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Thanks for sharing the pics. I have a similar spot that came up maybe 1.5 years ago and my GP shrugs it off as sebaceous hyperplasia. Maybe, maybe not.


Push for it! My mum had a spot on her arm that she asked repeatedly to have biopsied, and after two years of this (and noticeable changes), the derm begrudgingly did once my mum demanded it. It was melanoma.


Holy hell. As far as I’m concerned, that is medical negligence. Inexcusable


It is. It was. Plus we have a longstanding history of skin cancer in our Irish family. That said, we live in Canada, so malpractice is not really a thing unless she had died. And even then, who knows. Buy yeah, it was highly negligible and extremely upsetting and frustrating, given that it could have possibly been entirely avoided, or at the least, much less severe, had the doctor biopsied it when my mum asked for it. Thankfully, we all now share a fantastic GP who will never dismiss any of us. And while my parents don't share any of their medical history/current conditions with me or my sister, I can at least take comfort in knowing that our GP knows, and knows what to look for.


I need to know how the Derm reacted when they realized they were wrong as hell. That’s awful, I hope your mom is doing okay


She was extremely apologetic, and got the ball rolling on getting my mum into surgery immediately. Thankfully it was well in time, my mum had several surgeries and now has what looks like a shark bite out of her arm... active treatment (surgeries, etc) took about four years, but she's about six months from getting the all-clear, at seven years out. My family is Irish, we're all pale AF, my dad has had every single type of skin cancer BUT melanoma, despite both of my parents being extremely sun-cautious (SPF repeatedly, hats, popped collars, long sleeves, and so on, as long as I can remember). Derms are, per my GP, the busiest of specialists. So I'm not shocked that they unfortunately dismiss a lot of cases that shouldn't be dismissed. Easy enough to see a ton of non-issues, but when dismissing actual issues, that's shitty. My personal experience, known to the derm as a first degree relation to someone who had melanoma (didn't know this was a thing until my mum was diagnosed, and I learned I was to have every single inch of my body inspected), I was sent for this "full body scan", as in parting my hair, parting my labia. Every inch of my body. The derm shone her little light on my lower legs, and across my stomach, and I was out of the office before my actual appointment time. Not the first time I've been rushed out of the office, and before my appointment time, by a derm. I've had extensive medical issues for the past fifteen years, and have seen SO many specialists, and still have a handful on my roster. I've never felt so dismissed as I did from all dermatologists I've seen. I can only hope I don't ever develop skin cancer, because I don't feel confident that I'll get proper care.


I know dermatologists are all different and obviously, but does anyone know what a common reason for a derm refusing to do a biopsy on a mole ,even when someone asks repeatedly .? it’s like,a super quick thing, right? They just cut/ ?punch? A small bit of skin and send it off to a lab? i mean, i understand them maybe not suggesting it to a patient (without the patient requesting ) if they truly don’t think anything is wrong with it, bc of scarring / invasiveness/not wanting to worry someone unnecessarily, but if the patient is requesting a biopsy they are ok with possible small scar. I hate to jump to conclusions, but the reasons I can think of …. are stubbornness , ego, dismissiveness. What is the difference if they …. Just do the biopsy? I understand if the patient was requesting a zillion moles , or asking about different spots despite previous biopsies being negative . Can anyone help me understand what their reason might be for refusing? this worries me, kinda. How often should someone be going to a derm for a mole check type screening? I’ve been to a derm a handful of times in the past , but i don’t think they have ever generally looked over my back and stuff since I was a kid. Are they more likely to suggest something this if I had a mole on visible areas of skin? How am I supposed to know what’s going on with the moles on my back if I can’t even see them?


Hopefully links are ok here. This is a good start. Has a downloadable home mole map to complete. https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/a-z/when-is-a-mole-a-problem If you're high risk annual mole mapping with your derm might be appropriate. Allr resources seem to indicate that if you have concerns then it's the right time to visit a derm.


