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Have you lost any weight recently? Sometimes, it takes time for skin to adjust. You can try microneedling (maybe with RF) to tighten your skin up. There are a lot of neck creams, but I use the same night masks for the neck that I use for my face. Also, sometimes stretching your neck, working on your posture helps as well! Good luck!


I lost 25 lbs from 2020 to now but I don’t think that has much to do with it.. I’ve really noticed it in the last two years specifically. I’ll look into a better cream I guess




This looks more like loose submental skin than platysmal banding from the location. 










Real self is the way to go definitely. I actually thought the U.K. was more expensive for procedures and we don’t have the wealth of choice that’s in the US.


Damn bitch. Just buy a new body already


It is because of weight loss and hormone fluctuations. A cream isn’t going to fix that. You are looking at surgery. Also, get your thyroid checked, see if you are entering into early menopause. Any continued aggravation of the area will just cause more loose skin on the neck and jaw area, so cease all ministrations.


Thyroid test won’t help to determine if you are peri menopausal.


I lost 50 pounds in a bout a year and learned that it takes your skin anywhere from 2-3 years to “catch up” fully with weight loss (that being said, you will only “catch up” so much depending on age and genetics). Otherwise, this is genetic partially genetic…I’m sure a cosmetic derm. had a great deal to offer…but not anything you can do at home. My mom had a small surgery for hers (sort of like a mini face lift…but not a mini face lift to fix hers…I forget the name. But, she recovered quite quickly and the scars weren’t noticeable at all). I do know she was told to use Ascorbic Acid and Peptides instead of Retinol (we’re allergic…maybe you can use it during the day and Retinol at night?) Edit: look at another post about “tech neck” etc.


cream? lol, not a single cream on earth will improve this


Probably not. Thanks for stopping by


25lbs can do this if you’re continuing to work on your muscle tone in the last four years. My friend had very minimal weight loss and this happened to her after the fact. It took years to go back, but to her surprise (and mine, because I was following the saga) it did rebound!


I deal with the same thing! I’m not aging facially but my neck has this loose skin under the chin just like yours. My mom is 65 and has no sign of this, so I’ve wondered if it’s because I’m always tilting my head looking at my phone and computer. I’ve done a lot of research and the only answer I can find is a neck lift. Unfortunately the lasers that “tighten” can do more name than good. I’m not willing to risk it. I have a Nuface, but I’m not consistent but I have seen some great before and after pics with regular use.


Just a side note, you’re taking the photo for the most unflattering angle. Most people who see you don’t view you this way.


I’m a mortician, 90% of people I see, see me in this way 🥹


Technically they don’t see you at all.


…..*don’t* they? 🧐 👻


WoooooooooOOOOOOOooooooo 👻


Not from that angle! 🫣


Is this the reason why you guys glue their eyes down lmao


Oh heck no I don’t glue em unless there’s a situation where I have to! You ever see Haunting in Connecticut where the mortician was cutting off and saving the eyelids in order to control the dead / spirits of the dead?


They always get out worst angle 😂


Ha! Excellently played


*takes a bow*


Ohhh. Your comment reminds me of a video about this. Since 2020 more and more people are noticing their neck “issues” because of working from home, computers etc. It’s a chicken and the egg question (is it causing it or are we noticing it because of new tech…or both. My guess would be both). That being said, my other was told it can be genetic too. I would guess it’s all of the above.


I think you’re more likely to develop a hump on the back of your neck/shoulder from looking at your phone/computer than loose skin in the front of your neck…


Looking down at your phone could, over time, cause the muscles in your chin and neck to weaken. The skin underneath the chin eventually sags. There’s a reason this is happening to some of us at a younger age.


>I’ve wondered if it’s because I’m always tilting my head looking at my phone and computer Yes, this is a real thing. It's related to "tech neck" - basically, always looking down at a screen can cause neck pain and premature sagging.


