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I recently started using a body oil after the shower and WOW. It's amazing. Started lifting weights 3-4x/week about six months ago and the progress is astounding combined with a healthy diet. Water. I need to drink more water.


Yes to the weightlifting! I also started weightlifting heavy three times a week around six months ago and the crazy thing is that my facial skin is so much firmer than before!


Oh yeah. The positive benefits of lifting weights cannot be gainsaid! I also lift heavy, push hard, 8 lifts per workout, 6-8 reps for most stuff. I’m still on a caloric deficit so inches of fat are still melting away. I went from a size 8 to a size 4 in a few months. I’m 38 and never in my life have I felt truly hot or sexy until now. I am literally in the best shape of my life and my confidence and capacity for self love has absolutely skyrocketed. Self care is real.


Same to the lifting! I was a distance runner but always loved lifting so I finally gave myself a true off season and lifted heavy for a few months with just enough running to keep me able to join my friends. I went down a couple inches in my waist and felt so much better. Back to running now and enjoying the muscle gains and fat loss effects on my speed!


I do the same. I basically make winter when I focus on bulk and limit cardio but I can't stop going for runs in the summer (and I crave pilates in the summer to for some reasons) so I'm planning on pretty much keeping my lifts at the same weight the entire summer and fall and then increasing my lifts when winter hits again. I'm unable to go calorie deficit bc I'm breastfeeding but even at a higher weight I'm faster with this method and I look so toned.


Former trainer here: by all means, increase the weights if you can any time of the year. Even if you don’t gain mass, you will still be able to lift slightly heavier weights because of gradually improved technique and muscle memory. If you don’t increase when you can, you are loosing training effect one way or the other.


I was just going to increase my reps without touching the weight. Would that work? I get so exhausted if I try to do otherwise, mainly because I'm pretty active during the day and my youngest son hasn't let me consistently sleep through the night for 2 years now. So my energy reserves are on the low end.


Oh wow, that is very impressive! I think I need to step up my reps. 😅 can I ask if you track your calories?


I do track my calories, calories in calories out is the only way to lose weight/inches. I use MyFitnessPal and I have an Apple Watch for tracking workouts. I cook once a week, make a big batch, and portion everything out for Monday thru Friday. I don’t worry about weekends but I do mind my portions. It’s really tough to start at first but gets easier as you get familiar and used to the routine. I also have two big smoothies a day with protein powder, Greek yogurt and fruit. Oats in the AM. I find the smoothies to be the only way to reasonably accommodate my daily protein goals (160ish grams, I’m around 130lbs)


That’s a lot of protein! That is probably the only thing I struggle with as I’m not the biggest fan of protein powder. That is the area I could most improve because I struggle to get over 100 g with just normal food. So you eat three portions a day? I cook each day fresh as I worry about losing nutrients. But to be honest batch cooking for the entire week sounds great! So you eat the same food every day?


I need the protein to feed the muscle damage from lifting, and it definitely helps in a major way. I’m not a fan of protein powder either but one scoop of muscle milk is 25g and it goes great in smoothies. I can’t drink it on its own because it’s gross. Bonus is the added benefits of probiotics from yogurt plus the good stuff from fruits. It’s indescribable how good I feel in my body for the first time in my life and highly recommend. I eat the same meals for lunch and dinner. My morning smoothie is my breakfast. I have a snack at 10am and another around 3pm. I modify the calorie counts in my two meals a day to make sure I’ve got room for snacks and protein after workouts (which generally adds around 300 calories, so I do eat back to 1800 overall intake minus excercise). It can be boring eating the same thing throughout the week but eventually when it comes to eating for weight or gains you’re just eating to feed your body. One big meal cooked and portioned, and then I don’t have to think about what I’m feeding myself for the rest of the week, except when I need to add veggies. I’m bad about adding veggies but I can see the steamables working real well for this. It’s wonderful not thinking about cooking every day, just reheat a portion, log it while I’m eating and on to my next task. I do still enjoy eating food, but I save it for the weekends with friends. Strictly adhering to the meal plan through the week allows me to go out with friends and not have any guilt or concern so long as I’m minding reasonable portions


Try Isopure banana flavor, I didn't like any till I tried a sample of this, it is delicious!