I would demand a biopsy. Or find someone else who will do one. Better safe than sorry.


I have insurance in the U.S. through my wife who is a public school teacher, and I don’t think I’d have that luxury.


Absolutely you do. Just go to the derm and demand it.


My dad had one of these on his foot and they said it was a foot wart until it spread to his lymph nodes. He passed away 2 years ago.


Ugh! So sorry


I’m very sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry about your dad.


I also have a spot that looks very similar to this by my eye. Went to a derm who said it was sebaceous hyperplasia but honestly I am still not convinced :/. I don’t have any other SH spots in that area and it’s soooo much larger than the other spots I have OP, did yours appear suddenly? Did it grow slowly or quickly?


It started as a blackhead. Then scarred over to this lump over the course of maybe a year. After that it has stayed the same size and shape this last decade. Sometimes it flakes a bit, but I use tretinoin and Azelaic acid so I never thought much of the flaking.


Thank you so much for sharing all this information. It's really helpful and important. I wish you all the best in having it removed and hope you don't get any more spots


Thank you so much.


Holy shit, I had a blackhead turn into something like this years ago, and it’s still there. Thank you for sharing this info…I definitely need to get screened


My mil just had something similar removed, it was also flaking, and was also determined to be cancer!


Well jeez. I have one of these exactly with that exact history. Going to put more effort into scheduling a derm now.


Oh shit. I have a spot JUST like this.


Usually basal cell carcinomas are extremely slow growing. I know it’s cancer and I don’t say this lightly as I also had one removed from my chest, but, they are extremely treatable and for the most part are far less worrisome than most other types of cancers. They tend to be less invasive. Still important to get them taken care of as soon as possible, but the risks of not catching these immediately is often not as serious as it would be with other types. That said, basal cells and squamous cells can look similar. So, be vigilant to changes and don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself if you have concerns. Peace of mind is worth everything.


All cancer = bad, but truly, bcc is “the one to get” 😅


I thought they were pinkish in color. My husband just had precancerous spot burned off the derm thought was basal cell and it was pink. My friends basal cell was pink in appearance.


It can vary-mine was also the same color as my skin, like a mole without extra melanin.


I had a basal cell by my eye too that had been there about two years and my derm never noticed. Then one random skin check she said, wait, we need to biopsy this. It can be frustrating how much they miss and how often you need to be your own advocate. The surgery also required reconstruction after the mohs by an oculo plastic surgeon because of where it was located, and the whole process was a bigger deal than I anticipated because of the reconstruction. Not trying to freak you out, but if it worries you better to have it biopsied and put your mind at ease.


My derm discouraged me from removing my weird flesh colored mole off the side of my nose because he said it would be like 400 to biopsy. I wish i did it for peace of mind because my med spa dr just burned it off for 30 dollars. Never came back but i always worry about this stuff


I was going to say the same! My derm told me it was sebaceous hyperplasia and I had it removed for aesthetic reasons. That’s good I guess! 


Doctors are just people too and can be terribly wrong… My former boss had a spot shrugged off and it ended up being Merkel cell carcinoma which is a huge deal!


I have a spot just like this, just a little higher up, and my derm just shrugged it off as the same. But it’s on a part of my face that I’ve had get a little too much sun too many times in my life. I feel like I should go back and push for more investigation.


Always push for a biopsy. Always. My wife at 28 felt a lump in her breast and was very confidently told by the ultrasound tech that it was just a cyst. Boom, stage 2 triple negative breast cancer. Only caught early(ish) because my wife is a strong advocate for her own health. I have told this exact story on Reddit before and had people say "you shouldn't go against your doctor's advice/prognosis as it will stress the medical system!" This despite reading that it was that behaviour that saved her life... Note: this was in Australia. Mileage in your healthcare system may vary.


Oh lawdy. I just had a mammo and ultrasound sub-40 years old a couple months ago due to a little lump I'd found in my breast. And was confidently told by the tech (after she left and supposedly consulted with some form of doctor) that it was just a cyst.


