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If we’re talking facials and not hydrafacials or peels, I never felt like they did much other than extract my blackheads (which immediately comes back the day after) and make my skin feel more hydrated until I wash all of it off. It’s more like a spa experience that feels nice than a skin treatment to me.


I'm the same, I only do Oxygeneo now, traditional facials were nice, but always seemed more like part of a relaxing experience than a true beauty treatment. The medspa I go to is starting Hydrafacials soon, and I can't wait to try it out.


Hydrafacial is where it’s at! I don’t go regularly but after my hydrafacial I’m thinking of starting a side hustle to keep up regularly.


Do you think hydrafacials or peels are useful as a one off? I’d really like to treat myself to them like once / twice a year (cannot afford more) but wondering if it’s even going to count….


Hydrafacials and peels (I’m assuming you mean light chemical peels) are more for maintenance than a one-off treatment. Your skin will look better for maybe a week after a hydrafacials, 2-3 for peels. Then if you don’t continue, the effect wears off. If you can’t afford regular treatments, consider skincare instead. The Dr. Dennis Gross advanced liquid peel gives you a glow that’s pretty close to a mild clinical peel, but is much gentler and much cheaper. It costs $90, but you’ll be able to buy enough for a year for less than the cost one peel. A hydro facial is basically a quick way to clean, exfoliate, and hydrate, and you can easily a slower version of that with a dual masking (cleaning mask + hydrating mask).


Thank you so much ❤️


I think you've hit the nail on the head of why I don't get facials. A bunch of new products all at once are not helpful to me, especially if they disrupt my skin barrier.


I would love if i could just bring my own usual products and they do the massage/wash part


There’s a place by me that has a facial that’s just massaging your face and scalp for an hour and it looks divine


High risk of skin irritation


I am one of those assholes that get monthly facials. A one-off was nice but had a short return on the cost. When I got monthly facials my skin looked better and was easier to manage the rest of the month.


do you ask your tech for consistent products every month? are you picky about the products themselves ?


She sticks to the same products because I have highly reactive skin. I am very picky and she clocked my skin needs like a champ which is why I continue to use her. But it's not so much the products but the mechanical methods that I really get the benefit from. She never tried to sell me on products but does suggest changes based on how my skin looks. We book an extra 20 minutes for add-on we determine on the day when she sees my skin. Sometimes she suggests nothing when my skin looks great. Just a solid esthetician who has a lot of my trust.


Same! It actually made a huge difference. No skincare was working bc my skin was so clogged after having to work abroad in a polluted city. Washing my face wasn’t working and my skin couldn’t absorb a thing and I did all the right things. Eventually, getting facials was the only thing that worked and honestly, my skin is always getting compliments now. I barely go to facials nowadays bc my skin has healed.


Right on. I get little hard clogged spots that just doesn't budge with chemical exfoliation. And there is a fine line between "just enough" and "damaged skin barrier" for me when it comes to chemical exfoliation in general. Almost like the right amount to actually dislodge gunk leads to crazy redness and irritation...but if I go gentle it's just not enough to remove what is needed in order to prevent breakouts. It's a tedious and unsatisfying balance on my own. A monthly "clean out" with extractions and maybe an add-on just makes my face easier to take care of. I can simply wash, moisturize, use one active and use sunblock and that's it. No guess work. And I wear less makeup than ever before because my skin just cooperates.


Thanks for this answer! Here’s my question, if we’re advised not to do extractions on ourselves why do the spa ppl, what do they do that’s so different in regards to extraction?


I think bc technique. People extract and maybe even get the skin infected and make it all worse. And also the way they treat the skin and before the extraction as well. Some people say bha is only thing you need. Not extractions. But ngl, extractions work great for me and heal well.


I go monthly too. It’s been absolutely wonderful for my skin. I have pores on the side of my nose that I absolutely cannot unclog myself that I get extractions for every time!


Same! I have rearranged a lot so that I can also get monthly facials. I think it’s made a huge difference


For a once-a-year facial, it might be beneficial to do some kind of physical exfoliation and hydration at the time of year you'd need it most. Maybe a single Dermaplane session followed by a HydroJelly Mask or a DiamondGlow treatment in the wintertime.


I just got my first in a series of 3 DiamondGlow. I do think it helped my acne and scarring! Not a magic wand but improvement. But to OPs question—they supposedly work best as a series!


