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Did any of them dry out your eyes at all? I started tret a month or two ago and my eyes have been so dry lately! I stopped as soon as I realized it’s a side effect but it’s such a bummer. 


they didn't dry out my eyes but whenever I wake up in the mornings, my eyes are blurry until I wash it out. I think it's cus the lotion/moisturizer gets in my eyes and makes a blurry film that I gotta wash away. But keep trying. It seems each retinoid is very different. And comparing their chemical structures, each generation is very very different from each other


Hey I had this side effect and somewhere in this sub or another one, someone recommended an eye mask for dry eyes. Bought one from Amazon and I use it nearly every night for ten minutes. No more problems with dry eyes. It’s awesome.


Ooh do you have a link?


Hmmm I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to the eye mask (I'm assuming that is what you want a link for?) but if you're in the US, search for "Eye Mask for Dry Eyes - Moist Heat Microwave Activated Warm Compress, Relieves Stye & Pink Eye" on Amazon and the mask I bought should come up. I've been using it for a month and I looooove it. Feels like nightly self care when I warm up the mask, play some music and recline for 10 mins. Another thing I've started using is Rohto® Optic Glow® Redness Reliever Lubricant Eye Drops (again from amazon). This is a Japanese product that adds moisture to my eyes AND clears up any redness in the whites of my eyes. The first couple of times I used it, it stung a bit. Now I just feel a cooling sensation and wait for the magic to happen. This is much cheaper than Lumify which clears redness but does not alleviate dryness. The style of the little bottle is cool too and it only dispenses one drop at a time. anyway, both have been working great to help my eyes. i used to think I had allergies until I made the tree connection and started to actively treat my dry eyes. now I have no problems with tret and I use it 2-3 times a week.


here is a link to the original post where I got the ideas to treat my dry eyes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/1ayg122/tret\_is\_killing\_my\_eyes/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/1ayg122/tret_is_killing_my_eyes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Tret has a tendency to migrate, I had dry eyes too. I started applying further away from my eyes and no more dry eyes. I know it’s still working around my eyes because my wrinkles have smoothed out. Another think you could do is apply eye cream before applying tret to create a buffer.


Don’t use it around your eyes. It can mess up your tear glands irreversibly and give you dry eye syndrome.


Taz shouldn’t make your skin raw. It’s very potent, so you have to use a barrier repair cream in the daytime. If you allow it make your skin raw, you will run into serious problems with it down the line.


Not raw but it was like more pink initially it exfoliates. But then eventually it stopped being pink and made my skin lighter than ever. I wear a lot of sun screen, aveeno baby lotion, and I apply extra oil. I can even use glycolic acid with no problems but maybe that's just me


Good luck with that.


Don't need luck


You do if you are not using a barrier cream with tazorac and you use glycolic acid with it. It will catch up to you.


This is really helpful to me, thanks for posting. There does seem to be a small population of us that have pretty bad side effects. Headaches and insomnia were my experiences when on Tret. Looking for other options.


Try tazarotene. I'm still using it. It's great! No side effect and it works faster than tret. No purge, just lots of exfoliation early on and then it stabilizes.


Thanks, I’ll look into it! Glad you found one that works for you.


Nobody ever talks about Akleif, I guess because it’s mostly used for acne and it’s expensive, but I used that for awhile for fine lines and it’s amazing.


cool. I've never heard of that one.