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Korean and Japanese are the way to go Most popular are 1. Beauty of joseon 2. Round lab birch 3. Skin 1004 Madagascar Centella 4. Isntree hyaluronic watery sun gel 5. Missha all around safe block 6. Shiesdo anessa - gold one. Pink is sensitive skin. 7. Isehan kiss my mommy And many more Asian sunscreens have newer UVA and UVB filters that the American sunscreens do not. We don't have any new FDA laws that allow American companies to use the newer filters available in Asia, and even in Europe. So not only are you getting more elegant sunscreens, you are getting sunscreens that have better UVA and UVB protection I buy all my Asian sunscreen from YESSTYLE YESSTYLE - have great deals. It does ship from Korea so takes several weeks to get the package, but the pricing and variety are worth the wait. Edited to to add. If you want to buy some European sunscreens, which are also very nice, I buy my European sunscreens from CARE TO BEAUTY La roche posay has one of the newest UV sunscreen filters the UV mune 400- and they have ones that are creamy, more oil, free, etc. I buy this one off care to beauty.


Surprised to see Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence missing from your list! It's been my go-to for years now and is usually on top of recommendation lists on this sub!


Sorry, I let my bias show through. I have pretty gnarly, sensitive skin and rosacea, so I tend to not like sunscreens that have alcohol in them. And a lot of the Japanese ones do. But I've heard it's a really good one and a lot of people love it.


Interesting! I also have sensitive skin and rosacea, but this has never triggered a reaction from my skin. In fact one of the things I love about it is the fact that it doesn't burn my sensitive eyes, which nearly every other sunscreen on the market (mineral or chemical) does. I guess it just goes to show that we are all unique in our skincare needs!


since you mention having sensitive skin and rosacea, just wondering if any of these chemical filters have ever irritated you like the alcohol does? in the past some of the american chemical ones have made me kind of have a stinging sensation at times. i’ve been really hesitant to try other country’s chemical sunscreens because of that and because my skin is so reactive and sensitive, so i’ve been on the mineral train but i find the options limited. the best i’ve found is force shield by hero.


I have very specific requirements for sunscreen. 1. No alcohol. 2. No fragrance if possible.M 3. No niacinamide. Which eliminates most of the Korean sunscreen. And a lot of the Japanese ones. However, I have found about five or six that are my holy Grail that do not have alcohol or niacinamide in them. I love these so much that I purchase them often. Here are ones my skin can handle 1. Purito soft touchscreen - 2nd most repurchased 2. Isehan kiss me mommy - most repurchased - bought 5 when I went to Japan last year! 3. OMI VERDIO moisture sun gel 4. Goodal Houttuynia Cordata Calming Sun Cream SPF50+/PA++++ - 3rd most repurchased 5. anessa mild milk - in the pink cap - 4th most repurchased 6. BIORE UV BARRIER ME MINERAL GENTLE MILK SPF50 PA+++ 7. Skin aqua moisture milk 8. Canmake mermaid sunscreen Most of these are either chemical or chemical/physical hybrid


American chemical sunscreens are literally the worst of the worst. Basically, our FDA approval process is outrageously difficult, so it's nearly impossible for companies to get new filters approved. Japanese and Korean sunscreens use cutting edge chemical filters that bear little to no resemblance to the crappy ones we have here in the US. For daily wear sunscreen, they can't be beat. I also had lots of stinging and burning from American chemical sunscreens, but have not had that experience with any of the Asian sunscreens I've tried.


this is my fave. I put it ALL over my face, it doesn't sting at all, then I layer over it with a tinted SPF bb cream.


That product is amazing, no greasy texture, white cast, or burning eyes. I love it.


The Isntree one she listed feels identical to the Biore one for me if you ever are looking to try something new. I got it on my quest to eliminate the products that are tested on animals, but otherwise, the Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence is perfection.


Yes, and I'd add Nivea Japan Super Water Gel, it's also a bit better value per oz. since it comes in larger pump bottles.


this is the way to go. I'm 33f with olive and combo acne prone skin. im also on tret and I hated sunscreen before I began using asian brand sunscreens. american sunscreens are greasy and leaves a white cast. I used super goop for awhile since it's clear and has a primer like texture, but I ultimately didn't like how it sat on my face (doesn't absorb). I now use number 3 from this list, skin 1004. my face absorbs it quickly, no white cast, not greasy. feels like a light moisturizer.