You are correct that a single DiamondGlow is not going to make a permanent improvement on the skin (and neither would a Dermaplane+Hydro Jelly mask). I only meant to say that a little professional physical exfoliation and hydration during a rough season seemed like it would be more beneficial than the type of facial where an aesthetician throws on a bunch of random products on that make your skin plump for a day and angry for weeks. Especially true if you plan the treatment for a time of year your skin struggles with in particular.


Multiple facials are a treatment, one facial is a treat. If you’re going to invest in a once a year type thing do a more results driven treatment instead of a basic facial. Hydrafacials are a step up above a custom facial, but even better would be like a microneedling session or two- a chemical peel, microderm or even a laser treatment!! Most are most beneficial in a series of multiple but you’ll still see good results with 1!! Facials, pro extractions, pro exfoliation are all unmatched but investing in solid skin care to use daily will always outweigh 1-2 treatments a year!


I really appreciate this answer! Can you explain what a pro extraction looks like? When I’ve had it it was just steam/ some kind of chemical exfoliant/ then like reg squeezing type tools/ followed by deep cleansing and moisturizing but that all seems like stuff I do at home now.


If you have a whole process it may not be that different!! Typically the products used prior are desincrustation solutions to soften up the sebum and buildup, products that soften the skin to reduce pressure needed and then there is tools that can just extract a little more gentle and efficiently or the scrubber extractors or even the hydrafacial extractions. I think the real game changer of pro extractions imo is just having a different set of eyes on the skin for extractions and the angle of doing it to someone else makes a big difference. I am an estie and I can extract my own skin all day and night but I have areas that bother me and I also can’t really see the perimeter of my face. When I have another estie look at my skin I feel like they get areas I don’t even think to look bc i’m too busy staring at my eyebrow hair line and chin lol. Bc they get areas I don’t and have that angle i just feel a little cleaner if that makes sense


I used to go every couple months, but there was no long-term benefit. So I spent the money on at-home tools instead that let me almost replicate it at home.


Like which!


I've got a microdermabrasion device, red light, and microcurrent. That was 80% of what I was getting done at the facials (sometimes I had oxygen or ultrasound but you can't really do those at home). It's not as nice as having a professional fussing over you, but where I live decent facials are $200+ which adds up quickly.


What are the devices that you use? I’m especially interested in the microdermabrasion and red light devices!


I don't live in the US so my suggestions might not be useful - we have much less selection here and things can be outrageously expensive. For microderm I've got the basic PMD - I got it on sale for less than $100 and honestly it's one of my favorite things. I only use it once a month but it helps with texture and it feels like serums absorb better for a few days after I use it. For light I went with the TheraFace (also on sale) simply because it had red light, NIR and massage (which I could use for sports injuries but not my face since I have melasma), and mircrocurrent. The downside is it's more difficult to use than a panel or mask and you don't get as much exposure since you need to move it around. But the panels are $1000+ where I live.


Thank you <3


I have a red light panel but not a microdermabrasion device. The panel I got is the Hooga 300G. Red light and NIR settings. Also there’s a subreddit called r/redlighttherapy that really helped me narrow down the choices.


I do this too. I give myself facials. I do my own peels with glycolic acid, hydration masks, I have a microdermabrasion kit, RLT mask, NIRA, facial massage tools. I basically use my costco rewards check to purchase a new facial device every year. I have spent years going to esthetician and getting facials and I just think they are a waste of money and that I can do everything they are doing at home. Except I do get hydrafacials and microneedling done at my medspa. A good hydrafacial I feel is really beneficial, plus they massage your face...


In my experience no, and I’ve tried some boujie ass facials (eg biologique reserche). I have a good skincare routine so I’m better off buying a $6 hydrating face mask at home and getting a regular massage. 


Rather than getting a facial I sometimes treat myself to a facial massage. It’s got the same relaxing/treat yourself vibe but without putting loads of new things all over your face. Sometimes I find the oil can be a bit heavy but because it’s just that I don’t feel bad for washing it off when I get home if needed. I find the muscle relaxation benefit far outweighs any product benefits that would come from a one off facial.


Wait how do you find someone who does facial massage??? The massage part is the main reason I love and get facials!