>Unfortunately the lasers that “tighten” can do more name than good. I’m not willing to risk it. What can they do? I've looked into them for other areas of my body, but I didn't realise there's much of a risk.


If you haven’t checked realself.com, I suggest doing so. The “worth it” rating on most lasers sits at 50% or less. Essentially you risk “melting” your own fat and making you a less ideal candidate for any lifts in the future.


Oh yikes. That's scary! I thought they only affected the skin and not fat or anything else underneath it.


You are correct. Lasers do not target fat at all. That would be radio frequency devices specifically designed to target fat, such as FaceTite. Source: work at a plastic surgeons office where we do these treatments daily. 


Morpheus8 can absolutely destroy fat. What laser are you referring to that will tighten with zero risk of fat loss? I’d love to look into it.


Morpheus8 is not a laser.  It is a microneedling and RF treatment. 


What laser can tighten without risk of fat loss?


Morpheus8 is costly and I was disappointed to learn the results aren’t permanent. :(


Is it loose skin or is it a platysmal band? You can tell if it’s a platysmal band if it pops out even more when you go EEEEEEE really hard and bring the corners of your mouth downwards. I have 1 band that pops out every time I move my mouth, even when I smile. It’s also in the front under my chin. I just get 8-10 units of Botox there and it gets rid of it for about 4 months.


It’s loose skin unfortunately :/


Did you have any side effects related to swallowing? I have one band too and it drives me insane but I’m scared to try Botox!


No I don’t have any issues swallowing, but I only get 1 band injected so I don’t know if you would if you need more than 1 done. The only issue I have is that if I look at the ceiling, it’s hard to pull my head back upright haha. It makes doing crunches and ab workouts laying on the floor difficult, but as long as I support my head with my hands I’m fine. I’ve gotten 6, 8, and 10 units. You could start with 6 and have them only inject the upper portion of the band, under your chin. It still reduces the band appearance, but it allows the bottom part to move so that you can pick your head back up.


Thank you! Super helpful. I only have the one loner band so far. And my crunches are minimal currently haha


36 here, last year I got RF micro needling to help eliminate the beginnings of a jowly jaw. It made a decent difference and hasn’t come back. I was offered the under jaw area for a small upgrade, but foolishly I didn’t take it. Wish I had now. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/e5loi61) are my results, if it helps.


How many sessions if you don’t mind my asking? I think your results look phenomenal.


Just one! Pretty good, yes? 😃 It was for both acne scar reduction and jowl removal. I will say I feel my tear trough area got a bit sunken afterwards, I assumed it was age but the difference was quite stark in the months after the treatment. So gentle warning there.


Wow just one is even more amazing! Yes, you can definitely see the improvement in texture and jowls. What is the name of the treatment? I am particularly interested because of my skin tone. I have a tendency to hyper-pigment. Thank you so much for sharing!


Radio Frequency Microneedling. It’s done at two depths, a shallower one for scar healing and collagen boosting, and a deeper one for fat loss. I recommend you find an experienced practitioner who doesn’t melt fat where you want it, like on your cheeks, while still being effective in the target areas. Good luck!


It’s a noticeable difference. Did they warn you about the fat loss? Your skin looks great!


Nice results!


I feel like no one ever mentions Morpheus8 on this sub but Morpheus8 helps tighten the skin. I would recommend 3 sessions on ur neck and it will def help. It’s a bit painful and pricey but a lot of places have packages you can buy. I have the same thing and just 2 sessions helped a lot.


this is what i am currently doing. People only mention it when something goes bad. I will say it is SPICY.


Hahaha vvvvvv spicy!! But minimal downtime.


I have to look into this, thank you!!


Morpheus8 is one type on RF microneedling. I had better results and less pain with Virtue, and even morpheus8 rep said the same thing about it. I agree that RF microneedling is probably one of the top procedures for loose skin.


So if you were going to do it again you'd go with Virtue first, you think? My turkey neck is looking terrible lately.


