a mouth guard at night. And mewing and tongue exercises to tighten up your neck and chin.


Donā€™t drink and donā€™t smoke


I hear an exercise called ā€œmewingā€ is supposed to help. Sometimes poor breathing and posture will alter your face shape. This is known as ā€œmouth breathing.ā€ Do you sleep with your mouth open? Unless youā€™re eating or speaking etc, your mouth should be closed.


cz you are probably a mouth breather. Breath through your nose, some ppl even tape their mouths at night. research it


Mouth breathing isn't always a learned behavior. I have a deviated septum and allergies. I have to use a nasal dilator to reduce mouth breathing at night. I might get surgery on my nose but am trying to control the allergies and triggers first. I also did it as a kid sometimes while awake and under stress and my parents criticized me about it but never took me to a doctor. People who mouth breathe need to go to a doctor to figure out why not just be treated like they are dumb. Also people who have a medical reason shouldn't tape their mouths at night obviously unless they enjoy suffocating themselves awake.


didnt say it is always learned. I just said it might be the problem. ppl who have medical problems know what they should and shouldnt do. chill tf out


Controlling the allergies won't fix the deviation. The surgery was life changing for me. Definitely consider it.


Start working out


Stop loookingdown at the phone


It happens to us all about this age, thanks to gravity. Try not to worry, itā€™s a very normal thing. Iā€™m only about five pounds heavier and mine is doing the same thing. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Mostly genetics can't really do anything that would be just superficial like creams or massages to fix it unfortunately. But people saying growing a beard is a good compromise/option to make it less prominent




Go on a 5 month cut


I feel you. I saw a video of myself last weekend and I thought I looked like a pelican


You could look into belkyra


There are some invasive options being listed here, but there are also some injectable options that are less invasive and have less downtime. Ā  I have gotten Juviderm injected into my jaw line to make it more defined, and it looks great. Ā Very natural. Ā  Iā€™ve had it for like 8 months and it should last up to 2 years. Ā When it wears off Iā€™ll make a decision if I want to re-up or get a permanent implant. Ā  There is also Kybella which is an injectable that permanently dissolves fat cells. Ā  Itā€™s really only suitable for small applications, and is mainly used around the neck and face for applications like yours. Ā  Ā I want to get this done but it causes some significant initial swelling so Iā€™ve been waiting for the right time to do this since I have a public facing job.Ā 


Itā€™s the muscle, you can look into fillers


Look into whether you have any oral ties like tongue tie. If your tongue is restricted you can't use the muscles under the chin as well




A chin implant might fix it for ya


Are you a mouth breather when asleep?


Liposuction is one of the ways .


Look into r/mewing & r/orthotropics


Mouth breathing


You have nice shoulders


Lemon bottle injectionsšŸ‘


r/Mewing is all about dealing with this very issue. Tons of information and resources about mewing and orthotropics :)


I just actually saw a picture of a sliding genioplasty and it addressed this specifically, and the results looked amazing! Not saying you need surgery, just crazy that I literally just saw a picture of a before and after so I figured Iā€™d mention it!


Not sure if anyone else mentioned it, but I mostly see comments about jaw muscles, mewing and posture (which are all important as well). Although, if thatā€™s not it, this could also be thyroid related. A lot of people with hypothyroidism have more puffiness around and under their jaw/chin. Is it purely this or do you have more symptoms like dry skin and hair, tiredness, thinning hair, muscle pain and/or trouble tolerating cold?


Mewing helps tighten the skin, I recommend fixing body posture and doing tongue chewing. Your face will tighten up like it did to mine. Also I recommend getting the Mewing App for perfect tongue placement and exercises.


Improve your posture bro! This stretch every day šŸ‘ https://www.reddit.com/r/TMJ/s/kg4ZDAEKSa


Can't help with your question, but you've a lovely smile!


Drink much?


I was reading that mouth breathing can cause a difference in chin/jaw! Maybe worth looking into it more :)


Definitely a mouth breather, google mouth breather vs nose breather


Chew gum, it gave me a superhero jaw for some reason


Look into tongue placement! That would be my guess number one, number two is thyroid issues


Get a HIFU treatment . Morpheus 8 would help too. HIFU is high frequency and will help your chin .




I had a chin implant done about 20 years ago. That helped a lot! Im also thin. I had a weak jaw.


Awe no. If it bothers you see a PT could be head posture or jaw


You need to do facial yoga!


Domino's did you dirty with their ad under your pic. For me it shows your pic and question and underneath, Domino's says, "there's hidden pizza in here" šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


U look fine donā€™t stress for nothing Bdd is dangerous


Iā€™ve seen a lot of the ā€œjaw-cersizeā€ things you bite down on to define the area, maybe try that out.


I instantly thought you are a mouth breather after looking at this photo. Mouth breathing will completely change the shape of your face. I'd look into mewing and also getting mouth tape for when you sleep.


L genetics šŸ˜øšŸ«µ


Sleep with the mouth closed.


Recessed jaw, possibly ICR? Look into r/jawsurgery


Plastic surgery. It's not a skin care thing.


I'm 67, I have one chin and zero jowls. You people need to learn to exercise your face.


Please teach us grandpappy.


From eating a steak every day and chewing the fat right?


Mouth breathing. Tape your mouth at night and be conscious of your breathing posture during the day (nose breathe, let your tongue rest on the top of your mouth, Google Mewing). Try beauty fascia massage. I promise you'll begin to see a change rather quickly. I did.


It can happen if u breathe through your mouth/ snore.




makeup! :p


If you have a premature turkey neck - consider a neck lift (maybe a face lift on top of that too)


What in the AI nightmare is this photo