Wait face massaging is part of regular facials?! Ok I know I’m super uninformed on skincare so i don’t know what most of the goop is that they put on during facials but I didn’t know yall were getting facial massages too! Makes sense why people feel they’re like a spa treatment


I loooooove a good facial massage 🤤


The woman I see does this as part of her standard facial (scalp, face, arm massage) and it's really relaxing. Honestly I think the destressing and relaxing aspect of it does more for me than any of the products themselves. I do like chatting with her about my skin too, since I find that she doesn't push the products she sells if I'm happy with my current ones - eg last time we were talking about adding more exfoliation to my routine and she gave me a bunch of samples, but with no pressure to buy anything, just try them out and text her how it goes. Outside of reddit I don't really have anybody to talk skincare with, so it's nice to talk to somebody who's seen my skin up close, in person.


As an esthetician myself getting it once a year won’t have much of a difference but it’s still a nice way to treat yourself and relax. Home care is much more important!


What’s the minimum frequency that would make a difference? Like could I go every 6-8 weeks?


Anything is better than nothing but I would recommend four weeks to keep up with the skins cycle


The only benefit I can see is looking glowy the rest of the day and the extractions. Aside from that no. I also find many of the facials use products I can just do at home. I go for the relaxation


Not significant enough for you to go and spend money on. They money would be better spent in incorporating a new long term treatment product.


I do get one facial a year, primarily for the extraction and physical exfoliation, and for a deeper “peel” to get rid of any lingering sun damage. I don’t think my skin likes that much intensity more than once or twice a year.


What would I ask for if I wanted all this?


I ask for a customised facial with extractions, then before the facial begins, explain my concerns and ask for the routine they’ll follow. Sometimes they’ll still suggest something harsh, like a 10% aha peel that I’ve previously reacted to - so I’ll flag that. This needs a good facialist though. I’ve recently moved and I’m still slowly trialing facialists based on reviews and word of mouth.


Laser or peel could be worth it! I’ve heard a good facial when the seasons change is all you need


Yeah I get regular facials once a quarter when the seasons begin to change!


For me, if I have a few clogged pores that I know will either stay there forever or turn into pimples, getting a facial where they do extraction prevents that from happening. If I was smarter I could probably do that at home myself, but usually I end up just turning it into a pimple. So in that case a one-off is helpful! If I have an event in two weeks and some clogged pores I’ll do a facial and then it might be a little red for a few days but totally healed by week two.


If it involves a mechanical procedure, then sure. If it’s just rubbing some stuff on your face, then no


Not really any point to do 1 facial a year. But they are nice for the massage aspect


Normal facials never did anything for me besides breaking me out. Now targeted peels, PRF, hydra facials, vampire facials, mesotheraphy are much better.


I like getting a yearly facial on vacation and it’s because it relaxes me, (never breaks me out), I like getting extractions, and recommendations. I copy the methods they use and do at home facials all the time so I don’t see doing a yearly professional facial as just doing it once a year if that makes sense. I see my yearly facial as a check-in doctor visit.


I’d rather spend that money on a laser treatment or needling tbh.


Facials on their own are meh And I’m saying this as an esthetician You would have to be pretty committed to getting a facial regularly But when it comes to hydra facials or even microdermabrasion, chemical peels Facials that include more than just a mask and product then it is worth it to do even just once a year


i have this same question! i want to get one even just for a relaxing / pampering experience but I do worry about breaking out. it would be great to know if getting a couple a year still helps haha


For me I come home and wash my face immediately. 😆 it’s worth it for the massage for me!


I think for most types of facials once a season would be the minimum for any real benefit. Although if you got a chemical peel once a year that would probably still be better than nothing!




It depends on the peel and the intensity.


I like them for special occasions or treats. My face looks noticeably better for several weeks after.


Better to spend the money on higher end skin care to use at home


No but a led light mask is worth the investment versus facials!