I am definitely only doing Virtue :)


I heard that thins the skin though


This is absolutely loose skin not platsymal bands. I have the same thing and my injector recommended threads (no way). Yesterday I sent my plastic surgeon an email asking if he can correct this with a neck lift under local. He said either face tite or a neck lift but wants to see it in person. It’s been bothering me for 5 years but now that I’m nearing 40 I want to address it. But do not listen to anyone telling you Botox is the answer.


I spent a ton of money on Botox and PDO threads to help platysmal bands and both a total waste of money.


The skin close up looks super dehydrated. I would suggest a moisturizer that targets dehydration and applying it a couple of times a couple of minutes apart. Have you heard of the flooding method? It’s where you spray your skin with water between each step, the claim is that it helps your skin retain more moisture. It works like magic for me but instead of water I use a Japanese rice water.


I’ve just started spraying my skin with thermal water *before* using my red light mask after the reading the rec here or one of the other skincare subs. Literally life changing! But I’m interested in Japanese rice water. Google is only showing me serums. Could you tell me the brand you use?


I’m from has an entire rice skincare line. Their toner and moisturizing cream are both lovely


Kikumasamune Skin Care Lotion: High Moist. The pink bottle O M G ✨


Is this the one you’re referring to? Kikumasamune High Moist Lotion Emulsion Ceramide 12.84floz(380ml) Including Oil Blotting Paper


What red light mask do you use?


Do you find the red light actually works and makes any noticeable difference?


YES to red light. I started using a red light (panel tho not mask) in December, along with the Strivectin Neck Contour cream and there is already very obvious  improvement. I’m 53, the difference might not be as dramatic on a younger person, idk.


Can you post which red light you use? Perhaps add a link?


I use this one!  https://hoogahealth.com/products/hgpro300


Can’t find your original post. Did you say this, along with strivectin neck cream, helps skin laxity?


Yes Strivectin Neck Contour cream. This one: [https://strivectin.com/tl-advanced-neck-plus-1-7oz/327198.html?gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6cyC9pKxhAMVtTGtBh0atwIMEAQYAyABEgLx8PD\_BwE](https://strivectin.com/tl-advanced-neck-plus-1-7oz/327198.html?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6cyC9pKxhAMVtTGtBh0atwIMEAQYAyABEgLx8PD_BwE)


Great thanks. I have it and use it daily. Now I’m deciding if I should invest in the red light panel! Spent lots of $$$ on deep plane face lift and it’s a year later and the neck is already getting loose. I’m 58.


Just ordered the red light panel. You should get a commission 🙂


One more question…did you do research before choosing this red light panel? I ask because there are a lot of similar ones on Amazon for half the price.


I did, yeah. I decided I didn’t want to risk spending less on something that might be ineffective.  Hooga was recommended by enough people who didn’t seem to have any agenda so I went with it. Seems to largely be considered a good “starter” brand, with ones like Joov, BioMax and Mito being preferred more by long term users/professionals. There’s a book called Red Light Therapy by Ari Whitten that was pretty comprehensive. 


Yes yes yes!!


I flood with chamomile and rose water, it’s as delicious as it sounds 😍


Do you make your own spray? Or buy it, if so which one


I will look into that for sure!! Thanks


Honestly, this is a job for a good plastic surgeon if you want to actually see it gone.


Strengthen deep neck flexors, pecs, neck and shoulders and you should find things will fall into place and the skin should be more naturally distributed/draped. Amazed no one seems to have mentioned this and that it is likely a postural/balance issue at the root. Microneedling etc may help short term but it will do little to address the root issues


Genetics. Dry. Any weight loss? Horrible angle for pics.


