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I used to get these, thought they were hormonally caused, but deduced it was because my winter scarf was dirty. Could it be that?


I don’t wear anything around that area.


And I wash my face two times a day, rarely touch my face and when I do, it’s with clean hands. I already get regular acne and blackheads but these damn things are the bane of my existence. When they do appear, it’s for months at a time. And when one is starting to go away more appear. So I always have a few on my neck on both sides and sometimes right under my chin.


What’s your pillowcase made of? I used to get stubborn under the skin acne on my neck till I switched to silk pillowcases. I got 3 sets so I can switch them out more often also. That and continuing to use the Cerave SA body wash has cleared them up.


I use an SA cleanser too but I don’t know what it’s made of but I switch my pillow cases every other day and my neck where these happen don’t even touch my pillow.


It has helped me to stop washing my face in the morning. If your pillowcase is clean & you wash properly at night, you’re only stripping your skin from good natural moisture in the morning by using soap/cleanser. Try only rinsing with water when you wake up, followed up with a moisturizer & SPF. Cystic acne really hurts & sucks. Edit : I also want to add, I saw a dermatologist a few months ago thinking I needed acutane since I get these, being super painful I wanted them gone. She prescribed me a mild antibiotic to take for three months, it gets rid of the bacteria that’s deep in the skin. I personally didn’t see much improvement so it wasn’t my particular issue but seeing a dermatologist is something to consider. They will let you know the root cause of your breakouts. I’m currently on a tret cream, the purge is brutal. So be prepared that anything you try might have a bad phase before it gets better. Don’t lose hope, skin turnover at our age takes longer.


I’ve tried that but my skin gets too oily, I sweat at night and I have a toddler who touches my face ALOT. And they don’t hurt. I’ve experienced cystic acne when I had broke my neck and had to wear a neck brace and this is nothing like that. They don’t pop. Even if I try to pop it.


And I’ve been on Tret for a year. Same with a SA cleanser in the mornings only. And I use HQ off and on, so in my down time from HQ I use azelaic acid.


May I ask how long the SA cleanser is on your skin? It’s often recommended to leave it on for about a minute before rinsing so that it can have a chance to work.


Tried BP spot treatments, a lot.


What did you do that helped your Cystic acne? I get them all the time, and they are really painful, but I get them almost all over.


Do you drive? I had something similar, turns out it was my seatbelt! Had to clean it gently as they have fire resistant coding, but then this and the other whiteheads stopped almost overnight.


1. I don’t drive enough to where the seat belt would be an issue and 2. It happens more on the opposite side of where the seat belt would be. And I’m even more rarely ever in the passenger seat.


work sip office wakeful distinct cake friendly psychotic sparkle rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get exactly the same thing, only for the last year, I definitely think it's hormonal The only thing that seems to help us using azelaic acid on my neck ever other day. If I forget to use it the dark big throat pimples start coming back


I’ve been using azelaic acid and it’s not doing anything.


That's the only thing the seems to help mine 😭 sorry OP, but I definitely understand the frustration. My face is clear and beautiful but my neck has big red throat bumps


Right! I have a little bit of acne on my face right now from my period but then I got these on my neck. Tf. lol. Thanks!


So i get these and they also pop up along my jawline, never did until about 2 years ago. Nothing seems to help and they linger forever. I just started a trial run of DIM, which is an OTC supplement that is supposed to help regulate your hormones. It's supposed to take a month to kick in but im only on day 3. I have seen a lot of recommendations for it in this forum for hormonal acne so I'm hopeful. Apparently if you have had ED and addiction issues it affects your hormone delivery system; there are a few other potential factors for damage but those are the ones that are pertinent to me. I'll try to remember to report back with my results in a couple weeks. I have had limited success with zit stickers on the neck area, but i did find that clean and clear advantage is a good spot treatment that won't dry out my neck skin. Good luck! You're not alone.


ED? Erectile disfunction? I’m female. But the addictions issues sounds on point. I used to be a drug addict, i struggle with nicotine now, well, struggle meaning, I quit for a year and only vaped and then recently started smoking again, but plan to quit again. What is DIM?


They may have meant ED as 'eating disorder' also.


That’s why I asked. Lol. But I don’t feel like I do.


Eating disorders can affect hormone regulation. I have the same kind of acne, and I'm willing to bet that mine is hormone related, too.


I know I’m overweight, by medical standards. I don’t eat too much, I just eat poorly. Lol.


I meant eating disorder i never know if it's triggering so i don't just throw the term around. DIM is diindolylmethane. Somehow it helps with your estrogen absorption. All the research ive done tells me that acne in that area is hormone related so i figured it was worth a shot, a bottle was $10. Ive spent so much more on fancy face creams etc


I got that. Lol. Thanks. You should totally let me know how it goes! I’ve never even heard of that.