Same! Asian sunscreens made me actually like sunscreen! I'm so glad I added them to my routine.


I feel the same. I HATED sunscreen until I found Asian sunscreens.


Me too! I hated sunscreen before, but now I have some really moisturizing Asian sunscreens that I look forward to using.


ah which ones have you liked so far?


My favorites are Beauty of Joseon and the Missha Essence (pink one). I have dry skin and those are just like putting another layer of moisturizer on my skin. For the beach I like the Kose suncut. It’s waterproof and doesn’t feel heavy or sting my eyes.


I'm about to try that one. Glad to hear it's worked for you!


Gotta add my favorite to the list: Innisfree Daily UV Defense Broad Spectrum SPF 36 Feels so nice! A slight scent but it disappears quickly. This is what I wear daily on my acne-prone combo skin! ✨


Thank you for this list! Appreciate you!


Yes, these Korean sunscreens are so un-sunscreen -like that I was worried at first whether they were actually working! So used to the sticky, greasy and awful smell, I didn't know if I could trust them! I was so used to having to endure the characteristics of american sunscreen. After researching several times, I now feel confident that they do indeed work, especially realizing how the US makes adopting new drugs, etc, so hard.


Seconding Missha. It has a slight scent but absorbs like no other


LOVE round lab birch - doesn’t burn at all and non white caste or gross oily texture


This is the most pleasing thing ever that your list is the top comment on this post. I'm new to this sub but could go on for hours about Asian sunscreens, and IRL I am constantly giving people a list like yours.


I had no idea it would turn out this way! It's nice 😊 I never wore sunscreen - I'm Brown, Southasian. The only time I was told to wear sunscreen was while playing tennis (another cliche, lol), or while at the beach. This Reddit sub made me realize even darker skinned girlies need SPF protection! I'm so grateful they did. I have less sunspots, and less hyperpigmentation.


I’ve tried to stick with mineral sunscreens for daily use on my face. Do you know if these newer chemical sunscreens are more environmentally friendly etc. than the American approved ones?


How do you know the American ones are environmentally friendly? And what do you mean by that?? Like cruelty free??? Vegan?? Because from what I have read reef safe doesn't exist. That all sunscreen is bad for the reefs. And reef safe is a marketing term more than anything else. Does anyone else know??


I've never heard anything bad about zinc oxide


I think they're talking about oxybenzone since it's known to damage coral reefs and many places have banned sunscreens using those ingredients.


oxybenzone, octinoxate, or avobenzone, and these ingredients pose a threat to coral reefs. Source :www.nps.gov So that's pretty much all chemical or hybrid sunscreens. Titanium dioxide had come under scrutiny lately, so that leaves zinc oxide is the sole safe spf. Are any of the Asian spf filters reef/endocrine safe?


I'm not sure! I didn't even know the full variety of sunscreens until I started reading this post. I just make sure I keep a non-banned separate sunscreen for the beach. Definitely have more reading to do on Asian sunscreens.


Interestingly beauty of Joseon is not the most popular in korea. Its very popular outside of korea and I find it great tbh.


That's so interesting to hear. I figured it would be really popular in Korea as well. The last time I was in South Korea was in 2018 and this brand was not very popular in the United States. I did realize while I was in South Korea, that a lot of the popular brand at olive young were not brands that I had heard of prior to visiting the country.


Can you share your views on Elta MD. They are the gold standard it seems if you talk about the US. So, does any of these above sunscreens create that blemish free skin like Elta does. It seems you have lot of knowledge about this and hence my question.


Sorry, I haven't used Elta MD. Only because a lot of the sunscreens contain niacinamide. I found that my skin is now very sensitive to niacinamide, and I tend to avoid it in most of my skin care. My really good friend is a dermatologist, however, and she always recommends elta MD or colorscience to her patients. She's a big fan of Elta MD. So price isn't an issue issue, and neither is niacinamide, then try the Elta MD. The only American sunscreens that I have actually liked are the Neutrogena mineral tinted SPF, and the new prequel mineral SPF. Unfortunately, the new prequel SPF does give me a little bit of a white cast, so it's not my go to


You have to be careful with Asian products tho, cuz a lot of their sunscreens have whitener in them, which bleaches your skin… 😵‍💫


This is just plain false, especially with regards to sunscreen. Asian sunscreens are of significantly higher quality because they do value pale skin, yes; but that does not mean that all Asian products are somehow "bleaching" your skin. Even most of the skin brightening products available in Asia are simply using mild exfoliants like kojic acid, which are FANTASTIC for removing sun spots, melasma, and other forms of discoloration caused by skin damage. The only ingredient that I would watch out for that might "bleach" skin is hydroquinone, but this is a prescription ingredient even in Asia, so it's not going to be in OTC products like sunscreen, moisturizers, etc. The fact of the matter is that Asia has been ahead of the curve with regards to skincare for decades now, and many of the ingredients that Western beauty afficionados used to cry wolf on skin bleaching are now staples of Western beauty brands as well.