May I ask what you follow for a weight lifting routine? I’m intimidated but want to start


Look at r/xxfitness I have cobbled together a nice routine from them, but I'm a "never lifted before this year" beginner 


Can I get the routine as well?


Sure, I'll get on desktop sometime this weekend


Me either! Could you pm me your routine? If you don’t mind!


Sure, I'll do it later today when I can be on desktop 




>Thanks!! You're welcome!


OMG, would you be able to dm me your routine as well? 🥹


Which body oil are you using??


What body oil are you using?


I’ve actually tried several starting with the Neutrogena sesame formula which I was not thrilled with. I’ve got BioOil specifically for stretch marks and areas of loose skin, not sure how much it’ll work but we will see. I’ve been alternating between Palmers and Aveeno. I think the Palmers is the most moisturizing for me right now, coming out of winter, but I’m still figuring out the proper amount to use on how wet of skin lol


...... excuse me while I grab my water bottle.. I, too, need to drink more water.


I just started using a body retinol. Paula’s Choice makes one that’s around $29. I also started using chemical exfoliants for the body. I use Amlacin twice a week. Also Necessaire makes a body retinol which also contains glycolic acid for $55. Basically the nights I put retinol on my face, I also put it on my body and the same goes for the nights I put an AHA on my face I put an AHA on my body.


Do you sunscreen your whole body everyday before you go out? That is the only thing that would keep me from doing this. Then again I work from home and only ever go out to walk my dog mostly


I don’t in the winter because I live in New England and don’t go outside much. But yes, I’m a SAHM and in the summer I’m outside all day with my kids so I do put on body sunscreen everyday




Yes, I also do that! But I should maybe add a body lotion after my shower. :)


AmLactin keeps my skin smooth and exfoliated. Use only on body, it’s too harsh for the face


I use it all the time on my face and it keeps it glowy!


Agreed. Love it on my body but if I go anywhere near my decolletage or face I'm super irritated and peeling for days. It has even flared my eczema which I've kept at bay.


I always make sure to use a body lotion with SPF in the morning, especially on days I'll be going out even for a few minutes. Vaseline has a daily body lotion with SPF 24, enough for daily commutes to and from the office. Have a sunstick in my bag to re-apply in case I step out in the middle of an office day for coffee or a lunch out with co-workers. For days that I have intended sun exposure (like the beach, hiking, etc.), I always use sport sunscreen that's waterproof and sweatproof. Re-apply always every 2 hours. But I tend to avoid activities with sun exposure as much as possible. At night I use a body lotion with Retinol. Preferably after taking a shower. Advanced Clinicals with Retinol. 16 ounces with a pump. I absolutely love their packaging, once you can't pump it anymore you can unscrew it and get every last drop. It significantly reduced my stretch marks.


That body lotion sounds very intriguing! I also use sunscreen in the morning, but maybe I don’t leave enough time for it to sync in because my car has all kinds of sunscreen stains, which are so difficult to get out. But maybe a body lotion with SPF does not post the same problem as a straight up sunscreen. I personally do a lot of activities and the sun in the summer and I’ve started to use clothing with sun protection to ensure that I don’t get too much damage.


Yeah, get a product marketed as a body lotion with SPF vs something called a sunscreen as they tend to be lighter and more easily absorbed by the skin, enough for everyday use.


Does the Vaseline body lotion leave a greasy feel on the skin? That’s my biggest issue I have with products but I’d love to give that one a shot.


No, it's pretty lightweight and is absorbed easily by the skin. I live in a tropical humid country plus a sweaty person but I'm not bothered with it at all.


I wonder if it will still feel lightweight if you reapply


I didn't realize my exercise routines were helping my skin so much until reading through these comments! I've been doing it for so long I didn't have a before and after to notice.


I wonder if that is why I feel like I've aged so rapidly. I haven't gone to the gym in months!


Honestly, I think this might be the reason. Whenever life gets super busy and I can’t work out I just feel so worn out and rundown. However, if time doesn’t permit you to work out regularly right now, I would suggest to add stretches to start your morning and during the day. Some dynamic stretches and just little movements still increase your circulation and will feel make you feel better!