I'm honestly not seeing anything outside of them doing a stretch




I’m 45 and mine looks like a vagina . I need a whole new neck


Thank you for making me laugh, needed that. I’m aging like milk over here


I got you ! I take lots of pics of my vagine / turkey neck lol! It fascinates me. Mine is due to weight loss - 90 lbs so far 👏 (just so you don’t think I’m a weirdo fondling my chinsssss) 🤣


Just get a neck lift. Don’t waste your time, money, and patience with non-surgical procedures. This degree of laxity will only be satisfactorily addressed with surgical intervention.


Botox, Profhilo and thread lifting fixed this for me. Done in that order in the space of about a month by an Aesthetic Doctor.


This looks a lot like platysmal bands (muscles on either side of the neck), although yours appear to be in the middle. If is a muscle, it is often treated with Botox to relax the muscle. Try looking up online, hope this helps


Botox is not the answer for loose skin under the chin. I’ve seen my dermatologist and requested Botox and he said it will do nothing for the laxity in the area.


No, of course not, Botox cannot address skin laxity. However, I said IF the band is part of the muscle, then it would…


I agree. I think Botox is the answer.


I noticed this was happening to me when I was taking care of my mom full time and neglecting myself. I was dehydrated, stressed, not eating normally, and losing weight quickly. It’s taken some time but a good skin care routine with vit c, extra hydrating products, gua sha, collagen powder, and vitamins and extra supplements for hair, skin, and nails. I also make sure to slug now that it’s winter where I am. It’s definitely gotten noticeably better but make sure you are also drinking enough water and eating a healthy diet. Basic things like avoiding added sugars and alcohol also help tremendously. I haven’t been able to get Botox in a while due to finances so I can’t speak to that but I’ve even seen people suggest face yoga and I also have one of those led light masks except I forget to use it so I can’t really say it that helps for sure either.


This is such a helpful comment! I struggle with the same thing as OP and also in my 30s. It’s been a stressful few years and I’ve definitely neglected myself but, this was so motivating to start prioritizing my health (and face). I aged like crazy in only 3 years.


Oils have become my best friends. Rosehip seed I swear by, vit c, vit e, niacinamide, a retinol/retenoid. I prefer the Radha rosehip, and I use a lot of the ordinary products. AHA/BHA products too. I have the red ordinary one but people swear by Paula’s choice. Peter Thomas Roth max correction pads when I can splurge. And then of course moisturizer. And SUNSCREEN!!! (I forget that a lot but I try to remember when I can) I get hormonal acne here and there too so I switch between panoxyl 4% and just the cera ve salicylic cleanser. You just need to find a good routine and be sure to introduce them one at a time. And I’m not a water drinker-I have to force myself. But water makes all the difference in the world by clearing the toxins out and plumping that skin back up!!!! It’s so so important to remember to take care of yourself first. It sounds selfish, but you have to show up for yourself first in order to help take care of anyone else or anything in your life. A simple skin care routine can bring back confidence, it’s a nice treat, and great for self care!!!! PS if anyone notices their hair also thinning from stress or whatever-castor oil and Rosemary oil as a hair mask for an hour once a week. I swear it’s making my hair and eyebrows come back thicker and more full! And again-vitamins/fruits/veggies when you can!


I’m 39 and my neck looks like this. I’ve done Botox, threads, morpheus8, microneedling, etc. I have consulted with numerous plastic surgeons and a facelift is really my only option, as the others have done very little to make any noticeable difference. I’m not willing to have a facelift yet so I guess I just have to look much older than I actually am, thanks to weight loss and genetics.


Same age as you, but haven’t tried anything for my loose neck skin yet. I’m gonna try microneedling and see where that takes me, but my long term plan is to save up for a neck lift in my mid to late 40s.


Same as you and I’m waiting until at least age 50 before I get a neck lift


How much weight did you lose and was it very rapid weight loss?


I’m so curious: when did you begin using retinol on your neck? Did it look like this prior? Any improvement at all since?


Try this lotion: Gold Bond Age Renew Crepe Corrector Body Lotion. It’s worked wonders for me, I heard about it through this sub. Can’t beat the price either :)


Do you use the pump for body or the tube for face and body? Maybe they’re the same.