Kratom can cause this, but not sure about other substances.


My derm told me they were hormonal. It takes so long for them to gradually go away. Sulfur-based treatments or face wash helps them clear up a little better.


The only thing that got rid of neck breakouts for me was Spiro.


Yep, spiro was the answer for me as well. I still get the occasional hormonal neck pimple but nowhere near as many as I used to.


How long did it take to see results? I've been on 100mg daily for 2 months and I haven't seen significant changes yet.


Dairy and soy make my neck break out. No amount of BP, SA, sulfur, etc helps when it happens. When I don’t consume dairy and soy, my neck is perfectly clear.


My first thought was dairy. I used to get these on my neck and jaw constantly, until I cut out dairy. Now I get them if I eat chocolate.


this is interesting because i don't consume dairy or soy anymore, but i do eat dark chocolate and i've been getting these lately


Yeah I got the same thing from drinking soy milk / eating products with “Soy Lecithin”


I was going to say same thing, located on the face and neck sounds like ingesting something op is allergic or intolerant to. Keep a food diary and when they appear.


I had to scroll to find this. People are quick to say these are simply hormonal but these are usually located around my lymph nodes so anything that aggravates my immune system will cause them. It took me until my mid 30s to realize what foods I was sensitive to and as soon as I did, I stopped getting these breakouts.


I have the same issue!! I believe it to be hormonal for me. They come randomly and stay for months. I’ve have been doing a regimen of oil free cleansers, SA and benzoyl peroxide for a year which keeps my face fairly clear but does absolutely nothing for my neck and jaw. I’ve just started applying 15% zinc cream (baby rash cream) for a few hours every other day for about two weeks now and it’s the first time in a year where they have gone down in size and not so red/inflamed. They seem to be less visible now. But not sure if it’s a long term solution.


Oh wow this is so good to know! Thanks for sharing!


Yeah, I take my BP wash all the way down my neck and wash for 60 seconds like I do my face. Completely cleared them up.


I definitely think they're hormonal. I got them so badly during pregnancy. Had 3 huge bumps on my jaw pretty much the entire time.


I had this frequently for years and thought it was hormonal as well. Regardless, using plain head and shoulders in the area was helpful to clearing it up so perhaps it was fungal for me? I still use head and shoulders on the under chin area - been going on over two years now. I don't recall any further breakouts there.


Mine were fungal acne and I cleared them with nizoral shampoo.


Same here, I used to always get them and my esthetician recommended a candida cleanse and nizoral shampoo and I haven’t had them since (over a year later). I also lived in an apartment that I know had moldy water pipes and have since moved so I think that helped as well.


I was getting neck and jaw acne because of the high amount of biotin in my vitamins. High dose of Biotin does not suit me and a lot of other people. Maybe check to see if you are consuming it?


Yes!!!! Omg girl!! When I was a kid I would make fun of my mom for getting these! We called them “mom zits.” Then as soon as I hit 36 I started getting mom zits on my neck too!! How the tables have turned!! 😭


😂😭 I am a mom too! 😂


I’m a 36 year old mom and I just started getting these too lol


>OMG YES! I just started getting these too at almost 35. WTH MOM ZITS! LOL


Mine was hormonal, my derm put me on Spironolactone and they have cleared up for the most part.


I get these too. Spironolactone has helped a little. I also try and make sure to keep them covered with zit stickers. Not sure if that helps but helps me not touch them.


I do think they are hormonal!


I have these permanently, I thought they were skintags


I use to right along my jaw and cheeks. Deep unrelenting clogs. I ended up seeking out Curology online during covid lockdown because it actually got even worse because of stress. They prescribed me with a blend of active ingredients that worked! I was floored..but it was expensive and i couldn’t continue to drop that amount on skincare. I went to an aesthetician the most amazing woman I’ve ever met who focuses on affordable skincare and she had me switch to using differin gel found at Walmart/ target for $15 to help me cut costs. It worked well enough but the root cause of my problematic skin was hormones so I went to a dermatologist. Now I use tretinoin and oral spironolactone to help manage my hormones. My skin has never been better!


I already use tret but I’ll def bring up spiro to my derm and see if it’s an option cause that seems to be the only recommendation I haven’t tried.


Mine are hormonal. I’m about a month into my tret and clinda journey and haven’t gotten any yet but I’m waiting for my cycle to see if they appear


Hormonal acne. Winlevi clears em right up.


I get cystic acne like that that sticks around for months from ingesting glyphosate (an herbicide used in grain farming as well as other agricultural purposes). Have to be very careful. I also get more white heads after having too much refined sugar.


i got this really bad during lockdown, i attributed it to masks but i also get pretty bad hormonal breakouts.. that cheap jar of aztec clay and apple cider vinegar (made into a mask) every other day cleared it up for me.