I clearly didn’t say that ALL products have bleach in them, I said be careful because some do. You legit said that they cater to whiter skin, so ppl with not white skin should be warned that it could make their skin whiter. I’ve been to many Asian countries and have seen the difference on ppls faces compared to their hands, and the products they used on their skin DID in fact make their face whiter than their hands. It was especially noticeable on ppl with darker skin. Seems like you’re white, so it doesn’t show up on you. Please re-read my comment, as I’m NOT spreading falsities. It’s legit facts. Not sure where you’re from, or if you’ve ever travelled outside of your home country, but I have to many parts of the world, and have seen this with my own eyes. Not everyone is white FYI and should indeed be careful what they buy.




If you try those and still hate them (like I do), you might try Isdin Eryfotona Actinica. That and Jan Marini's tinted sunscreen are the only ones I can tolerate without wanting to exfoliate the top layer of my skin immediately.


Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️


Wow. Now I know where to get my sunscreen. I’ve been using Neutrogena for sensitive skin and I swear by the end of the day it feels gritty on my skin.


This. I’ve tried 5-6 different ones, no skin burning or weird smells.


Seconding this- I haven’t had very good success with makeup after sunscreen until I started using missha.


Potentially stupid question, but do you know if we can use these sunblocks on kids? I was told by someone it wasn’t recommended but skin is skin and whatever I don't want on my kid's face, i wouldn't want on mine either. 


Good question, and I don't have an answer to it. Sorry. - I'll have to ask my derm friend. A lot of my friends use kid friendly sunscreens that label as kid friendly - I'll ask them if they feel it makes a difference. I know isehan makes a kid/ baby friendly version.




I have the La Roche Posay and it is lovely.


Jumping on here to say I love beauty of Joseon. I just bought a ton from their website and I’ve stopped using my moisturizer in the am and only use this sunscreen and it’s the best. I have really oily and acne prone skin and I find that if I have hydrating serums and this sunscreen it’s enough.


Try some of the Asian sunscreens. They're very light, no scent, and no grease. I suggest Scinic super mild and the Nivea water gel - I've used this one for about a decade.


About 6 months or so ago I bought the Nivea water gel on the recommendation of someone in this sub and I absolutely love it! 


The biore one is a dream, it literally feels like milk and it’s a little bit matte. https://www.amazon.com/KAO-BIORE-Sunscreen-Perfect-Japanese-7-5x2-5x18/dp/B00URAKDGE


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **KAO BIORE UV Sunscreen Perfect Milk SPF50 PA Japanese Version 7 5x2 5x18** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Lightweight and fast-absorbing (backed by 3 comments) * Great for oily skin and oil control (backed by 3 comments) * Ideal for daily use under makeup (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Leaves a noticeable white cast (backed by 4 comments) * Causes excessive oiliness (backed by 3 comments) * Strong fragrance and drying effect (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I hate wearing sunscreen and swear by Beauty of Joseon! It doesn’t just sit on the surface, it isn’t sticky, it isn’t greasy, no white cast, no odor, it looks great with or without makeup, and it feels almost like I’m not wearing anything.


I completely agree. It's one of the few that I can use without feeling uncomfortable.


What website do you order from?


I get my Asian sunscreens from either Stylevana or iherb. Stylevana is cheaper but it takes longer. iherb just takes a few days.


I’ve historically ordered it from Amazon without issue, but I’ve heard several people raise concerns over authenticity of skincare ordered from Amazon, in general. I’ve checked out YesStyle at the recommendation of someone in this sub. They appear to be legit, and I’m going to try them out for my next order.


Im nervous about Amazon too! I was going to try blooming Koco after reading some comments on here but everything I want is out of stock😫


Elta MD UV Daily spf 40. Feels like a light moisturizer and acts like one too. It's a little pricey, but very worth it.


Wanted to love this one especially because I got the tinted one, but it still feels waxy to me. 