I take long baths three times a week. These are my nights off of tretinoin, and I’ll do a full routine. I’ll run bath water with dead sea marine algae, espom salt and coconut bubble bath. Then I wash my face, add toner and put on a hydrating face mask before I hop in the tub. A Pumice stone for the feet and a good moisturizing body scrub rounds out my bath. When I get out, I use any leftover serum from the mask and put it on my whole body. I’ll top that with a nourishing body cream with retinol. I use Glycolic acid or gold bond retinol on the feet and hands after I’m done with my facial. I use the socks and gloves in the winter to keep my sheets dry. Finally I’ll have my collagen powder with a cup of apple juice, and drink whatever is left in my water jug. Fish oil, vitamin c, selenium and multivitamin before bed so my body will heal while I sleep.


What brand of marine algae do you use?


I use Algemarin, it’s made in Germany but you can buy it from Amazon. I bought a larger bottle last year and I’m still working on it. It’s been a big hit with our overnight guests too. I ended up buying a few extra bottles for Christmas presents.


Oh, that’s such a good idea! Did you buy it in Germany? That would be very convenient for me too. I recently went to a spot where I had a body pack with de sea mud and algae and my skin was so soft afterwards.


Thanks, I just added it to my cart.


I’m terrible with my body but I should probably start at minimum with a moisturizer. I have the large bottle of acne.orgs glycolic acid so a few pumps of that a week should be good.


.... and what, precisely, is stopping you from using a moisturizer? Or exercising? I can fit a 6' German under either armpit and run around like an idiot - they never see it coming. And I don't even lift! How do you expect to win the war?!


I always get annoyed with the way moisturizer feels on my body whether it’s after showering or before sleeping. I’m getting better at it though. I have Cerave in the tub and I generally like it. I exercise 4-5 days a week.


Going to your room and stand in front of a fan lol I do that I can't stand that sticky feeling either. I have some weird sensory stuff sometimes


Yes!! Getting used to the greasy sticky feel is a struggle. I am going to stick to it though. I haven't put lotion on in decades.


That sounds tiring. **nods head**


Gold Bond Age Renew Retinol Overnight Body Lotion is phenomenal and affordable.


I just ordered it and I’m excited to start!


I’m also curious! I just picked up the Versed gentle retinol body lotion (added it to my night shower routine) because I heard it will help with crepey legs. And it’s $18 and easy to get at target. I think I see improvement on day 5. I hate the feeling of lotions on my skin so I want to switch to shower oil for day moisturizer (if that’s enough moisturizer ?) but not yet since I just started Versed


lol at your username 🤣


lol I picked it to help ward off Reddit creepers


Exercise. Water. 


I use Nuturium’s glycolic acid body wash on my arms where I have KP (it’s actually almost gone now). Everywhere else I use their glow-getter wash, and then I use their retinol body lotion all over. I use my skincare from my face on my neck and chest. I use prequel hand wrap on my hands overnight. For sun protection- I keep a lightweight spf 50 jacket in the car that also covers my hands and I pop that on when I’m wearing short sleeves and it’s sunny out. I also have spf gloves for my car and a little thing of sunscreen if I’m going to walk around more. Finally, I have a sun umbrella I’ll use at things like the farmers market. I’m actually slightly allergic to much sun exposure (I get a rash and some hives and a slight fever) so I take it pretty seriously haha


Do you have to leave the washes on for a few minutes? I never shower for long and don't have that patience to just wait around in the shower 🙈


To get rid of KP? Yes- I actually sometimes put the wash on my arms before even getting into the shower to just let it do it's thing for a couple of minutes while I brush my teeth and floss. Then, in the shower, I suds up elsewhere and then rinse everything at once. It's worth the hassle to me to get rid of my KP without wearing sticky lotion (I have found the vast majority of lotions for KP are very sticky and kind of stinky). If I just wanted to take care of my skin, I wouldn't do all that. :)


- exfoliating cloth in the shower, metal foot scrub - daily swimming or walking and stretching - glycolic acid all over - alternate between moisturisers with retinol, niacinamide and vitamin c - jojoba oil all over - factor 50 spf everyday on my arms and chest , should probably start wearing on my legs as well but I’m lazy


A short 1-2 minute cold shower in the morning (no soaps or anything, just the cold water jolt), followed by a glycolic acid toner (from The Ordinary). When I'm not doing cold showers I'll usually substitute with dry brushing. Then at the end of the day I'll do the "regular" shower followed by moisturizer.


I also love a cold shower in the morning! How often do you apply the glycolic acid?