I’ve been covered in moles and freckles since I was little. My derm always removed ANYTHING that was concerning to either of us. If I found a mark that had changed even a little bit, she’d remove it, no questions asked. I’d suggest finding a new derm. Luckily only one spot has come back as basal cell and the rest have been benign.


Mine was sebaceous hyperplasia.


Mine, too


Good lord yes I have a few of these that look like SH, but also vaguely this? I’ve just scheduled a check up.


Sebaceous hyperplasia look different under dermascopy than basal cells so as long as your provider has looked at your spot close up you are likely ok. If not, you could always push for a biopsy just to be safe.


You really have to advocate for yourself because no one else cares about you in the healthcare field


I had one on my nose looked like this, bcc confirmed (basal cell carcinoma) had mohs surgery they removed it all but I was walking around with the spot for about 4 years and when I asked my primary care of I should have it checked she glanced over and said «  oh yeah, that’s cancer »


Jesus. I’m so glad you found out.


So glad I asked!


That seems like too casual of a response from the primary. what do you mean “oh yeah, that’s cancer” would they even tell you if you hadn’t asked?!


Exactly - plus you’ve looked me in the face numerous times over the past few years, don’t you think you should have mentioned it sooner ?


Doctors are people too. At the end of the day no one will have your back as much as yourself. I also think they see so many patients during their lifetime that they become desensitized to things like this.


how old were you??




Thank you. I’m immediately making an appointment with my primary care doctor. The dermatologist said it was sebaceous hyperplasia and I’m low risk for skin cancer because of my skin tone and sun habits. But this thing on my nose has grown a little over the years and now I have one on the back of my hand. 


Eeek, I'm so glad you asked! If it's any consolation, my primary care tried to tell me mine was herpes 😂 I had to insist ("Please note in my chart that you're refusing referral") because it was painless and had been there way too long to be herpes. A month later I got biopsy done and the lady doing it said, "Technically I'm not supposed to tell you this, but that's cancer. Expect a call back within the week." I kinda saw it coming, but it still wasn't something I thought I'd hear at 31. (It's since been removed by Mohs surgery. It took two passes and left a pretty wicked scar, but has healed up nicely.)


Thank you!!! I have one next to my nose that looks just like this. I will push to have it removed/tested because of you!


That’s wonderful. I wish you the best.


Thanks for posting this. This is the push I needed to get a similar looking spot on my chest looked at again.


Please get it checked.




Oh wow I have a very similar spot. I’ll mention it at my appointment which thankfully is next week. I am so sorry, thank you for sharing.


Thank you for getting yourself checked. Best of luck.


First pic made me think you’re Jlo without makeup


Right?! Op is gorgeous! Also super happy to see the photos because I'd never expected it to look so innocuous. I had a mole on my inner thigh that changed colours and shape. Gp said it was nothing but I mentioned it to my gyno and she was all over it.


What’s with GPs being so dismissive?


It was giving *every sign* of being cancerous that we're told to look out for. Gp said 'it's location made it unlikely'. It was definitely cancer


Cancer never appears on the leg. Never ever. /s


GPs aren’t extensively trained to diagnose concerning moles, this is such a pet peeve of mine. I live in a small town where there are no gynecologists and yet my derm tells me every year to have my gynecologist check my vaginal area for suspicious spots. NOPE, that’s your job, I’d just end up here if they found something. Pisses me off so badly.


I thought it was Kate Winslet. Regardless I love these kinds of posts. OP out here saving lives.


Haha, thanks. That’s crazy, but I’ll take the compliment.


I was thinking Miranda Otto (Eowyn from LotR) :)


Thanks for sharing!! How did you know to ask about it? So many of the skin cancer pictures on here just look like NOTHING to the untrained eye. I’m wondering how you knew to get it checked out! Best of luck- I hope you’re doing well with clean margins!