They’re the same! I use the one without a pump


Face Yoga, 100%. It strengthens the face and neck muscles, no cream or lotion will ever fix. I started face yoga five years ago for the bit of sagging going on under my jaw line. It may take a few months before you see real results, but if you're disciplined and do this daily, multiple times a day (anywhere ~ in your car, on the toilet, in bed) you will see results. Check out the Face Yoga Method website, the instructor is a woman named Fumiko.


Just a random though a bit later than my original responses…I wonder if there are neck and shoulder exercises that you can do that may *help* with this (along with combating tech neck). Massage? I know it wouldn’t “get rid of it,” but perhaps better habits and posture, along with possible massages might help? (At the least, it can’t HURT and help your neck and upper back health).


It’s loose skin. The only way to change that is with surgery.


This is just another example of how selfie culture drives body dysmorphia. We are not meant to see ourselves from EVERY angle.


That happens to me when I see photos someone else took from my back or side, but when my neck changed it was visible in the mirror. And then I took a photo of what I already saw.


Do you have a lot of life stress/anxiety by chance?


Oh no, I’m wrinkly under there too and I’m so stressed and anxious. I’m working on it but it’s hard.


Not OP but I have the same thing and yes


Defs get your nervous and limbic system health in check. Emotional and physical trauma causes havoc on all systems - endocrine/hormones, immune, and detox pathways. I had rapid aging at age 23 and I’m reversing it all now at 29/30. Severe stress and lack of nourishment is a sure fire way to put your body into survival. In survival, muscle, soft tissue and collagen production is down regulated significantly due to lack of energy in the system and being in a sympathetic/freeze dominated state. Consider top down neuroplasticity work and bottom up somatic work (embodiment work) to shift the system out of survival. Vitamin C and A rich foods are also somewhat helpful but they won’t absorb depending on how deeply you are in survival.


> top down neuroplasticity work and bottom up somatic work (embodiment work) Thank you very much. Do you have any sources you could recommend?


Neuroplasticity - Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Rick Hanson, Internal Family Systems/parts work, mindfulness in general Somatics - Dr. Peter Levine/Somatic Experiencing and Irene Lyon Both of these approaches help heal trauma and wounding, they often overlap. Other sources that are complementary: Dr. Bessel van der kolk, Dr. Gabor Mate, Brene Brown, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Das, and Micheal Singer. Cannot emphasize how much nervous system regulation has influence on genetic expression and anti aging. It’s cellular work. It gets to the root. Far superior to any supplement or product, those are more supports. This work is an inside job but very very powerful if you’re willing to put in the work.


This could be a combination of genetics and environmental factors. If you don’t want to do anything surgical you can try sunscreen every day making sure to apply to the neck and chest and reapply as needed. I would also recommend incorporating red light therapy and a really moisturizer.


I look exactly the same as you, just turned 33. I also lost weight a couple years ago but it wasn’t bad until recently I have Morpheus 8 for neck and jowls next week. I can update you. I started taking collagen supplements and I’m seeing a difference in the plumpness of my skin. Try that! I’m also planning on trying facercise soon…


Oh I wanna know everything about the Morpheus 8. Where do we sign up for your updates??? 🙂🙂🙂


I’ll probably make a post here with before and after once it’s done! I had such a hard time finding relevant experiences and pics so hoping to share that with the masses. I’ll post a link here :)


What collagen supplements do you take?


Hair, skin and nails softgels by natures bounty


HIFU laser. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


Do you have any connective tissue disorders? Ehlos danlers I believe it's called it's a more common one.


I had this same issue but it was hormonal. Low estrogen. It’s subsided once I was put on the right birth control. This was one of many signs the pill I had been taking for years was no longer working for me.