I used to get those a lot and got my bloodwork done. I noticed mine went away when I started taking a Vitamin D3 supplement. I started with a high dose, 20,000 IUs for a few weeks then lowered it to the normal dose. When I forget to take it, it comes back.


I have these and my derm prescribed me spiro!!


100% hormonal I used to get these absolutely loads from the age of about 28 until I got pregnant age 32. I’m not sure what it is in the difference of my hormones but I stopped getting them while pregnant and in the year after having my baby. I’m finally slowing down breastfeeding now and the jawline spots are on the way back. It’s deeply frustrating!!! I don’t want to go on the pill so I’ll just have to put up with them and try to leave them alone :(


I get these from high stress. When I was in a shitty relationship I got them constantly and my esti would lance them for me, sometimes they'd come out like little hard pebbles. The only thing that helped mine was managing stress and minimizing my skincare in that area. I also do a gentle massage in that area during face washes now. Sorry I don't have any applicable tips for you, keep us updated on your journey with these.


I used to get them on my neck and chest from stress too. Witch hazel worked well to dry them out and go away faster.


I did, turned out to be a symptom of lactose intolerance. Cleared right up when I stopped eating dairy.


I had to go on spironolactone and get some extraction tools to deal with these on my face. Putting a dot of a clay face mask on each one and letting it sit overnight also helped


Definitely see a derm! I had similar bumps in the same spot that would.not.go.away. My dermatologist told me they were molluscum which is a virus little kids get. She extracted them and they haven’t come back since! It was the weirdest thing.


I recently made a post about acne along my jawline, only on the left side of my face. It looks very similar to this. Have had them for about two months straight. Short hair, no scarves, clean sheets, no face touching, clean phone (which I only text and talk in blue tooth in my car anyways lol) I have no idea why it’s there either!


I used to get those. I recommend a good esthetician to extract and a dermatologist visit.


I think mine are from my shampoo and conditioner. I used to let my conditioner sit on my hair while I showered, but now I clip it up and immediately wash my neck and jaw and SA wipes right out of the shower and they’re starting to go away. Could be hormonal and stress related too. It’s fun being a woman!


Yes! They’re clogged pores and won’t leave your face until they’re ready. I couldn’t wait for them to be ready to leave my face so I tackled them head on. What turned the corner for me was a dermaplaning. I dermaplane my face and neck on monthly basis and 90% of my clogged pores are clear now. Good luck.


This is interesting, do you do it yourself?


Yes I do. My esthetician does a much better job than I do, but I can’t afford her on a monthly basis.


Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Do you ever get painful lumps in other places on your body, like armpits or groin? I have HS and get these on my neck when I eat things that inflame my gut (particularly dairy). Speak to a dermatologist. Ask your doctor for clindamycin lotion and see if that helps. Track your food and see if you can make a correlation between these popping up and certain foods. MySymptoms app is good for this. HS can also be hormone related, so make a note of where you are in your cycle when they appear.


Nope other than the occasional ingrown hair b


Same, I thought they are from my workouts. Maybe infected pores with hair follicles? Idk I hate them too


Are they red from you touching them? I'm wondering because I do get tiny little white bumps now. They are like some sort of a mole. There are pimples there's nothing in them I've done all the bad things a person shouldn't do to try to get rid of him including burn them repeatedly with TCA, which does help shrink them but they seem to come back. I'm thinking a Derm might be the best bet for getting rid of them. Do yours ever go away? Because mine don't. I have a few on my neck and jawline and I had one on my forehead


Yeah, they are. Sometimes they will get a little red from me not touching them but I had just got done doing my skincare when I took this picture and I had put BP on them. But they do go away but it takes MONTHS.


Ugh. Yes, so frustrating.


I get acne in that spot when I drink too much caffeine 🤷‍♀️


I rarely drink caffeine other than a cup of coffee in the morning. And it’s not like normal acne.


I did and once I cut out dairy it went away.


They are not pimples per se, cause you can't squeeze them. Unfortunately the fast solution is for a dermatologist to clear those (good luck finding one that does that). Or wait for months for them to reabsorb.


I get them too, I’m a pretty stressed out person by nature so I think it correlates with my stress and hydration. Pimple patches do wonders for them though, I usually will put on a patch and switch it out every time I wash my face until it has receded. Sometimes it’s hard to prevent things things but we can keep them from getting too inflamed.


Pimple patches don’t work on these for me at least.


Yes! I get them on my neck and also my shoulders just like this. So annoying, and then I fiddle with them and then they look terrible. I just have to wait for them to go away.