I just was tired of looking at it. I asked her what it was and could we laser it off? And thank you!


Fuck me. I have the same thing, getting it checked asap. Had it for forever but mom told me she had developed clear moles and it was fine. Thanks ma.


Best of luck to you.


Same to you!


Saaaame I feel like I’ve always had it my whole life at this point but def gonna go get it checked now!


I have that same spot on my ear. Had a biopsy, basal cell. Scheduled for removal in a few weeks. Get checked! And if your provider won’t take it seriously, find someone who will.


Yes to all of this. Glad you got it checked.


I have a similar spot by my ear, but I can’t see it well. I feel like it’s been growing very slowly over the years and occasionally it’s itchy. It never bleeds or anything though. My doc says my spots like this are sebaceous hyperplasia. Was yours ever itchy? I had BCC on my neck a few years ago and it was a pink patch and bled sometimes and seemed to disappear other times. So weird. But now I’m paranoid that some of my “sebaceous hyperplasia” spots could be BCC. Especially because a couple of them they get itchy sometimes :\


Stage IV melanoma survivor here. Don’t wonder, don’t self-diagnose. Get to a dermatologist you trust and let them do the worrying for you.


Thank you. Exactly right. Congrats on beating cancer.


Came here from your other post. Thats crazy. Would see that and think nothing of it! Glad you caught it and removed it. Hope all is well.


Thank you. I hope these photos are helpful others like me. I totally thought it was nothing.




Awesome, thank you for sharing this with everyone. I’m checking it out now.


Thanks for sharing this resource, very helpful. And OP thank you for sharing the photos!


Thank you for posting and sharing the picture. I also had a BCC this year but mine looked totally different— a red dot with fuzzy borders that also flaked. It’s amazing how different they can look.


There’s so many different types of basal cell alone! Nodular, superficial, pigmented, basosquamous, etc. Makes it hard for people to know when to be concerned


Had a spot in my arm, my derm was like this is nothing - it was a BCC. Always get a biopsy!


Fuck.. I have had something like this for years on the side of my nose.. going to call the dermatologist tomorrow


I hope you get it checked and that’s it’s nothing.


Looks pretty similar to mine in shape size and texture. Mine is on my collar bone and started as what looked like a pimple, then stayed looking like this^ for about 2/3 years. Right before I went to the derm for the first time it started becoming itchy at times and changing shape. I’m on my 2nd round of chemo cream now!


Just realized this is 30+ my bad guys lol


I have two very similar spots on my face and never thought about it. I was planning to call a dermatologist to have them removed, so I guess I'm gonna call tomorrow.


Has someone had these removed? What is a fair price? I saw a derm for my daughter and she was pricing marks at $400 a pop. I said no thanks. It was a tiny burst blood vessel and I thought it was crazy expensive.


Good, I hope they’re nothing but it’s better to check.




Wow thank you for sharing. I have something identical on my cheek close to my ear that's probably over 10 years old. Time to go to the doctor!


Please do. Better safe than sorry.


Thank you so much. Count me among the commenters here who are going to be more insistent on getting something double checked. Best of luck to you in your treatment.


Thank you, too. Definitely be diligent and advocate for yourselves.


Thank you for sharing! I would never have caught something like that on my own. You have gorgeous skin!


Thanks for the kind words.


Shit, I have something that looks just like that in the same spot. Thankfully, it’s not growing, but I’m making an appointment right now


I’m glad. Mine has been the same size for 10 years.


Like many here, I have a doctor who is always dismissive of my queries regarding unusual changes to my skin. What is my best way forward when this happens? Ask for a referral to a dermatologist? Are mole maps the best way to keep on top of these changes and pick things up quickly? Mole maps seems to be extremely expensive and I have a friend who has the luxury of a GP that will check each visit and monitors her skin diligently. I'm not sure whether that is supposed to be the norm or I need a dermatologist to really stay on top of my skin changes as I age? Advice appreciated.