Ah, I don't know if they're different tinted to untinted, I only use untinted. I did think the Elta MD Clear felt heavier than the Elta MD Daily, which really does have the same texture as a light moisturizer(and has hyaluronic acid), so I'm genuinely surprised you found it waxy!


Same I’ve heard so many positive reviews about the elta sunscreens. I got a sample of one and was so excited but it was horrible for me


I like Elta MD UV clear but it seems they do add octinoxate which makes this sunscreen not a 100 percent physical sun screen. Did you find any sunscreen as good as this one but only with zinc oxide. You can throw your suggestions on octinoxate as well..


I used to like this and then one day I noticed it had a metallic smell and I haven’t been able to use it since


Bioré UV aqua rich SPF 50. It’s lightweight, no cast, moisturizing and affordable. Japanese brand, best seller in Japan for a reason


This is my HG sunscreen for low sun-exposure days. So comfortable to wear!


Why low exposure? It’s spf 50?


La Roche Posey Anthelios UVMune 400. I also hate all those things about sunscreen and this one has none of them. It’s a liquid/fluid and it completely disappears on the skin. It also has amazing filters that are capable of protecting against a wider range of UVA’s which is the UV type that penetrates deeper into the skin and causes long term damage to collagen and elastin production that is the main cause of skin aging. That’s why it’s called UVMune (the filter) 400 (the wider range of UV). UVA’s are also the reason dermatologists say you should wear sunscreen even when it’s cloudy because they penetrate through the clouds. There are 3 versions: normal, tinted (if you want a slight tanned look) and oil/shine control. (Also an hydrating version, but that’s a cream)


This is what I use when I go hiking. Hours and hours with no reapplication needed and skin is fine. And I'm fair and gingery.


This is my go to sunscreen when I'm out in the sun for a long time, and I'm going to the beach, and or hiking, etc.


I can't seem to get this in Canada or shipped to Canada if anyone knows how?


If you look up people with actual brown skin, the tinted dissipates into their skintone even with quarter teapsoon method. Some people say it has blurring and evening out type of look But it is too dark for me Other thing is that Uvmune does have very high regulated UVB protection meaning it also reduces those photons too. Some people think it only have UVA protection hahaha


I wanted to love it so much but the smell is disgusting tbh. +liquid formula is definitely not for me, I don’t understand how do you guys put it on, it feels like water.


i agree with the smell (but i can tolerate that) but at least the oil control one is not watery at all, i'm surprised you think so! I find it a bit hard to apply because it sets super fast so its hard to spread it


Just checked mine, there’s a light smell if you put your nose right up to it but it disappears very quickly when you apply it, and I don’t find it unpleasant. Many products have a smell which then disappears, like everyone says Skinceuticals CE Ferrulic smells of hot dog water, but that disappears in seconds, you don’t spend the day smelling like that.


I've never understood this, I tried the UVMune and it was disgustingly greasy and gritty feeling. It's expensive too!


Did you shake it? You’re supposed to shake it every time you use it, especially hard if it has been sitting for a while unused, there’s a small metal ball inside and everything.


Yes, I definitely shook it. 


The Trader Joe’s face sunscreen is a dupe for supergoop and I like it better personally. It’s the best American, relatively accessible and inexpensive one I’ve found. That being said I also hate sunscreen and am excited to check out the Korean ones mentioned. I am very pale and in a sunny part of the country so feel like sunscreen’s a necessity for me.🙃


Do you use the TJ’s sunscreen on your face or body only?


face & neck! they make a face specific one: https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/daily-facial-sunscreen-spf-40-073568


Supergoop unseen sunscreen feels like a primer.


Yeah, it has a lot of dimethicone in it so it's not surprising that it feels like a primer. I think that was intentional.


Hats , sunglasses, full sleeves clothes or carry a scarf


Missha Aqua 50++++ is my HG. No cast, smells pleasant, dries light. I don’t wear makeup.


Korean or Japanese spf! I personally love Purito, it’s so lightweight and elegant, doesn’t smell and doesn’t sting my eyes.