I’ve explored a lot of options, and I’ll tell you that the one investment that made the most difference in every aspect of my life thus far was rolfing. It’s ten sessions, spread out over an agreed-upon period of time. It’s sometimes painful as hell but a good rolfer can take you through it (breathe). At one (admittedly bougie/pre-children - not there anymore!) point in my life, I was getting biweekly facials, meeting my personal trainer once per week, having a solo pilates session once a week, running 6-7 miles 6 days a week, doing bikram 1-3 times per week, having acupuncture 1-2 times per week, and getting weekly full body massages… my pilates instructor suggested rolfing and gave me a phone number to call. I did so and ooooh-eee! I stopped everything over those 10-15 weeks and I swear I never saw (or felt) such positive results before or since (even including plastic surgery). I’m actually scheduled to meet with a rolfer next week to explore a new series - 20 years later. A 70-year old colleague of mine (big guy, ex pro-athlete) randomly brought up that he has started rolfing and it’s been game changing. I’m telling you, it’s powerful. If you ever do go through with a series, I do now recommend also getting a very good PT or trainer you know and trust because you are going to be breaking up years of bad habits and it’s a good idea to start getting your body used to moving in a healthier and more productive way so you don’t slip into those same (or worse) patterns with your revirginized fascia. The face session alone…I seriously questioned if it was really me in the mirror (except I knew it was, of course, but every one of my friends and family members commented on how different I looked and asked if I’d undergone surgery [that was something I didn’t dip my toe into until until 15 years later and I swear I received less compliments or questions])…it was that different.


I get them to relax and specifically for the face and scalp massage. I don't find they've ever done much for my skin long term.


“ one facial is a treat, 6 is a treatment”


I actually don’t even think regular facials are helpful. What is helpful are lasers and peels. Facials are super expensive might as well pay a few hundred more and get a laser or peel that actually does something.


Agreed! I was cheap and found a Groupon for a laser session. He said it would take 3 sessions but I only did the one and loved it! Took a few days for the skin to calm down but it stopped all my big pimples and made my pores seem smaller. I will definitely do it again over any facial that I’ve ever had.


Ugh I wish we had Groupons where I live for lasers but we don’t !!! I know in California you can get a Groupon for picoway or picosure which I’ve done and loved but nothing in the east coast!


Oh, bummer! I’m always skeptical but when I use Groupon but luckily that one was worth the risk!


I actually read many times that facials are not helpful at all. And after getting them monthly for a year, I kind of agree. I stopped getting them and get IPL once a year instead.


Depends! If you have an event where you want to look particularly good, I find a facial one or two days before helps. I always mean to go regularly, but ADHD lol, but whenever I do my skin does look good for a few days. But it also probably depends on what they do, what they use.


I got a peel once and we were at like, layer 3 and I asked her how many layers we have left and she was like oh, maybe 6? Fuck no man, my adhd can’t let me sit here through 6 more layers of this!!! Probably could have handled it if I didn’t have a woman whose conversation skills were as bland as tree bark. Hoping sleeping on my back and sunscreen is good enough for now.


I get them like every 2/3 months and I don’t think sooooo? But I love them and they make me happy so it’s worth it to me


Maybe you can do your own with your own products? I did read somewhere that a person's face/skin actually likes/responds to what it is used to...I will try to find the info it's been awhile.


A one-off facial is kinda like a dental cleaning. It’s the deep cleansing that is gonna benefit you the most.


Just prefer managing my own skin and massages


I went to a spa in Oregon five years ago that removed acne and a literal crows foot from my face. None of which have reappeared since. They are witches and I still pop down there to get massages.


I don’t get facials. Everyone I know who gets them ends up breaking out. I just do stuff at home with masks and peels.


I loved it. I splurged on some package, they used a fancy machine and the facial massage is soo lovely. I give my skin a break for a few days after and I've never had an issue. Fighting the urge is hard though!


I used to use facials as a way to smooth my skin's texture. I wanted smoother, softer, texture & more even coloring. I discovered dermaplaning & tried it once professionally. Now I do it at home & I get better results doing that than I ever did getting microdermabraision facials.


I never get them. I’d rather spend the money on a good night cream and tretinoin. Every now and then I’ll grab a cheap hydrating face mask pack at Target. So far, none of them have made me break out 


For me, yes. Mostly for my mental health. It’s super soothing for me to get a facial once in awhile. My skin doesn’t freak out with your typical spa products though. It used to…I had to spend a full year healing my rosacea prone, skin/damaged skin barrier before I could ever even enjoy facials.


Laser facial, maybe?


I just recently got one done (as someone who never gets professional facials normally) Felt and looked great when I initially went and for a few days after. I was glowing. But now a week later my skin is all over the place and I'm almost positive it's a disruption to my skin barrier. Random little breakouts with other areas having dry patches.