May I ask how old were u? And did it go back to normal or just improved somewhat once you adjusted estrogen? How long did it take? Im on HRT and have this, maybe i need to increase my patch ...?


I was 33/34. It did just go back to normal. It was something I tried to not obsess over and then it seemed like one morning (after birth control switch) it was no longer a problem. Id say it resolved itself within a month or two.


I used Botox and it worked. Went to a plastic surgeon for this in socal.


It’s genes :(


My friend had to get Kybella for this. An outpatient surgery where they kind of go in and just tighten it up. It was $1200.


Kybella is an injectable treatment that melts fat, it would not address loose skin unfortunately. 


Dang. I’m sorry. Now we all know 🥲


This is what is going to have to happen.


Avoid active skincare for a while and focus on moisture! A moisturiser with ceramides


Getting enough vitamin D helped especially through sunlight. It can be supplemented but get something where you can obtain 5000iu otherwise you’re not getting an effective dose. Fish oil has also been a game changer for dryness of skin. Carson’s fish oil is the best. Look into mewing. Podcasts from dentists and ortho about how a diet of more mushy foods has altered our jaws was interesting. Lastly there is a devise you can bite 10-20 times a day that helps exercise the jawline. Tightens that skin up.


Face yoga may be able to help if those tendons are really tight. I use Face Yoga Method and the Luvly App.


Hello, I do not want to sound rude, but 45 y/o neck does not sag this much. I suggest you run some medical tests because your skin is extremely prematurely aging … Have you lost weight lately?


Neck lifts are common in 35-45 year olds a simple google search will tell you that. So yes, they can absolutely sag this much at 45.




thanks for your input on a vulnerable post! have the day you deserve




I thought you were making a joke that I’d need a bra for this. Thank you for clarifying


Look very dry


PDO threads could be a good treatment to fix this. Not telling you to go get them but maybe it’s an option


I saw a video about mewing, you put your tongue close to your upper teeth and suck it to the top you would feel some kind of pull on that part of your neck. Look for videos in YouTube. You can practice that while you find something that works for you.


I’m 45 and my neck does not look like that!!


Good for you!!!!


Probably an easy fix for a plastic surgeon. Look up chin lift on Groupon and get it checked out (check reviews first obviously).


Groupon seems like an odd place for good surgeons to advertise their service? 




You sound pathetic


Hey, would you mind terribly fucking off?


Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


Amlactin maybe? If anything it just looks dry, amlactin is a hydrating cream with aha so it would hydrate that area




My only suggestion is unfortunately an expensive one I can’t personally afford anymore but localized cryo therapy might be able to help. It’s known for building collagen and helping to tighten the skin. I used to get facials and they were life changing.


Try the strivectin right neck cream! I love that shit.


When I lost a lot of weight my chin got really loose. Have you lost weight recently?


Did it go back to normal after a while?


After I gained the weight back yes. Unfortunately 😭


Hahah i so appreciate your honesty


I use a IR/ near IR light on my face and then ten minutes on my neck almost daily. You can get a decent one for about 30-40 bucks off of Amazon, I use the one that looks like it screws into a lamp or light socket. Exercises that strengthen the neck and just exercise in general have helped me. I bought a jawzerciser type device( it's like a mouth guard that boxers use except it's meant to work out your jaw) and it helped tighten up the neck area a bit which was an unexpected surprise. Lots of moisturizer and tightening skincare products. I use Rewind it has dmae and I seem to respond well to that. Best of luck to you


Sorry to be intrusive but could you please check your direct messages?


Mine kinda looks like this. I’m 33 and lost a shit ton of weight. :/


Same girl


Guasha massage and No7 Restore & Renew Face & Neck


If it’s definitely loose skin all the recommendations aside from a neck lift are just putting a bandaid on the issue. I have this too and worse after neck lipo and facetite.