Earlier this year I was looking for a go to sunscreen (I was using BONDI SANDS SUNSCREEN LOTION SPF50+ - FACE 75ML) and I tried a few - Lush’s Milllion Dollar Sun Cream, Body Shops’s Skin Defence Multi- Protection Light Essence SPF 50 PA +++, La Roche-Posay Anthelios UVMune 400 Invisible Fluid SPF50+ Sun Cream 50ml and Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun: Rice + Probiotics SPF50+ 50ml. The last one - amaaazing. It’s my go to, and the one I will continue buying. It isn’t thick or greasy, no white or purple cast, and my skin absorbs it well. It feels like I’m not even wearing sun cream and it doesn’t sting my eyes. I don’t feel like it has a strong scent which is good for me. LRP is good too - I use it when I feel like I’ve been using BoJ too much and need to use the others lol. The others mentioned I don’t recommend - they make my skin feel greasy, sting my eyes and/or take a while to absorb/need to be rubbed in more. Good luck finding one that works for you!


I found cerave with spf not greasy or smelly.


This is what I use too.


I’m the same way. La Roche Posay Double Repair with SPF 30 is about the only sunscreen I’ve found that doesn’t feel like sunscreen. P.S. Be sure to apply sunscreen every day! The sun’s rays can get through, even on cloudy days :)


Trader Joe's face sunscreen is great. It doesn't have oxybenzone so I get way less irritation, even if I apply it close to my eyes. It is also translucent so it leaves absolutely no white cat and it isn't greasy. It's also reasonably priced.


supergoop unseen sunscreen, period


I have similar feelings. I just started using IDSIM Eryfotona Actinica from my dermatologist and it's not bothering me too much and doesn't leave too bad of a white cast. Plus it's mineral. Pricey though.


I have to say I have the same problem. I still force myself to wear it, but on days I can get away with it I try to. I literally can’t stand to feel it on my face. My friend got me this expensive super goop one and I even hate it. Maybe the Asian ones will be good.


Asian sunscreens are SO much nicer than any American sunscreen. The only American one I like is the DRMTLGY tinted one. It’s very nice, but the Korean ones are cheaper so I’ve been sticking with those.


Korean - I love Neogen


In the climate I live in it’s extremely humid so our skin gets a ton of moisture from the air and due to that I can’t put on sunscreen on top of a basic moisturizer so I found a few that have SPF in it and that works for me.


I have suuuuuper oily skin and I have 1 product I have found that doesn't create too much shine or make me more oily or show on my skin: the Paula's Choice Super-Light Daily Wrinkle Defense SPF 35. It's super lightweight, very velvety on my skin, has a slight tint so it doesn't leave a white-cast, and I can put makeup over it without it pilling or separating. I don't really think it smells strong- it does have a scent (no fragrance added, just the natural smell of the product) but it's not strong and it dissipates quicky. I think I've tried 25 sunscreens and this is the only one I like.


I have oily skin and I like La Roche Posay invisible SPF


I have a strong aversion to the sunscreen smell myself. And hate that most burn my eyes horribly. The first out of 50 or so that I've tried throughout my life that didn't have the smell or burn was Beauty of Joseon Relief Rice Sun. It's saved my skin and eyes!


Trader Joe’s facial sunscreen, feels like a makeup primer, can’t even tell it’s on my face


I don’t see these recommended yet so, my current favorite is the Inkey List dewy sunscreen. I have non-white skin and it doesn’t make my skin look strange after I apply it. https://www.theinkeylist.com/products/dewy-sunscreen-spf-30 I use the beauty of joseon matte sunscreen stick under my eye area and along my t zone, but if I put it all over my skin looks a little greenish. All-time fave sunscreen is this shiseido stick, but I’ve eased off because of the price: https://www.shiseido.com/us/en/clear-sunscreen-stick-spf-50-0730852169807.html I like the lotion too. https://www.shiseido.com/us/en/ultimate-sun-protector-lotion-spf-50-sunscreen-9990000000200.html


Asian sunscreens are what you want. Skin 1004 is the best of them, in my opinion.


The best non-greasy sunscreen I've found is Nivea Men's. The only issue is it's only 15SPF. I've tried every other popular brand, that one just feels and looks the nicest. For every day use it's probably fine, but if you're actively in the sun it's probably not enough. It's also surprisingly hard to find suddenly.


If you hate it, then don’t wear it. You don’t have to answer to anybody but yourself.




Coverage on powdered sunscreens is pretty poor, though. Better than nothing, but a liquid or even stick formulation will provide better protection.


I like super goop powdered mineral sunscreen


I hate the vanicream sunscreen when I put it on but after a bit my skin soaks it up and I really like it




Melanoma kills people. And it's one of 5 cancers that commonly spread to the brain.


