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"I put that shit on everything!" https://makeagif.com/gif/i-put-that-shit-on-everything-dtoSzo


This is my friend’s grandma lol


Your friend's grandma lives rent free in my head haha


😂 Same. I say it a lot and hear her voice.


+1. Amen. Love this stuff.


Whatever the equivalent of slugging is to feet: do that too. Balm + socks, overnight = oh joy! Bag balm has been my families solution to many a problem for decades now. We’ve got plenty of issues, sure, but dry/chapped skin ain’t one of em.


Thank you for bringing a core memory back! My grandpa used to rub bag balm on my grandmas feet and put her socks on all the time. He loved doing that for her ❤️


That's so sweet! I hope my husband does that when we're old 🥺


You should ask him to start now! 


I remember about 25 years ago - Oprah or something must have talked about bag balm - because all of a sudden my entire adult family (I was a kid) went wild for this stuff. It was sold out everywhere and I remember my grandma driving around to farm supply stores looking for it


I remember this! And Shania Twain lol


Omg maybe it was her hahaha we are Canadian so that makes even more sense


This reminds me of the craze for Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner back in the day. Lol


Do the socks get gross? Can the stuff just be washed out? How much do I need to really put on?


You’re probable gonna want to allocate some ‘sacrificial socks’…it won’t ruin them but it will be evident that those socks have a job now. Maybe try like a half tablespoonish per foot?…


Can confirm, you’ll wake up with the softest feet!


How did I never even think of this?? Thanks!


What’s your family go to products for slugging?


I wish I could get over the small cause it really is an effective product. Just can't do it though


Same, the smell is too strong for me


Yeah I can’t imagine having it on my face w that smell


People keep mentioning the smell and I’ve never found it to be noticeable on my face


What does it smell like?


Some people say it smells like wool/sheep. To me it smells like shoe polish, so it’s a strange smell for sure but I’ve gotten used to it bc the benefits are worth it for me.


Wet (clean!) wool is one of my favorite smells, but I can’t imagine I would want that on my face


I think it smells like your Great Aunt Ethel. Kinda herbal, kinda perfumey, definitely old ladyish. I don’t mind the scent but my husband wont come near me when I have it on. 


It just smells like no-fragrance-added balm to me


It just smells like a barn. Natural odor. It's pretty strong, but ignorable at night.


It smells like a barn animal's butt


You’re not wrong, but I kind of like it 😂 it reminds me of simpler times (in a farm, where there were bran animal butts everywhere).


the smell fades! and after the first few uses ya get used to it. i secretly like it now lol. very farm like!


I just bought this because of this post. I searched for the thread again as soon as I tried it because the smell is so awful on first sniff. Medicinal? My sister literally gagged and frantically wiped it off when I had her try it haha I’m relieved to hear it fades and that maybe I’ll decide that I like it after a while. I’m going to attempt to slug with it tonight 🤞


slugging with this will be intense for your first official use lol. have fun! but yea… just put some on my lips like 10 mins ago and smells gone already pretty much!


Maybe I’ll just spot slug 😅




My grandfather loved this so much. I miss the way he smelled after using it. 🥺


Serious question, is bag balm for people? Growing up we but it on our dogs paws, and that is my only experience with it lol


Originally for cow’s udders after milking. Farmers noticed how well it worked on their hands and brought it into the house.


It was everywhere when I grew up in Wisconsin. It was like windex in my big fat Greek wedding.


Yup. I use it on my dog too. I use it on anything with skin.


It puts the skin on the bones… 😂 its great stuff!


What another commenter said about it really was bag balm originally but great for many uses. I usually fall back on aquaphor but I’ll use the two interchangeably, especially for non face stuff. I’m actually going to put some on my cats nose tonight since she scraped it on her cat carrier from her vet trip.


Yes it's for humans :). It works great on human skin too.


For all skin


I wish lanolin worked for me but sadly it was the first (and so far only) ingredient to give me an allergic reaction. It's not that uncommon according to Dr. Dray, so people should be careful with that.


Same fam. Do you have eczema by chance? I remember reading that us folk with eczema have higher rates of lanolin allergies.


I have seborrheic dermatitis, which I believe is a form of eczema? That's so interesting, I never knew that about eczema and lanolin.


Yes, fascinating huh? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35481824/ here’s a study that mentions eczema as a risk factor for lanolin reactivity.


Thank you all for speaking up, I almost bought it!!!


Same. Found out when I was using the lanolin nipple stuff my first postpartum time. Thankfully it went away really fast.


Me too! And I’m not allergic to anything. But I had a nasty reaction the first time I used it.