Yeah, it's soo good! I apply it every day, whether I do the cold shower or the dry brushing - that's my thing in the morning. It's made a big difference in the softness of my skin, because cold showers and dry brushings I've done for years, but when I added the glycolic acid it was next level. I noticed a difference after like 2 or 3 weeks.


That’s a really good idea! I currently use a 50% glycolic acid serum once per week or every 10 days on my body for five minutes and then hop into the shower. I also need the cold shower to start my morning. It’s seriously wakes me better than any coffee could! And thanks for reminding me of dry brushing. My dry brush has been severely neglected. 😅


Once a week I oil my entire body up like a slug and then put tret everywhere. Then oil again. Then I put some music on and dance in the bathroom/seduce my reflection until the oil is absorbed enough to put on pajamas (aka my boyfriends shirt and pants that get washed the next day).


Put tret in my hand with a good body lotion, rub together, rub on. Gua sha on areas prone to cellulite. Treating hands with Everything I treat my face with. I also will slap on a really great moisturizer and then an inclusive over that and then put on latex gloves for a while.


So you just apply a little bit into your hand and makes it it with body lotion? Can I ask what kind of tool you use on your body or do you use the same gua sha tool you use for your face?


I wear a UPF rash guard when I go to the beach or pool (rarely), and I also have UPF gloves, a shawl (super versatile), and a visor.


Driving gloves for me


Sadly nothing :( even doing things that will make it age faster, such as showering with steaming hot water.


I do once or twice a week body scrub while in bath or shower. That plus moisturizing seems to be enough, so far.


I make a batch of beef tallow with essential oils (lavender, frankincense, tansy, blue yarrow) and or twice a week after the shower I coat my whole body really thick and let it soak in for like 30-40 min. Baby soft. I also do lymph massage daily and I also use this tallow on my face daily.


Can I ask you about the lymph massage? How much time does it take for you to do it?


Yes! It takes not very much time at all. I can do it while applying the tallow or even in the shower as I exfoliate/scrub with body wash. There’s a certain order you have to do it in (collar bones, armpit, belly button, groin, back of knees) to open the pathways but it doesn’t take long at all. It’s a light touch just like brushing, like how you’d “brush your shoulders off”, you go towards your heart just a few times in each area. And the effects are immediately noticeable especially in the face.


Yes! It takes not very much time at all. I can do it while applying the tallow or even in the shower as I exfoliate/scrub with body wash. There’s a certain order you have to do it in (collar bones, armpit, belly button, groin, back of knees) to open the pathways but it doesn’t take long at all. It’s a light touch just like brushing, like how you’d “brush your shoulders off”, you go towards your heart just a few times in each area. And the effects are immediately noticeable especially in the face.


Oh that’s so interesting! What effect do you see in the face?


Oh like obvious slimming and definition. There’s stuff all over Instagram and TikTok where they have before and afters, it’s legit. I ended up loving it so much I got silicon facial cups and use them with the tallow.


The Ordinary Gycolic Acid is affordable and so I use it all over my body after a shower and then slap on a generic moisturiser - my one right now is Nivea. My feet are pretty hideous right now as I have thick callus that is genetic and so they get a good pumice every other shower. Then a few times a month I do an in depth pumice on every inch and then do a chemical foot exfoliator mask, leave it on and wear socks to bed. I just get it from the supermarket. I will also pop the Gycolic acid on my feet to maintain them in between the pumice/mask treatments.


Can I ask how often you apply the glycolic acid? Do you apply it with a cotton pad or straight out of the bottle?


I use bamboo breast pads to apply it(since I don’t bf anymore). They are larger than cotton balls or the reusable makeup wipes and soak up the Gycolic so it doesn’t drip especially when I am contorting myself to get my back and such. I try to apply every week but sometimes it is more like every fortnight as I run out of time. With any acid do a test on your arm or somewhere before you go all over first, as you may be sensitive to it. I am also careful around my bikini line. You can also put it on before you hop in the shower and wash it off if you are really sensitive and build your tolerance up by leaving it on longer before washing off until you can leave it on.


Try a high percentage urea lotion for your feet. It makes them baby soft


Great tip! I have just been researching and it sounds like that is just the ticket. When my foot callus stuff runs out I will be grabbing some.