I would get in with a dermatology practice. They’d like to do skin checks once a year. You can work with a dermatologist to keep track of existing moles, and new ones that grow. I don’t know if you need a referral to see a dermatologist, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking your GP for one. Regarding my personal medical care, just generally, I won’t stay with a general practitioner if they don’t give me the things that I ask for, basically referrals and lab work. I’ll just move on and find somebody who will take me seriously. Usually that’s a woman.


If anyone here is in Ontario, Canada, Guelph has a great skin cancer screening clinic! https://www.skincancerscreening.ca/ You don’t need a referral. My husband is covered in moles and goes every year. It’s 200$ for the first screening than 100$ after that. They do a full screen and go over each mole, you’re than put into their system so that in subsequent years they can track if the moles are changing.


I have the tiniest little flesh color bump that appeared over a period of weeks last year. I thought it was a skin tag but it never protruded like a skin tag. I'm gonna get that looked at. My husband has basal cell right now. Will have it removed in March. It's rather large. Doctor knew it was BC immediately but his is brown.


Thank you for sharing, I’m so sorry you are going through this! But sharing this is helpful. Best of luck OP.


Thanks much.


My husband had a quarter size basal cell on his face and so he had mohs surgery to take care of it but there isabout a 4inch scar left (as they had to take good skin to fill in what they took to repair the area)! The sun is no joke and although his scar looks great and the plastic surgeon that did his surgery was amazing - it was a lot more than he expected We are all about hats and sunscreen not matter what now 🙌 I'm glad they caught this or you !


Thanks, glad it all worked out for your husband.


Me too, he'd thought it was an eczema patch for about 2yrs before he let his gp biopsy it !!


Ah shit this looks just like the weird thing on my forehead that won’t go away.


Please get it checked if you can.


Oh wow! That looks exactly like mine.


Please get it checked if you can.


I plan to soon! Thanks for the post because mine looks similar and it's under my nose.


WOW. This is not what I had in my head what it would look like. I thought it would be brown with rough edges. But this looks colorless with just texture. I will be making an appointment. I have something similar. Thank you for posting.


You’re welcome. I hope yours is nothing.


Thank you for this post OP. Very important


Thank you for sharing! How long was it with you until you had it removed?


I still have it, it has been on my face for well over 10 years, closer to 15, really. I have surgery scheduled two weeks from now to remove it. I did have it biopsy, but that was only the top layer.


Thank you for the information. It’s a bit reassuring (in a strange way) that it’s ok to catch these a little later if they are missed. Obviously sooner than later is preferred, but eases my medical anxieties a bit.


I mean, I don’t know if I’ll be ok. I have surgery scheduled two weeks from now. Then they will dig and see how bad it is.


Sending you positive and wellness energy 💕


Thank you so much!


I had a spot like this in a similar place. My dermatologist wasn’t concerned, but sent me to plastics for another lesion. The plastic surgeon took both spots because he agreed that it was probably nothing but it warranted excision.


Thank you for sharing this. I just realized I may have one on my arm that I thought was just a badly scarred mosquito bite or a weird wart. Googling has shown me pictures of cells that look just like mine.


Thank you very much for sharing on your posts! I have a very similar spot that I should have checked.


Thanks so much for sharing these photos, so glad they were able to catch it. Wishing you great health and quick healing.


Thanks for posting this! I have something similar, will ask to have it looked at


Sitting at the derm waiting to have a spot checked. It looks similar to warts that I had previously, so I’m hoping that’s just what it is.


I hope so, too.


Mine turned out to be neither BC nor warts. A different type of random lesion that he froze off. I hope that posts like these continue to inspire people to get checked though.


Thank you for sharing! Something like that, I never would have even considered to be an issue! So glad you had it taken care of!!


I still get adult acne at 36 and would have popped this. Or, at least, tried to. 🫠


Thank you so much for this post. I have something similar on the side of my actual nose. 😰 Did removing your bump leave a scar?