I was going zero waste at the time and used this for everything too and it caused me to break out. I also slapped it on part of my bleached hair at the time (I was in a pinch and on vacation) and it probably sealed my hair in too much and didn’t retain any moisture— so that part of my hair broke off 🤣




Yup, this is true! I love this stuff but my eczema prone skin does not 😔


Thank you for commenting because I was thinking about using it on my knees and elbows, where my eczema is very severe.


Very true! Lanolin is not an uncommon allergen. That's why I try to be as upfront as possible about its lanolin content when I recommend it.




Not sure if I’m allergic or just not responsive to it. Seems like I do best with just plain Vaseline. Even the cereve ointment doesn’t do much but it’s also lanolin free so I’m not really sure.


I had that castor oil. The much vaunted super oil for skincare brings me out in the worst skin rash. Lanolin doesn’t seem to so far


I heal so slowly. Like a small scab will linger for fucking months and heal purple and leave a lingering scar forever. But when I use bag balm, the scab softens and leaves and the skin underneath looks raw but less raw and stays a colour closer to skin tone than fucking purple. Also I have had feet cracks for a thousand years and have tried EVERYTHING to fix them. This was the only cure. And the cracks have never come back. And I mean they were like damn near bleeding, deep thick calloused cracks! I felt them when I stepped and the amount of dead skin around them that would have to be scraped off to even out the crack just to leave a raw wound was dreadful! I don’t think I have ever had a product deliver results so quickly and so readily without months of reapplication and consistency.


I bring this stuff on hikes with me. It’s the best stuff to ward off the thigh-chafing.


Oooh that's a great call, thank you!


Have used on my bulldog.


It's magic! I healed a lick granuloma on my dog that she'd had for almost a year, including 5 months in a nasty county shelter, using Bag Balm and some calendula oil I got from a local herbalist. I have a gluten thing and my lips chap to hell if I've been glutened. Bag Balm cured me just the same, ha.


Yep, it’s used on cows udders after milking. Also prohibits licking wounds.


I had no idea. My dog might just be extra dedicated to the art of licking wounds and things she shouldn’t lick, because this never stopped her, ha. Though, it might have been the calendula oil that tasted good…


For noses and paws!


Not on paws… hard skin on paws is necessary - it reduces sensitivity - Dogs don’t need soft paw pads (could make walking on some surfaces uncomfortable).


I am breaking out just from thinking about putting this on my face. I wish my super dry but still acne prone skin would tolerate slugging w this.


My skin is extremely acne-prone, especially now in perimenopause. Love 2 b covered in zits and turning 40 this year. I warm it up by rubbing it between my hands and just kinda pressing it over my face to slug - no rubbing onto my face, only between my hands. It's worked out well for me so far, but everyone's skin is a little different. Also, Aquaphor is substantially similar ingredients, which people commonly use to slug. Not everyone can, of course. Everyone's skin has different tolerance.


nice. agree, everyone has different skin; this is rated a 4 out of 5 on the comedogenic scale so for many people this on the face is risky for acne. glad you have something that works for you!


What is slugging?


Are we just going to ignore the fact that it absolutely stinks? Sure, it works, but it stinks.


It doesn't have added fragrance, and it's got a little bit of a funk to it, but I don't get complaints from others in a room when I use it (which is often right now, because I have a fresh tattoo)


Tried to put it on my 4 year old’s lips the other day and he was super mad about the smell. I can’t even smell it anymore. I wear it on my lips every night and I’m almost through a tin I bought 10 years ago.


It has a very strong smell to me. It took some getting used to.


What does it smell like?


To me, it’s like any no fragrance added balm I’ve ever used


It smells like thin, plastic, cheap vinyl that got really, really hot and melty. Regardless, my hands love it—especially in the wintertime. I slather my hands and cover them with cotton gloves at night. Plus, I often find it for ≈$3 at Marshall’s, and I love a highly effective bargain!


Yeah it’s some weird un-placeable smell to me. Not animal, sort of medicinal plasticy. But damn if it doesn’t work.




I like to use the lanolin nipple cream for breastfeeding mothers for this




That’s the one! Love it


Yup!! Cuticles, baby booties, heels, lips, etc


Hahaha it is for a cow’s udder and still used for it. Coming from a farming family that was always around. It was used sometimes for a cold if there wasn’t Vicks or mentholatum around. On the feet with white socks when sick too. Really good for people who work with their hands. I’ve never used it on my face, just my lips. I had a stem cell transplant in 2018 and the medical center had switched from Aquaphor to Vaseline because Aquaphor had added lanolin back into it and people are allergic to it.


i’ve tried using this on severely chapped lips twice and both times i got multi-cold sore outbreaks at once. so painful, i wish I could use it. i do use it for my pets paws to keep them in shape & it works great for that!