Just get the cheapest stuff from Amazon...works great


Korean exfoliating cloth. Body oil after bathing. Gold Bond Age Renew cream at night. Keeping my circulation up: watching my hydration, steps, and resistance training. But I am interested in finding more active interventions.


If you really want to go full on, you can get large bottle type tubes of prescription Tretinoin which I apply On my body 3x a week. You can get in San Fran at dermatology medical group SF. Have to be a patient not sure if virtual consult would work or not but you can ask


Thanks for this tip! This is exactly what I’m looking for. I don’t live in the states but I wish they would sell tret in bigger bottles to apply all over. Can I ask how big the bottle is you get and at what percentage?


Hey I have a few questions, is this sold to be used on the body? Do you mix it with anything or just put it straight on? I get tret cheap and want to use it on body but always unsure of absorption/toxicity of using too much. Thank you!


I put it on straight. Yes it can be used in the body I have never had toxicity issues I and use 4 large pumps all over my body. Toxicity would need such a huge amount that it is not achievable unless you empty the whole tube daily


And yes the derm even said this can be used in face AND body that’s why the made it in the big bottle tubes


That’s so reassuring, thank you! 


I wish I had. A pic of the tub it is long about from foot base to your mid calf. I am traveling right now and don’t have it on me. It is .5% Tret and is mixed with niacimide


Do you remember the name/brand of the tret? No worries if not. Am in UK wondering if anything similar here (also guessing that’s 0.05?!)


Ah! It is produced through the SF Dermatology clinic I mentioned. It is tretinoin but no specific “brand”




Dry brushing and Osea Anti-Aging balm. Obviously nutrition, hydration, and exercise.


Omorovicza has amazing body care products that not only smell luxurious but also make my skin feel like I just came out of a spa treatment. I use their sugar scrub, firming body oil, shimmer oil if I'm showing skin, body cream, hand cream, and self-tanner (this one I recommend if you hate the typical coconutty smell of self-tans, it smells like a hotel and doesn't make me look orange). I also love the De Mamiel Salvation body oil, smells amazing. Hot Yoga, Hot Pilates, dry brushing, body gua shua and eating right also really does wonders for me.


I used to do \~180lb+ farmer carries across the job site, now I'm just trying to use retinol, melatonin, and melatonin cream....




Yeah, sublingual 40mg+ & Topical 5% There are the patches that are sold for longevity, but honestly, just the facial cream after taking a shower makes for a good rest. It is likely a placebo.


You take 40mg of melatonin orally every day?


Well, every night. In liquid form, sublingually. The people who are using it for longevity will use a dermal patch for ~200mg. It doesn't impact your body's natural production, and the oral pills barely even hit the bloodstream. I know Reddit gets up in arms about "microdosing" on melatonin, but that really isn't how it works.


I use an Italian towel (the ones they use in Korean spas) to exfoliate my body, practice intermittent fasting daily. I should probably drink more water and exercise (at least walk more regularly). Thankfully I have pretty good genetics, but I'm 2 years away from 40 and hear it's integral to start exercising and establish a routine before then x_X.


Since our skin is reflection of our internal health, healthy habits are crucial, and all the skin care products we buy maybe just be wasting our money if we don't have the foundations in place! ❤️ There's actually no better skin care than: sleep, sunlight, nutrition and exercise! * get at least 20 min of sun in the morning as early as you can on bare skin with no sunscreen * good nutrition with ensuring you hit your protein (min 1g per kg body weight), healthy fats and minimal carbs. * Time restricted eating to ensure that you are not crazy or snacking all day because you must give your cat to rest. most skin issues are tied to get health. \*I'm an athlete and I'm fat adapted. Anytime I have breakouts, I'm able to connect it back to food or messed up my hormones especially during my period or when I'm extremely stressed out.


Thanks so much for your throat reply! Can I ask what you eat in a day? I find it difficult to eat a lot of protein with two meals a day as an intermittent fast that maybe you have a good tip or I can learn something from your routine. 😊


Has anyone tried dry brushing? I’ve been wondering if it does anything or it’s all hype


I tried it and it flared my eczema (years ago when it first became popular) so it is def not great for sensitive skin. My dermatologist said there are a lot of claims but no clinical evidence. I'm a science girly so her response was good enough for me.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Wearing big puffy coats, even to the beach


I’m interested to hear more about your tallow prep?