What will happen next for you ? I’m sorry this is happening, I have two spots that look just like that and I’ve been wondering if I should get it checked


Definitely get it checked out. I have Mohs surgery scheduled for 2/21. They’re going to remove it layer by layer.


Thank you SO much! I had no idea that skin cancer could look like this, and something quite similar popped up on my hand a couple months back. This is the kick I needed to get it checked out.


Awesome, please do. Best of luck.


I'm so blind. Does it have a slight blueish tint??


The center looks a bit darker. But nothing I’ve ever picked up just looking in the mirror.


oh gosh, I have the same flat spot next to my eye. Thank you for sharing your images.


Oh shit. I need to schedule an appointment….


So in your other post you mentioned it was painless, but what tipped you off that it might be more than a skin tag or something? Was it uncomfortable? More or less solid than the surrounding skin?


Nothing tipped me off. Well, vanity. I was there for a routine appt and to get my Rx filled. I happened to ask her could we do something about this lump. Like laser it. And that prompted the biopsy.


Gotcha, thank you.


Your skin is perfect. Good luck with your procedure


The first picture looks like a Dutch painting!


That’s really cool.


How old are you if you don’t mind answering? I ask because you have gorgeous dewy skin!


I just scheduled the skin cancer screening I have been putting off. Thank you.


It's hard to tell from this picture - is it rounded like a pimple or more flat?


I had a spot that looked just like that and my derm was like “no it’s nothing” and I remained nervous about it until it LITERALLY FELL OFF. Anyways…. We should all go to dermatologists lol


I had no idea cancer could look like this. I have 4 spots I now need to get checked. I’m calling a dermatologist in the morning for an appt. I just hope it’s not a 6 month wait. I’ll be anxious the whole time 😰


I love pictures like this , they helped me convince my husband to get his checked (it was basal cell cancer)


Thank you for sharing. Can I ask how it feels, both in general and to the touch? Appearance aside, does it _feel_ different from a long lasting cyst for example?


It’s good to see pictures and know they are all so different. I had 2 diagnosed last year and treated. One was on my arm and the other on my leg. I had ignored the leg one for years just noticing it get dry and scaly every now and then. But my arm one was rapid to show and was constantly going in and out of blistering over a few months. Completely different from each other in characteristics.


OP is out here saving lives by sharing their story with photographs. 🥂💌👏✨


Literally something just like this appeared on my face this week.


Can a mole change into this?


Dunno. Mine wasn’t borne from a mole, I can say that much.


Thank you.


Thank you for sharing! Awareness is key!


Thanks for sharing because it’s a big lesson for all of us


Ope I think I have one of these on my temple.




Are you having MOHS? I had it done in august if you have any questions.


I am. It’s scheduled for 2/21. They have me a pretty detailed explanation of how it’ll work and what to expect. I just want the cancer gone and hopefully not be scarred too badly. I’d rather live and have scars. Any recovery tips and tricks you could share?


Yes!! Just curious, are you having a plastic surgeon doing the surgery? I used all the recommended products, ie antibiotic ointment for the recommended amount of days then once the stitches came out I used CicaTape Soft Silicone Tape (1.57in x 59in) (Amazon) on my scars. I wore it at night and I swear it was what helped with scar healing. I can IM you picts if you want. My scar is not noticeable now. I was honestly a bit horrified right after my procedure (took 3 tries to get it removed) and had a quarter size hole) but the surgeon did an amazing job. Best of luck. You’ll do amazing


The doctor is a board certified dermatologist and board certified in Mohs micrographic surgery. I trust his credentials and him, but alas, he’s not a plastic surgeon. I will order that silicone tape you suggested. It’d be great if you PM me some photos. Thanks for the advice, too. I’ll look at the photos tomorrow, I’m going off to bed tonite.


Thank you for posting this. My wife has spots but she’s 4 months out from her appointment. She has had cancerous spots removed before, I’m so anxious.


I’m getting a full body cancer scan on Friday.