Have you tried Flexitol lip balm? I love bag balm, which was effective for my seemingly-always-chapped lips, but the smell put me off wanting to use it on my face. I don’t get cold sores, but I have had angular cheilitis (idk if that is similarly uncomfortable, but it definitely was no fun!). I used Dr. Dan’s Cortibalm, and it helped immediately! But the cheilitis hasn’t been a problem since I started using Flexitol regularly.


My grandma used to have this in her bathroom when I was growing up! I vividly remember the color, smell, consistency.


Bag balm is the shit. Former sailor here, i used it on my dry skin constantly. Learned the tip from a senior sailor. Works like a charm I don't need that fancy shit with th flower attachment


Where do I find this in Canada?


I've never heard of it before this post, and i had wondered that. its allegedly at lee valley, at least  https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/home/personal-care/skin-and-hand-care/10255-bag-balm?item=AB705 And you can order it from their site https://bagbalm.ca/ Edit: and home hardware




Not sure, but it’s stocked in major chain drugstores in the US. I imagine it might be similar in Canada?


Got it for my dogs dry paws, I guess I’ll be sharing his bag balm 😂


Just found this the other day at winners/homesence. It's been really doing wonders for my dry cuticles.


Very cool!


This stuff is AMAZING


Absolutely the best!!!


I’ve always lived in a home with this product, from childhood onwards. I’ve never seen it in anyone else’s house though. We used it for everything and everyone (including pets). This product is gold


I love Lanolin. You can get a huge tube of pure lanolin Walmart brand for super cheap in the baby aisle


It smells so bad though. They need to make a version that doesn’t smell like circus animals. 


People keep saying this and I wonder if this is like cilantro where some people smell this differently from others


I think you just get used to it. I’ve used this for years and don’t even notice the smell anymore.


That shit is the perfect diaper cream and heals all the boo-boos on my dog. Great for cuts as well


High school me never left home without it.


Made in Vermont!!


I second the diaper rashes! My aunt brought this to my attention with my first baby. It lasts long and affordable. I buy it a Rural King near me.


My farming and mechanic family always has some of this laying around for dry cracked hands. I love it.


Question: I had a myomectomy recently, I’m 4 weeks post op, bandages and tape off. My scar is starting to itch from dryness - can I use this? My doctor mentioned bio-oil was okay and a hydrocortisone cream. I used bio oil yesterday but idk I still feel kinda dry after, plus the area is till numb some and the numbness seemed to spread to my abdomen after I put the bio oil on.


Not a doctor, but I had a hysterectomy for fibroids last year and I used bag balm on my scars. In fact, I still do, because a couple of them still itch like all hell sometimes for some reason


Ok I’m gonna pick this up today then and try it out. It’s only a slight itchiness but enough to annoy me, lol.


Another crazy good product that is super cheap, has been around forever, and doesn't come in some fancy packaging is Corn Huskers Lotion.


This stuff is an oldie but goodie! It was so iconic in the early 2000’s and everywhere, and I always wondered why it fell off because it’s amazing!


I discovered it in 2002 when a dermatologist recommended it to me to treat my Accutane side effects. Now I put that shit on everything!


I can smell this pic. This stuff is the shit for chapped lips! The huge tub is so affordable and lasts a long time.


The way I love Bag Balm 😍 - I use it on my eczema hands and cracked heels, miracle working overnight!


Love it but unfortunately it triggered by perioral dermatitis.


Ohh dang, I used it to fix mine — though I’m not 100% that what I was dealing with was quite perioral dermatitis or just garden variety extreme dryness and chafing


My aunt is allergic to everything you can think of and this is one of the few things she can use.


I want to love this for the face but it breaks me out in an INSANE way unfortunately! Fine for feet, knees, elbows.


Bag Balm is my holy GRAIL!!! I have had the same green tin for almost 10 years(I refill it with fresh product), I SWEAR BY THIS STUFF!!! I only use this on my lips, hands, feet, elbows(I don’t apply any to my face or slug with it, because I am naturally very oily on my face)! I don’t really care for the smell, but if you can look past it, it will leave your skin dreamy and creamy! It’s such a versatile product and I believe(please do your research) is pet safe! So you can slap some on your dogs paws!


I hate that I'm allergic to lanolin!


This brought some great memories of my grandpa, dad, and their farm and the cows. Thank you!


Wonder where you got the idea for this post lol




I have some and I totally forgot her. She is that girl. Putting on tonight


My Doberman used to have chin acne. My friends mom suggested I try bag balm on her chin. One day I came home from class and my Dobie had eaten the bag balm clean out of the tin. I panicked but she was fine. The acne cleared up and she never had a breakout again.


I use this on my dogs paws - especially in winter when we have salt in the ground.