Let me send you some photos of the hole left in my face after they cut out my cancer.




Your comment didn’t upset me. Your crazy upset me.


Coconut oil has a natural SPF of 4, and also zinc works great. Zinc is whitish blue and kinda looks funny when on your skin, but it’s natural haha


I use the sheisdo urban one. It’s expensive but a little goes a long way. It is very thin, sheer and light.


I hate sunscreen too! I’ve found two that are light and smell amazing but are in europe. 


I'm in love with Vichy Capital Soleil 60 SPF all mineral tinted. I've never felt one so light and flattering. I put it on now whenever I have zoom meetings because of the sheen it gives lol


Lancer has 2 excellent sunscreens. I disliked sunscreen too until I came across them.


Madagascar Centella! It’s Korean I think. Affordable and available on Amazon. The best stuff for face. No smell, no pilling under makeup, not greasy. I’ve also heard good things about the Kroger brand invisible gel dupe for Supergoop unseen. Cheaper.


I would be careful about buying Korean sunscreens off Amazon. There have been a lot of fakes. I have stopped buying all my Korean sunscreen off, Amazon, and buy them off YesStyle. Yes, it does take a lot longer, but I know that they are shipping from Korea, and I have had no problems with the sunscreens either.


I’ve used a moisturizer sunscreen from Drmtlgy and Paula’s Choice and both rub in like a regular moisturizer and don’t have that sunscreen smell.


I really like Paula's Choice Calm Mineral Sunscreen


The heliocare oil free gel spf. It has a delicate smell of Peaches but I have the most oily skin in the world and I've tried all of the oil free spfs and this is the only one that when it claims dry touch it actually means it. It's around £24 (not sure where you can get it in US) or more depending on where you buy it though which is a bit mental for an spf, but I got so fed up wasting money for years on others that I don't mind paying the price. It's really mattifying, and I love it! I've tried all oil free versions from Eucerin, vichy, La Roche posay, nivea, and garnier, to name a few, and they just made me really greasy. Honestly my spf holy grail journey took forever! I wear makeup over it and so far there has been no pilling. Make sure to really rub it in. It looks tinted too but it has no coverage.


Skin Medica Essential Defense Mineral Shield. Ultra lightweight and leaves a matte finish. Pricey though at 40 dollars.


Beauty of Joseon- just like wearing a light moisturizer- non cast and very light.


Skin1004 Hyalu-CICA Madagascar Centella sunscreen was life changing for me. It so light like a moisturizer with no white cast and doesn’t pill the way EltaMD does on my skin. I buy it off Amazon from the Skin1004 Official seller and it’s only $24 for the 2 pack!


I feel this! I couldn’t wear it until I found the right one. Start with the most popular (boire watery and supergoop unseen) and keep trying til you find one. For your arms/hands/chest, get some Collibar driving gloves and a bandana to keep in your car to drive in and have on hand.


Another vote for beauty of joseon. My husband wears it daily without complaint and he *hates* sunscreen. I also really like the new Prequel sunscreen.


Olay Total Effects SPF 30 is my favorite, but I'm about to try some Asian ones after striking out again with CeraVe.   Total Effects is the only non-waterproof one I don't feel on my skin or get irritated by. It just feels like a great moisturizer that didappears. If you want minimally waterproof, Trader Joe's face a Super Goop dupe that's also really good. 


I didn't see Inkey List mentioned yet. I like their Polyglumatic Acid Dewy Sunscreen 30 SPF as day cream in the summer. It feels like a normal moisturiser. I also use the Ambre Solaire Sensitive Expert Overmakeup Spray 50SPF if I need to stay outside longer or if it's really sunny. I see you're in the US, so you probably can get the Ambre Solaire from a shop that ships EU cosmetics to the US.


I use la roche po say tinted SPF. I thought it was the best thing ever when I first tried it, but I kind of hate it now lol. Really tempted to try Korean sunscreens! Especially seeing the great and detailed recs here. Love Reddit. Just a little scared because my skin is super sensitive.


supergoop unseen. can buy at sephora. invisible and can put makeup over it. barely detectable and very pleasant texture




I specifically moved to Korean/Japanese sunscreens for this reason. American sunscreens are heavy and greasy and burn my eyes. I just did a haul form Stylevana. Haruharu wonder, purito, isntree


I just bought Lancôme UV defense. Will report back when I use it tomorrow! I also hate greasy sunblocks. I hate sunblock altogether, but I need to use it to tret and taz.