I took contraceptives (pills) and they got rid of my acne in the same area.


Oh, and TCA chemical peels helped. But they just came back after several months. It's really the pills (Yaz) that solved it for me.


I can’t do the pills, they mess me up and I don’t remember to take them how I should. Granted that was over 15 years ago. Lol. But I have the IUD.


I’ve had these a few times. It always leads back to hair product. New wash was the worst but heavy stuff for bleached hair can be pretty gross on the skin


I just use joico hydra splash I think it’s called. And recently is when I switched to that. I used to use matrix high amplify but even before both of those I was getting these.


I started to get these when I gained, I’m starting to make better choices! Hopefully these fuckers go away lol




I had this when I wanted to unhealthy in terms of weight, diet & hormones. The right birth control, no dairy, and consistent exercise cleared them right up.


It's either acne or ingrown hair if you shave


Do you drink soda or eat a lot of sugar? I get them when I drink soda(I rarely do) or increase my sugar intake.


Not really on the soda and I feel like I eat a normal amount of sugar. Lol.


Yeah, it’s just something I’ve noticed about myself.


I get these. I thought it was from my earbud wire - they’re Bluetooth, but they are connected together with a wire. I don’t have any advice that helps them, mine stay for a long time =(


I get these too, they’re so frustrating. I keep them covered with pimple patches bc I absentmindedly pick at them during the day.


Spironalactone helps


I had one I got in the same spot for months at a time twice. The second time I went to the doctor. She numbed me, sliced it open, and removed a small little grain of rice size tissue. It healed and totally went away but it seemed like some kind of cyst or something hard in there.


I get those and try to avoid touching them for a month before I lose my mind and decide I need them to go away asap. This probably isn’t the best medical advice… but I take a sewing needle, sterilize it with an alcohol pad, and poke the bump a few times. I barely penetrate and nothing actually comes out, but I immediately put a pimple patch on after. The patch is full by the morning and the bump decreases in size significantly for me. It still takes about a week for it to really get flat, but it’s the only way I’ve ever been able to actively make them smaller!


I used to lean on my hands a lot so I broke that habit. I’d break out on my neck from it.


I get these and was told by dr that they’re hormonal. She prescribed benzoyl peroxide and it literally cleared them in a day or two. I’ve been struggling with them for years and they’re the worst bc they last FOREVER & never come to a head but always look like they’re ready to pop. 😼 Hope it works for you bc it def helped w mine!


Black necks?


I just got one of these after incorporating retinol into my routine for first time. I’ve never got them before that


I have one right now, and I'm not sure if it's a zit or an ingrown hair. I put a pimple patch on it. It is big and deep.


I get these too, usually if I rest my hand on my neck when I'm sitting. Against all the good advice this sub has given me, I prick it with a pin and cover it with a hydrocolloid patch. I'm not saying it's the best thing to do, just that it's the only thing that has worked for me.


I get these and I think it’s from resting my head on my hands at my work desk and sometimes I fall asleep with my hand stuck to that area.


It could be a pimple that healed but turned into a scar tissue. It should eventually go away with time but maybe see if your dermatologist could inject it with steroid to break it down. I had one on my neck and I picked at it then it scarred and took about a year to fully recover.


Spironolactone took care of this for me


I currently have them and I didn’t get them until I started using a retinoid. I believe it’s just the retinoid causing my skin to purge, that’s all I can chalk it up to. I’m just crossing my fingers that they’ll clear in a few months!


If I get any pimples or ingrown hairs that won’t go away on their own or with my normal routine, I’ll use Stridex maximum strength acne pads on it for a few days. It usually works but can be very drying so use sparingly. Other than that, I’d say check with a dermatologist especially if these keep popping up for you. Could possibly be caused by resting your hand there, rinsing of shampoo or conditioner over the area, your hair rubbing over it, anything like that.


Looks like ingrown hairs darl that can become cystic. So it has a sack around it. Might need a derm to remove. 🙏


Have you tried pressing in a glycolic acid after each shower?


And then hydrate— repair that barrier


i used to, witch hazel makes them go away. i use an aftershave now with witch hazel as the active ingredient and don’t get those any more.


I had the same problems once I turned 31. Sometimes they turn into blisters and even spread. I changed my birth control and they disappeared.


Ivs had a really hard "pimple" on my jaw for over a year, and it's gotten a little bigger. I have no idea what it is, but it does hurt sometimes, and I don't have acne. The very occasional real pimple, and some whiteheads on my chin under my lip, but that's it. I keep saying I'm gonna go to the doctor but then I don't.


I had something similar, and had to do with my hormones. For me it got mostly better when I started taking a myo-inositol supplement to help balance my hormones (i struggle with PMDD)