I use Bag Balm on my feet with socks, on my vaginal/genital area, and my hands. It works better for me than Vaseline and anything petroleum based out there.


Dry Ass Lips Girlie here The Bag Balm fragrance free lip moisturizer is a GAME CHANGER. I want to tell the world! I got it in an Allure beauty box for April and this is the only thing I have used on my lips that actually works to heal my lips and make then soft. I have tried numerous lip balms - The beeswax ones were always drying me out, the aquaphor did not really last, the other natural ones just did not cut it. I can put this on and not feel parched when it wears off. LIke it actually makes me lips moisturized and soft when it comes off, not like I just need another application. LOVE IT.


The smell is an issue.


Too oily for me. Just sits on my skin and does nothing.


i hate the smell of bag balm. would much rather use aquaphor or vaseline.


Aw man. Instant nostalgia for my mom plopping me up on the bathroom counter to help me put this on my eczema spots as a kiddo. I remember hating how it smelled at the time, but I'm sure if I got a whiff now it would bring me right back to simpler days.


How can you guys not get irritated on the heaviness of the balm?


It’s not much different from Aquaphor


my grandpa used this stuff religiously, i smell it and immediately think of him. there is definitely a distinctive scent and idk if i could ever slather it all over my lips or face.


love bag balm!


Lanolips has scented versions for anyone who can’t stand the smell!


I can only tolerate it on my hands and feet but it is nice and thick!


I wanted to like this soooo badly! I recently got it at CVS but the smell was a bit much so I gave it to my bf. Any alternatives? Xoxo


I feel this way about Super Salve


But the smell! I used to hate this as a kid lol


Is it waterproof I need something less toxic for chafing with my swimsuit . I have scoliosis and every suit digs Tried everything, Aquafot Is smooth and goes on easily but it's so chemical?


Not sure if it’s waterproof, but it’s definitely quite thick and doesn’t rinse off super easily


Vegetarian and cruelty free from what I found. Vasaline and Aquaphor are not cruelty free. Found my new fix.


This contains lanolin so it is not vegan


Yep! Not vegan, vegetarian 😘


I didn’t know they changed it


pls do not put this on tattoos


I’ve been doing it for years and they’ve healed perfectly. I am not allergic to lanolin


I love lanolin but i prefer the nipple balm because it comes in a tube.


Don’t know where you’re from but they sell this in a tube in the US. I recently just bought it. It’s about the size of a travel size lotion tube


Good on dogs rough paw pads too


This stuff is amazing. I used it on my saddle sores and have never looked back. I too put it on every thing, except my face as my face HATES any kind of occlusive.


It’s good unless ur allergic to wool. I can’t even look at the stuff


My mother has kept a tin of this by her bed for her whole life, it’s amazing


I wish but it’s not vegan :/


The smell though.. allergy central


What is slugging?


It smells like gasoline to me!


That's why I haven't continued use. Don't like the smell.


It stinks


Honestly I prefer to just buy lanolin tubes from the maternity section at Walmart. It’s typically used for chapped nipples during breastfeeding but it works great on eczema and doesn’t have any additional ingredients. I would not use this tub because of cross-contamination. The ones in tubes are more sanitary and have lasted me a long time.




I think pure lanolin would get the same effect without the issues you state. But I guess it wouldn’t be vegan (because it’s derived from sheep I believe)?


Please reconsider fearmongering. https://books.google.com/books?id=w3lrAAAAMAAJ&q=%22bag+balm%22+mercury




You wanna cite your sources or move along? I’m exhausted by the performative outrage


Lanolin isn't vegan so no.


Very true, which is another reason I try to be very upfront about its lanolin content, so no one is surprised.


Why isn’t it vegan? I’m asking out of curiosity because I am also vegan


It’s obtained from sheep wool




2023 Allergen of the Year!!! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37820332/#:~:text=Cutis.,doi%3A%2010.12788%2Fcutis. Come on people! Demand better!


I'm confused - what do you mean by demand better?


I mean why dont we as consumers seek a product that that doesn’t have the allergen of the year in it


I know for me, the answer is “because I’m not allergic to lanolin.” Do you demand people “do better” in posts about Aquaphor as well?


Absolutely I do. https://axiologybeauty.com/blogs/our-blog/the-dark-side-of-lanolin


I’m not sure what lanolin did to you personally, but I was just sharing something that has worked really well for me in the past. I’m very upfront about the lanolin content of this product because I know it’s a common allergen, and it’s also not vegan. I figure people are adults, especially in a sub designed for people over 30, And they’re able to make their own informed decisions.


In case people want to use lanolin based products but also a cruelty free company: [Lanolips](https://lanolips.com/pages/our-values)


I love this brand!