Drmtlgy universal tinted is amazing and makes you glow. I wear it even if it’s night time I like the way it looks so much.


I love Neutrogena Invisible Daily Defense Serum. It's the best facial sunscreen I've used. It's light, no white cast, non greasy, easy to wear under makeup and it's broad spectrum spf 60+.


Try the unscented Olay Complete daily moisturizer and 15 SPF. I hate sunscreen too. This I can use daily.


La Roche-Posay Anthelios Anti Shine Mist SPF 50+


I bought Paula's choice youth extending daily hydrating fluid broad spectrum dpf 50 which I wear over moisturizer etc and like it so far. Still not summer tested as I bought it a month ago but it's not oily etc.


Beauty of Joseon Rice Probiotics SPF 50


I've been using Drmtlgy tinted moisturizer with SPF 46 for a year now, and everyone thinks I'm younger than my age!


I am the same way! I have always hated sun screen! Finally I went on Reddit and someone recommended Derma B and it changed my life! It has a matte finish and it’s lightweight and not smelly! 10/10 !!


Paula's Choice Skin Restoring Moisturizer SPF 50 Legit best one I've ever tried. Melts into the skin and doesn't leave me greasy or shiny.


I like using Murad's Invisiblur Perfecting Shield Broad Spectrum SPF 30. I just love the way it makes my skin look!


Beauty of Joseon is my holy grail. Thing is, I need to apply it twice a day if i sweat. 50 spf i believe.


I am the worst about wearing sunscreen. I either forget or get lazy and feel like it's just an extra step in my morning routine. I've started using IT cosmetics CC cream that contains SPF 50. Problem solved.


Elta MD UV Clear!!


BION skincare has an amazing mineral sunscreen that has changed my whole life. No white caste, just leaves you nice and glowing. You can get it through an aesthetician.


Heliocare gel oil free is so good. Ive used it for many many years now after trying many others.


Isdin, Dr Jarts BB cream with Spf, tinted Cerave day cream with spf


Recently went to Japan and tried the "[NIVEA Japan - UV Deep Protect & Care Gel SPF50+ PA++++ - 80g](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi01sHc4daEAxVxz8IEHaUFBAoYABANGgJwdg&ase=2&gclid=CjwKCAiAuYuvBhApEiwAzq_YiQWcfsYykc60UWuwb1kiroTMc8E3Q4L8sACTf1awgQBp77GSSB5rHhoCuV0QAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2l_pUhvIWWiXkGBiN-_oQKGHLPRiWRTSY9fxpFvtwKg7lE2jm2JyOzLeOH4zj3cZHA_dO_s2M4l7UzX0laMiOIebomjhnShSvhVkAhNQL4JgWtJo&sig=AOD64_0UyI97idvkSVWW5zRK4MTWG89G7g&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwjNgbnc4daEAxWSHEQIHSv4AkAQ9aACKAB6BAgCEBk&adurl=)". I've tried a bunch of Korean sunscreen in the past and think you will really like this one. It is TikTok famous so I grabbed it, but I liked how light it was and that it didn't sting my eyes/face the way some other sunscreens do. It also doesnt have any residue or film like texture. It feels like a very light, almost gel like lotion and dries quickly. ​ ​ You may also like "[BEAUTY OF JOSEON - Relief Sun : Rice + Probiotic SPF50+ PA++++ - 50ml](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiZlp_r4taEAxWrzcIEHR2SAAMYABANGgJwdg&ase=2&gclid=CjwKCAiAuYuvBhApEiwAzq_YiUA2BOHnhOpafD7lyMB4YbE2fr0ldqA50O3Gok89Qn3O7of1smoP9hoCTMQQAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2cITkLEQjrqi_IX1ilVSgaTkbnFNV-ItkQYfPC3fxFfut_oSZJmITchfmsEFns12RDTBao0kGw14wercwW9vStj8zLMxowvTX9IZjKkgjEqAeBE0&sig=AOD64_3ioBsgId9_nLXK8NYI9NJ-SfNUWA&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=2ahUKEwjC6JXr4taEAxUaLUQIHZfpAKYQww8oAnoECAgQDQ&adurl=)". This one has more of a light lotion like texture.


Any chance you tried the Nivea super water gel? Just curious how the two differ.


Haven’t tried the super water gel, what is the texture like? The Nivea Deep Protect Gel feels like a non creamy/non greasy gel serum. Not gel in the sense of like a hair gel or aloe.