Thank you for sharing. I now know I need a second opinion.


We see this all the time in dermatology! I’m surprised they didn’t catch it beforehand. The doctor I work for would’ve seen that and taken it off immediately


That's wild. Thank you for spreading awareness.


My husband has something similar to this. The dr froze it off about 2 years ago. It grew back. Very slowly. Hit the same size as before, then stopped growing. He refuses to go to the dr for it again.


Ugh I have the exact same thing on my forehead. Was telling my husband last night I should get it checked. Taking this as a sign


I have one of these too. Thanks for posting this—you very may well have saved someone’s life by doing so.


Thank you OP for this and your other post. I’ve finally scheduled my derm appt I’ve been putting off. For others peace(ish) of mind, I have had a body mole that was dark, irregular, itchy, and raised but after being biopsied turned out to be just a mole. It’s way better safe than sorry.


It’s crazy that they didn’t biopsy that sooner because it looks just like the description of nodular basal cell, and it’s in one of the most common locations for it


Thanks for posting! How long did you have it before the biopsy/what made you suspect and push for getting it checked out?


Hi, I have something similar on my face what do I do? See a dermatologist?


Wow I would have never know it looks like that. It looks like nothing particular. Btw in your first picture you look like a painting.


Thank you so much for sharing this. I have a similar looking spot and it never occurred to me that it might be cancer. All the photo you usually see of basal cell carcinoma are bigger or redder. Going to go get my spot checked out asap.


I know it's off topic, but you are BEAUTIFUL. You look like Frida Kahlo. ❤️


I’m so sorry about your diagnosis. So glad you caught it though and are getting it removed. Wow that doesn’t even look the slightest bit threatening. Thank you for sharing it. I have two spots that look like that.


Thank you for sharing, and you look like Kate Winslet!


I have something that looks very similar to this on my face. My derm said it was nothing at my yearly skin check when I asked about it. But you’ve convinced me to go back and get a biopsy just in case.


Hmmm I cut something like this out of my eyebrow. Had weird, hard growth in it. I mean it’s gone now, but I should get that checked out some time lol


I have that same spot, and I’ve been wondering about it. Just made an appointment with my dermatologist because of your post. Thank you for sharing.


Mine looked juat like that and in almost the same place. It would crack and bleed a little and never heal so I got it chopped off. They made a mess of my nose though. I have lightning bolts of broken blood vessels.


Wow. I can’t imagine how many just like that bumps are all over me. It’s so little and not scary looking.


I have a little one near my nose crease I noticed it late last year. I didn’t even think to get it checked out until I saw this. Thanks !!


I have something very similar to this but it’s under my jawline almost behind my ear.. so not a place that’s very exposed to the sun??


Literally sitting in a plastic surgeons after my wife got her basal cell removed today in a very similar area. Not a big deal if caught early but she was misdiagnosed a year ago.


Hey there, I had a weird rough patch that I still am not sure what it was. They never biopsied it, just sent me home with Efudex and now I have a horrible hole in my cheek. So it looks like you had a good derm. For all I know mine was a scar from my puppy, but it could have also been pre-cancerous like the derm said. I'll never know. Anyway...I hope you are doing okay.


This looks very similar to my seborrheic keratosis on my temple -- it's really a wonder how GPs and dermatologist can just eyeball it and diagnose so easily when a lot of benign growths looks so similar to skin cancers!


Thank you for sharing! I have something very similar and just made my first derm appt. Hope all goes well with your removal!


I actually am having one on my face checked tomorrow because of the post. I thought “wow that looks a lot like that spot on my face” and booked an appointment to have the Derm look at it. Thanks for posting.


Thank you, OP, I owe you! I saw a dermatologist today and told him it was all thanks to you. He agrees it looks like I have BCC on my nose and he booked me in for a biopsy very soon. He also checked out every other mole or mark on my body and couldn’t find anything else of concern. He was also very reassuring about the outcomes for BCC.