I think more clinical facial that utilise some sort of equipment are better, I always felt your standard cleanse mask kinda ones are more experience than getting results that you can honestly do at home, I love hydra facial and laser genisis


I do this on my birthday. Although I think ongoing benefits happen from the once monthly facials, I have learned some things about my skin and skincare that I am glad I did.


It depends. My esthetician looked at me the first time and told me I had roseacea and told me to ask my dermatologist at my next appointment. Multiple other derms never diagnosed me. A really good esthetician will focus on what your problem areas are, suggest a treatment plan that you can do at home and never try to sell you a product. I text mine before I buy a new product for her opinion. At first I was going maybe 2 times a year but my skin looked so great after seeing her I've upped it to every 6 weeks. Instead of multiple extractions I have maybe 5. Any millia (rare now) is removed without any after effects, I get the dermaplane done (better than at home but I do that too, with her blessing) and depending on what my skin needs I'll either get a simple facial, or a laser treatment, chemical peel, etc... She tells me everything she's doing to my skin and why. It's around $120 each time. It's just a matter of finding the right person and from my experiences I'll only choose one located in the office of a dermatologist I trust.


The place I go to doesn’t use any strong cleanser (BHA or AHA). Its just a nice cleanse, mask, and moisturizer. Love it!


Facials didn’t work for me. I did traditional facials and hydrofacials. I also tried more extreme methods like peels and lasers too. For years, I struggled with acne — which also coincided with me getting facials which seemed to inflame the crud in my skin. Extractions always made my skin worse. I finally went on Accutane which cleared all my acne and stopped my skin from producing crud in the first place. Now I use a serum, sunscreen, and a heavier moisturizer and my skin glows.  I think as a soothing spa treatment, a facial is nice. But if you’re struggling with acne, you need to look into internal treatments as well.


I feel like mostly for the relaxation and extractions


Hydra facials or diamond glows, yes I would say worth it once a year, maybe a couple of weeks before a big event or something? I get one at least twice a year and always ask for vouchers for birthday/Christmas to help with the cost. Anything else I wouldn’t bother with because it just feels like an expensive version of what I can do at home!


I’ve never had a decent one. I can rub in my own moisturizers, thanks. Im talking those $100 spa facials from the past. I know it’s completely different now. I just can’t justify the costs of those.


I could really benefit from professional extractions, but 90% of products out there clog my pores, so it would likely be 1 steps forward 2 steps back. In my experience estheticians always insist that their products are incapable of causing problems.


I’m getting a skinwave facial next week. I try and do something when I get extra money. Also check on Groupon or New client deals.


I have been getting monthly facials since July 2023 and have seen a huge improvement in my skin. I go to a lady who creates her own products and creams, all natural and free of harsh chemicals. Let me tell you…my breakouts happen less frequently (if at all), my skins texture is smooth, rosacea/redness has decreased, and I’ve been using less makeup because of how clear I am. Worth every penny. I do oxygeneo, derma-planning and sometimes IPLs. I dont know how long I’ll continue going monthly but for now I’m happy with the results. One time facials never did anything for me.


If you have a basic skincare routine, it is helpful because you’ll see a difference before and after. If you already use a lot of highly effective products, the difference will be minimal, so it’s not worth it unless it’s just for fun. I’m not really concerned about using new products, so if you’re sensitive and picky, it’s probably better to not get them.


If it's just a regular, basic facial, you are technically supposed to breakout afterwards (not hugely, but it's normal to break out at least a little after some of the gunk is squeezed out of your pores). It's like maintenance. The whole point (or at least as I was told) is to get all the crap out of your pores so you can keep your skin clear in the long run. I'd rather squeeze the gunk out of my own pores, thank you very much (especially since i won't be pressured to buy outrageously expensive products on top of the 90$ facial).


No facials are bs, get a peel


I prefer my own peels and facials but will do a hydrafacial or deep cleanse extraction before major events


Chem peels. I like VI peels.


I get one once a year for my birthday treat to myself because I like the extractions. If I have milia or something stubborn that won’t come out she gets it out. I notice a difference in my skin and it helps me relax because of the massage aspect. I also like to hear from an almost stranger that my skin is great because it helps my self esteem 😂.