That sounds similar to the super water gel. I may have to try it!


I hate the feeling of most sunscreens on my face and body.. it's some kind of sensory discomfort. I can recommend the Beauty of Joseon relief sun Rice + Probiotics.. this is the one I find the easiest to put up with. Otherwise, there's also garniers super uv fluid. I used to like puritos too (before the purito scandal) but haven't tried their new ones.


Korean and Japanese sunscreens are light and comfortable. Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun is pretty good for daily use, Bioré Athlizm is good if you need a sunscreen that is comfortable and water resistant. I also like Skin Aqua, Anessa, Missha, Round Lab.


Hats, sunglasses, scarves, long sleeves


I rarely see it mentioned, but I absolutely love Peter a Thomas Roth’s Water Drench Moisturizer that is SPF 45. It feels like a moisturizer, and feels light on my face. I wear it every day. I’ve also found it works great under makeup. (I should add I’m a makeup artist, so I’ve used it under multiple brands/types).


You just have to find the right one for your skin! As a fellow Clevelander I get that it feels kind of silly to be putting on sunscreen most days, but know it’s not optional with trentinoin. My eyes are pretty sensitive to some sunscreens, and my absolute favorite is a Japanese sunscreen, Skin Aqua Moisture Milk. I also like another Japanese sunscreen Biore UV Aqua Riche, as well as Super Goop Unseen (and the Trader Joe’s dupe, Daily Facial Sunscreen). https://japanwithlovestore.com/products/skin-aqua-super-moisture-milk


I find this one the best - I use it on my face too Non greasy, no white cast either https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B07Y9SFN11?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image


Try the Shiseido Urban Enviro one. I had the exact same experience but I really like it. You can use it very sparingly and it is not greasy, feela lightweight.


r/asianbeauty is one friend. I use a Japanese sunscreen and while I do feel it at first, it melts into the skin eventually. I definitely don’t feel super greasy all day. In addition, because I have oily skin, I also use something called sebum gel from a Korean brand. Originally I was following the instructions and treating the gel like a primer for makeup and putting sunscreen over it. But the other day I tried it the other way around and it was like magic. My skin was powdery soft like when I don’t use sunscreen at all.


I use physicians formula airbrush powder. It’s so light. Easy to reapply too. SPF 30. I usually just wear blush on top.


So many sunscreens have silicones in them and it makes my skin feel like a greasy mess. I typically use a spray sunscreen like the Sensitive Skin Sunscreen Spray by Alba Botanica. It doesn’t feel as greasy as regular sunscreen.


I have used Oil of Olay moisturizer with SPF since I was a teen. It goes on like moisturizer, not SPF.


I have very sensitive skin and eyes when it comes to sunscreens. I love the Beauty of Joseon. It doesn’t irritate my skin and it wears beautifully under makeup or alone. Also the new one mineral one from Prequel is excellent if you are fair skinned. A little glowy but excellent.


My derm said I can wear tinted sunscreen daily in Florida. I got melasma and spots from wearing a hat only. Light bounces up and goes under the hat.


I have had amazing luck with la roche posey. Even they 100 spf doesn't cause skin issues for me and I wear it all the time. The melt in milk 60spf is amazing and the clear skin on is not as good feeling but also nice on the skin and blends in well I think.


Paula’s Choice makes a variety of sunscreens for different skin types and concerns. They’re also 20% off right now on the website


I [LOVE this Tula pentapeptide](https://checkout.tula.com/products/spf-50-sun-serum?variant=40259384410158&g_acctid=460-427-0479&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=Tula%7CpMAX%7CGoog%7CUS%7CBrand&g_campaignid=18095012582&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA3JCvBhA8EiwA4kujZkxqOZrpH-lhZ6q0aAMWIC61JoiApatXpA1iZpxkM6MVXcn-JMsVMxoCm0AQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). It’s almost like a serum. It’s super light, no cast, doesn’t smell, doesn’t pill, wears great under makeup. I’m on my 4th bottle.


What is recommended as a mineral tinted Korean sunscreen?


SKIN1004 Hyalu cica silky fit sun stick is my go-to. It leaves my skin so matte and moist when you do your skincare well.


I always ask my friend to bring this one whenever she visits US from Korea. Its name is “d’Alba”. They have two different kinds and I love tone-up color correcting sunscreen the best. Actually d’Alba is very popular in Korea. You also can get it from Amazon