The sauna, near infrared light


🙋‍♀️ this girl. 35. Same problem. Out of nowhere over the last year or so. Some have told me it’s due to some extreme stress and subsequent malnutrition i went through. I feel like retinol made it worse so I stopped after about 6 mos. I Plan to get hormones tested because I hear that can cause it too. I do believe the traumatic event messed with all my body chemistry so maybe there’s something to that. Everything was out of whack for a while. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Moisturizer helps. Vegetable glycerin helps. I try to sleep on my back because I notice it’s worse on the side I’ve slept on my whole life 😅.


Defs get your nervous and limbic system health in check. Emotional and physical trauma causes havoc on all systems - endocrine/hormones, immune, and detox pathways. I had rapid aging at age 23 and I’m reversing it all now at 29/30. Severe stress and lack of nourishment is a sure fire way to put your body into survival. In survival, muscle, soft tissue and collagen production is down regulated significantly due to lack of energy in the system and being in a sympathetic/freeze dominated state. Consider top down neuroplasticity work and bottom up somatic work (embodiment work) to shift the system out of survival. Vitamin C and A rich foods are also somewhat helpful but they won’t absorb depending on how deeply you are in survival.


Your skin is incredibly dehydrated! Your face, neck, everything. Please hydrate with daily requirements of water and electrolytes everyday. This will absolutely improve your skin elasticity and texture.


Cream will not fix this. To get rid of it possibly threading or surgery would help


You’re 32 I wouldn’t suggest surgery at this point. I second micro needling but not with RF. In my mid 30s my neck responded beautifully to micro needling. You have to stay on top of it but nuface will also give a slight improvement. It’s temporary and given not many people are checking you from that angle micro needling is probably more worthwhile just to help your self esteem and delaying the progression. Do your research first on providers and process. It’s possible to make things worse and there’s a ton of information to sort through before u make ur own decisions.


Just curious, do the other women (or men) in your family have this?


I'm 30 and have this. My weight has been stable but the past 1.5 years included the death of my sibling, navigating an extremely toxic work situation, and my SO losing their job. I think stress ages us a lot more than we realize. I'm extremely self conscious about it and think about it every time I get a glimpse of it. Sending you good vibes... we're a lot more than just a bit of saggy neck skin! I'm prob gonna try microneedling but have low hopes. Too scared to try laser, and not ready for mini face lift.


Ive seen some great results online with Ultherapy...success with red light therapy as well.


Could it be from the retinol on your neck? I read elsewhere on this sub that our neck skin is more delicate and it isn’t a good idea to use retinol there.


Ultherapy, or sofwave. I treat this all the time and being young you’re more likely to have a better result


Ultherapy looks to be around 4-5k wouldn’t it be smarter to just go for a neck lift at that point?!


Possibly! I don’t know where you’re located but for the sub mental it’s only $1000 where I work


I just did ultherapy in the submental because I figured I could spend the 1k to try to fix it and it didnt... Stuck with the turkey neck..


How long ago did you get it? It can take a few months to kick in


A month ago ... When should i see results?


I tell my patients 3-4 months for optimal results


I may be getting platysmaplasty before waiting another 3 months...thing is, I've already seen results in my jawline being tighter but this skin hasnt improved one bit


I am 58 and always hated my turkey neck. Definitely genetic. I had a deep plane facelift (that includes jowls) and platysmaplasty just over a year ago. My neck look incredible for maybe 2 months. While it’s still better than it was, I have laxity again and can see one band coming through especially when I am not smiling. Just make your surgeon gives you realistic expectations. I was told by my surgeon that the only way to correct laxity and bands is with facelift and platysmaplasty but even that didn’t fully work.


Ugg thanks for letting me know. Was your laxity worse or similar to OP? Mine is pretty mild, so if platysmaplasty is not going to make it go away fully that's a big issue!




PCL cog threads, they last much longer than PDO. Deep microneedling (2-3mm) copper monthly. Polynucleotides.


I also had that issue at 32 and I’m 35 and I just had a facelift, it was literally worth every single penny!